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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SupportHelper.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <stdexcept>
23 #include <utility>
25 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface>>
27  const Transform3& transform, const std::array<ActsScalar, 6u>& bounds,
28  unsigned int splits) {
29  // Return vector preparation
30  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface>> cSupport;
31  if (splits == 1u) {
32  // No splitting is done in this case
33  cSupport.push_back(Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(
34  transform, std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(bounds)));
35  } else {
36  // Split into n(splits) planar surfaces, prep work:
37  ActsScalar r = bounds[0u];
38  ActsScalar halfZ = bounds[1u];
39  ActsScalar minPhi = bounds[3u] - bounds[2u];
40  ActsScalar maxPhi = bounds[3u] + bounds[2u];
41  ActsScalar dHalfPhi = (maxPhi - minPhi) / (2 * splits);
42  ActsScalar cosPhiHalf = std::cos(dHalfPhi);
43  ActsScalar sinPhiHalf = std::sin(dHalfPhi);
44  ActsScalar planeR = r * cosPhiHalf;
45  ActsScalar planeHalfX = r * sinPhiHalf;
46  ActsScalar planeZ = transform.translation().z();
48  auto sRectangle =
49  std::make_shared<Acts::RectangleBounds>(planeHalfX, halfZ);
50  // Now create the Trapezoids
51  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < splits; ++iphi) {
52  // Get the moduleTransform
53  ActsScalar phi = -M_PI + (iphi + 0.5) * 2 * dHalfPhi;
54  ActsScalar cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
55  ActsScalar sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
56  ActsScalar planeX = planeR * cosPhi;
57  ActsScalar planeY = planeR * sinPhi;
59  Acts::Vector3 planeCenter(planeX, planeY, planeZ);
60  Acts::Vector3 planeAxisZ(cosPhi, sinPhi, 0.);
61  Acts::Vector3 planeAxisY(0., 0., 1.);
62  Acts::Vector3 planeAxisX = planeAxisY.cross(planeAxisZ);
64  RotationMatrix3 planeRotation;
65  planeRotation.col(0) = planeAxisX;
66  planeRotation.col(1) = planeAxisY;
67  planeRotation.col(2) = planeAxisZ;
69  Transform3 sTransform{planeRotation};
70  sTransform.pretranslate(planeCenter);
71  // Place it
72  cSupport.push_back(
73  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(sTransform, sRectangle));
74  }
75  }
77  return cSupport;
78 }
80 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface>>
82  const Transform3& transform, const std::array<ActsScalar, 4u>& bounds,
83  unsigned int splits) {
84  // Return vector
85  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface>> dSupport;
86  if (splits == 1u) {
87  // No splitting is done in this case
88  dSupport.push_back(Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(
89  transform, std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(bounds)));
90  } else {
91  // Split into n(splits) planar surfaces in phi, prep work:
92  ActsScalar minR = bounds[0u];
93  ActsScalar maxR = bounds[1u];
94  ActsScalar minPhi = bounds[3u] - bounds[2u];
95  ActsScalar maxPhi = bounds[3u] + bounds[2u];
96  ActsScalar dHalfPhi = (maxPhi - minPhi) / (2 * splits);
97  ActsScalar cosPhiHalf = std::cos(dHalfPhi);
98  ActsScalar sinPhiHalf = std::sin(dHalfPhi);
99  ActsScalar maxLocY = maxR * cosPhiHalf;
100  ActsScalar minLocY = minR * cosPhiHalf;
101  ActsScalar hR = 0.5 * (maxLocY + minLocY);
102  ActsScalar hY = 0.5 * (maxLocY - minLocY);
103  ActsScalar hXminY = minR * sinPhiHalf;
104  ActsScalar hXmaxY = maxR * sinPhiHalf;
105  // Split trapezoid
106  auto sTrapezoid =
107  std::make_shared<Acts::TrapezoidBounds>(hXminY, hXmaxY, hY);
108  Vector3 zAxis = transform.rotation().col(2);
109  ActsScalar zPosition = transform.translation().z();
110  // Now create the Trapezoids
111  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < splits; ++iphi) {
112  // Create the split module transform
113  ActsScalar phi = -M_PI + (iphi + 0.5) * 2 * dHalfPhi;
114  auto sTransform = Transform3(
115  Translation3(hR * std::cos(phi), hR * std::sin(phi), zPosition) *
116  AngleAxis3(phi - 0.5 * M_PI, zAxis));
117  // Place it
118  dSupport.push_back(
119  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(sTransform, sTrapezoid));
120  }
121  }
122  return dSupport;
123 }
126  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>>& layerSurfaces,
127  std::vector<size_t>& assignToAll, const Extent& layerExtent,
128  Surface::SurfaceType layerRepresentation,
129  const std::array<ActsScalar, 5u>& layerSupportValues,
130  std::optional<Transform3> layerTransform, unsigned int supportSplits) {
131  // Cylinder and Disc section
132  if (layerRepresentation == Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder or
133  layerRepresentation == Surface::SurfaceType::Disc) {
134  // Bail out if you have no measure of R, Z
135  if (not layerExtent.constrains(binZ) or not layerExtent.constrains(binR)) {
136  throw std::runtime_error(
137  "SupportHelper::addSupport(...) - z or phi are not constrained.");
138  }
140  ActsScalar minZ = layerExtent.min(binZ);
141  ActsScalar maxZ = layerExtent.max(binZ);
142  ActsScalar minR = layerExtent.min(binR);
143  ActsScalar maxR = layerExtent.max(binR);
144  ActsScalar minPhi = -M_PI;
145  ActsScalar maxPhi = M_PI;
146  bool sectoral = false;
147  bool concentric = false;
148  // Check if concentric
149  if (layerTransform.has_value() and
150  layerTransform.value().isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
151  concentric = true;
152  }
153  // Check if we are dealing with a sectoral setup
154  if (layerExtent.constrains(binPhi)) {
155  minPhi = layerExtent.min(binPhi);
156  maxPhi = layerExtent.max(binPhi);
157  sectoral = true;
158  }
160  // Get the main support parameters:
161  // - doff .. offset (in r.z)
162  // - demin,d emax .. envelop min, max (in z,r)
163  // - dphimin, dphimin .. envelop min, max (in phi)
164  auto [doff, demin, demax, dphimin, dphimax] = layerSupportValues;
165  // phi treatment is common between the cylinders and discs
166  if (sectoral) {
167  minPhi -= std::abs(demin);
168  maxPhi += std::abs(demax);
169  }
170  // Average phi and half phi
171  ActsScalar avgPhi = 0.5 * (maxPhi + minPhi);
172  ActsScalar halfPhi = 0.5 * (maxPhi - minPhi);
173  // Now specify into Cylinder or disc
174  if (layerRepresentation == Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder) {
175  ActsScalar layerR = doff < 0 ? minR + doff : maxR + doff;
176  minZ -= std::abs(demin);
177  maxZ += std::abs(demax);
178  ActsScalar midZ = 0.5 * (minZ + maxZ);
179  ActsScalar halfZ = 0.5 * (maxZ - minZ);
180  // midZ / halfZ are overwritten if the cylinder
181  // is chosen to be concentric
182  Transform3 sTransform = Transform3::Identity();
183  if (concentric) {
184  midZ = 0.;
185  halfZ = std::max(std::abs(minZ), std::abs(maxZ));
186  } else {
187  sTransform.pretranslate(Vector3(0., 0., midZ));
188  }
189  auto cSupport = SupportHelper::cylindricalSupport(
190  sTransform, {layerR, halfZ, halfPhi, avgPhi, 0., 0.}, supportSplits);
191  // Remember the surfaces to be assigned to all bins, once the
192  // support surfaces are split they enter the standard bin assignment
193  if (supportSplits == 1u and cSupport.size() == 1u) {
194  assignToAll.push_back(layerSurfaces.size());
195  }
196  // Add those to the layer surfaces
197  layerSurfaces.insert(layerSurfaces.end(), cSupport.begin(),
198  cSupport.end());
200  } else {
201  // Disc section
202  ActsScalar layerZ = doff < 0 ? minZ + doff : maxZ + doff;
203  minR -= std::abs(demin);
204  maxR += std::abs(demax);
205  Transform3 sTransform = Transform3::Identity();
206  sTransform.pretranslate(Vector3(0., 0., layerZ));
207  auto dSupport = SupportHelper::discSupport(
208  sTransform, {minR, maxR, halfPhi, avgPhi}, supportSplits);
209  // Remember the surfaces to be assigned to all bins, once the
210  // support surfaces are split they enter the standard bin assignment
211  if (supportSplits == 1u and dSupport.size() == 1u) {
212  assignToAll.push_back(layerSurfaces.size());
213  }
214  // Add those to the layer surfaces
215  layerSurfaces.insert(layerSurfaces.end(), dSupport.begin(),
216  dSupport.end());
217  }
218  } else {
219  throw std::invalid_argument(
220  "SupportHelper: currently only cylindrical/disc support building "
221  "possible.");
222  }
223 }