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1 #include "SigmaTimingNtuple.h"
4 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
7 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
8 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPoint.h>
13 #include <phool/getClass.h>
14 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
16 #include <TFile.h>
17 #include <TH1.h>
18 #include <TH2.h>
19 #include <TNtuple.h>
21 #include <gsl/gsl_const.h>
22 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
24 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
26 #include<sstream>
28 using namespace std;
30 // speed of light in cm/ns
31 const double C_light = GSL_CONST_MKS_SPEED_OF_LIGHT / 1e7;
32 const double MASSNEUTRON = 0.939565330;
33 const double MASSPION = 0.13957018;
36  SubsysReco( name ),
37  nblocks(0),
38  hm(NULL),
39  _filename(filename),
40  outfile(NULL)
41 {
42  RandomGenerator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
43  unsigned int seed = PHRandomSeed(); // fixed seed is handled in this funtcion
44  cout << Name() << " random seed: " << seed << endl;
46  return;
47 }
50 {
51  // delete ntup;
52  delete hm;
53 }
56 int
58 {
59  ostringstream hname, htit;
60  hm = new Fun4AllHistoManager(Name());
61  outfile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
63  ntupprim = new TNtuple("prim", "Primaries", "pid:phi:theta:eta:e:p");
64  ntupsec = new TNtuple("sec", "Secondaries", "pid:phi:theta:eta:e:p");
65  ntupt = new TNtuple("tnt", "G4Hits", "ID:t:dtotal");
66  ntupsigma = new TNtuple("sigma","Sigmas","mass:inv1:inv2:inv3:t:tres");
67 // ntupavet = new TNtuple("time", "G4Hits", "ID:avt");
68  // ntup->SetDirectory(0);
69  TH1 *h1 = new TH1F("edep1GeV","edep 0-1GeV",1000,0,1);
70  eloss.push_back(h1);
71  h1 = new TH1F("edep100GeV","edep 0-100GeV",1000,0,100);
72  eloss.push_back(h1);
73  return 0;
74 }
76 int
78 {
79  ostringstream nodename;
81  map<int, PHG4Particle*>::const_iterator particle_iter;
82  PHG4TruthInfoContainer *_truth_container = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
83  if (_truth_container->size() > 3)
84  {
86  }
87  double sigmass = 0;
90  _truth_container->GetPrimaryParticleRange();
91  float ntvars[6] = {0};
92  for (PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator particle_iter = primary_range.first;
93  particle_iter != primary_range.second; ++particle_iter)
94  {
95  PHG4Particle *particle = particle_iter->second;
97  ntvars[0] = particle->get_pid();
98  ntvars[1] = atan2(particle->get_py(), particle->get_px());
99  ntvars[2] = atan(sqrt(particle->get_py()*particle->get_py() +
100  particle->get_px()*particle->get_px()) /
101  particle->get_pz());
102  if (ntvars[2] < 0)
103  {
104  ntvars[2]+=M_PI;
105  }
106  ntvars[3] = 0.5*log((particle->get_e()+particle->get_pz())/
107  (particle->get_e()-particle->get_pz()));
108  ntvars[4] = particle->get_e();
109  ntvars[5] = sqrt(particle->get_py()*particle->get_py() +
110  particle->get_px()*particle->get_px() +
111  particle->get_pz()*particle->get_pz());
112  sigmass = sqrt(ntvars[4]*ntvars[4] - ntvars[5]*ntvars[5]);
113  // cout << " primary particle " << particle->get_name()
114  // << ", pid: " << particle->get_pid()
115  // << ", mass: " << sigmass << endl;
116  ntupprim->Fill(ntvars);
117  }
118  bool anti_neutron_ok = false;
119  bool piminus_ok = false;
120  int anti_neutron_trk_id = 0;
121 // double piminus_mom = NAN;
122  double anti_neutron_mom = NAN;
124  double E_an = NAN;
125  double px_an = NAN;
126  double py_an = NAN;
127  double pz_an = NAN;
129  double E_pi = NAN;
130  double px_pi = NAN;
131  double py_pi = NAN;
132  double pz_pi = NAN;
134  double p_scale = NAN;
135  double e_an_tof = NAN;
136  double e_an_tof_tres = NAN;
137  double p_scale_tres = NAN;
139  double t_ave = NAN;
140  double t_res = NAN;
142  PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstRange secondary_range =
143  _truth_container->GetSecondaryParticleRange();
144  for (PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator particle_iter = secondary_range.first;
145  particle_iter != secondary_range.second; ++particle_iter)
146  {
147  PHG4Particle *particle = particle_iter->second;
148  ntvars[0] = particle->get_pid();
149  ntvars[1] = atan2(particle->get_py(), particle->get_px());
150  ntvars[2] = atan(sqrt(particle->get_py()*particle->get_py() +
151  particle->get_px()*particle->get_px()) /
152  particle->get_pz());
153  if (ntvars[2] < 0)
154  {
155  ntvars[2]+=M_PI;
156  }
157  ntvars[3] = 0.5*log((particle->get_e()+particle->get_pz())/
158  (particle->get_e()-particle->get_pz()));
159  ntvars[4] = particle->get_e();
160  ntvars[5] = sqrt(particle->get_py()*particle->get_py() +
161  particle->get_px()*particle->get_px() +
162  particle->get_pz()*particle->get_pz());
163  ntupsec->Fill(ntvars);
164  if (particle->get_pid() == -211)
165  {
166  piminus_ok = true;
167 // piminus_mom = ntvars[5];
168  E_pi = ntvars[4];
169  px_pi = particle->get_px();
170  py_pi = particle->get_py();
171  pz_pi = particle->get_pz();
172  }
173  else if (particle->get_pid() == -2112)
174  {
175  anti_neutron_ok = true;
176  anti_neutron_trk_id = particle->get_track_id();
177  anti_neutron_mom = ntvars[5];
178  E_an = ntvars[4];
179  px_an = particle->get_px();
180  py_an = particle->get_py();
181  pz_an = particle->get_pz();
182  }
183  // cout << " secondary particle " << particle->get_name()
184  // << ", pid: " << particle->get_pid()
185  // << ", G4 track id: " << particle->get_track_id() << endl;
186  }
187  if (! (piminus_ok && anti_neutron_ok))
188  {
190  }
191  set<string>::const_iterator iter;
192  vector<TH1 *>::const_iterator eiter;
194  PHG4HitContainer *hits = nullptr;
196  hits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode,"G4HIT_CALO");
198  if (hits)
199  {
200  // double numhits = hits->size();
201  // nhits[i]->Fill(numhits);
202  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_range = hits->getHits();
203  for ( PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first ; hit_iter != hit_range.second; hit_iter++ )
205  {
206  if (hit_iter->second->get_trkid() == anti_neutron_trk_id)
207  {
208 // cout << "G4 trkid: " << hit_iter->second->get_trkid() << endl;
209  t_ave = hit_iter->second->get_avg_t();
210  double dtotal = get_dtotal(hit_iter->second, ntvars[0],ntvars[1]);
211  ntupt->Fill(hit_iter->second->get_layer(),t_ave,dtotal);
212  double dist = sqrt(hit_iter->second->get_avg_x()*hit_iter->second->get_avg_x()+
213  hit_iter->second->get_avg_y()*hit_iter->second->get_avg_y()+
214  hit_iter->second->get_avg_z()*hit_iter->second->get_avg_z());
215  double beta = dist/t_ave/C_light;
216  double neutMom = MASSNEUTRON * beta / sqrt(1.0 - beta*beta);
217  e_an_tof = sqrt(neutMom*neutMom+MASSNEUTRON*MASSNEUTRON);
218 // cout << "neut mom: " << neutMom << ", orig: " << anti_neutron_mom << endl;
219  p_scale = neutMom/anti_neutron_mom;
220  t_res = t_ave+gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator, 1.);
221  double beta_tres = dist/t_res/C_light;
222 double neutMom_tres = MASSNEUTRON * beta_tres / sqrt(1.0 - beta_tres*beta_tres);
223  e_an_tof_tres = sqrt(neutMom_tres*neutMom_tres+MASSNEUTRON*MASSNEUTRON);
224  p_scale_tres = neutMom_tres/anti_neutron_mom;
226  }
227  }
228  double im2 = MASSNEUTRON*MASSNEUTRON +MASSPION*MASSPION +2*(E_an * E_pi - (px_an*px_pi+py_an*py_pi+pz_an*pz_pi));
229  double im2a = MASSNEUTRON*MASSNEUTRON +MASSPION*MASSPION +2*(e_an_tof * E_pi - ((px_an*p_scale)*px_pi+(py_an*p_scale)*py_pi+(pz_an*p_scale)*pz_pi));
230  double im2b = MASSNEUTRON*MASSNEUTRON +MASSPION*MASSPION +2*(e_an_tof_tres * E_pi - ((px_an*p_scale_tres)*px_pi+(py_an*p_scale_tres)*py_pi+(pz_an*p_scale_tres)*pz_pi));
231 // cout << "im2: " << im2 << ", inv mass: " << sqrt(im2) << endl;
232  ntupsigma->Fill(sigmass,sqrt(im2),sqrt(im2a),sqrt(im2b),t_ave,t_res);
233  }
235  return 0;
236 }
238 int
240 {
241  outfile->cd();
242  // ntup->Write();
243  ntupt->Write();
244  ntupprim->Write();
245  ntupsec->Write();
246  ntupsigma->Write();
247  outfile->Write();
248  outfile->Close();
249  delete outfile;
250  hm->dumpHistos(_filename, "UPDATE");
251  return 0;
252 }
254 void
256 {
257  _node_postfix.insert(name);
258  _detid[name] = detid;
259  return;
260 }
262 double
263 SigmaTimingNtuple::get_dtotal(const PHG4Hit *hit, const double phi, const double theta)
264 {
265  double phi_hit = atan2(hit->get_avg_y(),hit->get_avg_x());
266  double theta_hit = atan(sqrt(hit->get_avg_x()*hit->get_avg_x()+
267  hit->get_avg_y()*hit->get_avg_y()) /
268  hit->get_avg_z());
269  double diffphi = phi_hit - phi;
270  if (diffphi > M_PI)
271  {
272  diffphi -= 2*M_PI;
273  }
274  else if (diffphi < - M_PI)
275  {
276  diffphi += 2*M_PI;
277  }
278  if (theta_hit < 0)
279  {
280  theta_hit += M_PI;
281  }
282  double difftheta = theta_hit-theta;
283  double deltasqrt = sqrt(diffphi*diffphi+difftheta*difftheta);
284  return deltasqrt;
285 }