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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file writeTimeOrderedDistortions.C
1 //basic framework to read and compare events in a time ordered distortion file
2 //these files contain a TTree with xingnum, and three distortion map branches
3 #include "TTree.h" //this prevents a lazy binding issue and/or is a magic spell.
4 #include "TCanvas.h" //this prevents a lazy binding issue and/or is a magic spell.
5 #include "TH3F.h"
6 #include "TH2F.h"
7 #include "TH1F.h"
9 void writeTimeOrderedDistortions(bool subtractFirst=false, char *filename="/sphenix/user/rcorliss/distortion_maps/2022.07/TimeOrderedDistortions.root", char *inputpattern="/sphenix/user/rcorliss/distortion_maps/2022.07/*.distortion_map.hist.root", bool debug=false){
11  TFile *treefile=TFile::Open(filename,"RECREATE");
12  //TTree *tree=(TTree*)(file->Get("TimeDists"));
14  int nhists=8;
15  TH3F *basehist[nhists];
16  TH3F *temphist[nhists];
17  int xingnum=0;
18  //note that we match the histogram RPhi to the branch P, and the histogram P to the branch Phi, to maintain backwards compatibility with older sets... for now.
19  std::string branchname[]={"hIntDistortionP_negz",
20  "hIntDistortionPhi_negz",
21  "hIntDistortionR_negz",
22  "hIntDistortionZ_negz",
23  "hIntDistortionP_posz",
24  "hIntDistortionPhi_posz",
25  "hIntDistortionR_posz",
26  "hIntDistortionZ_posz"};
27  std::string histname[]={"hIntDistortionRPhi_negz",
28  "hIntDistortionP_negz",
29  "hIntDistortionR_negz",
30  "hIntDistortionZ_negz",
31  "hIntDistortionRPhi_posz",
32  "hIntDistortionP_posz",
33  "hIntDistortionR_posz",
34  "hIntDistortionZ_posz"};
35  TTree *tree=new TTree("TimeDists", "TimeDists");
36  tree->Branch("xingnum",&xingnum);
37  for (int i=0;i<nhists;i++){
38  temphist[i]=new TH3F(Form("temphist%d",i),Form("temphist%d",i),10,0,10,20,0,20,30,0,30);
39  basehist[i]=new TH3F(Form("basehist%d",i),Form("basehist%d",i),10,0,10,20,0,20,30,0,30);
40  tree->Branch(branchname[i].c_str(),&(temphist[i]));
41  }
42  if (debug) printf("histograms built and branched.\n");
44  //find all files that match the input string
45  TFileCollection *filelist=new TFileCollection();
46  filelist->Add(inputpattern);
47  filelist->Print();
48  printf("found %d files like: %s\n",filelist->GetNFiles(),((TFileInfo*)(filelist->GetList()->At(0)))->GetCurrentUrl()->GetFile());//Title());//Print();
50  //return;
51  TFile *infile;
52  bool fileIsValid=true;
53  bool isFirst=true;
54  int nMaps=0;
57  for (int i=0;i<filelist->GetNFiles() && i<100;i++){
58  //for each file, find all histograms in that file.
59  infile=TFile::Open(((TFileInfo*)(filelist->GetList()->At(i)))->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl(),"READ");//gross.
60  fileIsValid=true;
61  if (debug) printf("=====> Trying File %d\n",i);
62  if (!infile->IsOpen()) {
63  printf("=====> File %d is NOT openable <=======\n",i);
64  continue; //file didn't open right. move on to the next one.
65  }
66  //TList *keys=infile->GetListOfKeys();
67  for (int j=0;j<nhists;j++){
68  temphist[j]=NULL;
69  temphist[j]=infile->Get<TH3F>(histname[j].c_str());
70  if (!temphist[j]){
71  fileIsValid=false; //histogram doesn't exist. don't bother loading the other hists.
72  break;
73  }
74  int nbins=temphist[j]->GetNcells();
75  if (debug) printf("=======> \"%s\" has %d cells\n",histname[j].c_str(),nbins);
77  }
78  if (!fileIsValid) {
79  infile->Close();
80  printf("=====> File %d is NOT valid <=======\n",i);
82  continue; //didn't get all our hists. move on to the next file.
83  }
84  if (debug) printf("=====> File %d is valid\n",i);
85  xingnum=i;//temporary fix to paste something in there.
86  if(subtractFirst){
87  if (isFirst){
88  for (int j=0;j<nhists;j++){
89  treefile->cd();
90  basehist[j]=(TH3F*)(temphist[j]->Clone());
91  //temphist[j]->Copy(*(basehist[j]));
92  }
93  isFirst=false;
94  }
95  for (int j=0;j<nhists;j++){
96  printf("ptr j=%d: b:%p\tt:%p\n",j,basehist[j],temphist[j]);
97  int nbins=temphist[j]->GetNcells();
98  for (int k=0;k<nbins;k++){
99  double b=basehist[j]->GetBinContent(k);
100  double t=temphist[j]->GetBinContent(k);
101  double diff=t-b;
102  temphist[j]->SetBinContent(k,diff);
103  //temphist[j]->Add(basehist[j],-1);
104  }
105  if (debug) printf("=======> \"%s\" has %d cells when writing diff\n",histname[j].c_str(),nbins);
107  }
108  }
110  tree->Fill();
111  nMaps++;
112  infile->Close();
113  }
114  printf("finished tree %s has nMaps=%d\n",filename, nMaps);
116  treefile->cd();
117  tree->Write();
118  treefile->Close();
119  return;
120 }