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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackFitterPerformanceWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cstddef>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <ostream>
24 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include <utility>
26 #include <vector>
28 #include <TFile.h>
35  : WriterT(config.inputTrajectories, "TrackFitterPerformanceWriter", level),
36  m_cfg(std::move(config)),
37  m_resPlotTool(m_cfg.resPlotToolConfig, level),
38  m_effPlotTool(m_cfg.effPlotToolConfig, level),
39  m_trackSummaryPlotTool(m_cfg.trackSummaryPlotToolConfig, level)
41 {
42  // trajectories collection name is already checked by base ctor
43  if (m_cfg.inputParticles.empty()) {
44  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing particles input collection");
45  }
46  if (m_cfg.inputMeasurementParticlesMap.empty()) {
47  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing hit-particles map input collection");
48  }
49  if (m_cfg.filePath.empty()) {
50  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output filename");
51  }
56  // the output file can not be given externally since TFile accesses to the
57  // same file from multiple threads are unsafe.
58  // must always be opened internally
59  auto path = m_cfg.filePath;
60  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(path.c_str(), "RECREATE");
61  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
62  throw std::invalid_argument("Could not open '" + path + "'");
63  }
65  // initialize the residual and efficiency plots tool
69 }
72  m_resPlotTool.clear(m_resPlotCache);
73  m_effPlotTool.clear(m_effPlotCache);
74  m_trackSummaryPlotTool.clear(m_trackSummaryPlotCache);
76  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
77  m_outputFile->Close();
78  }
79 }
83  // fill residual and pull details into additional hists
84  m_resPlotTool.refinement(m_resPlotCache);
86  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
87  m_outputFile->cd();
88  m_resPlotTool.write(m_resPlotCache);
89  m_effPlotTool.write(m_effPlotCache);
90  m_trackSummaryPlotTool.write(m_trackSummaryPlotCache);
92  ACTS_INFO("Wrote performance plots to '" << m_outputFile->GetPath() << "'");
93  }
94  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
95 }
98  const AlgorithmContext& ctx, const TrajectoriesContainer& trajectories) {
99  // Read truth input collections
100  const auto& particles = m_inputParticles(ctx);
101  const auto& hitParticlesMap = m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap(ctx);
103  // Truth particles with corresponding reconstructed tracks
104  std::vector<ActsFatras::Barcode> reconParticleIds;
105  reconParticleIds.reserve(particles.size());
106  // For each particle within a track, how many hits did it contribute
107  std::vector<ParticleHitCount> particleHitCounts;
109  // Exclusive access to the tree while writing
110  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_writeMutex);
112  // Loop over all trajectories
113  for (size_t itraj = 0; itraj < trajectories.size(); ++itraj) {
114  const auto& traj = trajectories[itraj];
116  // The trajectory entry indices and the multiTrajectory
117  const auto& trackTips =;
118  const auto& mj = traj.multiTrajectory();
120  if (trackTips.empty()) {
121  ACTS_WARNING("No trajectory found for entry " << itraj);
122  continue;
123  }
125  // Check the size of the trajectory entry indices. For track fitting, there
126  // should be at most one trajectory
127  if (trackTips.size() > 1) {
128  ACTS_ERROR("Track fitting should not result in multiple trajectories.");
129  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
130  }
131  // Get the entry index for the single trajectory
132  auto trackTip = trackTips.front();
134  // Select reco track with fitted parameters
135  if (not traj.hasTrackParameters(trackTip)) {
136  ACTS_WARNING("No fitted track parameters.");
137  continue;
138  }
139  const auto& fittedParameters = traj.trackParameters(trackTip);
141  // Get the majority truth particle for this trajectory
142  identifyContributingParticles(hitParticlesMap, traj, trackTip,
143  particleHitCounts);
144  if (particleHitCounts.empty()) {
145  ACTS_WARNING("No truth particle associated with this trajectory.");
146  continue;
147  }
148  // Find the truth particle for the majority barcode
149  const auto ip = particles.find(particleHitCounts.front().particleId);
150  if (ip == particles.end()) {
151  ACTS_WARNING("Majority particle not found in the particles collection.");
152  continue;
153  }
155  // Record this majority particle ID of this trajectory
156  reconParticleIds.push_back(ip->particleId());
157  // Fill the residual plots
158  m_resPlotTool.fill(m_resPlotCache, ctx.geoContext, *ip,
159  traj.trackParameters(trackTip));
160  // Collect the trajectory summary info
161  auto trajState =
163  // Fill the trajectory summary info
164  m_trackSummaryPlotTool.fill(m_trackSummaryPlotCache, fittedParameters,
165  trajState.nStates, trajState.nMeasurements,
166  trajState.nOutliers, trajState.nHoles,
167  trajState.nSharedHits);
168  }
170  // Fill the efficiency, defined as the ratio between number of tracks with
171  // fitted parameter and total truth tracks (assumes one truth partilce has
172  // one truth track)
173  for (const auto& particle : particles) {
174  bool isReconstructed = false;
175  // Find if the particle has been reconstructed
176  auto it = std::find(reconParticleIds.begin(), reconParticleIds.end(),
177  particle.particleId());
178  if (it != reconParticleIds.end()) {
179  isReconstructed = true;
180  }
181  m_effPlotTool.fill(m_effPlotCache, particle, isReconstructed);
182  }
184  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
185 }