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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GenericDenseEnvironmentExtension.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 // Workaround for building on clang+libstdc++
20 #include <array>
21 #include <cmath>
22 #include <functional>
24 namespace Acts {
25 namespace detail {
33 template <typename scalar_t>
35  using Scalar = scalar_t;
37  using ThisVector3 = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>;
47  std::array<Scalar, 4> dLdl{};
49  std::array<Scalar, 4> qop{};
51  std::array<Scalar, 4> dPds{};
55  Scalar g = 0.;
57  std::array<Scalar, 4> tKi{};
59  std::array<Scalar, 4> Lambdappi{};
61  std::array<Scalar, 4> energy{};
77  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
78  typename navigator_t>
79  int bid(const propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
80  const navigator_t& navigator) const {
81  const auto& particleHypothesis = stepper.particleHypothesis(state.stepping);
82  float absQ = particleHypothesis.absoluteCharge();
83  float mass = particleHypothesis.mass();
85  // Check for valid particle properties
86  if (absQ == 0. || mass == 0. ||
87  stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping) <
88  state.options.momentumCutOff) {
89  return 0;
90  }
92  // Check existence of a volume with material
93  if (!navigator.currentVolumeMaterial(state.navigation)) {
94  return 0;
95  }
97  return 2;
98  }
118  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
119  typename navigator_t>
120  bool k(const propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
121  const navigator_t& navigator, ThisVector3& knew, const Vector3& bField,
122  std::array<Scalar, 4>& kQoP, const int i = 0, const double h = 0.,
123  const ThisVector3& kprev = ThisVector3::Zero()) {
124  // using because of autodiff
125  using std::hypot;
127  double q = stepper.charge(state.stepping);
128  const auto& particleHypothesis = stepper.particleHypothesis(state.stepping);
129  float mass = particleHypothesis.mass();
131  // i = 0 is used for setup and evaluation of k
132  if (i == 0) {
133  // Set up container for energy loss
134  auto volumeMaterial = navigator.currentVolumeMaterial(state.navigation);
135  ThisVector3 position = stepper.position(state.stepping);
136  material = volumeMaterial->material(position.template cast<double>());
137  initialMomentum = stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping);
139  qop[0] = stepper.qOverP(state.stepping);
140  initializeEnergyLoss(state, stepper);
141  // Evaluate k
142  knew = qop[0] * stepper.direction(state.stepping).cross(bField);
143  // Evaluate k for the time propagation
144  Lambdappi[0] = -qop[0] * qop[0] * qop[0] * g * energy[0] / (q * q);
145  //~ tKi[0] = std::hypot(1, mass / initialMomentum);
146  tKi[0] = hypot(1, mass * qop[0]);
147  kQoP[0] = Lambdappi[0];
148  } else {
149  // Update parameters and check for momentum condition
150  updateEnergyLoss(mass, h, state, stepper, i);
151  if (currentMomentum < state.options.momentumCutOff) {
152  return false;
153  }
154  // Evaluate k
155  knew = qop[i] *
156  (stepper.direction(state.stepping) + h * kprev).cross(bField);
157  // Evaluate k_i for the time propagation
158  auto qopNew = qop[0] + h * Lambdappi[i - 1];
159  Lambdappi[i] = -qopNew * qopNew * qopNew * g * energy[i] / (q * q);
160  tKi[i] = hypot(1, mass * qopNew);
161  kQoP[i] = Lambdappi[i];
162  }
163  return true;
164  }
180  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
181  typename navigator_t>
182  bool finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
183  const navigator_t& /*navigator*/, const double h) const {
184  // using because of autodiff
185  using std::hypot;
187  const auto& particleHypothesis = stepper.particleHypothesis(state.stepping);
188  float mass = particleHypothesis.mass();
190  // Evaluate the new momentum
191  auto newMomentum =
192  stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping) +
193  (h / 6.) * (dPds[0] + 2. * (dPds[1] + dPds[2]) + dPds[3]);
195  // Break propagation if momentum becomes below cut-off
196  if (newMomentum < state.options.momentumCutOff) {
197  return false;
198  }
200  // Add derivative dlambda/ds = Lambda''
201  state.stepping.derivative(7) = -hypot(mass, newMomentum) * g /
202  (newMomentum * newMomentum * newMomentum);
204  // Update momentum
205[eFreeQOverP] =
206  stepper.charge(state.stepping) / newMomentum;
207  // Add derivative dt/ds = 1/(beta * c) = sqrt(m^2 * p^{-2} + c^{-2})
208  state.stepping.derivative(3) = hypot(1, mass / newMomentum);
209  // Update time
210[eFreeTime] +=
211  (h / 6.) * (tKi[0] + 2. * (tKi[1] + tKi[2]) + tKi[3]);
213  return true;
214  }
234  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
235  typename navigator_t>
236  bool finalize(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
237  const navigator_t& navigator, const double h,
238  FreeMatrix& D) const {
239  return finalize(state, stepper, navigator, h) &&
240  transportMatrix(state, stepper, navigator, h, D);
241  }
243  private:
255  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
256  typename navigator_t>
257  bool transportMatrix(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
258  const navigator_t& /*navigator*/, const double h,
259  FreeMatrix& D) const {
280  // using because of autodiff
281  using std::hypot;
283  auto& sd = state.stepping.stepData;
284  auto dir = stepper.direction(state.stepping);
285  const auto& particleHypothesis = stepper.particleHypothesis(state.stepping);
286  float mass = particleHypothesis.mass();
288  D = FreeMatrix::Identity();
289  const double half_h = h * 0.5;
291  // This sets the reference to the sub matrices
292  // dFdx is already initialised as (3x3) zero
293  auto dFdT = D.block<3, 3>(0, 4);
294  auto dFdL = D.block<3, 1>(0, 7);
295  // dGdx is already initialised as (3x3) identity
296  auto dGdT = D.block<3, 3>(4, 4);
297  auto dGdL = D.block<3, 1>(4, 7);
304  Vector3 dk1dL = Vector3::Zero();
305  Vector3 dk2dL = Vector3::Zero();
306  Vector3 dk3dL = Vector3::Zero();
307  Vector3 dk4dL = Vector3::Zero();
310  std::array<double, 4> jdL{};
312  // Evaluation of the rightmost column without the last term.
313  jdL[0] = dLdl[0];
314  dk1dL = dir.cross(sd.B_first);
316  jdL[1] = dLdl[1] * (1. + half_h * jdL[0]);
317  dk2dL = (1. + half_h * jdL[0]) * (dir + half_h * sd.k1).cross(sd.B_middle) +
318  qop[1] * half_h * dk1dL.cross(sd.B_middle);
320  jdL[2] = dLdl[2] * (1. + half_h * jdL[1]);
321  dk3dL = (1. + half_h * jdL[1]) * (dir + half_h * sd.k2).cross(sd.B_middle) +
322  qop[2] * half_h * dk2dL.cross(sd.B_middle);
324  jdL[3] = dLdl[3] * (1. + h * jdL[2]);
325  dk4dL = (1. + h * jdL[2]) * (dir + h * sd.k3).cross(sd.B_last) +
326  qop[3] * h * dk3dL.cross(sd.B_last);
328  dk1dT(0, 1) = sd.B_first.z();
329  dk1dT(0, 2) = -sd.B_first.y();
330  dk1dT(1, 0) = -sd.B_first.z();
331  dk1dT(1, 2) = sd.B_first.x();
332  dk1dT(2, 0) = sd.B_first.y();
333  dk1dT(2, 1) = -sd.B_first.x();
334  dk1dT *= qop[0];
336  dk2dT += half_h * dk1dT;
337  dk2dT = qop[1] * VectorHelpers::cross(dk2dT, sd.B_middle);
339  dk3dT += half_h * dk2dT;
340  dk3dT = qop[2] * VectorHelpers::cross(dk3dT, sd.B_middle);
342  dk4dT += h * dk3dT;
343  dk4dT = qop[3] * VectorHelpers::cross(dk4dT, sd.B_last);
345  dFdT.setIdentity();
346  dFdT += h / 6. * (dk1dT + dk2dT + dk3dT);
347  dFdT *= h;
349  dFdL = h * h / 6. * (dk1dL + dk2dL + dk3dL);
351  dGdT += h / 6. * (dk1dT + 2. * (dk2dT + dk3dT) + dk4dT);
353  dGdL = h / 6. * (dk1dL + 2. * (dk2dL + dk3dL) + dk4dL);
355  // Evaluation of the dLambda''/dlambda term
356  D(7, 7) += (h / 6.) * (jdL[0] + 2. * (jdL[1] + jdL[2]) + jdL[3]);
358  // The following comment lines refer to the application of the time being
359  // treated as a position. Since t and qop are treated independently for now,
360  // this just serves as entry point for building their relation
361  //~ double dtpp1dl = -mass * mass * qop[0] * qop[0] *
362  //~ (3. * g + qop[0] * dgdqop(energy[0], .mass,
363  //~ absPdg, meanEnergyLoss));
365  double dtp1dl = qop[0] * mass * mass / hypot(1, qop[0] * mass);
366  double qopNew = qop[0] + half_h * Lambdappi[0];
368  //~ double dtpp2dl = -mass * mass * qopNew *
369  //~ qopNew *
370  //~ (3. * g * (1. + half_h * jdL[0]) +
371  //~ qopNew * dgdqop(energy[1], mass, absPdgCode, meanEnergyLoss));
373  double dtp2dl = qopNew * mass * mass / std::hypot(1, qopNew * mass);
374  qopNew = qop[0] + half_h * Lambdappi[1];
376  //~ double dtpp3dl = -mass * mass * qopNew *
377  //~ qopNew *
378  //~ (3. * g * (1. + half_h * jdL[1]) +
379  //~ qopNew * dgdqop(energy[2], mass, absPdg, meanEnergyLoss));
381  double dtp3dl = qopNew * mass * mass / hypot(1, qopNew * mass);
382  qopNew = qop[0] + half_h * Lambdappi[2];
383  double dtp4dl = qopNew * mass * mass / hypot(1, qopNew * mass);
385  //~ D(3, 7) = h * mass * mass * qop[0] /
386  //~ hypot(1., mass * qop[0])
387  //~ + h * h / 6. * (dtpp1dl + dtpp2dl + dtpp3dl);
389  D(3, 7) = (h / 6.) * (dtp1dl + 2. * (dtp2dl + dtp3dl) + dtp4dl);
390  return true;
391  }
400  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
401  void initializeEnergyLoss(const propagator_state_t& state,
402  const stepper_t& stepper) {
403  // using because of autodiff
404  using std::hypot;
406  const auto& particleHypothesis = stepper.particleHypothesis(state.stepping);
407  float mass = particleHypothesis.mass();
408  PdgParticle absPdg = particleHypothesis.absolutePdg();
409  float absQ = particleHypothesis.absoluteCharge();
411  energy[0] = hypot(initialMomentum, mass);
412  // use unit length as thickness to compute the energy loss per unit length
413  Acts::MaterialSlab slab(material, 1);
414  // Use the same energy loss throughout the step.
415  if (state.options.meanEnergyLoss) {
416  g = -computeEnergyLossMean(slab, absPdg, mass, static_cast<float>(qop[0]),
417  absQ);
418  } else {
419  // TODO using the unit path length is not quite right since the most
420  // probably energy loss is not independent from the path length.
421  g = -computeEnergyLossMode(slab, absPdg, mass, static_cast<float>(qop[0]),
422  absQ);
423  }
424  // Change of the momentum per path length
425  // dPds = dPdE * dEds
426  dPds[0] = g * energy[0] / initialMomentum;
427  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
428  // Calculate the change of the energy loss per path length and
429  // inverse momentum
430  if (state.options.includeGgradient) {
431  if (state.options.meanEnergyLoss) {
433  slab, absPdg, mass, static_cast<float>(qop[0]), absQ);
434  } else {
435  // TODO path length dependence; see above
437  slab, absPdg, mass, static_cast<float>(qop[0]), absQ);
438  }
439  }
440  // Calculate term for later error propagation
441  dLdl[0] = (-qop[0] * qop[0] * g * energy[0] *
442  (3. - (initialMomentum * initialMomentum) /
443  (energy[0] * energy[0])) -
444  qop[0] * qop[0] * qop[0] * energy[0] * dgdqopValue);
445  }
446  }
457  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
458  void updateEnergyLoss(const double mass, const double h,
459  const propagator_state_t& state,
460  const stepper_t& stepper, const int i) {
461  // using because of autodiff
462  using std::hypot;
464  // Update parameters related to a changed momentum
465  currentMomentum = initialMomentum + h * dPds[i - 1];
466  energy[i] = hypot(currentMomentum, mass);
467  dPds[i] = g * energy[i] / currentMomentum;
468  qop[i] = stepper.charge(state.stepping) / currentMomentum;
469  // Calculate term for later error propagation
470  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
471  dLdl[i] = (-qop[i] * qop[i] * g * energy[i] *
472  (3. - (currentMomentum * currentMomentum) /
473  (energy[i] * energy[i])) -
474  qop[i] * qop[i] * qop[i] * energy[i] * dgdqopValue);
475  }
476  }
477 };
479 } // namespace detail
480 } // namespace Acts