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1 #include "RunToTimePg.h"
3 #include <pdbcalbase/RunToTime.h> // for RunToTime::__instance
5 #include <phool/PHTimeStamp.h>
6 #include <phool/phool.h>
8 #include <odbc++/connection.h>
9 #include <odbc++/drivermanager.h>
10 #include <odbc++/resultset.h>
11 #include <odbc++/statement.h>
12 #include <odbc++/types.h>
14 #include <cstdlib>
15 #include <ctime>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <iterator> // for reverse_iterator
18 #include <sstream>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <utility> // for pair
22 using namespace odbc;
23 using namespace std;
25 // cache entries for 10 runs which should be sufficient for everybody
26 unsigned int maxentries = 10;
31 {
32  con = nullptr;
33  return;
34 }
37 {
38  mySpecificCopy = nullptr;
39  __instance = nullptr;
40  while (beginruntimes.begin() != beginruntimes.end())
41  {
42  delete beginruntimes.begin()->second;
43  beginruntimes.erase(beginruntimes.begin());
44  }
45  while (endruntimes.begin() != endruntimes.end())
46  {
47  delete endruntimes.begin()->second;
48  endruntimes.erase(endruntimes.begin());
49  }
50  return;
51 }
54 {
55  if (__instance)
56  {
57  return -1;
58  }
59  mySpecificCopy = new RunToTimePg();
60  __instance = mySpecificCopy;
61  return 0;
62 }
65 {
66  if (!con)
67  {
68  try
69  {
70  con = DriverManager::getConnection("daq", "phnxrc", "");
71  }
72  catch (SQLException& e)
73  {
74  cout << PHWHERE
75  << " Fatal Exception caught during DriverManager::getConnection" << endl;
76  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
77  exit(1);
78  }
79  }
80  return 0;
81 }
84 {
85  delete con;
86  con = nullptr;
87  return 0;
88 }
91 RunToTimePg::getTime(const int runNumber, const string& what)
92 {
93  PHTimeStamp* whatTime = nullptr;
94  // Establish connection to Postgres...
95  GetConnection(); // on error this method will exit
96  Statement* stmt = con->createStatement();
98  std::ostringstream cmd;
99  cmd << "select brunixtime,erunixtime,updateunixtime from run where runnumber = " << runNumber
100  << " limit 1";
102 #ifdef DEBUG
104  cout << cmd.str() << endl;
105 #endif
107  // Get results of search...
108  ResultSet* rs = nullptr;
109  try
110  {
111  rs = stmt->executeQuery(cmd.str());
112  }
113  catch (SQLException& e)
114  {
115  cout << "Fatal Exception caught during stmt->executeQuery(" << cmd.str() << ")" << endl;
116  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
117  exit(1);
118  }
120  // Fill stl maps with timestamps
121  if (rs->next())
122  {
123  // if the maps grow too large we need to ditch them (e.g. a process in the online monitoring
124  // which runs over a lot of runs. Chances are the last entry is the one for the current run
125  // and this one might be reused. Chances are the lower run(s) have some special meaning
126  // (forcing the use of a special calibration) and might be reused as well. So we remove the second
127  // largest runnumber in the list
128  if (beginruntimes.size() > maxentries)
129  {
130  // this picks the last run
131  map<const int, PHTimeStamp*>::reverse_iterator iter = beginruntimes.rbegin();
132  // go to the run before
133  ++iter;
134  int delrun = iter->first;
135  delete iter->second;
136  beginruntimes.erase(delrun);
137  map<const int, PHTimeStamp*>::iterator iter2;
138  iter2 = endruntimes.find(delrun);
139  if (iter2 != endruntimes.end())
140  {
141  delete iter2->second;
142  endruntimes.erase(iter2);
143  }
144  }
145  // begin run time
146  try
147  {
148  whatTime = new PHTimeStamp(rs->getInt("brunixtime"));
149  }
150  catch (SQLException& e)
151  {
152  cout << "Fatal Exception caught during rs->getInt(\"brunixtime\")" << endl;
153  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
154  exit(1);
155  }
156  beginruntimes[runNumber] = whatTime;
157  // end run time
158  try
159  {
160  unsigned int eruntics = rs->getInt("erunixtime");
161  if (eruntics == 0)
163  {
164  eruntics = rs->getInt("updateunixtime");
165  }
166  whatTime = new PHTimeStamp(eruntics);
167  }
168  catch (SQLException& e)
169  {
170  cout << "Fatal Exception caught during rs->getInt(\"brunixtime\")" << endl;
171  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
172  exit(1);
173  }
174  endruntimes[runNumber] = whatTime;
175  if (what == "brunixtime")
176  {
177  delete rs;
178  return beginruntimes[runNumber];
179  }
180  else if (what == "erunixtime")
181  {
182  delete rs;
183  return endruntimes[runNumber];
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  cout << "invalid time selection " << what << endl;
188  exit(1);
189  }
190  }
191  delete rs;
192  return 0;
193 }
196 RunToTimePg::getBeginTime(const int runNumber)
197 {
198  PHTimeStamp* BeginRunTime;
199  map<const int, PHTimeStamp*>::const_iterator iter = beginruntimes.find(runNumber);
200  if (iter == beginruntimes.end())
201  {
202  BeginRunTime = getTime(runNumber, "brunixtime");
203  }
204  else
205  {
206  BeginRunTime = iter->second;
207  }
208  if (!BeginRunTime)
209  {
210  return nullptr;
211  }
212  PHTimeStamp* TS = new PHTimeStamp(*BeginRunTime);
213  return TS;
214 }
217 RunToTimePg::getEndTime(const int runNumber)
218 {
219  PHTimeStamp* EndRunTime;
220  map<const int, PHTimeStamp*>::const_iterator iter = endruntimes.find(runNumber);
221  if (iter == endruntimes.end())
222  {
223  EndRunTime = getTime(runNumber, "erunixtime");
224  }
225  else
226  {
227  EndRunTime = iter->second;
228  }
229  if (!EndRunTime)
230  {
231  return nullptr;
232  }
233  PHTimeStamp* TS = new PHTimeStamp(*EndRunTime);
234  return TS;
235 }
238 {
239  GetConnection();
240  Statement* stmt = con->createStatement();
242  // Make search string...
243  std::ostringstream cmd;
245  Timestamp timestp(ts.getTics());
247  time_t tics = ts.getTics();
249  cmd << "select runnumber from run where brunixtime <= " << tics
250  << " order by runnumber desc limit 1";
252  // Get results of search...
253  ResultSet* rs = nullptr;
254  try
255  {
256  rs = stmt->executeQuery(cmd.str().c_str());
257  }
258  catch (SQLException& e)
259  {
260  cout << "Fatal Exception caught during stmt->executeQuery(" << cmd.str() << ")" << endl;
261  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
262  exit(1);
263  }
265  int runnumber = -1;
266  time_t eruntics = 0;
267  // Set runnumber based upon return from
268  if (rs->next())
269  {
270  runnumber = rs->getInt("runnumber");
271  }
272  delete rs;
273  if (runnumber == -1)
274  {
275  goto cleanup;
276  }
278  cmd.str("");
279  cmd << "select erunixtime from run where runnumber = " << runnumber;
281  try
282  {
283  rs = stmt->executeQuery(cmd.str().c_str());
284  }
285  catch (SQLException& e)
286  {
287  cout << "Fatal Exception caught during stmt->executeQuery(" << cmd.str() << ")" << endl;
288  cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << endl;
289  exit(1);
290  }
292  // Set runnumber based upon return from
293  if (rs->next())
294  {
295  eruntics = rs->getInt("erunixtime");
296  if (eruntics > 0 && eruntics < tics)
297  {
298  cout << "Timestamp " << tics
299  << " not covered by any run, closest smaller begin run time is from run "
300  << runnumber << endl;
301  runnumber = -1;
302  }
303  }
304  delete rs;
306 cleanup:
307  return runnumber;
308 }