Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hcal.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "hcal.h"
3 #include <algorithm>
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include <TMath.h>
6 #include <TGraph.h>
7 #include <TCanvas.h>
8 #include <TF1.h>
9 #include <TH1F.h>
10 #include <TH2F.h>
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TROOT.h>
13 #include <TStyle.h>
14 #include <Event/EventTypes.h>
15 #include <Event/packetConstants.h>
16 #include <Event/packet.h>
17 #include <Event/packet_hbd_fpgashort.h>
19 using namespace std;
21 //_________________________________________
23 {
24  //Default values
25  display = false;
26  verbosity = false;
27  polarity_positive = true;
28  PEDESTAL = 2048;
29  plot_max = PEDESTAL + 100.;
30  plot_min = 0.;
31  fit_analysis = true;
32 }
34 //________________________________________
36 {
37  TString name;
38  cout << "Reading " << NCH << " Channels." << endl;
39  NSAMPLES = 24;
40  double max = 3000;
41  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
42  {
43  gpulse[ich] = new TGraph(NSAMPLES);
44  name = "gch"; name += ich;
45  gpulse[ich]->SetName(name);
46  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
47  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
49  name = "Signal_";
50  name+= ich;
51  h_PulsePeaks[ich] = new TH1F(name, name, (int)4*max, 0., max);
52  h_PulsePeaks[ich]->SetStats(kFALSE);
54  //Pulse Int
55  name = "SignalInt_";
56  name+= ich;
57  double int_max = max*24./6. ;
58  h_PulseInt[ich] = new TH1F(name, name, (int)int_max, 0., int_max );
60  //2D Integrated signal vs signal height
61  name = "Signal_Height_vs_Int_";
62  name += ich;
63  h2_Pulse_H_Int[ich] = new TH2F(name, name, (int) max, 0., max, (int)int_max, 0., int_max);
65  //Fits
66  name = "SignalFit_";
67  name+= ich;
68  if(polarity_positive) fits[ich] = new TF1(name,hcal::SignalShape, 0., 24., 6);
69  else fits[ich] = new TF1(name,hcal::SignalShapeNegative, 0., 24., 6);
71  //Fit analysis
72  if(fit_analysis)
73  {
74  name = "Fit_analyze_";
75  name += ich;
76  h2_fit_shape[ich] = new TH2F(name,name,48,0,24,2100,0,2100);
77  }
79  //Timing resolution
80  name = "TResolution_";
81  name += ich;
82  h_tres[ich] = new TH1F(name, name, 24, 0, 24);
84  //Pedestal
85  name = "Ped_Resolution_";
86  name += ich;
87  h_ped_res[ich] = new TH1F(name, name, 500,2000,2200);
89  /*if(ich%2)
90  {
91  name = "HiLoGainRatio_";
92  name += (int)(ich/2);
93  h_gain[(int)ich/2] = new TH1F(name,name, 200, 0, 100);
94  name = "HiLo2D_";
95  name += (int)(ich/2);
96  h_hilo[(int)ich/2] = new TH2F(name,name, 500, 0, 3000, 500, 0, 300);
97  }*/
98  }
100  name = "Info";
101  h_info = new TH1F(name, name, 10, 0, 10);
102  //1st bin = Runnumber
103  //2nd bin = Number of events ran
104  //3rd bin = Start time
105  //4th bin = End time
106  // More to add later
108  name = "Saturation_rates_vs_ch";
109  h_saturation_rates = new TH1F(name, name, NCH, 0, NCH);
111  cout << "Reading below HBD channels: " << endl;
112  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++) cout << channel_index[ich] << ", ";
113  cout << endl;
115  //Save the trigger rate
116  rate = new TGraph();
117  rate->SetNameTitle("Rate","Trigger Rate");
118 }
120 //____________________________________
121 int hcal::evLoop(int nevts=0)
122 {
123  Initialize();
124  runnumber = 0;
125  nevents = 0;
126  int OK;
127  if(verbosity) cout << "hcal::evLoop" << endl;
128  //Event iterator
129  cout << "Reading file " << prdfName << endl;
130  it = new fileEventiterator(prdfName, OK);
131  if (OK)
132  {
133  cout << "Couldn't open input file " << prdfName << endl;
134  delete(it);
135  exit(1);
136  }
138  double time_begin = 0.;
139  double time_end = 0.;
140  while(GetNextEvent())
141  {
142  if(verbosity) cout << "Event " << nevents << endl;
143  if(display) Display();
144  if(nevts>0&&nevents==nevts) break;
145  if(nevents%100==0)
146  {
147  time_end = (double) evt->getTime();
148  if(nevents>100) rate->SetPoint((nevents/100)-2, nevents, 100./(time_end-time_begin));
149  time_begin = time_end;
150  }
151  }
152  cout << "Total number of events processed " << nevents << endl;
153  h_info->SetBinContent(2, nevents);
155  cout << "Saturation summary " << endl;
156  for( int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
157  {
158  cout << "Channel " << ich << " => " << 100*saturation_map[ich]/nevents << " % " <<endl;
159  h_saturation_rates->Fill( h_saturation_rates->FindBin(ich), 100*saturation_map[ich]/nevents );
160  }
163  return 0;
164 }
166 //_____________________________________
168 {
169  if(verbosity) cout << "hcal::Clear()" << endl;
170  for (int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
171  {
172  gpulse[ich]->Set(0);
173  //if(fits[ich]) delete fits[ich];
174  }
175  return 0;
176 }
178 //______________________________________
180 {
181  if(verbosity) cout << "hcal::GetNextEvent " << nevents << endl;
182  nevents++;
183  //Reset the graphs
184  Clear();
185  //Get the event
186  evt=it->getNextEvent();
187  if(!evt) return 0;
188  if(evt->getEvtType()==9)
189  {
190  cout << "Event " << nevents << endl;
191  cout << "Start Time " << evt->getTime() << endl;
192  cout << "Start Date " << evt->getDate() << endl;
193  //Get Runnumber
194  h_info->SetBinContent(1, evt->getRunNumber() );
195  //Get Start Time
196  h_info->SetBinContent(3, evt->getTime() );
197  }
198  else if(evt->getEvtType()==12)
199  {
200  //Get End Time
201  h_info->SetBinContent(4, evt->getTime() );
202  } else {
203  // Get sPHENIX Packet
204  Packet_hbd_fpgashort *spacket = dynamic_cast<Packet_hbd_fpgashort*>( evt->getPacket(21101) );
205  if ( spacket )
206  {
207  spacket->setNumSamples( NSAMPLES );
208  if(nevents%500==0) cout <<"RUN "<<runnumber<<" EVENT "<< nevents <<endl;
209  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
210  {
211  int hbd_channel = channel_index[ich];
212  for (int isamp=0; isamp<NSAMPLES; isamp++)
213  {
214  //Short_t val = spacket->iValue(feech[ich],isamp);
215  //gpulse[ich]->SetPoint(isamp,(Double_t)isamp,(Double_t)val);
216  Short_t val = spacket->iValue(hbd_channel,isamp);
217  gpulse[ich]->SetPoint(isamp,(Double_t)isamp,(Double_t)val);
218  }
220  if(!polarity_positive && TMath::MinElement(24,gpulse[ich]->GetY())==0)
221  {
222  //display = true;
223  saturation_map[ich]++;
224  if(verbosity) cout << "Saturated channel " << ich << endl;
225  }
226  else
227  {
228  //display = false;
229  fitShape(ich);
230  collect(ich);
231  }
232  }
233  delete spacket;
234  } else {
235  if( nevents>1) cout << "Event: " << nevents << " Packet not found " << endl;
236  }
237  }
238  return 1;
239 }
241 //____________________________________________
242 void hcal::fitShape(int ich)
243 {
244  int peakPos = 0.;
245  double peakval;
246  if(polarity_positive) peakval = 0.;
247  else peakval = 99999.;
248  double pedestal = gpulse[ich]->GetY()[0]; //(double) PEDESTAL;
249  double risetime = 4;
250  for(int iSample=0; iSample<NSAMPLES; iSample++)
251  {
253  if(!polarity_positive && gpulse[ich]->GetY()[iSample]<peakval){
254  //if(gpulse[ich]->GetY()[iSample]>peakval){
255  peakval = gpulse[ich]->GetY()[iSample];
256  peakPos = iSample;
257  } else if(polarity_positive && gpulse[ich]->GetY()[iSample]>peakval)
258  {
259  peakval = gpulse[ich]->GetY()[iSample];
260  peakPos = iSample;
261  }
262  }
264  //peakval = pedestal - peakval;
265  if(polarity_positive) peakval -= pedestal;
266  else peakval = pedestal - peakval;
267  if(peakval<0.) peakval = 0.;
268  double par[6];
269  par[0] = peakval; // /3.;
270  par[1] = peakPos - risetime;
271  if(par[1]<0.) par[1] = 0.;
272  par[2] = 4.;
273  par[3] = 1.5;
274  par[4] = pedestal;
275  par[5] = 0;
276  fits[ich]->SetParameters(par);
277  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(0,peakval*0.98,peakval*1.02);
278  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(1,0,24);
279  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(2, 2, 4.);
280  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(3,1.,2.);
281  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(4, pedestal-30, pedestal+30);
282  fits[ich]->SetParLimits(5, 1, -1);
283  gpulse[ich]->Fit( fits[ich], "MQR", "goff", 0., (double) NSAMPLES);
284  //gpulse[ich]->Fit( fits[ich], "M0RQ", "goff", 0., (double) NSAMPLES);
285  //cout << "CH " << ich << " sig: " << peakval << " Par 2: " << fits[ich]->GetParameter(2) << endl;
286  //fits[ich]->Print();
287 }
289 //__________________________________________
290 int hcal::collect(int ich)
291 {
292  if(nevents<10) return 0; //Leave first 10 events
293  double min = fits[ich]->GetMinimum();
294  double minx = fits[ich]->GetMinimumX();
295  //double ped_val = fits[ich]->GetParameter(4)+minx*fits[ich]->GetParameter(5);
296  //double peakvalue = ped_val - min;
298  double max = fits[ich]->GetMaximum();
299  double maxx = fits[ich]->GetMaximumX();
300  double ped_val =0;
301  if(polarity_positive) ped_val = fits[ich]->GetParameter(4)+maxx*fits[ich]->GetParameter(5);
302  else ped_val = fits[ich]->GetParameter(4)+minx*fits[ich]->GetParameter(5);
304  double peakvalue = 0;
305  if(polarity_positive) peakvalue = max - ped_val;
306  else peakvalue = ped_val - min;
308  double integral = 24*ped_val - fits[ich]->Integral(0,24);
309  if(verbosity) cout << "Channel " << ich << " " << h_PulsePeaks[ich]->GetName() << " PED: " << ped_val << " Signal " << peakvalue << " Integrated signal: " << integral << endl;
311  //cout << "peakpos " << fits[ich]->GetMinimumX() << endl;
312  //cout << "Maximum " << fits[ich]->GetMaximum() << endl;
313  h_PulsePeaks[ich]->Fill( peakvalue );
314  h_PulseInt[ich]->Fill( integral );
315  h2_Pulse_H_Int[ich]->Fill( peakvalue, integral );
316  h_tres[ich]->Fill( (polarity_positive)?maxx:minx );
317  h_ped_res[ich]->Fill( ped_val );
318  /*if(ich%2)
319  {
320  double hi_peak = fits[ich-1]->GetParameter(4)+fits[ich-1]->GetMinimumX()*fits[ich-1]->GetParameter(5) - fits[ich-1]->GetMinimum();
321  double lo_peak = fits[ich-1]->GetMaximum() - fits[ich-1]->GetParameter(4)+fits[ich-1]->GetMaximumX()*fits[ich-1]->GetParameter(5);
322  if(polarity_positive)
323  {
324  h_gain[(int)ich/2]->Fill( peakvalue/lo_peak );
325  h_hilo[(int)ich/2]->Fill( peakvalue, lo_peak );
326  } else {
327  h_gain[(int)ich/2]->Fill( hi_peak/peakvalue );
328  h_hilo[(int)ich/2]->Fill( hi_peak, peakvalue );
329  }
330  //cout << "Channel " << ich << " " << (int)ich/2 << " " << hi_peak/peakvalue << endl;
331  }*/
333  return 0;
334 }
336 //_________________________________________
338 {
339  if(nevents==1) return;
340  if(gpulse[0]->GetN()==0) return;
342  if(fit_analysis)
343  {
344  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
345  {
346  if(verbosity) fits[ich]->Print();
347  fits[ich]->SetParameter(1,4.0);
348  for(float x=0; x<48; x=x+0.5)
349  {
350  h2_fit_shape[ich]->Fill( x, fits[ich]->Eval(x) );
351  }
352  }
353  }
355  if(!c)
356  {
357  int nx_c = 4;
358  int ny_c = ceil( NCH/4 );
359  c = new TCanvas("sphenix","sphenix display", 300*nx_c, 200*ny_c );
360  c->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
361  //int ncd[]={13,9,5,1,14,10,6,2,15,11,7,3,16,12,8,4};
362  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
363  {
364  //c->cd(ncd[ich]); //ich+1);
365  c->cd(ich+1);
366  gpulse[ich]->SetMaximum( plot_max ); //PEDESTAL+50 );
367  gpulse[ich]->SetMinimum( plot_min ); //PEDESTAL-2000 );
368  gpulse[ich]->Draw("ACP");
369  }
371  //cout << "Double click on the canvas to go to next event." << endl;
372  cout << "Kill the process or 'killall root.exe' to stop the canvas" << endl;
373  }
375  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++) c->cd(ich+1)->Modified();
376  //c->WaitPrimitive();
377  c->Modified();
378  c->Update();
379  //c->Print("print.gif+");
380 }
382 //_____________________________________
383 double hcal::SignalShape(double *x, double *par)
384 {
385  double pedestal = par[4] + x[0]*par[5];
386  if( x[0]<par[1]) return pedestal;
387  //double signal = (-1)*par[0]*pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2])*exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3]);
388  double signal = par[0]*pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2])*exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3]);
389  return pedestal + signal ;
390 }
392 //______________________________________
393 double hcal::SignalShapeNegative(double *x, double *par)
394 {
395  double pedestal = par[4] + x[0]*par[5];
396  if( x[0]<par[1]) return pedestal;
397  double signal = par[0]*pow((x[0]-par[1]),par[2])*exp(-(x[0]-par[1])*par[3]);
398  return pedestal-signal ;
399 }
402 //________________________________________
403 void hcal::Save(char *filename)
404 {
405  fout = TFile::Open( filename, "RECREATE" );
406  for(int ich=0; ich<NCH; ich++)
407  {
408  h_PulsePeaks[ich]->Write();
409  h_tres[ich]->Write();
410  h_ped_res[ich]->Write();
411  h2_fit_shape[ich]->Write();
412  //h_hilo[ich/2]->Write();
413  //if(ich%2) h_gain[(int)ich/2]->Write();
414  h_PulseInt[ich]->Write();
415  h2_Pulse_H_Int[ich]->Write();
416  }
417  h_saturation_rates->Write();
418  rate->Write();
419  h_info->Write();
420  fout->Close();
421 }