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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootMaterialTrackWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
13 #include "Acts/Geometry/Volume.hpp"
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <cstddef>
27 #include <ios>
28 #include <stdexcept>
29 #include <type_traits>
31 #include <TFile.h>
32 #include <TTree.h>
41  : WriterT(config.collection, "RootMaterialTrackWriter", level),
42  m_cfg(config) {
43  // An input collection name and tree name must be specified
44  if (m_cfg.collection.empty()) {
45  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input collection");
46  } else if (m_cfg.treeName.empty()) {
47  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing tree name");
48  }
50  // Setup ROOT I/O
51  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(m_cfg.filePath.c_str(), m_cfg.fileMode.c_str());
52  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
53  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + m_cfg.filePath);
54  }
56  m_outputFile->cd();
57  m_outputTree =
58  new TTree(m_cfg.treeName.c_str(), "TTree from RootMaterialTrackWriter");
59  if (m_outputTree == nullptr) {
60  throw std::bad_alloc();
61  }
63  // Set the branches
64  m_outputTree->Branch("event_id", &m_eventId);
65  m_outputTree->Branch("v_x", &m_v_x);
66  m_outputTree->Branch("v_y", &m_v_y);
67  m_outputTree->Branch("v_z", &m_v_z);
68  m_outputTree->Branch("v_px", &m_v_px);
69  m_outputTree->Branch("v_py", &m_v_py);
70  m_outputTree->Branch("v_pz", &m_v_pz);
71  m_outputTree->Branch("v_phi", &m_v_phi);
72  m_outputTree->Branch("v_eta", &m_v_eta);
73  m_outputTree->Branch("t_X0", &m_tX0);
74  m_outputTree->Branch("t_L0", &m_tL0);
75  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_x", &m_step_x);
76  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_y", &m_step_y);
77  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_z", &m_step_z);
78  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_dx", &m_step_dx);
79  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_dy", &m_step_dy);
80  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_dz", &m_step_dz);
81  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_step_length", &m_step_length);
82  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_X0", &m_step_X0);
83  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_L0", &m_step_L0);
84  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_A", &m_step_A);
85  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_Z", &m_step_Z);
86  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_rho", &m_step_rho);
88  if (m_cfg.prePostStep) {
89  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_sx", &m_step_sx);
90  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_sy", &m_step_sy);
91  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_sz", &m_step_sz);
92  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_ex", &m_step_ex);
93  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_ey", &m_step_ey);
94  m_outputTree->Branch("mat_ez", &m_step_ez);
95  }
96  if (m_cfg.storeSurface) {
97  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_id", &m_sur_id);
98  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_type", &m_sur_type);
99  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_x", &m_sur_x);
100  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_y", &m_sur_y);
101  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_z", &m_sur_z);
102  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_pathCorrection", &m_sur_pathCorrection);
103  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_range_min", &m_sur_range_min);
104  m_outputTree->Branch("sur_range_max", &m_sur_range_max);
105  }
106  if (m_cfg.storeVolume) {
107  m_outputTree->Branch("vol_id", &m_vol_id);
108  }
109 }
112  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
113  m_outputFile->Close();
114  }
115 }
118  // write the tree and close the file
119  ACTS_INFO("Writing ROOT output File : " << m_cfg.filePath);
121  m_outputFile->cd();
122  m_outputTree->Write();
123  m_outputFile->Close();
126 }
129  const AlgorithmContext& ctx,
130  const std::unordered_map<size_t, Acts::RecordedMaterialTrack>&
131  materialTracks) {
132  // Exclusive access to the tree while writing
133  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_writeMutex);
135  m_eventId = ctx.eventNumber;
136  // Loop over the material tracks and write them out
137  for (auto& [idTrack, mtrack] : materialTracks) {
138  // Clearing the vector first
139  m_step_sx.clear();
140  m_step_sy.clear();
141  m_step_sz.clear();
142  m_step_x.clear();
143  m_step_y.clear();
144  m_step_z.clear();
145  m_step_ex.clear();
146  m_step_ey.clear();
147  m_step_ez.clear();
148  m_step_dx.clear();
149  m_step_dy.clear();
150  m_step_dz.clear();
151  m_step_length.clear();
152  m_step_X0.clear();
153  m_step_L0.clear();
154  m_step_A.clear();
155  m_step_Z.clear();
156  m_step_rho.clear();
158  m_sur_id.clear();
159  m_sur_type.clear();
160  m_sur_x.clear();
161  m_sur_y.clear();
162  m_sur_z.clear();
163  m_sur_pathCorrection.clear();
164  m_sur_range_min.clear();
165  m_sur_range_max.clear();
167  m_vol_id.clear();
169  auto materialInteractions = mtrack.second.materialInteractions;
170  if (m_cfg.collapseInteractions) {
171  std::vector<Acts::MaterialInteraction> collapsed;
173  Acts::Vector3 positionSum = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
174  double pathCorrectionSum = 0;
176  for (std::size_t start = 0, end = 0; end < materialInteractions.size();
177  ++end) {
178  const auto& mintStart = materialInteractions[start];
179  const auto& mintEnd = materialInteractions[end];
181  positionSum += mintEnd.position;
182  pathCorrectionSum += mintEnd.pathCorrection;
184  const bool same = mintStart.materialSlab.material() ==
185  mintEnd.materialSlab.material();
186  const bool last = end == materialInteractions.size() - 1;
188  if (!same || last) {
189  auto mint = mintStart;
190  mint.position = positionSum / (end - start);
191  mint.pathCorrection = pathCorrectionSum;
193  collapsed.push_back(mint);
195  start = end;
196  positionSum = Acts::Vector3::Zero();
197  pathCorrectionSum = 0;
198  }
199  }
201  materialInteractions = std::move(collapsed);
202  }
204  // Reserve the vector then
205  size_t mints = materialInteractions.size();
206  m_step_sx.reserve(mints);
207  m_step_sy.reserve(mints);
208  m_step_sz.reserve(mints);
209  m_step_x.reserve(mints);
210  m_step_y.reserve(mints);
211  m_step_z.reserve(mints);
212  m_step_ex.reserve(mints);
213  m_step_ey.reserve(mints);
214  m_step_ez.reserve(mints);
215  m_step_dx.reserve(mints);
216  m_step_dy.reserve(mints);
217  m_step_dz.reserve(mints);
218  m_step_length.reserve(mints);
219  m_step_X0.reserve(mints);
220  m_step_L0.reserve(mints);
221  m_step_A.reserve(mints);
222  m_step_Z.reserve(mints);
223  m_step_rho.reserve(mints);
225  m_sur_id.reserve(mints);
226  m_sur_type.reserve(mints);
227  m_sur_x.reserve(mints);
228  m_sur_y.reserve(mints);
229  m_sur_z.reserve(mints);
230  m_sur_pathCorrection.reserve(mints);
231  m_sur_range_min.reserve(mints);
232  m_sur_range_max.reserve(mints);
234  m_vol_id.reserve(mints);
236  // reset the global counter
237  if (m_cfg.recalculateTotals) {
238  m_tX0 = 0.;
239  m_tL0 = 0.;
240  } else {
241  m_tX0 = mtrack.second.materialInX0;
242  m_tL0 = mtrack.second.materialInL0;
243  }
245  // set the track information at vertex
246  m_v_x = mtrack.first.first.x();
247  m_v_y = mtrack.first.first.y();
248  m_v_z = mtrack.first.first.z();
249  m_v_px = mtrack.first.second.x();
250  m_v_py = mtrack.first.second.y();
251  m_v_pz = mtrack.first.second.z();
252  m_v_phi = phi(mtrack.first.second);
253  m_v_eta = eta(mtrack.first.second);
255  // and now loop over the material
256  for (const auto& mint : materialInteractions) {
257  auto direction = mint.direction.normalized();
259  // The material step position information
260  m_step_x.push_back(mint.position.x());
261  m_step_y.push_back(mint.position.y());
262  m_step_z.push_back(mint.position.z());
263  m_step_dx.push_back(direction.x());
264  m_step_dy.push_back(direction.y());
265  m_step_dz.push_back(direction.z());
267  if (m_cfg.prePostStep) {
268  Acts::Vector3 prePos =
269  mint.position - 0.5 * mint.pathCorrection * direction;
270  Acts::Vector3 posPos =
271  mint.position + 0.5 * mint.pathCorrection * direction;
273  m_step_sx.push_back(prePos.x());
274  m_step_sy.push_back(prePos.y());
275  m_step_sz.push_back(prePos.z());
276  m_step_ex.push_back(posPos.x());
277  m_step_ey.push_back(posPos.y());
278  m_step_ez.push_back(posPos.z());
279  }
281  // Store surface information
282  if (m_cfg.storeSurface) {
283  const Acts::Surface* surface = mint.surface;
284  if (mint.intersectionID.value() != 0) {
285  m_sur_id.push_back(mint.intersectionID.value());
286  m_sur_pathCorrection.push_back(mint.pathCorrection);
287  m_sur_x.push_back(mint.intersection.x());
288  m_sur_y.push_back(mint.intersection.y());
289  m_sur_z.push_back(mint.intersection.z());
290  } else if (surface != nullptr) {
291  auto sfIntersection = surface
292  ->intersect(ctx.geoContext, mint.position,
293  mint.direction, true)
294  .closest();
295  m_sur_id.push_back(surface->geometryId().value());
296  m_sur_pathCorrection.push_back(1.0);
297  m_sur_x.push_back(sfIntersection.position().x());
298  m_sur_y.push_back(sfIntersection.position().y());
299  m_sur_z.push_back(sfIntersection.position().z());
300  } else {
301  m_sur_id.push_back(Acts::GeometryIdentifier().value());
302  m_sur_x.push_back(0);
303  m_sur_y.push_back(0);
304  m_sur_z.push_back(0);
305  m_sur_pathCorrection.push_back(1.0);
306  }
307  if (surface != nullptr) {
308  m_sur_type.push_back(surface->type());
309  const Acts::SurfaceBounds& surfaceBounds = surface->bounds();
310  const Acts::RadialBounds* radialBounds =
311  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RadialBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
312  const Acts::CylinderBounds* cylinderBounds =
313  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CylinderBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
314  if (radialBounds != nullptr) {
315  m_sur_range_min.push_back(radialBounds->rMin());
316  m_sur_range_max.push_back(radialBounds->rMax());
317  } else if (cylinderBounds != nullptr) {
318  m_sur_range_min.push_back(
319  -cylinderBounds->get(Acts::CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ));
320  m_sur_range_max.push_back(
321  cylinderBounds->get(Acts::CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ));
322  } else {
323  m_sur_range_min.push_back(0);
324  m_sur_range_max.push_back(0);
325  }
326  } else {
327  m_sur_type.push_back(-1);
328  m_sur_range_min.push_back(0);
329  m_sur_range_max.push_back(0);
330  }
331  }
333  // store volume information
334  if (m_cfg.storeVolume) {
335  Acts::GeometryIdentifier vlayerID;
336  if (not mint.volume.empty()) {
337  vlayerID = mint.volume.geometryId();
338  m_vol_id.push_back(vlayerID.value());
339  } else {
340  vlayerID.setVolume(0);
341  vlayerID.setBoundary(0);
342  vlayerID.setLayer(0);
343  vlayerID.setApproach(0);
344  vlayerID.setSensitive(0);
345  m_vol_id.push_back(vlayerID.value());
346  }
347  }
349  // the material information
350  const auto& mprops = mint.materialSlab;
351  m_step_length.push_back(mprops.thickness());
352  m_step_X0.push_back(mprops.material().X0());
353  m_step_L0.push_back(mprops.material().L0());
354  m_step_A.push_back(mprops.material().Ar());
355  m_step_Z.push_back(mprops.material().Z());
356  m_step_rho.push_back(mprops.material().massDensity());
357  // re-calculate if defined to do so
358  if (m_cfg.recalculateTotals) {
359  m_tX0 += mprops.thicknessInX0();
360  m_tL0 += mprops.thicknessInL0();
361  }
362  }
363  // write to
364  m_outputTree->Fill();
365  }
367  // return success
369 }