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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FindBlobs.C
1 #include "FindBlobs.h"
2 #include "groot.h"
3 #include "ABlob.h"
4 #include "AZigzag.h"
6 #include "Quiver.h"
8 #include "Riostream.h"
9 #include <iostream>
11 void FindBlobs()
12 {
13  groot* Tree = groot::instance();
15  /* clear blobs */
16  for(int i=0; i<Nr; i++)
17  {
18  Tree->theBlobs[i].clear();
19  }
21  vector<AZigzag*> ziggy;
23  //cout << "R";
24  //cout << "\tPhi";
25  //cout << "\tStart Q";
26  //cout << "\tRight Q";
27  //cout << "\tLeft Q";
28  //cout << "\tX-cen";
29  //cout << "\tY-cen";
30  //cout << "\tZ-cen";
31  //cout << "\tR-cen";
32  //cout << "\tPhi-cen" << endl;
34  for(int i=0; i<Nr; i++)
35  {
36  for(int j=1; j<Nphi-1; j++)
37  {
38  AZigzag* start = Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][j];
39  AZigzag* right = Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][j-1];
40  AZigzag* left = Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][j+1];
42  if( start && left && right ) //checks if Pads exist, only
43  {
44  if( start->IsHit() && start->T()>1.0 && start->T()<15.0 ) // Fits unstable if near edge
45  {
46  if( (start->Q() > right->Q()) &&
47  (start->Q() >= left->Q()) ) //finds center Zig
48  {
49  double TMAX = start->T();
50  int PADDING = -1;
51  int k=j;
52  while (PADDING < Quiver::PaddingLimit && k>=0) //adds all hit Pads to the RIGHT, and PadLimit right-most empty Pads
53  {
54  if( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] )
55  {
56  bool TIME_OK = true;
58  {
59  double TIME = Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k]->T();
60  double MINT = -1.1;
61  double MAXT = 0.3;
62  if ( (TIME-TMAX) < MINT) TIME_OK = false;
63  if ( (TIME-TMAX) > MAXT) TIME_OK = false;
64  }
65  if( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k]->IsHit() && TIME_OK)
66  {
67  ziggy.push_back( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] );
68  }
69  else
70  {
71  PADDING++;
72  if ( PADDING < Quiver::PaddingLimit && TIME_OK ) ziggy.push_back( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] );
73  }
74  }
75  k--;
76  }
78  PADDING = -1;
79  k = j+1;
80  while (PADDING < Quiver::PaddingLimit && k<Nphi) //adds all hit Pads to the LEFT, and right-most empty Pad
81  {
82  if( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] )
83  {
84  bool TIME_OK = true;
86  {
87  double TIME = Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k]->T();
88  double MINT = -1.1;
89  double MAXT = 0.3;
90  if ( (TIME-TMAX) < MINT) TIME_OK = false;
91  if ( (TIME-TMAX) > MAXT) TIME_OK = false;
92  }
93  if( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k]->IsHit() && TIME_OK)
94  {
95  ziggy.push_back( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] );
96  }
97  else
98  {
99  PADDING++;
100  if ( PADDING < Quiver::PaddingLimit && TIME_OK ) ziggy.push_back( Tree->ZigzagMap2[i][k] );
101  }
103  }
104  k++;
105  }
106  //cout << ziggy.size() << endl;;
107  if (ziggy.size()>0) Tree->theBlobs[i].push_back( new ABlob( ziggy ) );
108  ziggy.clear();
109  //cout << "got one" << endl;
110  }
113  //cout << "~~FIND-BLOBS REPORT~~" << endl;
114  //cout << i;
115  //cout << "\t" << j;
116  //cout << "\t" << start->Q();
117  //cout << "\t" << right->Q();
118  //cout << "\t" << left->Q();
119  //cout << "\t" << start->XCenter();
120  //cout << "\t" << start->YCenter();
121  //cout << "\t" << start->ZCenter();
122  //cout << "\t" << start->RCenter();
123  //cout << "\t" << start->PCenter();
124  //cout << endl;
126  //cout << Tree->theBlobs[i].size() << endl;
127  }
128  }
129  }
130  }
131  //cout << "Blobs Done." << endl;
132 }