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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MakeRatioComparisonPlot.C
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'MakeRatioComparisonPlot.C'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 01.03.2022
5 //
6 // Use this quickly plot a set of numerator
7 // distributions against a set of denominator
8 // distributions
9 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include "TH1.h"
13 #include "TPad.h"
14 #include "TFile.h"
15 #include "TLine.h"
16 #include "TError.h"
17 #include "TString.h"
18 #include "TLegend.h"
19 #include "TCanvas.h"
20 #include "TPaveText.h"
22 using namespace std;
24 // global constants
25 static const UInt_t NHist(2);
26 static const UInt_t NPlot(2);
27 static const UInt_t NPad(2);
28 static const UInt_t NVtx(4);
29 static const UInt_t NTxt(3);
35  // lower verbosity
36  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError;
37  cout << "\n Beginning plot macro..." << endl;
39  // file parameters
40  const TString sOutput("debugCorrelators.alexVsF4A_truthVsRecoAfterPhiFix_ptJet30.pp200run6jet40.d18m4y2023.root");
41  const TString sInDenom[NHist] = {"reference/alex_output/pp200run6jet40.SphenixTruthUnscaled_output_trksAndChrgPars.root",
42  "reference/alex_code/SphenixRecoUnscaled_output_derekTestRun.root"};
43  const TString sInNumer[NHist] = {"./output/pp200run6jet40.forDebug_true_withPhiFix.d18m4y2023.root",
44  "./output/pp200run6jet40.forDebug_reco_withPhiFix.d18m4y2023.root"};
46  // denominator parameters
47  const TString sHeadDenom("#bf{Reference Output}");
48  const TString sHistDenom[NHist] = {"EEC2", "EEC2"};
49  const TString sNameDenom[NHist] = {"hReferencTruth", "hReferenceReco"};
50  const TString sLabelDenom[NHist] = {"Truth",
51  "Reco."};
53  // numerator parameters
54  const TString sHeadNumer("#bf{F4A Implementation}");
55  const TString sHistNumer[NHist] = {"hCorrelatorDrAxis_ptJet30", "hCorrelatorDrAxis_ptJet30"};
56  const TString sNameNumer[NHist] = {"hFun4AllTruth", "hFun4AllReco"};
57  const TString sLabelNumer[NHist] = {"Truth",
58  "Reco."};
60  // plot parameters
61  const TString sTitle("");
62  const TString sTitleX("#DeltaR");
63  const TString sTitleY("EEC");
64  const TString sTitleR("[f4a] / [reference]");
65  const TString sNameRatio[NHist] = {"hRatioTruth", "hRatioReco"};
66  const TString sOptDenom[NHist] = {"", "sames"};
67  const TString sOptNumer[NHist] = {"sames", "sames"};
68  const TString sOptRatio[NHist] = {"", "sames"};
69  const TString sText[NTxt] = {"#bf{#it{sPHENIX}} Simulation [Run6]", "JS 40 GeV Jet Sample", "p_{T}^{jet} #in (30, 50) GeV"};
70  const Float_t xPlotRange[NPlot] = {0.001, 1.};
71  const UInt_t fColDen[NHist] = {923, 634};
72  const UInt_t fColNum[NHist] = {921, 895};
73  const UInt_t fMarDen[NHist] = {20, 29};
74  const UInt_t fMarNum[NHist] = {24, 30};
76  // norm/rebin parameters
77  const Bool_t doIntNorm(false);
78  const Bool_t doRebinDenom[NHist] = {false, false};
79  const Bool_t doRebinNumer[NHist] = {false, false};
80  const UInt_t nRebinDenom[NHist] = {2, 2};
81  const UInt_t nRebinNumer[NHist] = {2, 2};
83  // open files
84  TFile *fOutput = new TFile(sOutput.Data(), "recreate");
85  if (!fOutput) {
86  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open output file!\n" << endl;
87  return;
88  }
90  TFile *fDenom[NHist];
91  TFile *fNumer[NHist];
92  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
93  fDenom[iHist] = new TFile(sInDenom[iHist].Data(), "read");
94  fNumer[iHist] = new TFile(sInNumer[iHist].Data(), "read");
95  if (!fDenom[iHist] || !fNumer[iHist]) {
96  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open denominator or numerator file #" << iHist << "!\n"
97  << " fDenom = " << fDenom[iHist] << ", fNumer = " << fNumer[iHist] << "\n"
98  << endl;
99  return;
100  }
101  }
102  cout << " Opened files." << endl;
104  // grab histograms
105  TH1D *hDenom[NHist];
106  TH1D *hNumer[NHist];
107  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
108  hDenom[iHist] = (TH1D*) fDenom[iHist] -> Get(sHistDenom[iHist].Data());
109  hNumer[iHist] = (TH1D*) fNumer[iHist] -> Get(sHistNumer[iHist].Data());
110  if (!hDenom[iHist] || !hNumer[iHist]) {
111  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab numerator or denominator histogram # " << iHist << "!\n"
112  << " hDenom = " << hDenom[iHist] << ", hNumer = " << hNumer[iHist] << "\n"
113  << endl;
114  return;
115  }
116  hDenom[iHist] -> SetName(sNameDenom[iHist].Data());
117  hNumer[iHist] -> SetName(sNameNumer[iHist].Data());
118  }
119  cout << " Grabbed histograms." << endl;
121  // rebin histograms
122  Bool_t doRebin(false);
123  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
124  doRebin = (doRebinDenom[iHist] || doRebinNumer[iHist]);
125  if (doRebin) break;
126  }
128  if (doRebin) {
129  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
130  if (doRebinDenom[iHist]) hDenom[iHist] -> Rebin(nRebinDenom[iHist]);
131  if (doRebinNumer[iHist]) hNumer[iHist] -> Rebin(nRebinNumer[iHist]);
132  }
133  cout << " Rebinned histograms." << endl;
134  }
136  // normalize by integrals )if needed)
137  if (doIntNorm) {
138  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
139  const Double_t intDenom = hDenom[iHist] -> Integral();
140  const Double_t intNumer = hNumer[iHist] -> Integral();
141  hDenom[iHist] -> Scale(1. / intDenom);
142  hNumer[iHist] -> Scale(1. / intNumer);
143  }
144  cout << " Normalized histograms by integral." << endl;
145  }
147  // calculate ratios
148  TH1D *hRatio[NHist];
149  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
150  hRatio[iHist] = (TH1D*) hDenom[iHist] -> Clone();
151  hRatio[iHist] -> Reset("ICE");
152  hRatio[iHist] -> Divide(hNumer[iHist], hDenom[iHist], 1., 1.);
153  hRatio[iHist] -> SetName(sNameRatio[iHist]);
154  }
155  cout << " Calculated ratios." << endl;
157  // set styles
158  const UInt_t fFil(0);
159  const UInt_t fLin(1);
160  const UInt_t fWid(1);
161  const UInt_t fTxt(42);
162  const UInt_t fAln(12);
163  const UInt_t fCnt(1);
164  const Float_t fLab[NPad] = {0.074, 0.04};
165  const Float_t fTit[NPad] = {0.074, 0.04};
166  const Float_t fOffX[NPad] = {1.1, 1.};
167  const Float_t fOffY[NPad] = {0.7, 1.3};
168  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
169  hDenom[iHist] -> SetMarkerColor(fColDen[iHist]);
170  hDenom[iHist] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarDen[iHist]);
171  hDenom[iHist] -> SetFillColor(fColDen[iHist]);
172  hDenom[iHist] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
173  hDenom[iHist] -> SetLineColor(fColDen[iHist]);
174  hDenom[iHist] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
175  hDenom[iHist] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
176  hDenom[iHist] -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
177  hDenom[iHist] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
178  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
179  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
180  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
181  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
182  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[1]);
183  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
184  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
185  hDenom[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
186  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleY.Data());
187  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
188  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
189  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[1]);
190  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
191  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
192  hDenom[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
193  hNumer[iHist] -> SetMarkerColor(fColNum[iHist]);
194  hNumer[iHist] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarNum[iHist]);
195  hNumer[iHist] -> SetFillColor(fColNum[iHist]);
196  hNumer[iHist] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
197  hNumer[iHist] -> SetLineColor(fColNum[iHist]);
198  hNumer[iHist] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
199  hNumer[iHist] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
200  hNumer[iHist] -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
201  hNumer[iHist] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
202  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
203  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
204  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
205  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
206  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[1]);
207  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
208  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
209  hNumer[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
210  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleY.Data());
211  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
212  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
213  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[1]);
214  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
215  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
216  hNumer[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
217  hRatio[iHist] -> SetMarkerColor(fColNum[iHist]);
218  hRatio[iHist] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarNum[iHist]);
219  hRatio[iHist] -> SetFillColor(fColNum[iHist]);
220  hRatio[iHist] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
221  hRatio[iHist] -> SetLineColor(fColNum[iHist]);
222  hRatio[iHist] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
223  hRatio[iHist] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
224  hRatio[iHist] -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
225  hRatio[iHist] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
226  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
227  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
228  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
229  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[0]);
230  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[0]);
231  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
232  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[0]);
233  hRatio[iHist] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
234  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleR.Data());
235  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
236  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[0]);
237  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[0]);
238  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
239  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[0]);
240  hRatio[iHist] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
241  }
242  cout << " Set styles." << endl;
244  // make legend
245  const UInt_t fColLe(0);
246  const UInt_t fFilLe(0);
247  const UInt_t fLinLe(0);
248  const UInt_t nObjLe(2 * (NHist + 1));
249  const Float_t hObjLe(nObjLe * 0.05);
250  const Float_t yObjLe(0.1 + hObjLe);
251  const Float_t fLegXY[NVtx] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.3, yObjLe};
253  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(fLegXY[0], fLegXY[1], fLegXY[2], fLegXY[3]);
254  leg -> SetFillColor(fColLe);
255  leg -> SetFillStyle(fFilLe);
256  leg -> SetLineColor(fColLe);
257  leg -> SetLineStyle(fLinLe);
258  leg -> SetTextFont(fTxt);
259  leg -> SetTextAlign(fAln);
260  leg -> AddEntry((TObject*)0, sHeadDenom.Data(), "");
261  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
262  leg -> AddEntry(hDenom[iHist], sLabelDenom[iHist], "pf");
263  }
264  leg -> AddEntry((TObject*)0, sHeadNumer.Data(), "");
265  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
266  leg -> AddEntry(hNumer[iHist], sLabelNumer[iHist], "pf");
267  }
268  cout << " Made legend." << endl;
270  // make text
271  const UInt_t fColTx(0);
272  const UInt_t fFilTx(0);
273  const UInt_t fLinTx(0);
274  const UInt_t nObjTx(NTxt);
275  const Float_t hObjTx(nObjTx * 0.05);
276  const Float_t yObjTx(0.1 + hObjTx);
277  const Float_t fTxtXY[NVtx] = {0.3, 0.1, 0.5, yObjTx};
279  TPaveText *txt = new TPaveText(fTxtXY[0], fTxtXY[1], fTxtXY[2], fTxtXY[3], "NDC NB");
280  txt -> SetFillColor(fColTx);
281  txt -> SetFillStyle(fFilTx);
282  txt -> SetLineColor(fColTx);
283  txt -> SetLineStyle(fLinTx);
284  txt -> SetTextFont(fTxt);
285  txt -> SetTextAlign(fAln);
286  for (UInt_t iTxt = 0; iTxt < NTxt; iTxt++) {
287  txt -> AddText(sText[iTxt].Data());
288  }
289  cout << " Made text." << endl;
291  // make line
292  const UInt_t fColLi(923);
293  const UInt_t fLinLi(9);
294  const UInt_t fWidLi(1);
295  const Float_t fLinXY[NVtx] = {xPlotRange[0], 1., xPlotRange[1], 1.};
297  TLine *line = new TLine(fLinXY[0], fLinXY[1], fLinXY[2], fLinXY[3]);
298  line -> SetLineColor(fColLi);
299  line -> SetLineStyle(fLinLi);
300  line -> SetLineWidth(fWidLi);
301  cout << " Made line." << endl;
303  // make plot
304  const UInt_t width(750);
305  const UInt_t height(950);
306  const UInt_t heightNR(750);
307  const UInt_t fMode(0);
308  const UInt_t fBord(2);
309  const UInt_t fGrid(0);
310  const UInt_t fTick(1);
311  const UInt_t fLogX(1);
312  const UInt_t fLogY1(1);
313  const UInt_t fLogY2(1);
314  const UInt_t fFrame(0);
315  const Float_t fMarginL(0.15);
316  const Float_t fMarginR(0.02);
317  const Float_t fMarginT1(0.005);
318  const Float_t fMarginT2(0.02);
319  const Float_t fMarginB1(0.25);
320  const Float_t fMarginB2(0.005);
321  const Float_t fMarginBNR(0.15);
322  const Float_t fPadXY1[NVtx] = {0., 0., 1., 0.35};
323  const Float_t fPadXY2[NVtx] = {0., 0.35, 1., 1.};
325  TCanvas *cPlot = new TCanvas("cPlot", "", width, height);
326  TPad *pPad1 = new TPad("pPad1", "", fPadXY1[0], fPadXY1[1], fPadXY1[2], fPadXY1[3]);
327  TPad *pPad2 = new TPad("pPad2", "", fPadXY2[0], fPadXY2[1], fPadXY2[2], fPadXY2[3]);
328  cPlot -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
329  cPlot -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
330  cPlot -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
331  cPlot -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
332  pPad1 -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
333  pPad1 -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
334  pPad1 -> SetLogx(fLogX);
335  pPad1 -> SetLogy(fLogY1);
336  pPad1 -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
337  pPad1 -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
338  pPad1 -> SetFrameBorderMode(fFrame);
339  pPad1 -> SetLeftMargin(fMarginL);
340  pPad1 -> SetRightMargin(fMarginR);
341  pPad1 -> SetTopMargin(fMarginT1);
342  pPad1 -> SetBottomMargin(fMarginB1);
343  pPad2 -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
344  pPad2 -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
345  pPad2 -> SetLogx(fLogX);
346  pPad2 -> SetLogy(fLogY2);
347  pPad2 -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
348  pPad2 -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
349  pPad2 -> SetFrameBorderMode(fFrame);
350  pPad2 -> SetLeftMargin(fMarginL);
351  pPad2 -> SetRightMargin(fMarginR);
352  pPad2 -> SetTopMargin(fMarginT2);
353  pPad2 -> SetBottomMargin(fMarginB2);
354  cPlot -> cd();
355  pPad1 -> Draw();
356  pPad2 -> Draw();
357  pPad1 -> cd();
358  hRatio[0] -> Draw(sOptRatio[0].Data());
359  for (UInt_t iHist = 1; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
360  hRatio[iHist] -> Draw(sOptRatio[iHist].Data());
361  }
362  line -> Draw();
363  pPad2 -> cd();
364  hDenom[0] -> Draw(sOptDenom[0].Data());
365  hNumer[0] -> Draw(sOptNumer[0].Data());
366  for(UInt_t iHist = 1; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
367  hDenom[iHist] -> Draw(sOptDenom[iHist].Data());
368  hNumer[iHist] -> Draw(sOptNumer[iHist].Data());
369  }
370  leg -> Draw();
371  txt -> Draw();
372  fOutput -> cd();
373  cPlot -> Write();
374  cPlot -> Close();
376  TCanvas *cPlotNR = new TCanvas("cPlot_NoRatio", "", width, heightNR);
377  cPlotNR -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
378  cPlotNR -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
379  cPlotNR -> SetLogx(fLogX);
380  cPlotNR -> SetLogy(fLogY2);
381  cPlotNR -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
382  cPlotNR -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
383  cPlotNR -> SetFrameBorderMode(fFrame);
384  cPlotNR -> SetLeftMargin(fMarginL);
385  cPlotNR -> SetRightMargin(fMarginR);
386  cPlotNR -> SetTopMargin(fMarginT1);
387  cPlotNR -> SetBottomMargin(fMarginBNR);
388  hDenom[0] -> Draw(sOptDenom[0].Data());
389  hNumer[0] -> Draw(sOptNumer[0].Data());
390  for(UInt_t iHist = 1; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
391  hDenom[iHist] -> Draw(sOptDenom[iHist].Data());
392  hNumer[iHist] -> Draw(sOptNumer[iHist].Data());
393  }
394  leg -> Draw();
395  txt -> Draw();
396  fOutput -> cd();
397  cPlotNR -> Write();
398  cPlotNR -> Close();
399  cout << " Made plot." << endl;
401  // save histograms
402  fOutput -> cd();
403  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
404  hDenom[iHist] -> Write();
405  hNumer[iHist] -> Write();
406  hRatio[iHist] -> Write();
407  }
408  cout << " Saved histograms." << endl;
410  // close files
411  fOutput -> cd();
412  fOutput -> Close();
413  for (UInt_t iHist = 0; iHist < NHist; iHist++) {
414  fDenom[iHist] -> cd();
415  fDenom[iHist] -> Close();
416  fNumer[iHist] -> cd();
417  fNumer[iHist] -> Close();
418  }
419  cout << " Finished plot!\n" << endl;
421 }
423 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------