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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GaussianGridTrackDensity.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <algorithm>
13 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
16  MainGridVector& mainGrid) const {
17  if (mainGrid == MainGridVector::Zero()) {
18  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
19  }
21  int zbin = -1;
22  if (!m_cfg.useHighestSumZPosition) {
23  // Get bin with maximum content
24  mainGrid.maxCoeff(&zbin);
25  } else {
26  // Get z position with highest density sum
27  // of surrounding bins
28  zbin = getHighestSumZPosition(mainGrid);
29  }
31  // Derive corresponding z value
32  return (zbin - mainGridSize / 2.0f + 0.5f) * m_cfg.binSize;
33 }
35 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
37  mainGridSize, trkGridSize>::getMaxZPositionAndWidth(MainGridVector&
38  mainGrid) const {
39  // Get z maximum value
40  auto maxZRes = getMaxZPosition(mainGrid);
41  if (not maxZRes.ok()) {
42  return maxZRes.error();
43  }
44  float maxZ = *maxZRes;
46  // Get seed width estimate
47  auto widthRes = estimateSeedWidth(mainGrid, maxZ);
48  if (not widthRes.ok()) {
49  return widthRes.error();
50  }
51  float width = *widthRes;
52  std::pair<float, float> returnPair{maxZ, width};
53  return returnPair;
54 }
56 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
57 std::pair<int, typename Acts::GaussianGridTrackDensity<
58  mainGridSize, trkGridSize>::TrackGridVector>
60  const Acts::BoundTrackParameters& trk, MainGridVector& mainGrid) const {
62  float d0 = trk.parameters()[0];
63  float z0 = trk.parameters()[1];
65  // Calculate offset in d direction to central bin at z-axis
66  int dOffset = static_cast<int>(std::floor(d0 / m_cfg.binSize - 0.5) + 1);
67  // Check if current track does affect grid density
68  // in central bins at z-axis
69  if (std::abs(dOffset) > (trkGridSize - 1) / 2.) {
70  // Current track is too far away to contribute
71  // to track density at z-axis bins
72  return {-1, TrackGridVector::Zero()};
73  }
75  // Calculate bin in z
76  int zBin = int(z0 / m_cfg.binSize + mainGridSize / 2.);
78  if (zBin < 0 || zBin >= mainGridSize) {
79  return {-1, TrackGridVector::Zero()};
80  }
81  // Calculate the positions of the bin centers
82  float binCtrZ = (zBin + 0.5f) * m_cfg.binSize - m_cfg.zMinMax;
84  // Calculate the distance between IP values and their
85  // corresponding bin centers
86  float distCtrZ = z0 - binCtrZ;
88  // Create the track grid
89  TrackGridVector trackGrid = createTrackGrid(d0, distCtrZ, cov);
90  // Add the track grid to the main grid
91  addTrackGridToMainGrid(zBin, trackGrid, mainGrid);
93  return {zBin, trackGrid};
94 }
96 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
98  addTrackGridToMainGrid(int zBin, const TrackGridVector& trkGrid,
99  MainGridVector& mainGrid) const {
100  modifyMainGridWithTrackGrid(zBin, trkGrid, mainGrid, +1);
101 }
103 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
106  MainGridVector& mainGrid) const {
107  modifyMainGridWithTrackGrid(zBin, trkGrid, mainGrid, -1);
108 }
110 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
113  MainGridVector& mainGrid,
114  int modifyModeSign) const {
115  int width = (trkGridSize - 1) / 2;
116  // Overlap left
117  int leftOL = zBin - width;
118  // Overlap right
119  int rightOL = zBin + width - mainGridSize + 1;
120  if (leftOL < 0) {
121  int totalTrkSize = trkGridSize + leftOL;
122  mainGrid.segment(0, totalTrkSize) +=
123  modifyModeSign * trkGrid.segment(-leftOL, totalTrkSize);
124  return;
125  }
126  if (rightOL > 0) {
127  int totalTrkSize = trkGridSize - rightOL;
128  mainGrid.segment(mainGridSize - totalTrkSize, totalTrkSize) +=
129  modifyModeSign * trkGrid.segment(0, totalTrkSize);
130  return;
131  }
133  mainGrid.segment(zBin - width, trkGridSize) += modifyModeSign * trkGrid;
134 }
136 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
137 typename Acts::GaussianGridTrackDensity<mainGridSize,
138  trkGridSize>::TrackGridVector
140  float d0, float distCtrZ, const Acts::SquareMatrix2& cov) const {
141  TrackGridVector trackGrid(TrackGridVector::Zero());
142  float floorHalfTrkGridSize = static_cast<float>(trkGridSize) / 2 - 0.5f;
144  // Loop over columns
145  for (int j = 0; j < trkGridSize; j++) {
146  float z = (j - floorHalfTrkGridSize) * m_cfg.binSize;
147  trackGrid(j) = normal2D(-d0, z - distCtrZ, cov);
148  }
149  return trackGrid;
150 }
152 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
155  MainGridVector& mainGrid, float maxZ) const {
156  if (mainGrid == MainGridVector::Zero()) {
157  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
158  }
159  // Get z bin of max density z value
160  int zBin = int(maxZ / m_cfg.binSize + mainGridSize / 2.);
162  const float maxValue = mainGrid(zBin);
163  float gridValue = mainGrid(zBin);
165  // Find right half-maximum bin
166  int rhmBin = zBin;
167  while (gridValue > maxValue / 2) {
168  rhmBin += 1;
169  gridValue = mainGrid(rhmBin);
170  }
172  // Use linear approximation to find better z value for FWHM between bins
173  float deltaZ1 = m_cfg.binSize * (maxValue / 2 - mainGrid(rhmBin - 1)) /
174  (mainGrid(rhmBin) - mainGrid(rhmBin - 1));
176  // Find left half-maximum bin
177  int lhmBin = zBin;
178  gridValue = mainGrid(zBin);
179  while (gridValue > maxValue / 2) {
180  lhmBin -= 1;
181  gridValue = mainGrid(lhmBin);
182  }
184  // Use linear approximation to find better z value for FWHM between bins
185  float deltaZ2 = m_cfg.binSize * (mainGrid(lhmBin + 1) - maxValue / 2) /
186  (mainGrid(lhmBin + 1) - mainGrid(lhmBin));
188  // Approximate FWHM
189  float fwhm =
190  rhmBin * m_cfg.binSize - deltaZ1 - lhmBin * m_cfg.binSize - deltaZ2;
192  // FWHM = 2.355 * sigma
193  float width = fwhm / 2.355f;
195  return std::isnormal(width) ? width : 0.0f;
196 }
198 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
200  float d, float z, const Acts::SquareMatrix2& cov) const {
201  float det = cov.determinant();
202  float coef = 1 / std::sqrt(det);
203  float expo =
204  -1 / (2 * det) *
205  (cov(1, 1) * d * d - (cov(0, 1) + cov(1, 0)) * d * z + cov(0, 0) * z * z);
206  return coef * safeExp(expo);
207 }
209 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
212  // Checks the first (up to) 3 density maxima, if they are close, checks which
213  // one has the highest surrounding density sum (the two neighboring bins)
215  // The global maximum
216  int zbin = -1;
217  mainGrid.maxCoeff(&zbin);
218  int zFirstMax = zbin;
219  double firstDensity = mainGrid(zFirstMax);
220  double firstSum = getDensitySum(mainGrid, zFirstMax);
222  // Get the second highest maximum
223  mainGrid[zFirstMax] = 0;
224  mainGrid.maxCoeff(&zbin);
225  int zSecondMax = zbin;
226  double secondDensity = mainGrid(zSecondMax);
227  double secondSum = 0;
228  if (firstDensity - secondDensity <
229  firstDensity * m_cfg.maxRelativeDensityDev) {
230  secondSum = getDensitySum(mainGrid, zSecondMax);
231  }
233  // Get the third highest maximum
234  mainGrid[zSecondMax] = 0;
235  mainGrid.maxCoeff(&zbin);
236  int zThirdMax = zbin;
237  double thirdDensity = mainGrid(zThirdMax);
238  double thirdSum = 0;
239  if (firstDensity - thirdDensity <
240  firstDensity * m_cfg.maxRelativeDensityDev) {
241  thirdSum = getDensitySum(mainGrid, zThirdMax);
242  }
244  // Revert back to original values
245  mainGrid[zFirstMax] = firstDensity;
246  mainGrid[zSecondMax] = secondDensity;
248  // Return the z-bin position of the highest density sum
249  if (secondSum > firstSum && secondSum > thirdSum) {
250  return zSecondMax;
251  }
252  if (thirdSum > secondSum && thirdSum > firstSum) {
253  return zThirdMax;
254  }
255  return zFirstMax;
256 }
258 template <int mainGridSize, int trkGridSize>
260  const MainGridVector& mainGrid, int pos) const {
261  double sum = mainGrid(pos);
262  // Sum up only the density contributions from the
263  // neighboring bins if they are still within bounds
264  if (pos - 1 >= 0) {
265  sum += mainGrid(pos - 1);
266  }
267  if (pos + 1 <= mainGrid.size() - 1) {
268  sum += mainGrid(pos + 1);
269  }
270  return sum;
271 }