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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EpFinder.C
1 #include "EpFinder.h"
2 #include "TVector3.h"
3 #include "TH2D.h"
4 #include "TFile.h"
5 #include "TProfile.h"
6 #include "TProfile2D.h"
7 #include "TClonesArray.h"
8 #include "TMath.h"
9 #include <cassert>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <vector>
13 using namespace std;
16 EpFinder::EpFinder(int nEventTypeBins, char const* OutFileName, char const* CorrectionFile, int pbinsx, int pbinsy) : mThresh(0.3), mMax(2.0)
17 {
19  cout << "\n**********\n* Welcome to the Event Plane finder.\n"
20  << "* Please note that when you specify 'order' as an argument to a method,\n"
21  << "* then 1=first-order plane, 2=second-order plane, etc.\n"
22  << "* This code is currently configured to go up to order=" << _EpOrderMax << "\n";
23  cout << "**********\n";
25  mNumberOfEventTypeBins = nEventTypeBins;
27  // ----------------------------------- Stuff read from the "Correction File" -----------------------------------------
28  // "Shift correction" histograms that we INPUT and apply here
29  mCorrectionInputFile = new TFile(CorrectionFile,"READ");
30  if (mCorrectionInputFile->IsZombie()) {
31  std::cout << "EPFinder: Error opening file with Correction Histograms" << std::endl;
32  std::cout << "EPFinder: I will use no weighting at all." << std::endl;
33  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
34  mEpShiftInput_sin[order-1] = NULL;
35  mEpShiftInput_cos[order-1] = NULL;
36  }
37  mPhiWeightInput = NULL;
38  }
39  else{
40  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
41  mEpShiftInput_sin[order-1] = (TProfile2D*)mCorrectionInputFile->Get(Form("EpShiftPsi%d_sin",order));
42  mEpShiftInput_cos[order-1] = (TProfile2D*)mCorrectionInputFile->Get(Form("EpShiftPsi%d_cos",order));
43  }
44  mPhiWeightInput = (TH2D*)mCorrectionInputFile->Get(Form("PhiWeight"));
45  }
46  // ----------------------------------- Stuff written to the "Correction File" -----------------------------------------
47  // "Shift correction" histograms that we produce and OUTPUT
48  mCorrectionOutputFile = new TFile(OutFileName,"RECREATE");
49  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
50  mEpShiftOutput_sin[order-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("EpShiftPsi%d_sin",order),Form("EpShiftPsi%d_sin",order),
51  _EpTermsMax,0.5,1.0*_EpTermsMax+.5,nEventTypeBins,-0.5,(double)nEventTypeBins-0.5,-1.0,1.0);
52  mEpShiftOutput_cos[order-1] = new TProfile2D(Form("EpShiftPsi%d_cos",order),Form("EpShiftPsi%d_cos",order),
53  _EpTermsMax,0.5,1.0*_EpTermsMax+.5,nEventTypeBins,-0.5,(double)nEventTypeBins-0.5,-1.0,1.0);
54  }
55  // Phi weighting histograms based on requested binning
56  if(pbinsx<=0) pbinsx = 1;
57  if(pbinsy<=0) pbinsy = 1;
59  // binning tuned for FEMC, to be made generic in future JGL 8/28/2019
60  // bins are ix,iy
61  mPhiWeightOutput = new TH2D(Form("PhiWeight"),Form("Phi Weight"),pbinsx,-0.5,(pbinsx-0.5),pbinsy,-0.5,(pbinsy-0.5));
62  // just for normalization. discard after use
63  mPhiAveraged = new TH2D(Form("PhiAveraged"),Form("Phi Average"),pbinsx,-0.5,(pbinsx-0.5),pbinsy,-0.5,(pbinsy-0.5));
65 }
69  mCorrectionInputFile->Close();
72  delete mPhiAveraged;
74  mCorrectionOutputFile->Write();
75  mCorrectionOutputFile->Close();
77  cout << "EpFinder is finished!\n\n";
78 }
80 //==================================================================================================================
81 EpInfo EpFinder::Results(std::vector<EpHit> *EpdHits, int EventTypeId){
83  if ((EventTypeId<0)||(EventTypeId>=mNumberOfEventTypeBins)){
84  cout << "You are asking for an undefined EventType - fail!\n";
85  assert(0);
86  }
88  EpInfo result;
90  double pi = TMath::Pi();
92  // This below is for normalizing Q-vectors
93  double TotalWeight4Side[_EpOrderMax][2]; // for normalizing Q-vector: order, (nonPhiWeighted or PhiWeighted) ** depends on Order because eta-weight depends on order
94  for (int phiWeightedOrNo=0; phiWeightedOrNo<2; phiWeightedOrNo++){
95  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
96  TotalWeight4Side[order-1][phiWeightedOrNo] = 0;
97  }
98  }
100  //--------------------------------- begin loop over hits ---------------------------------------
101  for (unsigned int hit=0; hit<EpdHits->size(); hit++){
103  float nMip = EpdHits->at(hit).nMip;
104  if (nMip<mThresh) continue;
105  double TileWeight = (nMip<mMax)?nMip:mMax;
106  int idx_x = EpdHits->at(hit).ix;
107  int idx_y = EpdHits->at(hit).iy;
108  double phi = EpdHits->at(hit).phi;
110  //---------------------------------
111  // fill Phi Weight histograms to be used in next iteration (if desired)
112  // Obviously, do this BEFORE phi weighting!
113  //---------------------------------
115  if(EpdHits->at(hit).samePhi){
116  mPhiWeightOutput->Fill(idx_x,idx_y,TileWeight);
117  for(unsigned int i = 0; i<EpdHits->at(hit).samePhi->size(); i++){
118  float x = EpdHits->at(hit).samePhi->at(i).first;
119  float y = EpdHits->at(hit).samePhi->at(i).second;
120  mPhiAveraged->Fill(x,y,TileWeight/EpdHits->at(hit).samePhi->size());
121  }
122  }
124  //--------------------------------
125  // now calculate Q-vectors
126  //--------------------------------
128  double PhiWeightedTileWeight = TileWeight;
129  if (mPhiWeightInput) PhiWeightedTileWeight /= mPhiWeightInput->GetBinContent(idx_x+1,idx_y+1);
131  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
132  double etaWeight = 1.0; // not implemented - JGL 8/27/2019
133  TotalWeight4Side[order-1][0] += fabs(etaWeight) * TileWeight; // yes the fabs() makes sense. The sign in the eta weight is equivalent to a trigonometric phase.
134  TotalWeight4Side[order-1][1] += fabs(etaWeight) * PhiWeightedTileWeight; // yes the fabs() makes sense. The sign in the eta weight is equivalent to a trigonometric phase.
136  double Cosine = cos(phi*(double)order);
137  double Sine = sin(phi*(double)order);
139  result.QrawOneSide[order-1][0] += etaWeight * TileWeight * Cosine;
140  result.QrawOneSide[order-1][1] += etaWeight * TileWeight * Sine;
142  result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][0] += etaWeight * PhiWeightedTileWeight * Cosine;
143  result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][1] += etaWeight * PhiWeightedTileWeight * Sine;
145  }
146  } // loop over hits
148  //--------------------------------- end loop over hits ---------------------------------------
150  // Weights used, so you can "un-normalize" the ring-by-ring Q-vectors.
151  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
152  result.WheelSumWeightsRaw[order-1] = TotalWeight4Side[order-1][0];
153  result.WheelSumWeightsPhiWeighted[order-1] = TotalWeight4Side[order-1][1];
154  }
156  // at this point, we are finished with the detector hits, and deal only with the Q-vectors,
158  // first, normalize the Q's...
159  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
160  if (TotalWeight4Side[order-1][0]>0.0001){
161  result.QrawOneSide[order-1][0] /= TotalWeight4Side[order-1][0];
162  result.QrawOneSide[order-1][1] /= TotalWeight4Side[order-1][0];
163  }
164  if (TotalWeight4Side[order-1][1]>0.0001){
165  result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][0] /= TotalWeight4Side[order-1][1];
166  result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][1] /= TotalWeight4Side[order-1][1];
167  }
168  }
170  // at this point, we are finished with the Q-vectors and just use them to get angles Psi
172  //---------------------------------
173  // Calculate unshifted EP angles
174  //---------------------------------
175  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
176  result.PsiRaw[order-1] = GetPsiInRange(result.QrawOneSide[order-1][0],result.QrawOneSide[order-1][1],order);
177  result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1] = GetPsiInRange(result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][0],result.QphiWeightedOneSide[order-1][1],order);
178  } // loop over order
180  //---------------------------------
181  // Now shift
182  //---------------------------------
183  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
184  result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1] = result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1];
185  if (mEpShiftInput_sin[order-1]) {
186  for (int i=1; i<=_EpTermsMax; i++){
187  double tmp = (double)(order*i);
188  double sinAve = mEpShiftInput_sin[order-1]->GetBinContent(i,EventTypeId+1);
189  double cosAve = mEpShiftInput_cos[order-1]->GetBinContent(i,EventTypeId+1);
190  result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1] +=
191  2.0*(cosAve*sin(tmp*result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1]) - sinAve*cos(tmp*result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1]))/tmp;
192  }
193  double AngleWrapAround = 2.0*pi/(double)order;
194  if (result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1]<0) result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1] += AngleWrapAround;
195  else if (result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1]>AngleWrapAround) result.PsiPhiWeightedAndShifted[order-1] -= AngleWrapAround;
196  }
197  }
199  //---------------------------------
200  // Now calculate shift histograms for a FUTURE run (if you want it)
201  //---------------------------------
202  for (int i=1; i<=_EpTermsMax; i++){
203  for (int order=1; order<_EpOrderMax+1; order++){
204  double tmp = (double)(order*i);
205  mEpShiftOutput_sin[order-1]->Fill(i,EventTypeId,sin(tmp*result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1]));
206  mEpShiftOutput_cos[order-1]->Fill(i,EventTypeId,cos(tmp*result.PsiPhiWeighted[order-1]));
207  }
208  }
210  return result;
211 }
213 double EpFinder::GetPsiInRange(double Qx, double Qy, int order){
214  double temp;
215  if ((Qx==0.0)||(Qy==0.0)) temp=-999;
216  else{
217  temp = atan2(Qy,Qx)/((double)order);
218  double AngleWrapAround = 2.0*TMath::Pi()/(double)order;
219  if (temp<0.0) temp+= AngleWrapAround;
220  else if (temp>AngleWrapAround) temp -= AngleWrapAround;
221  }
222  return temp;
223 }
226  if (order < 1) {
227  cout << "\n*** Invalid order specified ***\n";
228  cout << "order must be 1 (for first-order plane) or higher\n";
229  return true;
230  }
231  if (order > _EpOrderMax) {
232  cout << "\n*** Invalid order specified ***\n";
233  cout << "Maximum order=" << _EpOrderMax << ". To change, edit StEpdUtil/StEpdEpInfo.h\n";
234  return true;
235  }
236  return false;
237 }
240  TString rep = Form("This is the EpFinder Report:\n");
241  rep += Form("Number of EventType bins = %d\n",mNumberOfEventTypeBins);
242  rep += Form("Threshold (in MipMPV units) = %f and MAX weight = %f\n",mThresh,mMax);
243  return rep;
244 }