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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackingGeometryClosureTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
16 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <memory>
25 #include <unordered_map>
26 #include <vector>
30 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
32 namespace Acts {
33 namespace Test {
35 // Create a test context
48  // sensitive surface definitions
49  double surfaceHalfLengthZ = 50_mm;
50  double surfaceRstagger = 5_mm;
51  double surfaceZoverlap = 10_mm;
52  double layerEnvelope = 0.5_mm;
53  double volumeEnvelope = 10_mm;
55  // inner inner volume definitions
56  double iiv_surfaceR = 25_mm;
57  double iiv_volumeR =
58  iiv_surfaceR + 0.5 * surfaceRstagger + layerEnvelope + volumeEnvelope;
61  double iov_surfaceR = 100_mm;
62  double iov_volumeR =
63  iov_surfaceR + 0.5 * surfaceRstagger + layerEnvelope + volumeEnvelope;
66  auto iiVolume = constructCylinderVolume(
67  tgContext, surfaceHalfLengthZ, iiv_surfaceR, surfaceRstagger,
68  surfaceZoverlap, layerEnvelope, volumeEnvelope, 0., iiv_volumeR,
69  "InnerInnerVolume");
71  auto ioVolume = constructCylinderVolume(
72  tgContext, surfaceHalfLengthZ, iov_surfaceR, surfaceRstagger,
73  surfaceZoverlap, layerEnvelope, volumeEnvelope, iiv_volumeR, iov_volumeR,
74  "InnerOuterVolume");
76  // now create the Inner Container volume
77  double volumeHalfZ =
78  (4 * surfaceHalfLengthZ - surfaceZoverlap) + volumeEnvelope;
81  tgContext, iiVolume, ioVolume, iov_volumeR, volumeHalfZ, "InnerVolume");
83  // outer volume definitions
84  double ov_surfaceR = 150_mm;
85  double ov_volumeR =
86  ov_surfaceR + 0.5 * surfaceRstagger + layerEnvelope + volumeEnvelope;
90  tgContext, surfaceHalfLengthZ, ov_surfaceR, surfaceRstagger,
91  surfaceZoverlap, layerEnvelope, volumeEnvelope, iov_volumeR, ov_volumeR,
92  "OuterVolume");
94  auto volume = constructContainerVolume(
95  tgContext, iVolume, oVolume, ov_volumeR, volumeHalfZ, "WorldVolume");
97  // creating a TrackingGeometry
98  // -> close the geometry, this should set the GeometryIdentifier
99  TrackingGeometry tGeometry(volume, nullptr, hook);
100  return tGeometry;
101 }
103 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryIdentifier_closeGeometry_test) {
104  GeometryIdentifierHook hook{};
106  auto world = tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume();
108  // the lambda for checking
109  auto check_vol = [](const TrackingVolume& vol,
111  // check the geometry id of the volume
112  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, vol.geometryId().volume());
113  // check the geometry id of all boundary surfaces of the volume
114  // - this is strictly only possible when glueing is OFF
115  GeometryIdentifier::Value bsurface_id = 0;
116  for (const auto& bSf : vol.boundarySurfaces()) {
117  // check the bsurface volume id
118  auto bs_vol_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().volume();
119  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, bs_vol_id);
120  // check the bsurface boundary id
121  auto bs_bsf_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().boundary();
122  auto bs_ext_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().extra();
123  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++bsurface_id, bs_bsf_id);
124  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bs_ext_id, 0);
125  }
126  // testing the layer and its approach surfaces
127  if (vol.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
128  // layers start are counted from 1 - n
129  GeometryIdentifier::Value layer_id = 0;
130  for (const auto& lay : vol.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects()) {
131  // check the layer volume id and layer id
132  auto lay_vol_id = lay->geometryId().volume();
133  auto lay_lay_id = lay->geometryId().layer();
134  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++layer_id, lay_lay_id);
135  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, lay_vol_id);
136  // test the layer approach surfaces
137  if (lay->approachDescriptor() != nullptr) {
138  // approach surfaces are counted from 1 - n
139  GeometryIdentifier::Value asurface_id = 0;
140  for (const auto& asf :
141  lay->approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
142  // check the approach volume id, approach layer id
143  auto asf_vol_id = asf->geometryId().volume();
144  auto asf_lay_id = asf->geometryId().layer();
145  auto asf_asf_id = asf->geometryId().approach();
146  auto ssf_ext_id = asf->geometryId().extra();
147  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer_id, asf_lay_id);
148  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, asf_vol_id);
149  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++asurface_id, asf_asf_id);
150  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, ssf_ext_id);
151  }
152  }
153  // test the sensitive surfaces
154  if (lay->surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
155  // sensitive surfaces are counted from 1 - n
156  GeometryIdentifier::Value ssurface_id = 0;
157  for (const auto& ssf : lay->surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
158  // check the approach volume id, approach layer id
159  auto ssf_vol_id = ssf->geometryId().volume();
160  auto ssf_lay_id = ssf->geometryId().layer();
161  auto ssf_ssf_id = ssf->geometryId().sensitive();
162  auto ssf_ext_id = ssf->geometryId().extra();
163  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer_id, ssf_lay_id);
164  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, ssf_vol_id);
165  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++ssurface_id, ssf_ssf_id);
166  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, ssf_ext_id);
167  }
168  }
169  }
170  }
171  };
173  // get the two volumes the world is built of
174  auto ioVolumes = world->confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
175  // check the size - has to be two volumes
176  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2ul, ioVolumes.size());
177  // get the innermost volumes
178  auto iioVolumes = ioVolumes[0]->confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
179  // check the size - has to be two volumes
180  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2ul, iioVolumes.size());
182  // check the world
183  check_vol(*world, 1);
184  // - check InnerVolume
185  check_vol(*ioVolumes[0], 2);
186  // -- check the InnerInnerVolume
187  check_vol(*iioVolumes[0], 3);
188  // -- check the InenerOuterVolume
189  check_vol(*iioVolumes[1], 4);
190  // - check the OuterVolume
191  check_vol(*ioVolumes[1], 5);
192 }
194 template <typename Callable>
196  Callable callable;
198  CallableHook(const Callable& c) : callable(c) {}
200  Acts::GeometryIdentifier decorateIdentifier(
202  const Acts::Surface& surface) const override {
203  return callable(identifier, surface);
204  }
205 };
207 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(GeometryIdentifier_closeGeometry_test_extra) {
208  size_t extra = 0;
209  std::unordered_map<const Surface*, size_t> extraMap;
210  auto hookImpl = [&](GeometryIdentifier orig, const Surface& srf) {
211  ++extra;
212  extraMap[&srf] = extra;
213  orig.setExtra(extra);
214  return orig;
215  };
216  CallableHook<decltype(hookImpl)> hook{hookImpl};
219  auto world = tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume();
221  // the lambda for checking
222  auto check_vol = [&extraMap](const TrackingVolume& vol,
224  // check the geometry id of the volume
225  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, vol.geometryId().volume());
226  // check the geometry id of all boundary surfaces of the volume
227  // - this is strictly only possible when glueing is OFF
228  GeometryIdentifier::Value bsurface_id = 0;
229  for (const auto& bSf : vol.boundarySurfaces()) {
230  // check the bsurface volume id
231  auto bs_vol_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().volume();
232  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, bs_vol_id);
233  // check the bsurface boundary id
234  auto bs_bsf_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().boundary();
235  auto bs_ext_id = bSf->surfaceRepresentation().geometryId().extra();
236  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++bsurface_id, bs_bsf_id);
237  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bs_ext_id, 0);
238  }
239  // testing the layer and its approach surfaces
240  if (vol.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
241  // layers start are counted from 1 - n
242  GeometryIdentifier::Value layer_id = 0;
243  for (const auto& lay : vol.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects()) {
244  // check the layer volume id and layer id
245  auto lay_vol_id = lay->geometryId().volume();
246  auto lay_lay_id = lay->geometryId().layer();
247  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++layer_id, lay_lay_id);
248  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, lay_vol_id);
249  // test the layer approach surfaces
250  if (lay->approachDescriptor() != nullptr) {
251  // approach surfaces are counted from 1 - n
252  GeometryIdentifier::Value asurface_id = 0;
253  for (const auto& asf :
254  lay->approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
255  // check the approach volume id, approach layer id
256  auto asf_vol_id = asf->geometryId().volume();
257  auto asf_lay_id = asf->geometryId().layer();
258  auto asf_asf_id = asf->geometryId().approach();
259  auto ssf_ext_id = asf->geometryId().extra();
260  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer_id, asf_lay_id);
261  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, asf_vol_id);
262  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++asurface_id, asf_asf_id);
263  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, ssf_ext_id);
264  }
265  }
266  // test the sensitive surfaces
267  if (lay->surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
268  // sensitive surfaces are counted from 1 - n
269  GeometryIdentifier::Value ssurface_id = 0;
270  for (const auto& ssf : lay->surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
271  // check the approach volume id, approach layer id
272  auto ssf_vol_id = ssf->geometryId().volume();
273  auto ssf_lay_id = ssf->geometryId().layer();
274  auto ssf_ssf_id = ssf->geometryId().sensitive();
275  auto ssf_ext_id = ssf->geometryId().extra();
276  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer_id, ssf_lay_id);
277  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(geoid, ssf_vol_id);
278  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(++ssurface_id, ssf_ssf_id);
279  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(extraMap[ssf], ssf_ext_id);
280  }
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  };
286  // get the two volumes the world is built of
287  auto ioVolumes = world->confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
288  // check the size - has to be two volumes
289  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2ul, ioVolumes.size());
290  // get the innermost volumes
291  auto iioVolumes = ioVolumes[0]->confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
292  // check the size - has to be two volumes
293  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2ul, iioVolumes.size());
295  // check the world
296  check_vol(*world, 1);
297  // - check InnerVolume
298  check_vol(*ioVolumes[0], 2);
299  // -- check the InnerInnerVolume
300  check_vol(*iioVolumes[0], 3);
301  // -- check the InenerOuterVolume
302  check_vol(*iioVolumes[1], 4);
303  // - check the OuterVolume
304  check_vol(*ioVolumes[1], 5);
305 }
307 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(TrackingGeometry_testVisitSurfaces) {
308  GeometryIdentifierHook hook{};
311  // this will also cover TrackingVolume::visitSurfaces
312  // it's a pretty bare-bones test, and only asserts that the
313  // method is called on the expected number of surfaces
314  size_t nSurfaces = 0;
315  tGeometry.visitSurfaces([&nSurfaces](const auto*) { nSurfaces++; });
317  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSurfaces, 9u);
318 }
320 } // end of namespace Test
321 } // end of namespace Acts