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1 #include "PHG4ZDCDetector.h"
3 #include "PHG4ZDCDefs.h"
4 #include "PHG4ZDCDisplayAction.h"
6 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
10 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
11 #include <g4main/PHG4DisplayAction.h> // for PHG4DisplayAction
12 #include <g4main/PHG4Subsystem.h>
14 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
16 #include <TSystem.h>
18 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
19 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
20 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
21 #include <Geant4/G4PhysicalConstants.hh>
22 #include <Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh> // for G4RotationMatrix
23 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
24 #include <Geant4/G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
25 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
26 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
27 #include <Geant4/G4Transform3D.hh> // for G4Transform3D
28 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double, G4int
30 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
32 #include <cassert>
33 #include <cmath>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <sstream>
37 class G4Material;
38 class G4VSolid;
39 class PHCompositeNode;
41 //_______________________________________________________________________
43  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
44  , m_DisplayAction(dynamic_cast<PHG4ZDCDisplayAction*>(subsys->GetDisplayAction()))
45  , m_Params(parameters)
46  , m_GdmlConfig(PHG4GDMLUtility::GetOrMakeConfigNode(Node))
47  , m_Angle(M_PI_4 * radian)
48  , m_TPlate(2.3 * mm)
49  , m_HPlate(400.0 * mm)
50  , m_WPlate(100.0 * mm)
51  , m_TAbsorber(5.0 * mm)
52  , m_HAbsorber(150.0 * mm)
53  , m_WAbsorber(100.0 * mm)
54  , m_DFiber(0.5 * mm)
55  , m_HFiber(400.0 * mm)
56  , m_WFiber(100.0 * mm)
57  , m_GFiber(0.0001 * mm)
58  , m_Gap(0.2 * mm)
59  , m_TSMD(10.0 * mm)
60  , m_HSMD(160.0 * mm)
61  , m_WSMD(105.0 * mm)
62  , m_RHole(63.9 * mm)
63  , m_TWin(4.7 * mm)
64  , m_RWin(228.60 * mm)
65  , m_PlaceHole(122.56 * mm)
66  , m_Pxwin(0.0 * mm)
67  , m_Pywin(0.0 * mm)
68  , m_Pzwin(915.5 * mm)
69  , m_NMod(3)
70  , m_NLay(27)
71  , m_ActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
72  , m_AbsorberActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("absorberactive"))
73  , m_SupportActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("supportactive"))
74  , m_Layer(detid)
75  , m_SuperDetector("NONE")
76 {
78 }
80 //_______________________________________________________________________
82 {
83  G4LogicalVolume* mylogvol = volume->GetLogicalVolume();
85  if (m_ActiveFlag)
86  {
87  if (m_ScintiLogicalVolSet.find(mylogvol) != m_ScintiLogicalVolSet.end())
88  {
89  return 1;
90  }
91  if (m_FiberLogicalVolSet.find(mylogvol) != m_FiberLogicalVolSet.end())
92  {
93  return 2;
94  }
95  }
97  {
98  if (m_AbsorberLogicalVolSet.find(mylogvol) != m_AbsorberLogicalVolSet.end())
99  {
100  return -1;
101  }
102  }
104  {
105  if (m_SupportLogicalVolSet.find(mylogvol) != m_SupportLogicalVolSet.end())
106  {
107  return -2;
108  }
109  }
110  return 0;
111 }
113 //_______________________________________________________________________
114 void PHG4ZDCDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
115 {
116  if (Verbosity() > 0)
117  {
118  std::cout << "PHG4ZDCDetector: Begin Construction" << std::endl;
119  }
121  if (m_Layer != PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH &&
122  m_Layer != PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH)
123  {
124  std::cout << "use either PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH or PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH for ZDC Subsystem" << std::endl;
125  gSystem->Exit(1);
126  return;
127  }
130  G4Material* WorldMaterial = GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial"));
131  G4Material* Fe = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe");
132  G4Material* W = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_W");
133  G4Material* PMMA = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_PLEXIGLASS");
134  G4Material* Scint = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"); //place holder
136  G4double TGap = m_DFiber + m_Gap;
137  G4double Mod_Length = 2 * m_TPlate + m_NLay * (TGap + m_TAbsorber);
138  G4double Det_Length = m_NMod * Mod_Length + m_TSMD;
139  G4double RTT = 1. / sin(m_Angle);
140  G4double First_Pos = -RTT * Det_Length / 2;
141  G4double Room = 3.5 * mm;
142  G4double Mother_2Z = RTT * Det_Length + 2. * (m_HFiber - m_HAbsorber / 2.) * cos(m_Angle);
143  /* Create exit windows */
144  G4VSolid* ExitWindow_nocut_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String("ExitWindow_nocut_solid"),
145  0.0, m_RWin, m_TWin, 0.0, CLHEP::twopi);
147  G4VSolid* Hole_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String("Hole_solid"),
148  0.0, m_RHole, 2 * m_TWin, 0.0, CLHEP::twopi);
149  G4VSolid* ExitWindow_1cut_solid = new G4SubtractionSolid("ExitWindow_1cut_solid", ExitWindow_nocut_solid, Hole_solid, nullptr, G4ThreeVector(m_PlaceHole, 0, 0));
151  G4VSolid* ExitWindow_2cut_solid = new G4SubtractionSolid("ExitWindow_2cut_solid", ExitWindow_1cut_solid, Hole_solid, nullptr, G4ThreeVector(-m_PlaceHole, 0, 0));
153  G4LogicalVolume* ExitWindow_log = new G4LogicalVolume(ExitWindow_2cut_solid, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_STAINLESS-STEEL"), G4String("ExitWindow_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
155  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(ExitWindow_log, "Window");
156  m_SupportLogicalVolSet.insert(ExitWindow_log);
157  G4RotationMatrix Window_rotm;
158  Window_rotm.rotateX(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_x") * deg);
159  Window_rotm.rotateY(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_y") * deg);
160  Window_rotm.rotateZ(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_z") * deg);
162  if (m_Layer == PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH)
163  {
164  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(Window_rotm, G4ThreeVector(m_Pxwin, m_Pywin, m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm - m_Pzwin)),
165  ExitWindow_log, "Window_North", logicWorld, false, PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH, OverlapCheck());
166  }
168  else if (m_Layer == PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH)
169  {
170  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(Window_rotm, G4ThreeVector(m_Pxwin, m_Pywin, -m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm + m_Pzwin)),
171  ExitWindow_log, "Window_South", logicWorld, false, PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH, OverlapCheck());
172  }
173  /* ZDC detector here */
174  /* Create the box envelope = 'world volume' for ZDC */
176  G4double Mother_X = m_WAbsorber / 2. + Room;
177  G4double Mother_Y = (m_HFiber - m_HAbsorber / 2.) * sin(m_Angle) + Room;
178  G4double Mother_Z = Mother_2Z / 2. + Room;
179  G4VSolid* ZDC_envelope_solid = new G4Box(G4String("ZDC_envelope_solid"),
180  Mother_X,
181  Mother_Y,
182  Mother_Z);
184  G4LogicalVolume* ZDC_envelope_log = new G4LogicalVolume(ZDC_envelope_solid, WorldMaterial, G4String("ZDC_envelope_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
186  /* Define visualization attributes */
187  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(ZDC_envelope_log, "Envelope");
189  /* Define rotation attributes for envelope cone */
190  G4RotationMatrix ZDC_rotm;
191  ZDC_rotm.rotateX(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_x") * deg);
192  ZDC_rotm.rotateY(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_y") * deg);
193  ZDC_rotm.rotateZ(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_z") * deg);
195  /* Create logical volumes for a plate to contain fibers */
196  G4VSolid* fiber_plate_solid = new G4Box(G4String("fiber_plate_solid"),
197  m_WFiber / 2.,
198  m_HFiber / 2.,
199  TGap / 2.);
201  G4LogicalVolume* fiber_plate_log = new G4LogicalVolume(fiber_plate_solid, WorldMaterial, G4String("fiber_plate_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
202  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(fiber_plate_log, "fiber_plate_air");
203  /* front and back plate */
204  G4VSolid* fb_plate_solid = new G4Box(G4String("fb_plate_solid"),
205  m_WPlate / 2.,
206  m_HPlate / 2.,
207  m_TPlate / 2.);
209  G4LogicalVolume* fb_plate_log = new G4LogicalVolume(fb_plate_solid, Fe, G4String("fb_plate_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
210  m_SupportLogicalVolSet.insert(fb_plate_log);
211  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(fb_plate_log, "FrontBackPlate");
213  /* absorber */
214  G4VSolid* absorber_solid = new G4Box(G4String("absorber_solid"),
215  m_WAbsorber / 2.,
216  m_HAbsorber / 2.,
217  m_TAbsorber / 2.);
219  G4LogicalVolume* absorber_log = new G4LogicalVolume(absorber_solid, W, G4String("absorber_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
220  m_AbsorberLogicalVolSet.insert(absorber_log);
221  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(absorber_log, "Absorber");
223  /* SMD */
224  //volume that contains scintillators
225  G4VSolid* SMD_solid = new G4Box(G4String("SMD_solid"),
226  m_WSMD / 2.,
227  m_HSMD / 2.,
228  m_TSMD / 2.);
230  G4LogicalVolume* SMD_log = new G4LogicalVolume(SMD_solid, WorldMaterial, G4String("SMD_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
231  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(SMD_log, "SMD");
232  // small scintillators block
233  G4double scintx = 15 * mm;
234  G4double scinty = 20 * mm;
235  G4VSolid* Scint_solid = new G4Box(G4String("Scint_solid"),
236  scintx / 2.,
237  scinty / 2.,
238  m_TSMD / 2.);
240  G4LogicalVolume* Scint_log = new G4LogicalVolume(Scint_solid, Scint, G4String("Scint_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
241  m_ScintiLogicalVolSet.insert(Scint_log);
242  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(Scint_log, "Scint_solid");
244  //put scintillators in the SMD volume
245  double scint_XPos = -m_WSMD / 2.;
246  double scint_Xstep = scintx / 2.;
247  double scint_Ystep = scinty / 2.;
248  int Nx = m_WSMD / scintx;
249  int Ny = m_HSMD / scinty;
251  for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++)
252  {
253  scint_XPos += scint_Xstep;
254  double scint_YPos = -m_HSMD / 2.;
255  for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++)
256  {
257  int copyno = Nx * j + i;
258  scint_YPos += scint_Ystep;
259  G4RotationMatrix SMDRotation;
260  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(SMDRotation, G4ThreeVector(scint_XPos, scint_YPos, 0.0)),
261  Scint_log,
262  "single_scint",
263  SMD_log,
264  false, copyno, OverlapCheck());
266  scint_YPos += scint_Ystep;
267  }
268  scint_XPos += scint_Xstep;
269  }
271  /* Create logical volumes for fibers */
272  G4VSolid* single_fiber_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String("single_fiber_solid"),
273  0.0, (m_DFiber / 2.) - m_GFiber, (m_HFiber / 2.), 0.0, CLHEP::twopi);
275  G4LogicalVolume* single_fiber_log = new G4LogicalVolume(single_fiber_solid, PMMA, G4String("single_fiber_log"), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
276  m_FiberLogicalVolSet.insert(single_fiber_log);
277  GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(single_fiber_log, "Fiber");
279  /* Rotation Matrix for fibers */
280  G4RotationMatrix* FiberRotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
281  FiberRotation->rotateX(90. * deg);
283  /* Place fibers in the fiber plate */
284  G4double fiber_XPos = -m_WFiber / 2.;
285  G4double fiber_step = m_DFiber / 2.;
286  int Nfiber = m_WFiber / m_DFiber;
288  for (int i = 0; i < Nfiber; i++)
289  {
290  fiber_XPos += fiber_step;
291  int copyno = i;
293  new G4PVPlacement(FiberRotation, G4ThreeVector(fiber_XPos, 0.0, 0.0),
294  single_fiber_log,
295  G4String("single_fiber_scint"),
296  fiber_plate_log,
297  false, copyno, OverlapCheck());
298  fiber_XPos += fiber_step;
299  }
301  /* Rotation for plates in ZDC */
302  G4RotationMatrix* PlateRotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
304  PlateRotation->rotateX(-m_Angle);
306  /* construct ZDC */
307  G4double Plate_Step = m_TPlate * RTT;
308  G4double Absorber_Step = m_TAbsorber * RTT;
309  G4double Gap_Step = TGap * RTT;
310  G4double SMD_Step = m_TSMD * RTT;
311  G4double ZPos = First_Pos - Plate_Step / 2.;
312  G4double Gap_YPos = (m_HFiber - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * sin(m_Angle);
313  G4double Gap_ZPos = (m_HFiber - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * cos(m_Angle);
315  G4double Plate_YPos = (m_HPlate - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * sin(m_Angle);
316  G4double Plate_ZPos = (m_HPlate - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * cos(m_Angle);
318  G4double SMD_YPos = (m_HSMD - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * sin(m_Angle);
319  G4double SMD_ZPos = (m_HSMD - m_HAbsorber) / 2. * cos(m_Angle);
321  /* start the loop: for every module --- front plate-absorber-fiber plate-absorber-.....-fiber plate-back plate */
322  int copyno_plate = 0;
323  for (int i = 0; i < m_NMod; i++)
324  {
325  //place the SMD in between the 1st and 2nd module
326  if (i == 1)
327  {
328  ZPos += (SMD_Step / 2.);
329  new G4PVPlacement(PlateRotation, G4ThreeVector(0.0, SMD_YPos, SMD_ZPos + ZPos),
330  SMD_log,
331  G4String("SMD"),
332  ZDC_envelope_log,
333  false, 0, OverlapCheck()); //using copy number for now, need to find a better way
334  ZPos += (SMD_Step / 2.);
335  }
336  /* place the front plate */
337  ZPos += (Plate_Step / 2.);
338  new G4PVPlacement(PlateRotation, G4ThreeVector(0.0, Plate_YPos, Plate_ZPos + ZPos),
339  fb_plate_log,
340  G4String("front_plate"),
341  ZDC_envelope_log,
342  false, copyno_plate, OverlapCheck());
343  ZPos += (Plate_Step / 2.);
344  copyno_plate++;
345  for (int j = 0; j < m_NLay; j++)
346  {
347  /* place the Absorber */
348  ZPos += (Absorber_Step / 2.);
349  new G4PVPlacement(PlateRotation, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, ZPos),
350  absorber_log,
351  G4String("single_absorber"),
352  ZDC_envelope_log,
353  false, i * 100 + j, OverlapCheck());
354  ZPos += (Absorber_Step / 2.);
356  /* place the fiber plate */
357  ZPos += (Gap_Step / 2.);
358  int copyno = 27 * i + j;
359  std::string name_fiber_plate = "Fiber_Plate_" + std::to_string(copyno);
360  new G4PVPlacement(PlateRotation, G4ThreeVector(0.0, Gap_YPos, Gap_ZPos + ZPos),
361  fiber_plate_log,
362  name_fiber_plate,
363  ZDC_envelope_log,
364  false, copyno, OverlapCheck());
365  ZPos += (Gap_Step / 2.);
366  }
367  /* place the back plate */
368  ZPos += (Plate_Step / 2.);
369  new G4PVPlacement(PlateRotation, G4ThreeVector(0.0, Plate_YPos, Plate_ZPos + ZPos),
370  fb_plate_log,
371  G4String("back_plate"),
372  ZDC_envelope_log,
373  false, copyno_plate, OverlapCheck());
374  copyno_plate++;
375  ZPos += (Plate_Step / 2.);
376  }
378  /* Place envelope cone in simulation */
380  if (m_Layer == PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH)
381  {
382  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ZDC_rotm, G4ThreeVector(m_Params->get_double_param("place_x") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("place_y") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm)),
383  ZDC_envelope_log, "ZDC_Envelope_North", logicWorld, false, PHG4ZDCDefs::NORTH, OverlapCheck());
384  }
385  else if (m_Layer == PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH)
386  {
387  ZDC_rotm.rotateY(180 * deg);
388  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ZDC_rotm, G4ThreeVector(m_Params->get_double_param("place_x") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("place_y") * cm, -m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm)),
389  ZDC_envelope_log, "ZDC_Envelope_South", logicWorld, false, PHG4ZDCDefs::SOUTH, OverlapCheck());
390  }
391  return;
392 }