Analysis Software
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1 // use #include "" only for your local include and put
2 // those in the first line(s) before any #include <>
3 // otherwise you are asking for weird behavior
4 // (more info - check the difference in include path search when using "" versus <>)
6 #include "HcalMon.h"
8 #include <onlmon/OnlMon.h> // for OnlMon
9 #include <onlmon/OnlMonDB.h>
10 #include <onlmon/OnlMonServer.h>
11 #include <onlmon/pseudoRunningMean.h>
13 #include <calobase/TowerInfoDefs.h>
14 #include <caloreco/CaloWaveformFitting.h>
16 #include <Event/Event.h>
17 #include <Event/msg_profile.h>
18 #include <Event/eventReceiverClient.h>
20 #include <TH1.h>
21 #include <TH2.h>
23 #include <cmath>
24 #include <cstdio> // for printf
25 #include <fstream>
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <string> // for allocator, string, char_traits
30 enum
31 {
34 };
37  : OnlMon(name)
38 {
39  // leave ctor fairly empty, its hard to debug if code crashes already
40  // during a new HcalMon()
41  // if name start with O then packetlow = 8001, packethigh = 8008
42  // if name start with I then packetlow = 7001, packethigh = 7008
43  if (name[0] == 'O')
44  {
45  packetlow = 8001;
46  packethigh = 8008;
47  }
48  else if (name[0] == 'I')
49  {
50  packetlow = 7001;
51  packethigh = 7008;
52  }
53  else
54  {
55  std::cout << "HcalMon::HcalMon - unknown name(need to be OHCALMON or IHCALMON to know what packet to run) " << name << std::endl;
56  exit(1);
57  }
58  return;
59 }
62 {
63  // you can delete NULL pointers it results in a NOOP (No Operation)
64  delete WaveformProcessing;
65  for (auto iter : rm_vector_sectAvg)
66  {
67  delete iter;
68  }
69  for (auto iter : rm_vector_twr)
70  {
71  delete iter;
72  }
73  for (auto iter : rm_packet_number)
74  {
75  delete iter;
76  }
77  for (auto iter : rm_packet_length)
78  {
79  delete iter;
80  }
81  for (auto iter : rm_packet_chans)
82  {
83  delete iter;
84  }
86  if ( erc) delete erc;
88  return;
89 }
91 const int depth = 10000;
92 const int packet_depth = 1000;
93 const int historyLength = 100;
94 const int historyScaleDown = 100;
95 const int n_channel = 48;
96 const float hit_threshold = 100;
97 const int n_samples_show = 31;
100 {
101  // read our calibrations from HcalMonData.dat
102  /*
104  const char *hcalcalib = getenv("HCALCALIB");
105  if (!hcalcalib)
106  {
107  std::cout << "HCALCALIB environment variable not set" << std::endl;
108  exit(1);
109  }
110  std::string fullfile = std::string(hcalcalib) + "/" + "HcalMonData.dat";
111  std::ifstream calib(fullfile);
112  calib.close();
113  */
114  // use printf for stuff which should go the screen but not into the message
115  // system (all couts are redirected)
116  printf("doing the Init\n");
118  h2_hcal_hits = new TH2F("h2_hcal_hits", "", 24, 0, 24, 64, 0, 64);
119  h2_hcal_hits_trig = new TH2F("h2_hcal_hits_trig", "", 24, 0, 24, 64, 0, 64);
120  h_hcal_trig = new TH1F("h_hcal_trig", "", 64, 0, 64);
121  h2_hcal_rm = new TH2F("h2_hcal_rm", "", 24, 0, 24, 64, 0, 64);
122  h2_hcal_mean = new TH2F("h2_hcal_mean", "", 24, 0, 24, 64, 0, 64);
123  h2_hcal_waveform = new TH2F("h2_hcal_waveform", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5, 1000, 0, 15000);
124  h2_hcal_correlation = new TH2F("h2_hcal_correlation", "", 200, 0, 100000, 200, 0, 150000);
125  h_event = new TH1F("h_event", "", 1, 0, 1);
126  h_waveform_twrAvg = new TH1F("h_waveform_twrAvg", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5);
127  h_waveform_time = new TH1F("h_waveform_time", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5);
128  h_waveform_pedestal = new TH1F("h_waveform_pedestal", "", 5e3, 0, 5e3);
129  h_sectorAvg_total = new TH1F("h_sectorAvg_total", "", 32, 0.5, 32.5);
130  // number of towers above threshold per event
131  h_ntower = new TH1F("h_ntower", "", 100, 0, 800);
132  // packet stuff
133  h1_packet_number = new TH1F("h1_packet_number", "", 8, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
134  h1_packet_length = new TH1F("h1_packet_length", "", 8, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
135  h1_packet_chans = new TH1F("h1_packet_chans", "", 8, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
136  h1_packet_event = new TH1F("h1_packet_event", "", 8, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
137  h_caloPack_gl1_clock_diff = new TH2F("h_caloPack_gl1_clock_diff","", 8, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5,65536,0,65536);
139  for (int ih = 0; ih < Nsector; ih++)
140  h_rm_sectorAvg[ih] = new TH1F(Form("h_rm_sectorAvg_s%d", ih), "", historyLength, 0, historyLength * historyScaleDown);
141  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < 24; ieta++)
142  {
143  for (int iphi = 0; iphi < 64; iphi++)
144  {
145  h_rm_tower[ieta][iphi] = new TH1F(Form("h_rm_tower_%d_%d", ieta, iphi), Form("running mean of tower ieta=%d, iphi=%d", ieta, iphi), historyLength, 0, historyLength * historyScaleDown);
146  }
147  }
148  // make the per-packet running mean objects
149  // 32 packets and 48 channels for hcal detectors
150  for (int i = 0; i < Nsector; i++)
151  {
152  rm_vector_sectAvg.push_back(new pseudoRunningMean(1, depth));
153  }
154  for (int i = 0; i < Ntower; i++)
155  {
156  rm_vector_twr.push_back(new pseudoRunningMean(1, depth));
157  }
158  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
159  {
163  }
166  // register histograms with server otherwise client won't get them
167  se->registerHisto(this, h2_hcal_hits);
168  se->registerHisto(this, h2_hcal_hits_trig);
169  se->registerHisto(this, h_hcal_trig);
171  se->registerHisto(this, h2_hcal_rm);
172  se->registerHisto(this, h2_hcal_mean);
173  se->registerHisto(this, h2_hcal_waveform);
174  se->registerHisto(this, h_event);
175  se->registerHisto(this, h_sectorAvg_total);
176  se->registerHisto(this, h_waveform_twrAvg);
177  se->registerHisto(this, h_waveform_time);
179  se->registerHisto(this, h_ntower);
180  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_number);
181  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_length);
182  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_chans);
183  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_event);
186  for (int ih = 0; ih < Nsector; ih++)
187  se->registerHisto(this, h_rm_sectorAvg[ih]);
189  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < 24; ieta++)
190  {
191  for (int iphi = 0; iphi < 64; iphi++)
192  {
193  se->registerHisto(this, h_rm_tower[ieta][iphi]);
194  }
195  }
197  Reset();
199  // initialize waveform extraction tool
202  std::string hcaltemplate;
203  if (getenv("HCALCALIB"))
204  {
205  hcaltemplate = getenv("HCALCALIB");
206  }
207  else
208  {
209  hcaltemplate = ".";
210  }
211  hcaltemplate += std::string("/testbeam_ohcal_template.root");
214  if (anaGL1){
215  erc = new eventReceiverClient("gl1daq");
216  }
218  return 0;
219 }
221 std::vector<float> HcalMon::getSignal(Packet* p, const int channel)
222 {
223  double baseline = 0;
224  for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++)
225  {
226  baseline += p->iValue(s, channel);
227  }
228  baseline /= 3.;
230  double signal = 0;
231  int sample = 0;
232  for (int s = 3; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
233  {
234  if (signal > p->iValue(s, channel))
235  {
236  signal = p->iValue(s, channel);
237  sample = s;
238  }
239  }
240  signal -= baseline;
242  std::vector<float> result;
243  result.push_back(signal);
244  result.push_back(sample);
245  result.push_back(baseline);
247  return result;
248 }
250 std::vector<float> HcalMon::anaWaveform(Packet* p, const int channel)
251 {
252  std::vector<float> waveform;
253  for (int s = 0; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
254  {
255  waveform.push_back(p->iValue(s, channel));
256  }
257  std::vector<std::vector<float>> multiple_wfs;
258  multiple_wfs.push_back(waveform);
260  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fitresults_ohcal;
261  // fitresults_ohcal = WaveformProcessing->process_waveform(multiple_wfs);
262  fitresults_ohcal = WaveformProcessing->calo_processing_fast(multiple_wfs);
264  std::vector<float> result;
265  result =;
267  return result;
268 }
270 int HcalMon::BeginRun(const int /* runno */)
271 {
272  // if you need to read calibrations on a run by run basis
273  // this is the place to do it
275  std::vector<runningMean*>::iterator rm_it;
276  for (rm_it = rm_vector_sectAvg.begin(); rm_it != rm_vector_sectAvg.end(); ++rm_it)
277  {
278  (*rm_it)->Reset();
279  }
280  for (rm_it = rm_vector_twr.begin(); rm_it != rm_vector_twr.end(); ++rm_it)
281  {
282  (*rm_it)->Reset();
283  }
284  for (rm_it = rm_packet_number.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_number.end(); ++rm_it)
285  {
286  (*rm_it)->Reset();
287  }
288  for (rm_it = rm_packet_length.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_length.end(); ++rm_it)
289  {
290  (*rm_it)->Reset();
291  }
292  for (rm_it = rm_packet_chans.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_chans.end(); ++rm_it)
293  {
294  (*rm_it)->Reset();
295  }
296  return 0;
297 }
300 {
301  if (e->getEvtType() >= 8)
302  {
303  return 0;
304  }
305  evtcnt++;
306  h_waveform_twrAvg->Reset(); // only record the latest event waveform
307  h1_packet_event->Reset();
308  unsigned int towerNumber = 0;
309  float sectorAvg[Nsector] = {0};
310  int npacket1 = 0;
311  int npacket2 = 0;
312  float energy1 = 0;
313  float energy2 = 0;
316  bool trig_fire = false;
317  std::vector<bool> trig_bools;
318  long long int gl1_clock = 0;
319  if (anaGL1){
320  int evtnr = e->getEvtSequence();
321  Event *gl1Event = erc->getEvent(evtnr);
322  if (gl1Event){
323  Packet* p = e->getPacket(14001);
324  if (p){
325  gl1_clock = p->lValue(0,"BCO");
326  int triggervec = p->lValue(0,"TriggerVector");
327  for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) {
328  bool trig_decision = (bool) triggervec & 1;
329  trig_bools.push_back(trig_decision);
330  if (trig_decision) h_hcal_trig->Fill(i);
331  triggervec = triggervec >> 1;
332  }
333  trig_fire = trig_bools[2]; //trigger of interest is 2
334  }
335  }
336  }
338  for (int packet = packetlow; packet <= packethigh; packet++)
339  {
340  Packet* p = e->getPacket(packet);
341  int packet_bin = packet - packetlow + 1;
342  if (p)
343  {
344  int one[1] = {1};
345  rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->Add(one);
346  int packet_length[1] = {p->getLength()};
347  rm_packet_length[packet - packetlow]->Add(packet_length);
349  h1_packet_length->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_length[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
351  h1_packet_event->SetBinContent(packet - packetlow + 1, p->iValue(0, "CLOCK"));
352  long long int p_clock = p->iValue(0,"CLOCK");
353  long long int diff = (p_clock - gl1_clock) % 65536;
354  h_caloPack_gl1_clock_diff->Fill(packet,diff);
355  int nChannels = p->iValue(0, "CHANNELS");
356  if (nChannels > m_nChannels)
357  {
358  return -1; // packet is corrupted, reports too many channels
359  }
360  else
361  {
362  npacket1++;
363  rm_packet_chans[packet - packetlow]->Add(&nChannels);
364  h1_packet_chans->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_chans[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
365  }
366  for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; c++)
367  {
368  towerNumber++;
370  // std::vector result = getSignal(p,c); // simple peak extraction
371  std::vector<float> result = anaWaveform(p, c); // full waveform fitting
372  float signal =;
373  float time =;
374  float pedestal =;
375  if (signal > 15 && signal< 15000) energy1 += signal;
377  // channel mapping
378  unsigned int key = TowerInfoDefs::encode_hcal(towerNumber - 1);
379  unsigned int phi_bin = TowerInfoDefs::getCaloTowerPhiBin(key);
380  unsigned int eta_bin = TowerInfoDefs::getCaloTowerEtaBin(key);
381  int sectorNumber = phi_bin / 2 + 1;
382  if (signal > hit_threshold) h_waveform_time->Fill(time);
383  h_waveform_pedestal->Fill(pedestal);
385  sectorAvg[sectorNumber - 1] += signal;
387  rm_vector_twr[towerNumber - 1]->Add(&signal);
389  int bin = h2_hcal_mean->FindBin(eta_bin + 0.5, phi_bin + 0.5);
390  h2_hcal_mean->SetBinContent(bin, h2_hcal_mean->GetBinContent(bin) + signal);
391  h2_hcal_rm->SetBinContent(bin, rm_vector_twr[towerNumber - 1]->getMean(0));
393  // fill tower_rm here
395  {
396  //only fill every scaledown event
397  if (evtcnt % historyScaleDown == 0)
398  {
399  h_rm_tower[eta_bin][phi_bin]->SetBinContent(evtcnt / historyScaleDown, rm_vector_twr[towerNumber - 1]->getMean(0));
400  }
401  }
402  else
403  {
404  //only fill every scaledown event
405  if (evtcnt % historyScaleDown == 0)
406  {
407  for (int ib = 1; ib < historyLength; ib++)
408  {
409  h_rm_tower[eta_bin][phi_bin]->SetBinContent(ib, h_rm_tower[eta_bin][phi_bin]->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
410  }
411  h_rm_tower[eta_bin][phi_bin]->SetBinContent(historyLength, rm_vector_twr[towerNumber - 1]->getMean(0));
412  }
414  }
416  if (signal > hit_threshold)
417  {
418  h2_hcal_hits->Fill(eta_bin + 0.5, phi_bin + 0.5);
419  if (trig_fire){
420  h2_hcal_hits_trig->Fill(eta_bin + 0.5, phi_bin + 0.5);
421  }
422  }
424  // record waveform
425  for (int s = 0; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
426  {
427  h_waveform_twrAvg->Fill(s, p->iValue(s, c));
428  if (signal > hit_threshold) h2_hcal_waveform->Fill(s, (p->iValue(s, c) - pedestal));
429  }
431  } // channel loop
433  } // if packet good
434  else
435  {
436  towerNumber += 192;
437  int zero[1] = {0};
438  rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->Add(zero);
439  }
440  h1_packet_number->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
441  delete p;
442  } // packet loop
443  // if packetlow == 8001, then packetlowdiff = 7001, if packetlow == 7001, then packetlowdiff = 8001
444  int packetlowdiff = 15002 - packetlow;
445  int packethighdiff = 15016 - packethigh;
447  if (npacket1 == 4)
448  {
449  for (int i = packetlowdiff; i <= packethighdiff; i++)
450  {
451  Packet* p = e->getPacket(i);
452  if (p)
453  {
454  int nChannels = p->iValue(0, "CHANNELS");
455  if (nChannels > m_nChannels)
456  {
457  return -1; // packet is corrupted, reports too many channels
458  }
459  else
460  {
461  npacket2++;
462  }
463  for (int c = 0; c < nChannels; c++)
464  {
465  // std::vector result = getSignal(p,c); // simple peak extraction
466  std::vector<float> result = anaWaveform(p, c); // full waveform fitting
467  float signal =;
468  if (signal > 15 && signal<15000) energy2 += signal;
469  }
470  }
471  delete p;
472  }
473  }
474  if (npacket1 == 4 && npacket2 == 4)
475  {
476  if (packetlow == 8001)
477  h2_hcal_correlation->Fill(energy1, energy2);
478  else
479  h2_hcal_correlation->Fill(energy2, energy1);
480  }
481  // sector loop
482  for (int isec = 0; isec < Nsector; isec++)
483  {
484  sectorAvg[isec] /= 48;
485  h_sectorAvg_total->Fill(isec + 1, sectorAvg[isec]);
486  rm_vector_sectAvg[isec]->Add(&sectorAvg[isec]);
488  {
489  //only fill every scaledown event
490  if (evtcnt % historyScaleDown == 0)
491  {
492  h_rm_sectorAvg[isec]->SetBinContent(evtcnt / historyScaleDown, rm_vector_sectAvg[isec]->getMean(0));
493  }
494  }
495  else
496  {
497  //only fill every scaledown event
498  if (evtcnt % historyScaleDown == 0)
499  {
500  for (int ib = 1; ib < historyLength; ib++)
501  {
502  h_rm_sectorAvg[isec]->SetBinContent(ib, h_rm_sectorAvg[isec]->GetBinContent(ib + 1));
503  }
504  h_rm_sectorAvg[isec]->SetBinContent(historyLength, rm_vector_sectAvg[isec]->getMean(0));
505  }
506  }
508  } // sector loop
510  h_event->Fill(0);
511  h_waveform_twrAvg->Scale(1. / 32. / 48.); // average tower waveform
513  return 0;
514 }
517 {
518  // reset our internal counters
519  evtcnt = 0;
520  idummy = 0;
521  return 0;
522 }