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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FullBilloirVertexFitter.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
16 namespace {
21 template <typename input_track_t>
22 struct BilloirTrack {
23  BilloirTrack(const input_track_t* params) : originalTrack(params) {}
25  BilloirTrack(const BilloirTrack& arg) = default;
27  const input_track_t* originalTrack;
28  double chi2 = 0;
30  // We drop the summation index i from Ref. (1) for better readability
32  Acts::ActsMatrix<Acts::eBoundSize, 4> D; // Di (position Jacobian)
33  Acts::ActsMatrix<Acts::eBoundSize, 3> E; // Ei (momentum Jacobian)
34  Acts::ActsSquareMatrix<3> C; // = sum{Ei^T Wi * Ei}
35  Acts::ActsMatrix<4, 3> B; // = Di^T * Wi * Ei
36  Acts::ActsSquareMatrix<3> Cinv; // = (Ei^T * Wi * Ei)^-1
37  Acts::Vector3 U; // = Ei^T * Wi * dqi
38  Acts::ActsMatrix<4, 3> BCinv; // = Bi * Ci^-1
39  Acts::BoundVector deltaQ;
40 };
45 struct BilloirVertex {
46  // A = sum{Di^T * Wi * Di}
47  Acts::SquareMatrix4 A = Acts::SquareMatrix4::Zero();
48  // T = sum{Di^T * Wi * dqi}
49  Acts::Vector4 T = Acts::Vector4::Zero();
50  // sumBCinvBt = sum{Bi * Ci^-1 * Bi^T}
51  Acts::SquareMatrix4 sumBCinvBt = Acts::SquareMatrix4::Zero();
52  // sumBCinvU = sum{B * Ci^-1 * Ui}
53  Acts::Vector4 sumBCinvU = Acts::Vector4::Zero();
54 };
56 } // end anonymous namespace
58 template <typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
61  const std::vector<const input_track_t*>& paramVector,
62  const linearizer_t& linearizer,
63  const VertexingOptions<input_track_t>& vertexingOptions,
64  State& state) const {
65  unsigned int nTracks = paramVector.size();
66  double chi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
68  if (nTracks == 0) {
69  return Vertex<input_track_t>(Vector3(0., 0., 0.));
70  }
72  // Set number of degrees of freedom following Eq. 8.28 from Ref. (2):
73  //
74  // ndf = sum_i=1^nTracks rank(Wi^-1) - 3 * (nTracks + 1),
75  //
76  // where W_i denotes the weight matrix of the i-th track.
77  // Assuming rank(W_i) = #(Perigee params) = 6 for all tracks, we have
78  //
79  // ndf = 3 * nTracks - 3.
80  int ndf = 3 * nTracks - 3;
81  // TODO: this seems strange - can we even do a vertex fit if we only have one
82  // track?
83  if (nTracks < 2) {
84  ndf = 1;
85  }
87  // Since we add a term to the chi2 when adding a vertex constraint (see Ref.
88  // (1)), the number of degrees of freedom increases
89  if (vertexingOptions.useConstraintInFit) {
90  ndf += 3;
91  }
93  std::vector<BilloirTrack<input_track_t>> billoirTracks;
94  std::vector<Vector3> trackMomenta;
95  // Initial guess of the 4D vertex position
96  Vector4 linPoint = vertexingOptions.constraint.fullPosition();
97  Vertex<input_track_t> fittedVertex;
99  for (int nIter = 0; nIter < m_cfg.maxIterations; ++nIter) {
100  billoirTracks.clear();
101  double newChi2 = 0;
102  BilloirVertex billoirVertex;
104  Vector3 linPointPos = VectorHelpers::position(linPoint);
105  // Make Perigee surface at linPointPos, transverse plane of Perigee
106  // corresponds the global x-y plane
107  const std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigeeSurface =
108  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(linPointPos);
110  // iterate over all tracks
111  for (std::size_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nTracks; ++iTrack) {
112  const input_track_t* trackContainer = paramVector[iTrack];
114  const auto& trackParams = extractParameters(*trackContainer);
116  auto result = linearizer.linearizeTrack(
117  trackParams, linPoint[3], *perigeeSurface,
118  vertexingOptions.geoContext, vertexingOptions.magFieldContext,
119  state.linearizerState);
120  if (!result.ok()) {
121  return result.error();
122  }
124  const auto& linTrack = *result;
125  const auto& parametersAtPCA = linTrack.parametersAtPCA;
126  double d0 = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc0];
127  double z0 = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundLoc1];
128  double phi = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundPhi];
129  double theta = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundTheta];
130  double qOverP = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundQOverP];
131  double t0 = parametersAtPCA[BoundIndices::eBoundTime];
133  // Take the track momenta at the PCA as an initial estimate of the track
134  // momenta at the vertex
135  if (nIter == 0) {
136  trackMomenta.push_back(Vector3(phi, theta, qOverP));
137  }
139  // Calculate F(V_0,p_0), i.e., the track parameters estimated from the
140  // vertex position and the track momenta. fD0 = fZ0 = 0 because the track
141  // originates at the vertex in the Billoir model.
142  double fPhi = trackMomenta[iTrack][0];
143  double fTheta = trackMomenta[iTrack][1];
144  double fQOvP = trackMomenta[iTrack][2];
145  double fTime = linPoint[FreeIndices::eFreeTime];
146  BilloirTrack<input_track_t> billoirTrack(trackContainer);
148  billoirTrack.deltaQ << d0, z0, phi - fPhi, theta - fTheta, qOverP - fQOvP,
149  t0 - fTime;
151  // position jacobian (D matrix)
152  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 4> D = linTrack.positionJacobian;
154  // momentum jacobian (E matrix)
155  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 3> E = linTrack.momentumJacobian;
157  // cache some matrix multiplications
158  BoundSquareMatrix W = linTrack.weightAtPCA;
159  ActsMatrix<4, eBoundSize> DtW = D.transpose() * W;
160  ActsMatrix<3, eBoundSize> EtW = E.transpose() * W;
162  // compute track quantities for Billoir fit
163  billoirTrack.D = D;
164  billoirTrack.E = E;
165  billoirTrack.W = W;
166  billoirTrack.C = EtW * E;
167  billoirTrack.B = DtW * E; // Di^T * Wi * Ei
168  billoirTrack.U = EtW * billoirTrack.deltaQ; // Ei^T * Wi * dqi
169  billoirTrack.Cinv = (billoirTrack.C).inverse(); // (Ei^T * Wi * Ei)^-1
170  billoirTrack.BCinv =
171  billoirTrack.B * billoirTrack.Cinv; // BCinv = Bi * Ci^-1
173  // compute vertex quantities for Billoir fit
174  billoirVertex.T += DtW * billoirTrack.deltaQ; // sum{Di^T * Wi * dqi}
175  billoirVertex.A += DtW * D; // sum{Di^T * Wi * Di}
176  billoirVertex.sumBCinvU +=
177  billoirTrack.BCinv * billoirTrack.U; // sum{Bi * Ci^-1 * Ui}
178  billoirVertex.sumBCinvBt +=
179  billoirTrack.BCinv *
180  billoirTrack.B.transpose(); // sum{Bi * Ci^-1 * Bi^T}
182  billoirTracks.push_back(billoirTrack);
183  } // end loop tracks
185  // (Matrix-valued) factor contributing to the vertex estimate update (i.e.,
186  // to deltaV).
187  // deltaVFac = T-sum{Bi*Ci^-1*Ui}
188  Vector4 deltaVFac = billoirVertex.T - billoirVertex.sumBCinvU;
190  // Inverse of the covariance matrix of the 4D vertex position (note that
191  // Cov(V) = Cov(deltaV)), see Ref. (1).
192  // invCovV = A-sum{Bi*Ci^-1*Bi^T}
193  SquareMatrix4 invCovV = billoirVertex.A - billoirVertex.sumBCinvBt;
194  if (vertexingOptions.useConstraintInFit) {
195  // Position of vertex constraint in Billoir frame (i.e., in coordinate
196  // system with origin at linPoint). This will be 0 for first iteration but
197  // != 0 from second on since our first guess for the vertex position is
198  // the vertex constraint position.
199  Vector4 posInBilloirFrame =
200  vertexingOptions.constraint.fullPosition() - linPoint;
202  // For vertex constraint: T -> T + Cb^-1 (b - V0) where Cb is the
203  // covariance matrix of the constraint, b is the constraint position, and
204  // V0 is the vertex estimate (see Ref. (1)).
205  deltaVFac += vertexingOptions.constraint.fullCovariance().inverse() *
206  posInBilloirFrame;
207  // For vertex constraint: A -> A + Cb^-1
208  invCovV += vertexingOptions.constraint.fullCovariance().inverse();
209  }
211  // Covariance matrix of the 4D vertex position
212  SquareMatrix4 covV = invCovV.inverse();
213  // Update of the vertex position
214  Vector4 deltaV = covV * deltaVFac;
215  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216  // start momentum related calculations
218  std::vector<std::optional<BoundSquareMatrix>> covDeltaP(nTracks);
220  // Update track momenta and calculate the covariance of the track parameters
221  // after the fit (TODO: parameters -> momenta).
222  for (std::size_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < billoirTracks.size(); ++iTrack) {
223  auto& billoirTrack = billoirTracks[iTrack];
225  Vector3 deltaP = (billoirTrack.Cinv) *
226  (billoirTrack.U - billoirTrack.B.transpose() * deltaV);
228  // update track momenta
229  trackMomenta[iTrack] += deltaP;
231  // correct for 2PI / PI periodicity
232  const auto correctedPhiTheta = detail::normalizePhiTheta(
233  trackMomenta[iTrack][0], trackMomenta[iTrack][1]);
234  trackMomenta[iTrack][0] = correctedPhiTheta.first;
235  trackMomenta[iTrack][1] = correctedPhiTheta.second;
237  // Calculate chi2 of the track...
238  Acts::BoundVector diffQ = billoirTrack.deltaQ - billoirTrack.D * deltaV -
239  billoirTrack.E * deltaP;
240  billoirTrack.chi2 = diffQ.transpose().dot(billoirTrack.W * diffQ);
241  // ... and add it to the total chi2 value
242  newChi2 += billoirTrack.chi2;
244  // calculate the 6x6 cross-covariance matrix
245  // TODO: replace fittedParams with fittedMomentum since d0 and z0 are
246  // ill-defined. At the moment, only the submatrix of momentum covariances
247  // is correct.
249  // coordinate transformation matrix, i.e.,
250  // d(d0,z0,phi,theta,qOverP,t)/d(x,y,z,t,phi,theta,qOverP)
251  // TODO: This is not correct since the (x, y, z, t) in the derivatives in
252  // the D matrix correspond to the global track position at the PCA rather
253  // than the 4D vertex position.
254  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 7> transMat;
255  transMat.setZero();
256  transMat.block<2, 2>(0, 0) = billoirTrack.D.template block<2, 2>(0, 0);
257  transMat(1, 2) = 1.;
258  transMat(2, 4) = 1.;
259  transMat(3, 5) = 1.;
260  transMat(4, 6) = 1.;
261  transMat(5, 3) = 1.;
263  // cov(V,P)
264  // TODO: This is incorrect (see Ref. (2)), but it will not be needed
265  // anyway once we replace fittedParams with fittedMomentum
266  ActsMatrix<4, 3> covVP = billoirTrack.B;
268  // cov(P,P), 3x3 matrix
269  ActsSquareMatrix<3> covP =
270  billoirTrack.Cinv +
271  billoirTrack.BCinv.transpose() * covV * billoirTrack.BCinv;
274  cov.setZero();
275  cov.block<4, 4>(0, 0) = covV;
276  cov.block<4, 3>(0, 4) = covVP;
277  cov.block<3, 4>(4, 0) = covVP.transpose();
278  cov.block<3, 3>(4, 4) = covP;
280  covDeltaP[iTrack] = transMat * cov * transMat.transpose();
281  }
283  // assign new linearization point (= new vertex position in global frame)
284  linPoint += deltaV;
286  // Add an additional term to chi2 if there is a vertex constraint (see Ref.
287  // (1))
288  if (vertexingOptions.useConstraintInFit) {
289  // Position of vertex constraint in Billoir frame (i.e., in coordinate
290  // system with origin at linPoint).
291  Vector4 posInBilloirFrame =
292  vertexingOptions.constraint.fullPosition() - linPoint;
294  newChi2 +=
295  (posInBilloirFrame.transpose())
296  .dot(vertexingOptions.constraint.fullCovariance().inverse() *
297  posInBilloirFrame);
298  }
300  if (!std::isnormal(newChi2)) {
301  return VertexingError::NumericFailure;
302  }
304  if (newChi2 < chi2) {
305  chi2 = newChi2;
307  fittedVertex.setFullPosition(linPoint);
308  fittedVertex.setFullCovariance(covV);
309  fittedVertex.setFitQuality(chi2, ndf);
311  std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> tracksAtVertex;
313  std::shared_ptr<PerigeeSurface> perigee =
314  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(
315  VectorHelpers::position(linPoint));
317  for (std::size_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < billoirTracks.size(); ++iTrack) {
318  const auto& billoirTrack = billoirTracks[iTrack];
320  // TODO: replace refittedParams with refittedMomenta since d0 and z0
321  // after the vertex fit are ill-defined (FullBilloir only outputs the
322  // updated track momenta)
324  // new refitted trackparameters
325  BoundVector paramVec = BoundVector::Zero();
326  paramVec[eBoundPhi] = trackMomenta[iTrack](0);
327  paramVec[eBoundTheta] = trackMomenta[iTrack](1);
328  paramVec[eBoundQOverP] = trackMomenta[iTrack](2);
329  paramVec[eBoundTime] = linPoint[FreeIndices::eFreeTime];
330  BoundTrackParameters refittedParams(
331  perigee, paramVec, covDeltaP[iTrack],
332  extractParameters(*billoirTrack.originalTrack)
333  .particleHypothesis());
334  TrackAtVertex<input_track_t> trackAtVertex(
335  billoirTrack.chi2, refittedParams, billoirTrack.originalTrack);
336  tracksAtVertex.push_back(std::move(trackAtVertex));
337  }
339  fittedVertex.setTracksAtVertex(tracksAtVertex);
340  }
341  } // end loop iterations
343  return fittedVertex;
344 }