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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HepMC3Example.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
17 #include <fstream>
19 #include <HepMC3/GenEvent.h>
20 #include <HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h>
25 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
26  // Declare the supported program options.
27  // Setup and parse options
30  auto vm = ActsExamples::Options::parse(desc, argc, argv);
31  if (vm.empty()) {
32  return EXIT_FAILURE;
33  }
37  // Create the reader
38  auto hepMC3ReaderConfig = ActsExamples::Options::readHepMC3ReaderOptions(vm);
39  ActsExamples::HepMC3AsciiReader simReader(hepMC3ReaderConfig, logLevel);
41  std::cout << "Preparing reader " << std::flush;
42  HepMC3::ReaderAscii reader("test.hepmc3");
43  if (simReader.status(reader)) {
44  std::cout << "successful" << std::endl;
45  } else {
46  std::cout << "failed" << std::endl;
47  }
49  HepMC3::GenEvent genevt;
51  std::cout << "Reading event " << std::flush;
52  if (simReader.readEvent(reader, genevt)) {
53  std::cout << "successful" << std::endl;
54  } else {
55  std::cout << "failed" << std::endl;
56  }
57  std::cout << std::endl;
59  using namespace ActsExamples::HepMC3Event;
60  std::cout << "Event data:" << std::endl;
61  std::cout << "Units: ";
62  if (momentumUnit(genevt) == Acts::UnitConstants::GeV) {
63  std::cout << "[GEV], ";
64  } else if (momentumUnit(genevt) == Acts::UnitConstants::MeV) {
65  std::cout << "[MeV], ";
66  }
67  if (lengthUnit(genevt) == Acts::UnitConstants::mm) {
68  std::cout << "[mm]" << std::endl;
69  } else if (lengthUnit(genevt) == Acts::UnitConstants::cm) {
70  std::cout << "[cm]" << std::endl;
71  }
72  Acts::Vector3 evtPos = eventPos(genevt);
73  std::cout << "Event position: " << evtPos(0) << ", " << evtPos(1) << ", "
74  << evtPos(2) << std::endl;
75  std::cout << "Event time: " << eventTime(genevt) << std::endl;
77  std::cout << "Beam particles: ";
78  std::vector<ActsExamples::SimParticle> beam = beams(genevt);
79  if (beam.empty()) {
80  std::cout << "none" << std::endl;
81  } else {
82  for (auto& pbeam : beam) {
83  std::cout << Acts::findName(static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(pbeam.pdg()))
84  .value_or("invalid")
85  << " ";
86  }
87  std::cout << std::endl;
88  }
90  std::cout << std::endl << "Vertices: ";
91  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ActsExamples::SimVertex>> vertices =
93  if (vertices.empty()) {
94  std::cout << "none" << std::endl;
95  } else {
96  std::cout << std::endl;
97  for (auto& vertex : vertices) {
98  for (auto& particle : vertex->incoming) {
99  std::cout << Acts::findName(
100  static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(particle.pdg()))
101  .value_or("invalid")
102  << " ";
103  }
104  std::cout << "-> ";
105  for (auto& particle : vertex->outgoing) {
106  std::cout << Acts::findName(
107  static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(particle.pdg()))
108  .value_or("invalid")
109  << " ";
110  }
111  std::cout << "\t@(" << vertex->time() << ", " << vertex->position()(0)
112  << ", " << vertex->position()(1) << ", "
113  << vertex->position()(2) << ")" << std::endl;
114  }
115  std::cout << std::endl;
116  }
118  std::cout << "Total particle record:" << std::endl;
119  std::vector<ActsExamples::SimParticle> particles =
121  for (auto& particle : particles) {
122  std::cout << Acts::findName(static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(particle.pdg()))
123  .value_or("invalid")
124  << "\tID:" << particle.particleId() << ", momentum: ("
125  << particle.fourMomentum()(0) << ", "
126  << particle.fourMomentum()(1) << ", "
127  << particle.fourMomentum()(2) << "), mass: " << particle.mass()
128  << std::endl;
129  }
131  std::cout << std::endl << "Initial to final state: ";
132  std::vector<ActsExamples::SimParticle> fState = finalState(genevt);
133  for (auto& pbeam : beam) {
134  std::cout << Acts::findName(static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(pbeam.pdg()))
135  .value_or("invalid")
136  << " ";
137  }
138  std::cout << "-> ";
139  for (auto& fs : fState) {
140  std::cout << Acts::findName(static_cast<Acts::PdgParticle>(fs.pdg()))
141  .value_or("invalid")
142  << " ";
143  }
144  std::cout << std::endl;
145 }