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1 # This file is part of the Acts project.
2 #
3 # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 #
5 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 # file, You can obtain one at
9 import json
10 import sys
12 # Should be run with Python 3 if possible
13 # Script that use the json config file to configure the Json surfaces map for the material mapping
14 # Take two arguments in input : The path to the surfaces map and the path of the json config file
15 # By default the input is : 'surfaces-map.json' and the output is : 'config-map.json'
16 # The config file can be used to define a binning for all the surfaces in a given volume
17 # It can also be used to define the binning for volume mapping
19 if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
20  print("Using Python 2")
21  print("To obtain the proper ordering in the Json files Python 3 is recomanded")
23 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
24  inFileName = "geometry-maps.json"
25  confFileName = "config-map.json"
27 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
28  confFileName = "config-map.json"
30 else:
31  inFileName = sys.argv[1]
32  confFileName = sys.argv[2]
35 with open(inFileName, "r+") as json_file:
36  with open(confFileName, "r") as config_file:
38  config = json.load(config_file)
39  data = json.load(json_file)
41  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
43  if "type" not in entry["value"]["bounds"]:
44  entry["value"]["bounds"]["type"] = ""
46  if "layer" in entry:
47  if "approach" not in entry:
48  if "sensitive" not in entry:
49  for conf in config["Surfaces"][str(entry["volume"])]:
50  if (
51  "layer" in conf
52  and conf["layer"] == "X"
53  and conf["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
54  == entry["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
55  ):
56  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = conf[
57  "value"
58  ]["material"]["mapMaterial"]
59  entry["value"]["material"]["mappingType"] = conf[
60  "value"
61  ]["material"]["mappingType"]
62  ibin = 0
63  for bin in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
64  "binningdata"
65  ]:
66  bin["bins"] = conf["value"]["material"][
67  "binUtility"
68  ]["binningdata"][ibin]["bins"]
69  ibin = ibin + 1
70  continue
71  continue
73  if "boundary" in entry:
74  if "layer" not in entry:
75  for conf in config["Surfaces"][str(entry["volume"])]:
76  if (
77  "boundary" in conf
78  and conf["boundary"] == entry["boundary"]
79  and conf["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
80  == entry["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
81  ):
82  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = conf["value"][
83  "material"
84  ]["mapMaterial"]
85  entry["value"]["material"]["mappingType"] = conf["value"][
86  "material"
87  ]["mappingType"]
88  ibin = 0
89  for bin in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
90  "binningdata"
91  ]:
92  bin["bins"] = conf["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
93  "binningdata"
94  ][ibin]["bins"]
95  ibin = ibin + 1
96  continue
97  continue
99  if "approach" in entry:
100  if "sensitive" not in entry:
101  for conf in config["Surfaces"][str(entry["volume"])]:
102  if (
103  "approach" in conf
104  and conf["approach"] == entry["approach"]
105  and conf["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
106  == entry["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
107  ):
108  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = conf["value"][
109  "material"
110  ]["mapMaterial"]
111  entry["value"]["material"]["mappingType"] = conf["value"][
112  "material"
113  ]["mappingType"]
114  ibin = 0
115  for bin in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
116  "binningdata"
117  ]:
118  bin["bins"] = conf["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
119  "binningdata"
120  ][ibin]["bins"]
121  ibin = ibin + 1
122  continue
123  continue
125  if "sensitive" in entry:
126  if "approach" not in entry:
127  for conf in config["Surfaces"][str(entry["volume"])]:
128  if (
129  "sensitive" in conf
130  and conf["sensitive"] == "X"
131  and conf["layer"] == entry["layer"]
132  and conf["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
133  == entry["value"]["bounds"]["type"]
134  ):
135  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = conf["value"][
136  "material"
137  ]["mapMaterial"]
138  entry["value"]["material"]["mappingType"] = conf["value"][
139  "material"
140  ]["mappingType"]
141  ibin = 0
142  for bin in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
143  "binningdata"
144  ]:
145  bin["bins"] = conf["value"]["material"]["binUtility"][
146  "binningdata"
147  ][ibin]["bins"]
148  ibin = ibin + 1
149  continue
150  continue
151  data["Volumes"] = config["Volumes"]
153  json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
154  json_file.truncate()