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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file KDTree.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <array>
15 #include <cmath>
16 #include <functional>
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <string>
19 #include <vector>
21 namespace Acts {
43 template <std::size_t Dims, typename Type, typename Scalar = double,
44  template <typename, std::size_t> typename Vector = std::array,
45  std::size_t LeafSize = 4>
46 class KDTree {
47  public:
49  using value_t = Type;
55  using coordinate_t = Vector<Scalar, Dims>;
58  using pair_t = std::pair<coordinate_t, Type>;
61  using vector_t = std::vector<pair_t>;
64  using iterator_t = typename vector_t::iterator;
66  using const_iterator_t = typename vector_t::const_iterator;
68  // We do not need an empty constructor - this is never useful.
69  KDTree() = delete;
78  KDTree(vector_t &&d) : m_elems(d) {
79  // To start out, we need to check whether we need to construct a leaf node
80  // or an internal node. We create a leaf only if we have at most as many
81  // elements as the number of elements that can fit into a leaf node.
82  // Hopefully most invocations of this constructor will have more than a few
83  // elements!
84  //
85  // One interesting thing to note is that all of the nodes in the k-d tree
86  // have a range in the element vector of the outermost node. They simply
87  // make in-place changes to this array, and they hold no memory of their
88  // own.
89  m_root = std::make_unique<KDTreeNode>(m_elems.begin(), m_elems.end(),
90  m_elems.size() > LeafSize
91  ? KDTreeNode::NodeType::Internal
92  : KDTreeNode::NodeType::Leaf,
93  0UL);
94  }
106  std::vector<Type> rangeSearch(const range_t &r) const {
107  std::vector<Type> out;
109  rangeSearch(r, out);
111  return out;
112  }
124  std::vector<pair_t> rangeSearchWithKey(const range_t &r) const {
125  std::vector<pair_t> out;
127  rangeSearchWithKey(r, out);
129  return out;
130  }
139  void rangeSearch(const range_t &r, std::vector<Type> &v) const {
140  rangeSearchInserter(r, std::back_inserter(v));
141  }
151  void rangeSearchWithKey(const range_t &r, std::vector<pair_t> &v) const {
152  rangeSearchInserterWithKey(r, std::back_inserter(v));
153  }
165  template <typename OutputIt>
166  void rangeSearchInserter(const range_t &r, OutputIt i) const {
168  r, [i](const coordinate_t &, const Type &v) mutable { i = v; });
169  }
181  template <typename OutputIt>
182  void rangeSearchInserterWithKey(const range_t &r, OutputIt i) const {
183  rangeSearchMapDiscard(r, [i](const coordinate_t &c, const Type &v) mutable {
184  i = {c, v};
185  });
186  }
206  template <typename Result>
207  std::vector<Result> rangeSearchMap(
208  const range_t &r,
209  std::function<Result(const coordinate_t &, const Type &)> f) const {
210  std::vector<Result> out;
212  rangeSearchMapInserter(r, f, std::back_inserter(out));
214  return out;
215  }
233  template <typename Result, typename OutputIt>
235  const range_t &r,
236  std::function<Result(const coordinate_t &, const Type &)> f,
237  OutputIt i) const {
238  rangeSearchMapDiscard(r, [i, f](const coordinate_t &c,
239  const Type &v) mutable { i = f(c, v); });
240  }
253  template <typename Callable>
254  void rangeSearchMapDiscard(const range_t &r, Callable &&f) const {
255  m_root->rangeSearchMapDiscard(r, std::forward<Callable>(f));
256  }
263  std::size_t size(void) const { return m_root->size(); }
265  const_iterator_t begin(void) const { return m_elems.begin(); }
267  const_iterator_t end(void) const { return m_elems.end(); }
269  private:
271  // I'm not super happy with this bit of code, but since 1D ranges are
272  // semi-open, we can't simply incorporate values by setting the maximum to
273  // them. Instead, what we need to do is get the next representable value.
274  // For integer values, this means adding one. For floating point types, we
275  // rely on the nextafter method to get the smallest possible value that is
276  // larger than the one we requested.
277  if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<Scalar>) {
278  return v + 1;
279  } else if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<Scalar>) {
280  return std::nextafter(v, std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max());
281  }
282  }
285  // Firstly, we find the minimum and maximum value in each dimension to
286  // construct a bounding box around this node's values.
287  std::array<Scalar, Dims> min_v{}, max_v{};
289  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Dims; ++i) {
290  min_v[i] = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
291  max_v[i] = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::lowest();
292  }
294  for (iterator_t i = b; i != e; ++i) {
295  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < Dims; ++j) {
296  min_v[j] = std::min(min_v[j], i->first[j]);
297  max_v[j] = std::max(max_v[j], i->first[j]);
298  }
299  }
301  // Then, we construct a k-dimensional range from the given minima and
302  // maxima, which again is just a bounding box.
303  range_t r;
305  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < Dims; ++j) {
306  r[j] = {min_v[j], nextRepresentable(max_v[j])};
307  }
309  return r;
310  }
318  class KDTreeNode {
319  public:
321  enum class NodeType { Internal, Leaf };
329  KDTreeNode(iterator_t _b, iterator_t _e, NodeType _t, std::size_t _d)
330  : m_type(_t),
331  m_begin_it(_b),
332  m_end_it(_e),
334  if (m_type == NodeType::Internal) {
335  // This constant determines the maximum number of elements where we
336  // still
337  // calculate the exact median of the values for the purposes of
338  // splitting. In general, the closer the pivot value is to the true
339  // median, the more balanced the tree will be. However, calculating the
340  // median exactly is an O(n log n) operation, while approximating it is
341  // an O(1) time.
342  constexpr std::size_t max_exact_median = 128;
344  iterator_t pivot;
346  // Next, we need to determine the pivot point of this node, that is to
347  // say the point in the selected pivot dimension along which point we
348  // will split the range. To do this, we check how large the set of
349  // elements is. If it is sufficiently small, we use the median.
350  // Otherwise we use the mean.
351  if (size() > max_exact_median) {
352  // In this case, we have a lot of elements, and sorting the range to
353  // find the true median might be too expensive. Therefore, we will
354  // just use the middle value between the minimum and maximum. This is
355  // not nearly as accurate as using the median, but it's a nice cheat.
356  Scalar mid = static_cast<Scalar>(0.5) *
357  (m_range[_d].max() + m_range[_d].min());
359  pivot = std::partition(m_begin_it, m_end_it, [=](const pair_t &i) {
360  return i.first[_d] < mid;
361  });
362  } else {
363  // If the number of elements is fairly small, we will just calculate
364  // the median exactly. We do this by finding the values in the
365  // dimension, sorting it, and then taking the middle one.
367  [_d](const typename iterator_t::value_type &a,
368  const typename iterator_t::value_type &b) {
369  return a.first[_d] < b.first[_d];
370  });
372  pivot = m_begin_it + (std::distance(m_begin_it, m_end_it) / 2);
373  }
375  // This should never really happen, but in very select cases where there
376  // are a lot of equal values in the range, the pivot can end up all the
377  // way at the end of the array and we end up in an infinite loop. We
378  // check for pivot points which would not split the range, and fix them
379  // if they occur.
380  if (pivot == m_begin_it || pivot == std::prev(m_end_it)) {
381  pivot = std::next(m_begin_it, LeafSize);
382  }
384  // Calculate the number of elements on the left-hand side, as well as
385  // the right-hand side. We do this by calculating the difference from
386  // the begin and end of the array to the pivot point.
387  std::size_t lhs_size = std::distance(m_begin_it, pivot);
388  std::size_t rhs_size = std::distance(pivot, m_end_it);
390  // Next, we check whether the left-hand node should be another internal
391  // node or a leaf node, and we construct the node recursively.
392  m_lhs = std::make_unique<KDTreeNode>(
393  m_begin_it, pivot,
394  lhs_size > LeafSize ? NodeType::Internal : NodeType::Leaf,
395  (_d + 1) % Dims);
397  // Same on the right hand side.
398  m_rhs = std::make_unique<KDTreeNode>(
399  pivot, m_end_it,
400  rhs_size > LeafSize ? NodeType::Internal : NodeType::Leaf,
401  (_d + 1) % Dims);
402  }
403  }
414  template <typename Callable>
415  void rangeSearchMapDiscard(const range_t &r, Callable &&f) const {
416  // Determine whether the range completely covers the bounding box of
417  // this leaf node. If it is, we can copy all values without having to
418  // check for them being inside the range again.
419  bool contained = r >= m_range;
421  if (m_type == NodeType::Internal) {
422  // Firstly, we can check if the range completely contains the bounding
423  // box of this node. If that is the case, we know for certain that any
424  // value contained below this node should end up in the output, and we
425  // can stop recursively looking for them.
426  if (contained) {
427  // We can also pre-allocate space for the number of elements, since we
428  // are inserting all of them anyway.
429  for (iterator_t i = m_begin_it; i != m_end_it; ++i) {
430  f(i->first, i->second);
431  }
433  return;
434  }
436  assert(m_lhs && m_rhs && "Did not find lhs and rhs");
438  // If we have a left-hand node (which we should!), then we check if
439  // there is any overlap between the target range and the bounding box of
440  // the left-hand node. If there is, we recursively search in that node.
441  if (m_lhs->range() && r) {
442  m_lhs->rangeSearchMapDiscard(r, std::forward<Callable>(f));
443  }
445  // Then, we perform exactly the same procedure for the right hand side.
446  if (m_rhs->range() && r) {
447  m_rhs->rangeSearchMapDiscard(r, std::forward<Callable>(f));
448  }
449  } else {
450  // Iterate over all the elements in this leaf node. This should be a
451  // relatively small number (the LeafSize template parameter).
452  for (iterator_t i = m_begin_it; i != m_end_it; ++i) {
453  // We need to check whether the element is actually inside the range.
454  // In case this node's bounding box is fully contained within the
455  // range, we don't actually need to check this.
456  if (contained || r.contains(i->first)) {
457  f(i->first, i->second);
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  }
470  std::size_t size() const { return std::distance(m_begin_it, m_end_it); }
477  const range_t &range() const { return m_range; }
479  protected:
491  std::unique_ptr<KDTreeNode> m_lhs;
492  std::unique_ptr<KDTreeNode> m_rhs;
493  };
500  std::unique_ptr<KDTreeNode> m_root;
501 };
502 } // namespace Acts