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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DD4hepBinningHelpers.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
17 #include <string>
18 #include <tuple>
19 #include <vector>
21 #include <DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h>
22 #include <DD4hep/DetElement.h>
23 #include <DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h>
24 #include <DD4hep/Objects.h>
25 #include <DDRec/DetectorData.h>
26 #include <XML/Utilities.h>
28 namespace Acts {
30 static std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, BinningValue>> allowedBinnings = {
31  {"x", binX}, {"y", binY}, {"z", binZ}, {"phi", binPhi}, {"r", binR}};
57 void decodeBinning(dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters &variantParams,
58  const xml_comp_t &xmlBinning, const std::string &bname,
59  const std::vector<std::string> &bvals) {
60  // Set the surface binninng parameter to true
61  variantParams.set<int>(std::string(bname + "_dim"), bvals.size());
62  for (const auto &bv : bvals) {
63  // Gather the number of bins, 0 indicates variable binning
64  int nBins = Acts::getAttrValueOr<int>(xmlBinning, std::string("n" + bv), 0);
65  // Gather the bin expansion parameter, expansion of 0 is default
66  int nExpansion =
67  Acts::getAttrValueOr<int>(xmlBinning, std::string(bv + "expansion"), 0);
68  variantParams.set<int>(bname + "_" + bv + "_exp", nExpansion);
69  // Equidistant binning detected
70  if (nBins > 0) {
71  // Set the type identificatio
72  variantParams.set<std::string>(bname + "_" + bv + "_type", "equidistant");
73  // Set the number of bins
74  variantParams.set<int>(bname + "_" + bv + "_n", nBins);
75  // Set min/max paraeter
76  variantParams.set<double>(
77  bname + "_" + bv + "_min",
78  xmlBinning.attr<double>(std::string(bv + "min").c_str()));
79  variantParams.set<double>(
80  bname + "_" + bv + "_max",
81  xmlBinning.attr<double>(std::string(bv + "max").c_str()));
82  } else {
83  // Variable binning detected
84  variantParams.set<std::string>(bname + "_" + bv + "_type", "variable");
85  // Get the number of bins explicitly
86  auto boundaries =
87  xmlBinning.attr<std::string>(std::string(bv + "boundaries").c_str());
88  std::string del = ",";
89  int end = boundaries.find(del);
90  int ib = 0;
91  // Unit conversion
92  double unitScalar = 1.;
93  if (bv != "phi") {
94  unitScalar = Acts::UnitConstants::mm / dd4hep::millimeter;
95  }
96  // Split and convert
97  while (end != -1) {
98  double bR = unitScalar * dd4hep::_toFloat(boundaries.substr(0, end));
99  variantParams.set<double>(
100  bname + "_" + bv + "_b" + std::to_string(ib++), bR);
101  boundaries.erase(boundaries.begin(), boundaries.begin() + end + 1);
102  end = boundaries.find(del);
103  }
104  double bR = unitScalar * std::stod(boundaries.substr(0, end));
105  variantParams.set<double>(bname + "_" + bv + "_b" + std::to_string(ib),
106  bR);
107  // The number of bins are needed to unpack the data
108  variantParams.set<int>(bname + "_" + bv + "_n", ib);
109  }
110  }
111 }
119 std::vector<Acts::Experimental::ProtoBinning> convertBinning(
120  const dd4hep::DetElement &dd4hepElement, const std::string &bname) {
121  std::vector<Experimental::ProtoBinning> protoBinnings;
122  for (const auto &[ab, bVal] : allowedBinnings) {
123  auto type =
124  getParamOr<std::string>(bname + "_" + ab + "_type", dd4hepElement, "");
125  if (not type.empty()) {
126  // Default binning is bound
127  auto bType = Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound;
128  // Equidistant or variable binning
129  detail::AxisType aType = type == "equidistant"
130  ? detail::AxisType::Equidistant
131  : detail::AxisType::Variable;
132  int nBins = getParamOr<int>(bname + "_" + ab + "_n", dd4hepElement, 0);
133  int nExpansion =
134  getParamOr<int>(bname + "_" + ab + "_exp", dd4hepElement, 0);
135  if (aType == detail::AxisType::Equidistant) {
136  // Equidistant binning
137  auto min = getParamOr<ActsScalar>(bname + "_" + ab + "_min",
138  dd4hepElement, 0.);
139  auto max = getParamOr<ActsScalar>(bname + "_" + ab + "_max",
140  dd4hepElement, 0.);
141  // Check for closed phi binning
142  if (bVal == binPhi and (max - min) > 1.9 * M_PI) {
143  bType = Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed;
144  }
145  protoBinnings.push_back(Experimental::ProtoBinning(
146  bVal, bType, min, max, nBins, nExpansion));
147  } else {
148  // Variable binning
149  std::vector<ActsScalar> edges;
150  for (int ib = 0; ib <= nBins; ++ib) {
151  edges.push_back(getParamOr<ActsScalar>(
152  bname + "_" + ab + "_b" + std::to_string(ib), dd4hepElement, 0.));
153  }
154  // Check for closed phi binning
155  if (bVal == binPhi and (edges.back() - edges.front()) > 1.9 * M_PI) {
156  bType = Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed;
157  }
158  protoBinnings.push_back(
159  Experimental::ProtoBinning(bVal, bType, edges, nExpansion));
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  return protoBinnings;
164 }
166 } // namespace Acts