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1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 from optparse import OptionParser
3 import sys
4 import os
5 import datetime
6 from array import *
7 from ROOT import *
8 import numpy as np
9 import math
10 import glob
11 from plotUtil import Draw_1Dhist
13 gROOT.LoadMacro('./sPHENIXStyle/sPhenixStyle.C')
14 gROOT.ProcessLine('SetsPhenixStyle()')
15 gROOT.SetBatch(True)
17 TickSize = 0.03
18 AxisTitleSize = 0.05
19 AxisLabelSize = 0.04
20 LeftMargin = 0.15
21 RightMargin = 0.08
22 TopMargin = 0.08
23 BottomMargin = 0.13
25 NpercentileDiv = 10
26 interval = 100/NpercentileDiv
28 def Draw_1Dhist_wPercentile(hist, l_percentile, norm1, logx, logy, ymaxscale, XaxisName, Ytitle_unit, outname):
29  hist.Sumw2()
30  binwidth = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)
31  binwidth2 = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(2)
32  printbinwidth = True
33  if binwidth != binwidth2:
34  printbinwidth = False
36  histmax = hist.GetMaximum()
38  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
39  if norm1:
40  hist.Scale(1. / hist.Integral(-1, -1))
41  if logy:
42  c.SetLogy()
43  if logx:
44  c.SetLogx()
46  gPad.SetRightMargin(RightMargin)
47  gPad.SetTopMargin(TopMargin)
48  gPad.SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin)
49  gPad.SetBottomMargin(BottomMargin)
50  if printbinwidth:
51  if norm1:
52  if Ytitle_unit == '':
53  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth))
54  else:
55  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth, unit=Ytitle_unit))
56  else:
57  if Ytitle_unit == '':
58  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth))
59  else:
60  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth, unit=Ytitle_unit))
61  else:
62  if norm1:
63  if Ytitle_unit == '':
64  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries')
65  else:
66  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries {unit})'.format(unit=Ytitle_unit))
67  else:
68  if Ytitle_unit == '':
69  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries')
70  else:
71  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries {unit}'.format(unit=Ytitle_unit))
73  # hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(hist.GetBinLowEdge(1)-binwidth, hist.GetBinLowEdge(hist.GetNbinsX())+2*binwidth)
74  if logy:
75  hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(hist.GetMinimum(0)*0.5, (hist.GetMaximum()) * ymaxscale)
76  else:
77  hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., (hist.GetMaximum()) * ymaxscale)
78  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
79  hist.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
80  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
81  hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
82  hist.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
83  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
84  hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
85  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
86  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35)
87  hist.SetLineColor(1)
88  hist.SetLineWidth(2)
89  hist.Draw('hist')
90  leg = TLegend(1 - RightMargin - 0.45, 1-TopMargin-0.15, 1 - RightMargin - 0.08, 1-TopMargin-0.035)
91  leg.SetTextSize(0.040)
92  leg.SetFillStyle(0)
93  leg.AddEntry('', '#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation', '')
94  leg.AddEntry('','Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV','')
95  leg.Draw()
96  linestorage = []
97  textstorage = []
98  for i,p in enumerate(l_percentile):
99  # if (logx == False and i < 3):
100  # continue
101  pline = TLine(p, 0, p, histmax*0.6)
102  pline.SetLineWidth(1)
103  pline.SetLineStyle(kDashed)
104  pline.SetLineColor(2)
105  if len(linestorage)==0:
106  pline.Draw()
107  else:
108  pline.Draw('same')
109  gPad.Update()
110  linestorage.append(pline)
112  if (logx == False and i > 2) or logx == True:
113  print (i, int(interval*((len(l_percentile))-(i+1))), int(interval*((len(l_percentile))-(i))))
114  ptext = TText(p, histmax*0.25, '{:d}-{:d}%'.format(int(interval*((len(l_percentile)+1)-(i+2))), int(interval*((len(l_percentile)+1)-(i+1)))))
115  ptext.SetTextAlign(13)
116  ptext.SetTextSize(0.02)
117  ptext.SetTextColor(2)
118  ptext.SetTextAngle(90)
119  if len(textstorage)==0:
120  ptext.Draw()
121  else:
122  ptext.Draw('same')
123  gPad.Update()
124  textstorage.append(ptext)
126  c.RedrawAxis()
127  c.Draw()
128  c.SaveAs(outname+'.pdf')
129  c.SaveAs(outname+'.png')
130  if(c):
131  c.Close()
132  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
133  del c
134  c = 0
136 def Draw_2Dhist_wPercentile(hist, centvar, l_percentile, logz, norm1, rmargin, XaxisName, YaxisName, drawopt, outname):
137  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
138  if logz:
139  c.SetLogz()
141  gPad.SetRightMargin(rmargin)
142  gPad.SetTopMargin(TopMargin)
143  gPad.SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin)
144  gPad.SetBottomMargin(BottomMargin)
145  if norm1:
146  hist.Scale(1. / hist.Integral(-1, -1, -1, -1))
147  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
148  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(YaxisName)
149  hist.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
150  hist.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
151  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
152  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
153  hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
154  hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
155  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
156  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3)
157  hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
158  hist.SetContour(1000)
159  hist.Draw(drawopt)
161  linestorage = []
162  for i,p in enumerate(l_percentile):
163  if centvar == 'Centrality_mbdquantity':
164  pline = TLine(0, p, hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), p)
165  elif centvar == 'NClusLayer1':
166  pline = TLine(p, 0, p, hist.GetYaxis().GetXmax())
167  pline.SetLineWidth(1)
168  pline.SetLineStyle(kDashed)
169  pline.SetLineColor(2)
170  if len(linestorage)==0:
171  pline.Draw()
172  else:
173  pline.Draw('same')
174  gPad.Update()
175  linestorage.append(pline)
176  gPad.Update()
178  c.RedrawAxis()
179  c.Draw()
180  c.SaveAs(outname+'.pdf')
181  c.SaveAs(outname+'.png')
182  if(c):
183  c.Close()
184  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
185  del c
186  c = 0
189 if __name__ == '__main__':
190  parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog ver [options -n]")
191  parser.add_option("-f", "--inputfile", dest="inputfile", type="string", default='/sphenix/user/hjheng/TrackletAna/minitree/INTT/VtxEvtMap_ana382_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams/INTTVtxZ.root', help="Input ntuple file name")
192  parser.add_option("-d", "--plotdir", dest="plotdir", type="string", default='./centProxy/ana382_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams', help="Plot directory")
193  parser.add_option("-c", "--centralityvar", dest="centralityvar", type="string", default='Centrality_mbdquantity', help="Centrality variable name [Centrality_mbdquantity or NClusLayer1]")
195  (opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
197  inputfile = opt.inputfile
198  plotdir = opt.plotdir
199  centralityvar = opt.centralityvar
200  maxcent = 50 if centralityvar == 'Centrality_mbdquantity' else 5000
202  os.makedirs(plotdir, exist_ok=True)
204  df = ROOT.RDataFrame('minitree', inputfile)
205  np_centvar = df.AsNumpy(columns=[centralityvar])
206  CentVar_percentile = []
207  Binedge_CentVar_percentile = [0]
208  CentVar_percentile_cut = [0]
209  for i in range(NpercentileDiv-1):
210  print('percentile={}-{}%, Centrality quantity({})={}'.format(i*interval, (i+1)*interval, centralityvar, np.percentile(np_centvar[centralityvar], (i+1)*interval)))
211  CentVar_percentile.append(np.percentile(np_centvar[centralityvar], (i+1)*interval))
212  Binedge_CentVar_percentile.append(np.percentile(np_centvar[centralityvar], (i+1)*interval))
213  if i % 2 == 1:
214  CentVar_percentile_cut.append(np.percentile(np_centvar[centralityvar], (i+1)*interval))
215  CentVar_percentile_cut.append(maxcent)
216  Binedge_CentVar_percentile.append(maxcent)
218  with open('{}/Centrality_{}_bin.txt'.format(plotdir, centralityvar), 'w') as f:
219  for i in Binedge_CentVar_percentile:
220  print('{:g}'.format(i), file=f)
222  hM_NClusLayer1 = TH1F('hM_NClusLayer1', 'hM_NClusLayer1', 200, 0, 4000)
223  hM_MBDquantity = TH1F('hM_MBDquantity', 'hM_MBDquantity', 200, 0, 25)
224  hM_NClusLayer1_MBDquantity = TH2F('hM_NClusLayer1_MBDquantity', 'hM_NClusLayer1_MBDquantity', 200, 0, 4000, 200, 0, 25)
225  f = TFile(inputfile, 'r')
226  tree = f.Get('minitree')
227  for idx in range(tree.GetEntries()):
228  tree.GetEntry(idx)
229  hM_NClusLayer1.Fill(tree.NClusLayer1)
230  hM_MBDquantity.Fill(tree.Centrality_mbdquantity)
231  hM_NClusLayer1_MBDquantity.Fill(tree.NClusLayer1, tree.Centrality_mbdquantity)
233  if centralityvar == 'Centrality_mbdquantity':
234  Draw_1Dhist_wPercentile(hM_MBDquantity, CentVar_percentile, False, False, True, 5, 'MBD charge sum (N+S)', '', '{}/MBDquantity_wPercentile'.format(plotdir))
235  Draw_1Dhist(hM_NClusLayer1, False, False, True, 5, 'Number of clusters (Layer 3+4)', '', '{}/NClusLayer1'.format(plotdir))
236  elif centralityvar == 'NClusLayer1':
237  Draw_1Dhist_wPercentile(hM_NClusLayer1, CentVar_percentile, False, False, True, 5, 'Number of clusters (Layer 3+4)', '', '{}/NClusLayer1_wPercentile'.format(plotdir))
238  Draw_1Dhist(hM_MBDquantity, False, False, True, 5, 'MBD charge sum (N+S)', '', '{}/MBDquantity'.format(plotdir))
240  Draw_2Dhist_wPercentile(hM_NClusLayer1_MBDquantity, centralityvar, CentVar_percentile, True, False, 0.13, 'Number of clusters (Layer 3+4)', 'MBD charge sum (N+S)', 'colz', '{}/NClusLayer1_MBDquantity'.format(plotdir))