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3 #include "PHHepMCGenEvent.h" // for PHHepMCGenE...
4 #include "PHHepMCGenEventMap.h"
6 #include <frog/FROG.h>
8 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllInputManager.h> // for Fun4AllInpu...
10 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
13 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
14 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h> // for PHIODataNode
15 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
16 #include <phool/PHObject.h>
17 #include <phool/getClass.h>
18 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
20 #include <HepMC/GenEvent.h>
21 #include <HepMC/GenParticle.h> // for GenParticle
22 #include <HepMC/GenVertex.h> // for GenVertex
23 #include <HepMC/SimpleVector.h> // for FourVector
24 #include <HepMC/Units.h> // for GEV, MM
26 #include <TPRegexp.h>
27 #include <TString.h>
29 #include <boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp>
30 #include <boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp>
31 #include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
33 #include <cstdlib>
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <iostream>
36 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_it...
37 #include <sstream>
38 #include <utility> // for swap, pair
39 #include <vector> // for vector
41 using namespace std;
43 static boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<boost::iostreams::input> zinbuffer;
44 static const double toMM = 1.e-12;
47 Fun4AllOscarInputManager::Fun4AllOscarInputManager(const string &name, const string &topnodename)
48  : Fun4AllInputManager(name, "")
49  , events_total(0)
50  , events_thisfile(0)
51  , topNodeName(topnodename)
52  , evt(nullptr)
53  , skipEvents(0)
54  , skippedEvents(0)
55  , filestream(nullptr)
56  , unzipstream(nullptr)
57  , isCompressed(false)
58 {
60  topNode = se->topNode(topNodeName.c_str());
61  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
62  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = se->getNode(InputNode(), topNodeName);
64  PHHepMCGenEventMap *geneventmap = findNode::getClass<PHHepMCGenEventMap>(topNode, "PHHepMCGenEventMap");
65  if (!geneventmap)
66  {
67  geneventmap = new PHHepMCGenEventMap();
68  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newmapnode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geneventmap, "PHHepMCGenEventMap", "PHObject");
69  dstNode->addNode(newmapnode);
70  }
73 }
76 {
77  fileclose();
78  delete filestream;
79  delete unzipstream;
80 }
82 int Fun4AllOscarInputManager::fileopen(const string &filenam)
83 {
84  if (!MySyncManager())
85  {
86  cout << "Call fileopen only after you registered your Input Manager " << Name() << " with the Fun4AllServer" << endl;
87  exit(1);
88  }
89  if (IsOpen())
90  {
91  cout << "Closing currently open file "
92  << filename
93  << " and opening " << filenam << endl;
94  fileclose();
95  }
96  filename = filenam;
97  FROG frog;
98  string fname(frog.location(filename.c_str()));
99  if (Verbosity() > 0)
100  {
101  cout << Name() << ": opening file " << fname << endl;
102  }
104  TString tstr(fname);
105  TPRegexp bzip_ext(".bz2$");
106  TPRegexp gzip_ext(".gz$");
107  if (tstr.Contains(bzip_ext))
108  {
109  // use boost iosteam library to decompress bz2 on the fly
110  filestream = new ifstream(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
111  zinbuffer.push(boost::iostreams::bzip2_decompressor());
112  zinbuffer.push(*filestream);
113  unzipstream = new istream(&zinbuffer);
114  isCompressed = true;
115  }
116  else if (tstr.Contains(gzip_ext))
117  {
118  // use boost iosream to decompress the gzip file on the fly
119  filestream = new ifstream(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
120  zinbuffer.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_decompressor());
121  zinbuffer.push(*filestream);
122  unzipstream = new istream(&zinbuffer);
123  isCompressed = true;
124  }
125  else
126  {
128  }
131  static bool run_number_forced = rc->FlagExist("RUNNUMBER");
132  if (run_number_forced)
133  {
134  MySyncManager()->CurrentRun(rc->get_IntFlag("RUNNUMBER"));
135  }
136  else
137  {
138  MySyncManager()->CurrentRun(-1);
139  }
140  events_thisfile = 0;
141  IsOpen(1);
142  AddToFileOpened(fname); // add file to the list of files which were opened
143  return 0;
144 }
147 {
148 readagain:
149  if (!IsOpen())
150  {
151  if (FileListEmpty())
152  {
153  if (Verbosity() > 0)
154  {
155  cout << Name() << ": No Input file open" << endl;
156  }
157  return 0;
158  }
159  else
160  {
161  if (OpenNextFile())
162  {
163  cout << Name() << ": No Input file from filelist opened" << endl;
164  return 0;
165  }
166  }
167  }
169  //Read oscar
170  evt = new HepMC::GenEvent(HepMC::Units::GEV, HepMC::Units::MM);
171  int code = ConvertFromOscar();
172  /*
173  if(skippedEvents < skipEvents || code == 3)
174  {
175  goto readagain;
176  }
177  */
178  if (code == 1 || evt == nullptr)
179  {
180  if (Verbosity() > 1) cout << "Finished file!" << endl;
181  fileclose();
182  goto readagain;
183  }
185  // if(Verbosity() > 4) cout << "SIZE: " << phhepmcgenevt->size() << endl;
186  //MySyncManager()->CurrentEvent(evt->event_number());
187  events_total++;
188  events_thisfile++;
190  // check if the local SubsysReco discards this event
192  {
193  //ResetEvent();
194  goto readagain;
195  }
197  if (events_total < nevents)
198  {
199  //ResetEvent();
200  goto readagain;
201  }
203  return 0;
204 }
207 {
208  if (!IsOpen())
209  {
210  cout << Name() << ": fileclose: No Input file open" << endl;
211  return -1;
212  }
213  if (isCompressed)
214  {
215  filestream->close();
216  }
217  else
218  {
219  theOscarFile.close();
220  }
221  IsOpen(0);
222  // if we have a file list, move next entry to top of the list
223  // or repeat the same entry again
224  UpdateFileList();
225  return 0;
226 }
228 void Fun4AllOscarInputManager::Print(const string &what) const
229 {
231  return;
232 }
235 {
236  //delete evt;
237  //evt = nullptr;
238  return 0;
239 }
242 {
243  int counter = 0;
245  while (counter < i)
246  {
247  std::string theLine;
248  while (getline(theOscarFile, theLine))
249  {
250  if (, 1, "#") == 0) continue;
251  vector<double> theInfo;
252  double number = NAN;
253  for (istringstream numbers_iss(theLine); numbers_iss >> number;)
254  {
255  theInfo.push_back(number);
256  }
258  if (theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] == 0)
259  {
260  counter++;
261  skippedEvents++;
262  break;
263  }
264  else if (theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] > 0)
265  {
266  continue;
267  }
268  }
269  }
271  if (theOscarFile.eof()) return -1;
273  return 0;
274 }
277 {
278  delete evt;
279  evt = nullptr;
281  if (theOscarFile.eof()) // if the file is exhausted bail out during this next read
282  {
283  cout << "Oscar EOF" << endl;
284  return 1;
285  }
286  evt = new HepMC::GenEvent(HepMC::Units::GEV, HepMC::Units::MM);
288  if (Verbosity() > 1) cout << "Reading Oscar Event " << events_total + skippedEvents + 1 << endl;
289  //Grab New Event From Oscar
290  string theLine;
291  vector<vector<double> > theEventVec;
292  // vector<HepMC::FourVector> theVtxVec;
293  if (isCompressed)
294  {
295  // while(getline(unzipstream, theLine))
296  // {
297  // if(theLine.find("#") == 0) continue;
298  // vector<double> theInfo; //format: N,pid,px,py,pz,E,mass,xvtx,yvtx,zvtx,?
299  // double number;
300  // for(istringstream numbers_iss(theLine); numbers_iss >> number; )
301  // {
302  // theInfo.push_back(number);
303  // }
305  // if(theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] == 0)
306  // {
307  // break;
308  // }
309  // else if (theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] > 0)
310  // {
311  // continue;
312  // }
313  // else
314  // {
315  // theEventVec.push_back(theInfo);
316  // HepMC::FourVector vert(theInfo[8]*toMM, theInfo[9]*toMM, theInfo[10]*toMM, theInfo[11]);
317  // theVtxVec.push_back(vert);
318  // }
320  // }//while(getline)
321  }
322  else
323  {
324  while (getline(theOscarFile, theLine))
325  {
326  if (, 1, "#") == 0) continue;
327  vector<double> theInfo; //format: N,pid,px,py,pz,E,mass,xvtx,yvtx,zvtx,?
328  double number = NAN;
329  for (istringstream numbers_iss(theLine); numbers_iss >> number;)
330  {
331  theInfo.push_back(number);
332  }
334  if (theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] == 0)
335  {
336  break;
337  }
338  else if (theInfo.size() == 2 && theInfo[0] == 0 && theInfo[1] > 0)
339  {
340  continue;
341  }
342  else
343  {
344  theEventVec.push_back(theInfo);
345  }
347  } //while(getline)
348  }
350  /*
351  if(skippedEvents < skipEvents)
352  {
353  skippedEvents++;
354  if (Verbosity() > 5) cout << "Skipping event " << skippedEvents << endl;
355  return 2;
356  }
357  */
359  //Set Event Number
360  evt->set_event_number(events_total + 1);
362  //Loop Over One Event, Fill particles
363  std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle *> hepevt_particles(theEventVec.size());
364  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEventVec.size(); i++)
365  {
366  //int N = (int)theEventVec[i][0];
367  int pid = (int) theEventVec[i][1];
368  double px = theEventVec[i][3];
369  double py = theEventVec[i][4];
370  double pz = theEventVec[i][5];
371  double E = theEventVec[i][6];
372  double m = theEventVec[i][7];
373  int status = 1; //oscar only writes final state particles
375  hepevt_particles[i] = new HepMC::GenParticle(HepMC::FourVector(px, py, pz, E), pid, status);
376  hepevt_particles[i]->setGeneratedMass(m);
377  hepevt_particles[i]->suggest_barcode(i + 1);
378  }
380  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theEventVec.size(); i++)
381  {
382  HepMC::GenParticle *p = hepevt_particles[i];
383  HepMC::GenVertex *prod_vtx = p->production_vertex();
384  if (prod_vtx) prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
386  bool found = false;
387  HepMC::FourVector prod_pos(theEventVec[i][8] * toMM, theEventVec[i][9] * toMM, theEventVec[i][10] * toMM, theEventVec[i][11]);
388  if (!prod_vtx)
389  {
390  //See if the vertex is already in the event
391  for (HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_iterator v = evt->vertices_begin(); v != evt->vertices_end(); ++v)
392  {
393  HepMC::GenVertex *theV = *v;
394  if (theV->position().x() != prod_pos.x()) continue;
395  if (theV->position().y() != prod_pos.y()) continue;
396  if (theV->position().z() != prod_pos.z()) continue;
397  found = true;
398  theV->add_particle_out(p);
399  }
400  if (!found)
401  {
402  //Didn't find vertex, add it
403  prod_vtx = new HepMC::GenVertex(prod_pos);
404  prod_vtx->add_particle_out(p);
405  evt->add_vertex(prod_vtx);
406  }
407  }
409  // If prod_vtx doesn't already have position specified, fill it.
410  if (!found && prod_vtx && prod_vtx->position() == HepMC::FourVector()) prod_vtx->set_position(prod_pos);
411  }
413  evt->print();
414  if (Verbosity() > 5) evt->print();
415  if (Verbosity() > 3) cout << "Adding Event to phhepmcgenevt" << endl;
419  if (ievt != PHHepMCGenHelper::get_geneventmap()->end())
420  {
421  // override existing event
422  ievt->second->addEvent(evt);
423  }
424  else
426  return 0;
427 }