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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Conversion.h
9 #ifndef CONVERSION_H__
10 #define CONVERSION_H__
12 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
13 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPoint.h>
15 #include <trackbase_historic/SvtxClusterMap.h>
16 #include <trackbase_historic/SvtxVertex.h>
17 #include <g4eval/SvtxTrackEval.h>
18 #include <GenFit/GFRaveVertex.h>
19 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
20 #include <TVector3.h>
21 #include <utility>
23 namespace PHGenFit {
24  class Track;
25 } /* namespace PHGenFit */
28 class SvtxTrackEval;
29 class PHCompositeNode;
31 class TLorentzVector;
32 class SvtxHitMap;
33 class SVReco;
34 class VtxRegressor;
36 //TODO check function to see ifthey can be made const
38 {
39  public:
44  ~Conversion();
48  void setElectron(PHG4Particle* e);
49  inline void setTrackEval(SvtxTrackEval *trackeval){this->trackeval=trackeval;}
50  inline void setVtx(PHG4VtxPoint* vtx){this->vtx=vtx;}
51  inline PHG4VtxPoint* getVtx()const{return vtx;}
53  inline bool isComplete()const{
54  if (e1&&e2&&photon)
55  {
56  return true;
57  }
58  else{
59  return false;
60  }
61  }
63  inline bool hasPair()const{
64  if (e1&&e2)
65  {
66  return true;
67  }
68  else{
69  return false;
70  }
71  }
73  bool setParent(PHG4Particle* parent);
76  void setPrimaryPhoton(PHG4Particle* parent,PHG4TruthInfoContainer* truthinfo);
79  inline int recoCount()const{
80  int r=0;
81  if (reco1)
82  {
83  r++;
84  }
85  if (reco2)
86  {
87  r++;
88  }
89  return r;
90  }
94  inline PHG4Particle* getElectron()const{return e1;}
98  inline PHG4Particle* getPositron()const{return e2;}
99  inline PHG4Particle* getPhoton()const{return photon;}
101  inline int getEmbed() const {return embedID;}
103  inline void setEmbed(int embedID) {this->embedID=embedID;}
104  inline void setSourceId(int source){sourceId=source;}
105  inline int getSourceId()const{return sourceId;}
109  float trackDEta()const;
110  static float trackDEta(SvtxTrack* reco1, SvtxTrack* reco2);
113  inline float trackDPhi()const{
114  if (recoCount()==2)
115  {
116  return DeltaPhi(reco1->get_phi(),reco2->get_phi());
117  }
118  else return -1.;
119  }
120  inline static float trackDPhi(SvtxTrack* reco1, SvtxTrack* reco2){
121  return DeltaPhi(reco1->get_phi(),reco2->get_phi());
122  }
124  float minTrackpT();
125  std::pair<float,float> getTrackpTs();
126  std::pair<float,float> getTrackEtas();
127  std::pair<float,float> getTrackPhis();
128  inline std::pair<SvtxTrack*,SvtxTrack*> getRecoTracks()const{
129  return std::pair<SvtxTrack*,SvtxTrack*>(reco1,reco2);
130  }
132  SvtxTrack* getRecoTrack(unsigned truthID) const;
135  inline void setClusterMap(SvtxClusterMap* cmap){
136  _svtxClusterMap=cmap;
137  }
138  inline int setVerbosity(int v){
139  verbosity=v;
140  return verbosity;
141  }
146  int get_cluster_id();
149  int get_cluster_id()const;
157  std::pair<int,int> get_cluster_ids();
162  int setRecoTracks();
166  void setRecoTrack(int truthID, SvtxTrack* recoTrack);
171  bool setElectron();
174  int trackDLayer(SvtxClusterMap* cmap,SvtxHitMap *hitmap);
178  int firstLayer(SvtxClusterMap* cmap,SvtxHitMap *hitmap);
181  bool hasSilicon(SvtxClusterMap* );
184  double approachDistance()const;
185  static double approachDistance(SvtxTrack*,SvtxTrack*);
187  double dist(PHG4VtxPoint* vtx, SvtxClusterMap* cmap);
188  double dist(TVector3* vtx, SvtxClusterMap* cmap);
189  double dist(TVector3* vtx, TrkrClusterContainer* cmap);
191  float minDca();
193  float vtxTrackRPhi(TVector3 vertpos);
194  static float vtxTrackRPhi(TVector3 vertpos,SvtxTrack*,SvtxTrack*);
196  float vtxTrackRZ(TVector3 vertpos);
197  static float vtxTrackRZ(TVector3 vertpos,SvtxTrack*,SvtxTrack*);
199  //Deprecated
200  //float setRecoVtx(SvtxVertex* recovtx,SvtxClusterMap* cmap);
201  TLorentzVector* setRecoPhoton();
202  TLorentzVector* getRecoPhoton();
203  static TLorentzVector* getRecoPhoton(SvtxTrack* reco1, SvtxTrack* reco2);
205  TLorentzVector* getRefitRecoPhoton();
208  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> refitTracks(SVReco* vertexer, SvtxVertex* recoVtx);
210  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> refitTracks(SVReco* vertexer);
213  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> refitTracksTruthVtx(SVReco* vertexer);
215  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> refitTracksTruthVtx(SVReco* vertexer,SvtxVertex* seedVtx);
216  //TODO Set {@link recoVertex} to the vertex reconstructed from {@link SVReco} using the reco tracks and @return {@link recoVertex}. @return NULL if {@link recoCount()}!=2. Delete any existing {@link recoVertex}
220  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> getPHGFTracks(SVReco* vertexer);
221  /*Convertes {@link reco1} and {@link reco2} into a pair of TLorentzVector* using the electron mass.
222  * references {@link recoCount()} to determine which NULL values to @return
223  * Ownership is returned.**/
224  std::pair<TLorentzVector*,TLorentzVector*> getRecoTlvs();
225  /*Convertes {@link _refit_phgf_tracks} into a pair of TLorentzVector* using the electron mass.
226  * If either refit track is not defined @return will be a pair of NULL vectors
227  * Ownership is returned.**/
228  std::pair<TLorentzVector*,TLorentzVector*> getRefitRecoTlvs();
232  std::pair<PHG4Particle*,PHG4Particle*> getParticlesMissingTrack();
239  inline static double InTwoPi (double phi) {
240  while (phi < 0 || 2*TMath::Pi() <= phi) {
241  if (phi < 0) phi += 2*TMath::Pi();
242  else phi -= 2*TMath::Pi();
243  }
244  return phi;
245  }
250  inline static double DeltaPhi (double phi1, double phi2) {
251  phi1 = InTwoPi(phi1);
252  phi2 = InTwoPi(phi2);
253  double dphi = abs(phi1 - phi2);
254  while (dphi > TMath::Pi()) dphi = abs (dphi - 2*TMath::Pi());
255  return dphi;
256  }
259  void printTruth();
261  void printReco();
263  void PrintPhotonRecoInfo();
264  void PrintPhotonRecoInfo(TLorentzVector *tlv_photon,TLorentzVector *tlv_electron, TLorentzVector *tlv_positron,float mass);
265  private:
275  SvtxClusterMap* _svtxClusterMap=NULL;
277  TLorentzVector *recoPhoton=NULL;
278  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> _refit_phgf_tracks;
279  std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> pairTruthReco1;
280  std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> pairTruthReco2;
282  static const int _kNSiliconLayer =7;
283  int embedID=0;
285  int sourceId;
286  static const float _kElectronRestM;
288  static float vtxTrackRZ(TVector3 recoVertPos,SvtxTrack *track);
290  static float vtxTrackRPhi(TVector3 recoVertPos,SvtxTrack *track);
300  void PHG4VtxPointToSvtxVertex(SvtxVertex* seedVtx);
302 };
303 #endif //CONVERSION_H__