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1 #include "BbcMonDraw.h"
3 #include <onlmon/OnlMonClient.h>
5 #include <TArc.h>
6 #include <TArrow.h>
7 #include <TAxis.h>
8 #include <TCanvas.h>
9 #include <TDatime.h>
10 #include <TF1.h>
11 #include <TGraph.h>
12 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
13 #include <TH1.h>
14 #include <TH2.h>
15 #include <TLatex.h>
16 #include <TLine.h>
17 #include <TPad.h>
18 #include <TPaveText.h>
19 #include <TROOT.h>
20 #include <TSpectrum.h>
21 #include <TStyle.h>
22 #include <TSystem.h>
23 #include <TText.h>
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <cstring>
27 #include <ctime>
28 #include <fstream>
29 #include <iomanip>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <sstream>
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <chrono>
35 #define DEBUG
36 #ifdef DEBUG
37 #define PRINT_DEBUG(x) std::cout<<x<<std::endl
38 #else
39 #define PRINT_DEBUG(x) {};
40 #endif
42 #ifdef DEBUGNEW
43 #define ifdelete(x) if(x!=nullptr){ std::cout << "Delete " << #x << std::endl; delete x;x=nullptr;}
44 #define ifnew(t,x) {if(x!=nullptr){ std::cout << "Delete " << #x << std::endl; delete x;}std::cout << "New "<< #x << std::endl;x = new t;}
45 #else
46 #define ifdelete(x) if(x!=nullptr){ delete x;x=nullptr;}
47 #define ifnew(t,x) {if(x!=nullptr){ delete x;}x = new t;}
48 #endif
50 // x position of trigger, scale factor and vtx mean
51 // static float xpos[3] = {0.30, 0.50, 0.75};
52 static float xpos[4] = {0.20, 0.35, 0.55, 0.75};
55  : OnlMonDraw(name)
56 {
57  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::BbcMonDraw()");
58  std::cout << "Done with BbcMonDraw::BbcMonDraw" << std::endl;
59  return;
60 }
63 {
64  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::~BbcMonDraw()");
65  // ifdelete( bbccalib );
67  ifdelete( bbcStyle );
69  // ------------------------------------------------------
70  // Canvas and Histogram
75  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WARNING; i++)
76  {
78  ifdelete(ArcWarning[i]);
79  }
81  // ------------------------------------------------------
82  // Graph for visualization
84  // for the 1st Page
86  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
87  {
88  ifdelete(TdcOver[side]);
89  ifdelete(LineTdcOver[side][0]);
90  ifdelete(LineTdcOver[side][1]);
91  ifdelete(BoxTdcOver[side]);
93  for (int trig = 0; trig < nTRIGGER; trig++)
94  {
95  ifdelete(nHit[trig][side]);
96  ifdelete(LinenHit[trig][side][0]);
97  ifdelete(LinenHit[trig][side][1]);
98  ifdelete(BoxnHit[trig][side]);
99  }
100  }
103  // for 2nd Page
105  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
106  {
107  ifdelete(HitTime[side]);
108  ifdelete(LineHitTime[side][0]);
109  ifdelete(LineHitTime[side][1]);
110  ifdelete(ArrowHitTime[side]);
111  ifdelete(TextHitTime[side]);
112  ifdelete(FitHitTime[side]);
113  }
147  ifdelete(Zvtx);
148  ifdelete(FitZvtx);
149  ifdelete(LineZvtx[0]);
150  ifdelete(LineZvtx[1]);
158  ifdelete(ArmHit);
162  // for 3rd Page
163  ifdelete(Adc);
168  // for 4th Page
170  ifdelete(Zvtx);
180  // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//need a look
181  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
182  {
186  }
187  ifdelete( FitZvtx );
188  ifdelete( TextZvtxStatus[0] );
189  ifdelete( TextZvtxStatus[1] );
191  for (int icv=0; icv<nCANVAS; icv++)
192  {
193  ifdelete( TC[icv] );
194  }
197  ifdelete(tspec);
199  return;
200 }
203 {
204  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::Init()");
205  TStyle *oldStyle = gStyle;
206  bbcStyle = new TStyle("bbcStyle", "BBC/MBD Online Monitor Style");
207  bbcStyle->SetOptStat(0);
208  bbcStyle->SetTitleH(0.075);
209  bbcStyle->SetTitleW(0.98);
210  bbcStyle->SetPalette(1);
211  bbcStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
212  bbcStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
213  bbcStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
214  oldStyle->cd();
216  // ------------------------------------------------------
217  // Canvas and Histogram
219  memset(TC, 0, sizeof(TC));
220  memset(transparent, 0, sizeof(transparent));
221  memset(PadTop, 0, sizeof(PadTop));
222  memset(PaveWarning, 0, sizeof(PaveWarning));
223  memset(ArcWarning, 0, sizeof(ArcWarning));
224  memset(PadWarning, 0, sizeof(PadWarning));
225  memset(nPadWarning, 0, sizeof(nPadWarning));
226  // ------------------------------------------------------
227  // Graph for visualization
229  // for the 1st Page
230  memset(TdcOver, 0, sizeof(TdcOver));
231  memset(PadTdcOver, 0, sizeof(PadTdcOver));
232  memset(LineTdcOver, 0, sizeof(LineTdcOver));
233  memset(BoxTdcOver, 0, sizeof(BoxTdcOver));
234  memset(FrameTdcOver, 0, sizeof(FrameTdcOver));
235  memset(PadnHit, 0, sizeof(PadnHit));
236  memset(nHit, 0, sizeof(nHit));
237  memset(LinenHit, 0, sizeof(LinenHit));
238  memset(BoxnHit, 0, sizeof(BoxnHit));
239  memset(FramenHit, 0, sizeof(FramenHit));
241  // for 2nd Page
243  memset(HitTime, 0, sizeof(HitTime));
244  memset(PadHitTime, 0, sizeof(PadHitTime));
245  memset(LineHitTime, 0, sizeof(LineHitTime));
246  memset(ArrowHitTime, 0, sizeof(ArrowHitTime));
247  memset(TextHitTime, 0, sizeof(TextHitTime));
248  memset(FitHitTime, 0, sizeof(FitHitTime));
249  memset(LineAvrHitTime, 0, sizeof(LineAvrHitTime));
251  memset(LineNorthHitTime, 0, sizeof(LineNorthHitTime));
252  memset(LineSouthHitTime, 0, sizeof(LineSouthHitTime));
254  memset(TextBbcSummaryHitTime, 0, sizeof(TextBbcSummaryHitTime));
257  memset(LineZvtx, 0, sizeof(LineZvtx));
259  memset(LineTzeroZvtx, 0, sizeof(LineTzeroZvtx));
261  memset(TextZVertex, 0, sizeof(TextZVertex));
262  memset(TextZVertex_scale, 0, sizeof(TextZVertex_scale));
263  memset(TextZVertex_mean, 0, sizeof(TextZVertex_mean));
265  FitZvtx = new TF1("FitZvtx", "gaus");
266  TextZvtxStatus[0] = new TLatex;
267  TextZvtxStatus[1] = new TLatex;
269  tspec = new TSpectrum(5); // 5 peaks is enough - we have 4
271  return 0;
272 }
275 {
276  for (int i = 0; i < nWarning; i++)
277  {
279  ifdelete(ArcWarning[i]);
280  }
281  nWarning = 0;
283  if (PaveWarnings)
284  {
285  PaveWarnings->Clear();
286  }
287  // if( PadWarnings )
288  // PaveWarnings->Draw();
289  return 0;
290 }
292 int BbcMonDraw::Warning(TPad *pad, const float x, const float y, const int r, const std::string &msg)
293 {
294  static int brink = 1;
295  float x1, x2, y1, y2;
297  x1 = pad->GetX1() * 0.97 + pad->GetX2() * 0.03;
298  x2 = pad->GetX1() * 0.03 + pad->GetX2() * 0.97;
299  // pave rises on top if error point is lower
300  if (y > pad->GetY1() * 0.5 + pad->GetY2() * 0.5)
301  {
302  y1 = pad->GetY1() + (pad->GetY2() - pad->GetY1()) * 0.10;
303  y2 = pad->GetY1() + (pad->GetY2() - pad->GetY1()) * 0.30;
304  }
305  else
306  {
307  y1 = pad->GetY1() + (pad->GetY2() - pad->GetY1()) * 0.70;
308  y2 = pad->GetY1() + (pad->GetY2() - pad->GetY1()) * 0.90;
309  }
311  int newWarning = nWarning;
312  for (int i = 0; i < nWarning; i++)
313  {
314  if (PadWarning[i] == pad)
315  {
316  newWarning = i;
317  }
318  }
320  ifnew(TArc(x, y, r), ArcWarning[newWarning]);
321  ArcWarning[newWarning]->SetLineWidth(r);
322  ArcWarning[newWarning]->SetLineColor(2);
324  ifnew(TPaveText(x1, y1, x2, y2), PaveWarning[newWarning]);
325  PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText(msg.c_str());
326  ArcWarning[newWarning]->SetLineColor(2 + 3 * brink);
327  PaveWarning[newWarning]->SetFillColor(5 + 5 * brink);
328  PaveWarning[newWarning]->SetTextColor(2);
329  PaveWarning[newWarning]->SetLineColor(2);
330  PaveWarning[newWarning]->SetLineWidth(2);
332  if (newWarning == nWarning)
333  {
334  PadWarning[newWarning] = pad;
335  nPadWarning[newWarning] = 1;
336  nWarning++;
337  }
338  else
339  {
340  std::ostringstream wmsg;
341  wmsg << "... and other " << nPadWarning[newWarning] << " warnings";
342  nPadWarning[newWarning]++;
343  PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText(wmsg.str().c_str());
344  wmsg.str("");
345  }
346  // PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText( "Call BBC/MBD Expert. If this run is a PHYSICS run " );
347  PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText("Do Quick-feed BBC/MBD");
348  PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText("If it is NOT fixed by feed at PHYSICS run, call BBC/MBD experts");
349  // PaveWarning[newWarning]->AddText( "If it is NOT fixed by quick feed at PHYSICS run, conform to the BBC/MBD standing orders" );
351  if (PaveWarnings)
352  {
353  PaveWarnings->AddText(msg.c_str());
354  }
356  if (PadWarnings && PaveWarnings)
357  {
358  PaveWarnings->Draw();
359  }
360  // ArcWarning[newWarning]->Draw();
361  PaveWarning[newWarning]->Draw();
363  // brink = 1 - brink;
365  if (nWarning == MAX_WARNING - 2)
366  {
367  std::string bmsg = "Too Many Warnings";
368  Warning(pad, x, y, 0, bmsg);
369  bmsg.erase();
370  }
372  return 0;
373 }
376 {
377  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::MakeCanvas()");
379  int xsize = cl->GetDisplaySizeX();
380  int ysize = cl->GetDisplaySizeY();
382  if (name == "BbcMon1")
383  {
384  std::cout << "Creating Canvas BbcMon1..." << std::endl;
386  TC[0] = new TCanvas("BbcMon1", "BBC/MBD Z-Vertex View for Shift crew", -1, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
388  // root is pathetic, whenever a new TCanvas is created root piles up
389  // 6kb worth of X11 events which need to be cleared with
390  // gSystem->ProcessEvents(), otherwise your process will grow and
391  // grow and grow but will not show a definitely lost memory leak
392  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
394  TC[0]->cd();
395  PadTop[0] = new TPad("PadTop0", "PadTop0", 0.00, 0.90, 1.00, 1.00, 0, 0, 0);
396  PadZVertex = new TPad("PadZVertex", "PadZVertex", 0.00, 0.60, 1.00, 0.90, 0, 0, 0);
397  PadZVertexSummary = new TPad("PadZVertexSummary", "PadZVertexSummary", 0.00, 0.40, 1.00, 0.60, 0, 0, 0);
398  PadSouthHitMap = new TPad("PadSouthHitMap", "PadSouthHitMap", 0.00, 0.00, 0.495, 0.40, 0, 0, 0);
399  PadNorthHitMap = new TPad("PadNorthHitMap", "PadNorthHitMap", 0.505, 0.00, 1.0, 0.40, 0, 0, 0);
400  //PadTzeroZVertex = new TPad("PadTzeroZVertex", "PadTzeroZVertex", 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.40, 0, 0, 0);
402  PadTop[0]->Draw();
403  // PadZVertex->SetLogy();
404  PadZVertex->Draw();
405  //PadTzeroZVertex->Draw();
406  PadSouthHitMap->Draw();
407  PadNorthHitMap->Draw();
408  PadZVertexSummary->Draw();
410  PadZVertexSummary->cd();
412  // ifnew( TText, TextZVertexNotice );
413  // TextZVertexNotice->SetTextSize(0.08);
414  // TextZVertexNotice->SetText(0.05, 0.75, "< Z vertex deviation may NOT be due to BBC/MBD, don't page expert easily! >");
416  // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
417  for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) // pp
418  {
419  ifnew(TText, TextZVertex[i]);
420  TextZVertex[i]->SetTextColor(bbc_onlmon::BBC_COLOR_ZVTX[i]);
421  // TextZVertex[i]->SetTextSize(0.15);
422  TextZVertex[i]->SetTextSize(0.08);
424  ifnew(TText, TextZVertex_scale[i]);
425  ifnew(TText, TextZVertex_mean[i]);
427  TextZVertex_mean[i]->SetTextColor(bbc_onlmon::BBC_COLOR_ZVTX[i]);
428  TextZVertex_scale[i]->SetTextSize(0.08);
429  TextZVertex_mean[i]->SetTextSize(0.08);
430  }
431  /*chiu
432  TextZVertex[0]->SetText(xpos[0], 0.65, "Zbbc [BBLL1]"); // RUN11 pp
433  */
434  TC[0]->cd();
435  transparent[0] = new TPad("transparent3", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
436  transparent[0]->SetFillStyle(4000);
437  transparent[0]->Draw();
439  /*
440  ifnew(TLine(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN, -6,
441  bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN, 16),
442  LineTzeroZvtx[0]);
443  ifnew(TLine(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN, -6,
444  bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN, 16),
445  LineTzeroZvtx[1]);
446  ifnew(TLine(-200, bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN - 5,
447  200, bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN - 5),
448  LineTzeroZvtx[2]);
449  ifnew(TLine(-200, bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN - 5,
450  200, bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN - 5),
451  LineTzeroZvtx[3]);
452  ifnew(TText, TextTzeroZvtx);
453  */
454  }
456  else if (name == "BbcMon2")
457  {
458  std::cout << "Creating Canvas BbcMon2..." << std::endl;
460  TC[1] = new TCanvas("BbcMon2", "Beam status view for Shift crew", -xsize / 2, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
461  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
462  TC[1]->cd();
463  PadTop[1] = new TPad("PadTop1", "PadTop1", 0.00, 0.90, 1.00, 1.00, 0, 0, 0);
464  PadTimeWave = new TPad("PadTimeWave", "PadTimeWave", 0.00, 0.30, 1.00, 0.90, 0, 0, 0);
465  PadSouthHitTime = new TPad("PadHitTimeSouth1", "PadHitTimeSouth1", 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 0.30, 0, 0, 0);
466  PadNorthHitTime = new TPad("PadHitTimeNorth1", "PadHitTimeNorth1", 0.50, 0.00, 1.00, 0.30, 0, 0, 0);
468  //PadArmHit = new TPad("PadArmHit", "PadArmHit", 0.50, 0.00, 1.00, 0.40, 0, 0, 0);
469  //PadBbcSummary = new TPad("PadBbcSummary", "PadBbcSummary", 0.00, 0.40, 1.00, 0.55, 0, 0, 0);
470  //PadAvrHitTime = new TPad("PadAvrHitTime", "PadAvrHitTime", 0.00, 0.00, 0.50, 0.40, 0, 0, 0);
472  //PadArmHit->SetLogz();
474  PadTop[1]->Draw();
475  if (PadTimeWave) PadTimeWave->Draw();
476  if (PadNorthHitTime) PadNorthHitTime->Draw();
477  if (PadSouthHitTime) PadSouthHitTime->Draw();
478  if (PadArmHit) PadArmHit->Draw();
479  if (PadBbcSummary) PadBbcSummary->Draw();
480  if (PadAvrHitTime) PadAvrHitTime->Draw();
482  ifnew(TText, TextBbcSummaryHitTime[0]);
483  ifnew(TText, TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]);
487  // TextBbcSummaryHitTime->SetTextSize(0.2);
488  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[0]->SetTextSize(0.2);
489  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]->SetTextSize(0.2);
490  TextBbcSummaryZvertex->SetTextSize(0.2);
491  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[0]->SetTextSize(0.2);
492  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[1]->SetTextSize(0.2);
494  ifnew(TArc(10.5, 10.5, 4, 0, 360), ArcArmHit);
495  ArcArmHit->SetFillStyle(4000);
496  // ifnew( TArc(10.5, 10.5, 4), ArcArmHit );
497  ifnew(TText, TextArmHit);
498  TextArmHit->SetTextSize(0.08);
499  TextArmHit->SetText(10, 4, "Good region");
501  // PadSouthHitTime = new TPad("PadSouthHitTime", "PadSouthHitTime", 0.00, 0.55, 0.50, 0.90, 0);
502  // PadNorthHitTime = new TPad("PadNorthHitTime", "PadNorthHitTime", 0.50, 0.55, 1.00, 0.90, 0);
504  if (PadAvrHitTime)
505  {
508  LineAvrHitTime[0]);
511  LineAvrHitTime[1]);
516  ArrowAvrHitTime->SetOption("<>");
518  ifnew(TText, TextAvrHitTime);
519  TextAvrHitTime->SetTextSize(0.08);
520  TextAvrHitTime->SetText(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN, 10000, " good mean");
522  LineAvrHitTime[0]->SetLineColor(9);
523  LineAvrHitTime[1]->SetLineColor(9);
524  ArrowAvrHitTime->SetLineColor(9);
525  TextAvrHitTime->SetTextColor(9);
526  }
528  if (PadSouthHitTime)
529  {
532  LineSouthHitTime[0]);
535  LineSouthHitTime[1]);
540  ArrowSouthHitTime->SetOption("<>");
542  ifnew(TText, TextSouthHitTime);
543  TextSouthHitTime->SetTextSize(0.08);
544  TextSouthHitTime->SetText(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN, 10000, " good mean");
546  LineSouthHitTime[0]->SetLineColor(9);
547  LineSouthHitTime[1]->SetLineColor(9);
548  ArrowSouthHitTime->SetLineColor(9);
549  TextSouthHitTime->SetTextColor(9);
550  }
552  if (PadNorthHitTime)
553  {
556  LineNorthHitTime[0]);
559  LineNorthHitTime[1]);
564  ArrowNorthHitTime->SetOption("<>");
566  ifnew(TText, TextNorthHitTime);
567  TextNorthHitTime->SetTextSize(0.08);
568  TextNorthHitTime->SetText(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN, 10000, " good mean");
570  LineNorthHitTime[0]->SetLineColor(9);
571  LineNorthHitTime[1]->SetLineColor(9);
572  ArrowNorthHitTime->SetLineColor(9);
573  TextNorthHitTime->SetTextColor(9);
574  }
576  transparent[1] = new TPad("transparent1", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
577  transparent[1]->SetFillStyle(4000);
578  transparent[1]->Draw();
579  }
581  else if (name == "BbcMon3")
582  {
583  std::cout << "Creating Canvas BbcMon3..." << std::endl;
585  TC[2] = new TCanvas("BbcMon3", "BBC/MBD status view for Expert", -xsize / 2, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
586  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
587  TC[2]->cd();
590  PadTop[2] = new TPad("PadTop0", "PadTop0", 0.00, 0.90, 1.00, 1.00, 0, 0, 0);
591  PadTdcOver[0] = new TPad("PadTdcOverSouth0", "PadTdcOverSouth0", 0.00, 0.30, 0.50, 0.60, 0, 0, 0);
592  PadTdcOver[1] = new TPad("PadTdcOverNorth1", "PadTdcOverNorth1", 0.50, 0.60, 1.00, 0.90, 0, 0, 0);
593  PadnHit[1] = new TPad("PadnHitNorth", "PadnHitNorth", 0.50, 0.03, 1.00, 0.30, 0, 0, 0);
594  PadnHit[0] = new TPad("PadnHitSouth", "PadnHitSouth", 0.00, 0.03, 0.50, 0.30, 0);
595  PadnHitStatus = new TPad("PadnHitStatus", "PadnHitStatus", 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.03, 0, 0, 0);
597  PadTop[2]->Draw();
598  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
599  {
600  PadTdcOver[side]->Draw();
601  PadnHit[side]->Draw();
602  PadnHitStatus->Draw();
605  BoxnHit[0][side]->SetFillColor(5);
606  BoxnHit[0][side]->SetLineColor(3);
609  BoxnHit[1][side]->SetFillColor(7);
610  BoxnHit[1][side]->SetLineColor(4);
611  }
613  for (auto &side : BoxTdcOver)
614  {
616  side->SetFillColor(5);
617  side->SetLineColor(3);
618  }
619  ifnew(TText, TextnHitStatus);
620  TextnHitStatus->SetTextSize(0.7);
621  TextnHitStatus->SetText(0.05, 0.5, "Red Square : Collision Event / Blue Triangle : Laser Event");
622  transparent[2] = new TPad("transparent2", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
623  transparent[2]->SetFillStyle(4000);
624  transparent[2]->Draw();
625  }
627  //
628  // 4th Page
629  else if (name == "BbcMon4")
630  {
631  std::cout << "Creating Canvas BbcMon4..." << std::endl;
633  // ifnew( TText, TextBbcSummaryTrigRate );
634  ifnew(TLatex, TextBbcSummaryTrigRate);
635  // TextBbcSummaryTrigRate->SetTextSize(0.109);
636  TextBbcSummaryTrigRate->SetTextSize(0.08);
637  // TextBbcSummaryTrigRate->SetTextSize(0.075);
639  TC[3] = new TCanvas("BbcMon4", "Beam/Trigger status view for Shift clew", -1, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
640  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
641  TC[3]->cd();
643  PadTop[3] = new TPad("PadTop3", "PadTop3", 0.00, 0.90, 1.00, 1.00, 0, 0, 0);
644  PadTop[3]->Draw();
646  PadHitTime[0] = new TPad("PadHitTimeSouth1", "PadHitTimeSouth1", 0.00, 0.60, 0.50, 0.90, 0, 0, 0);
647  PadHitTime[1] = new TPad("PadHitTimeNorth1", "PadHitTimeNorth1", 0.50, 0.60, 1.00, 0.90, 0, 0, 0);
648  PadHitTime[0]->SetLeftMargin(0.17);
649  PadHitTime[1]->SetLeftMargin(0.17);
650  PadHitTime[0]->Draw();
651  PadHitTime[1]->Draw();
653  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
654  {
660  ArrowHitTime[side]);
661  ArrowHitTime[side]->SetOption("<>");
663  ifnew(TText, TextHitTime[side]);
664  TextHitTime[side]->SetTextSize(0.08);
665  TextHitTime[side]->SetText(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_TDC1_MEAN, 10000, " good mean");
667  LineHitTime[side][0]->SetLineColor(9);
668  LineHitTime[side][1]->SetLineColor(9);
669  ArrowHitTime[side]->SetLineColor(9);
670  TextHitTime[side]->SetTextColor(9);
671  }
672  PadZvtx = new TPad("PadZvtx", "PadZvtx", 0.00, 0.30, 0.50, 0.60, 0, 0, 0);
674  // for Zvtx
675  if (PadZvtx)
676  {
677  PadZvtx->SetLeftMargin(0.17);
678  PadZvtx->Draw();
681  LineZvtx[0]);
684  LineZvtx[1]);
688  ArrowZvtx);
689  ArrowZvtx->SetOption("<>");
691  ifnew(TText, TextZvtx);
692  TextZvtx->SetTextSize(0.08);
693  TextZvtx->SetText(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN, 10000, " good mean");
694  ifnew(TText, TextZvtxNorth);
695  TextZvtxNorth->SetTextSize(0.05);
696  TextZvtxNorth->SetText(130, 0, "North");
697  ifnew(TText, TextZvtxSouth);
698  TextZvtxSouth->SetTextSize(0.05);
699  TextZvtxSouth->SetText(-160, 0, "South");
701  LineZvtx[0]->SetLineColor(9);
702  LineZvtx[1]->SetLineColor(9);
703  ArrowZvtx->SetLineColor(9);
704  TextZvtx->SetTextColor(9);
705  }
707  PadChargeSum = new TPad("PadChargeSum", "PadCHargeSum", 0.50, 0.30, 1.00, 0.60, 0, 0, 0);
708  PadChargeSum->SetLogy();
709  PadChargeSum->Draw();
711  ifnew(TText, TextNorthChargeSum);
712  // SetNDC(): this will use normalized coordinates (0-1/0-1) for drawing no matter what the histogram uses
713  TextNorthChargeSum->SetNDC();
714  TextNorthChargeSum->SetTextSize(0.08);
715  TextNorthChargeSum->SetText(0.3, 0.8, "--North"); // for p+p
716  TextNorthChargeSum->SetTextColor(4);
718  ifnew(TText, TextSouthChargeSum);
719  // SetNDC(): this will use normalized coordinates (0-1/0-1) for drawing no matter what the histogram uses
720  TextSouthChargeSum->SetNDC();
721  TextSouthChargeSum->SetTextSize(0.08);
722  TextSouthChargeSum->SetText(0.6, 0.8, "--South"); // for p+p
723  TextSouthChargeSum->SetTextColor(2);
725  PadAdc = new TPad("PadAdc", "PadAdc", 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.30, 0, 0, 0);
726  PadAdc->SetLogz();
727  PadAdc->Draw();
728  transparent[3] = new TPad("transparent0", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1);
729  transparent[3]->SetFillStyle(4000);
730  transparent[3]->Draw();
732  // PadHitTime[1][0]->SetLogy();
733  // PadHitTime[1][1]->SetLogy();
735  /*
736  ifnew( TPad("PadButton" , "PadButton" , 0.00, 0.70, 1.00, 0.90, 0), PadButton);
737  ifnew( TPad("PadMultiView" , "PadMultiView" , 0.10, 0.20, 1.00, 0.70, 0), PadMultiView);
738  ifnew( TPad("PadWarnings" , "PadWarnings" , 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.20, 0), PadWarnings);
739  PadMultiView->Draw();
740  PadWarnings->Draw();
741  PadButton->Draw();
742  ifnew( TPaveText(0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95) , PaveWarnings );
743  */
745  // TC[3]->SetEditable(0);
746  }
748  //
750  /*
751  if ( ( strlen(name) < 1 || strcmp(name, "BBCMon1") == 0 ) ||
752  ( strlen(name) < 1 || strcmp(name, "BBCMon2") == 0 ) ||
753  ( strlen(name) < 1 || strcmp(name, "BBCMon3") == 0 ) ||
754  ( strlen(name) < 1 || strcmp(name, "BBCMon4") == 0 ) )
755  */
756  {
757  ifnew(TPaveText(0.05, 0.65, 0.70, 0.95), PaveTop);
758  PaveTop->AddText("BBC/MBD ONLINE MONITOR");
759  ifnew(TText, TextTop);
760  TextTop->SetTextSize(0.25);
761  }
763  std::cout << "Initialize completed" << std::endl;
765  return 0;
766 }
769 {
770  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::Draw()");
771  std::cout << what << std::endl;
773  TStyle *oldStyle = gStyle;
774  bbcStyle->cd();
776  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon1"))
777  {
778  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::Draw(), BbcMon1");
779  TC[0] = nullptr;
780  if (what == "ALL" || what == "FIRST" || what == "BbcMon1" || what == "BbcMonitor")
781  {
782  MakeCanvas("BbcMon1");
783  }
784  }
785  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon2"))
786  {
787  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::Draw(), BbcMon2");
788  TC[1] = nullptr;
789  if (what == "ALL" || what == "SECOND" || what == "BbcMon2" || what == "VertexMonitor")
790  {
791  MakeCanvas("BbcMon2");
792  }
793  }
794  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon3"))
795  {
796  TC[2] = nullptr;
797  if (what == "BbcMon3" || what == "BbcMonitor")
798  {
799  MakeCanvas("BbcMon3");
800  }
801  }
802  // 4th canvas
803  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon4"))
804  {
805  TC[3] = nullptr;
806  if (what == "BbcMon4" || what == "VertexMonitor")
807  {
808  MakeCanvas("BbcMon4");
809  }
810  }
811  // Histogram
812  TH2 *bbc_adc{nullptr};
813  TH2 *bbc_tdc{nullptr};
814  // TH2 *bbc_tdc_overflow;
815  // TH1 *bbc_tdc_overflow_each[nPMT_BBC];
816  //TH1 *bbc_nhit[nTRIGGER];
817  TH2 *bbc_tdc_armhittime{nullptr};
818  TH1 *bbc_zvertex{nullptr};
819  TH1 *bbc_zvertex_bbll1{nullptr};
820  TH1 *bbc_nevent_counter{nullptr};
821  TH2 *bbc_tzero_zvtx{nullptr};
822  TH1 *bbc_avr_hittime{nullptr};
823  TH1 *bbc_south_hittime{nullptr};
824  TH1 *bbc_north_hittime{nullptr};
825  TH1 *bbc_south_chargesum{nullptr};
826  TH1 *bbc_north_chargesum{nullptr};
827  TH1 *bbc_prescale_hist{nullptr};
828  TH2 *bbc_time_wave{nullptr};
829  TH2 *bbc_charge_wave{nullptr};
830  TH2 *bbc_south_hitmap{nullptr};
831  TH2 *bbc_north_hitmap{nullptr};
833  ClearWarning();
835  std::ostringstream otext;
837  std::string textok;
838  // std::ostringstream textok;
839  std::ostringstream name;
841  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
842  // get pointer for each histrams
846  PRINT_DEBUG("Start Getting Histogram");
848  name << "bbc_tdc";
849  bbc_tdc = static_cast<TH2 *>(cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0",name.str().c_str()));
850  name.str("");
852  /*
853  name << "bbc_tdc_overflow" ;
854  bbc_tdc_overflow = static_cast<TH2 *> (cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0",name.str().c_str()));
855  name.str("");
857  for ( int i = 0 ; i < nPMT_BBC ; i++ )
858  {
859  name << "bbc_tdc_overflow_" << setw(3) << setfill('0') << i ;
860  bbc_tdc_overflow_each[i] = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0",name.str().c_str());
861  name.str("");
862  }
863  */
865  bbc_adc = static_cast<TH2 *>(cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_adc"));
866  ifdelete(Adc);
867  for (int i = 0; i < nCANVAS; i++)
868  {
869  if (TC[i])
870  {
871  transparent[i]->Clear(); // clear dead server msg if it was printed before
872  }
873  }
875  if (bbc_adc)
876  {
877  Adc = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_adc->Clone());
878  }
879  else
880  {
881  // here I assume server is dead and there must be a message saying so
882  std::cout << "SERVER IS DEAD, no bbc_adc" << std::endl;
883  for (auto &i : TC)
884  {
885  if (i)
886  {
887  i->cd();
888  i->Clear("D");
889  // DrawDeadServer(transparent[i]);
890  i->Update();
891  }
892  }
893  return -1;
894  }
896  bbc_tdc_armhittime = static_cast<TH2 *>(cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_tdc_armhittime"));
897  ifdelete(ArmHit);
898  ArmHit = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_tdc_armhittime->Clone());
900  bbc_zvertex = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_zvertex");
901  ifdelete(Zvtx);
902  Zvtx = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_zvertex->Clone());
904  bbc_zvertex_bbll1 = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_zvertex_bbll1");
906  Zvtx_bbll1 = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_zvertex_bbll1->Clone());
908  bbc_nevent_counter = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_nevent_counter");
910  bbc_tzero_zvtx = static_cast<TH2 *>(cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_tzero_zvtx"));
912  TzeroZvtx = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_tzero_zvtx->Clone());
914  bbc_avr_hittime = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_avr_hittime");
916  AvrHitTime = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_avr_hittime->Clone());
918  bbc_north_hittime = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_north_hittime");
920  NorthHitTime = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_north_hittime->Clone());
922  bbc_south_hittime = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_south_hittime");
924  SouthHitTime = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_south_hittime->Clone());
926  bbc_south_chargesum = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_south_chargesum");
928  SouthChargeSum = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_south_chargesum->Clone());
930  bbc_north_chargesum = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_north_chargesum");
932  NorthChargeSum = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_north_chargesum->Clone());
934  bbc_prescale_hist = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_prescale_hist");
936  Prescale_hist = static_cast<TH1 *>(bbc_prescale_hist->Clone());
938  bbc_time_wave = static_cast<TH2 *>( cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_time_wave") );
940  TimeWave = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_time_wave->Clone());
942  bbc_charge_wave = static_cast<TH2 *>( cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_charge_wave") );
944  ChargeWave = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_charge_wave->Clone());
946  bbc_south_hitmap = static_cast<TH2 *>( cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_south_hitmap") );
948  SouthHitMap = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_south_hitmap->Clone());
950  bbc_north_hitmap = static_cast<TH2 *>( cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_north_hitmap") );
952  NorthHitMap = static_cast<TH2 *>(bbc_north_hitmap->Clone());
954  PRINT_DEBUG("Start Creating graphs");
956  // Create HitTime projection ------------------------------------------
958  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
959  {
960  ifdelete(HitTime[side]);
962  name << "FitHitTime" << bbc_onlmon::SIDE_Str[side];
963  HitTime[side] = bbc_tdc->ProjectionY(name.str().c_str(), side * 64, side * 64 + 63);
964  name.str("");
966  name << bbc_onlmon::SIDE_Str[side] << " BBC/MBD TDC Distribution";
967  // name << bbc_onlmon::SIDE_Str[side] << " BBC/MBD TDC" << tdc << " Distribution(Trigger:BBLL1)" ; // Run14 AuAu 15GeV 2014.02.23
968  HitTime[side]->SetTitle(name.str().c_str());
969  ifnew(TF1(name.str().c_str(), "gaus"), FitHitTime[side]);
970  name.str("");
971  FitHitTime[side]->SetLineWidth(1); // 0.05 was used fro run3
972  FitHitTime[side]->SetLineColor(4);
973  }
975  // Create ZVertex Fit
977  ifnew(TF1("FitZvtx", "gaus"), FitZvtx);
978  ifnew(TF1("FitAvrHitTime", "gaus"), FitAvrHitTime);
979  ifnew(TF1("FitNorthHitTime", "gaus"), FitNorthHitTime);
980  ifnew(TF1("FitSouthHitTime", "gaus"), FitSouthHitTime);
981  FitZvtx->SetLineWidth(1); // 0.05 was used for run3
982  FitZvtx->SetLineColor(4);
984  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
985  // making nHit TGraph
987  double pmt[nPMT_1SIDE_BBC] = {0.};
988  double zero[nPMT_1SIDE_BBC] = {0.};
989  double nhitPmt[nTRIGGER][nSIDE][nPMT_1SIDE_BBC];
990  double nhit_total = bbc_nevent_counter->GetBinContent(2);
991  double nhit[nTRIGGER];
992  nhit[0] = bbc_nevent_counter->GetBinContent(2);
993  nhit[1] = bbc_nevent_counter->GetBinContent(3);
995  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
996  {
997  pmt[i] = i + 1;
998  // zero[i] = 0;
999  }
1001  PRINT_DEBUG("Creating nHit Graph");
1003  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
1004  {
1005  for (int trig = 0; trig < nTRIGGER; trig++)
1006  {
1007  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
1008  {
1009  if (nhit[trig] != 0)
1010  {
1011  // RUN12: to ignore laser rate for ch8, fiber is broken.
1012  if (side == 0 && trig == 1 && i == 7)
1013  {
1014  nhitPmt[trig][side][i] = 999;
1015  }
1016  else
1017  {
1018  //nhitPmt[trig][side][i] = bbc_nhit[trig]->GetBinContent(i + side * nPMT_1SIDE_BBC + 1) / nhit[trig];
1019  nhitPmt[trig][side][i] = 999;
1020  }
1021  }
1022  else
1023  {
1024  nhitPmt[trig][side][i] = 0;
1025  }
1026  }
1027  ifnew(TGraph(nPMT_1SIDE_BBC, pmt, nhitPmt[trig][side]), nHit[trig][side]);
1028  // nHit[trig][side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.05);
1029  // nHit[trig][side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize( 0.05);
1030  // nHit[trig][side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.70);
1031  // nHit[trig][side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.75);
1032  }
1033  }
1034  PRINT_DEBUG("Creating OverFlow Grapth");
1036  // Create TDC Overflow Graph
1038  double tdcOverMean[nSIDE][nPMT_1SIDE_BBC];
1039  double tdcOverErrY[nSIDE][nPMT_1SIDE_BBC];
1040  for (int iside = 0; iside < nSIDE; iside++)
1041  {
1042  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
1043  {
1044  tdcOverMean[iside][i] = 0.0;
1045  tdcOverErrY[iside][i] = 0.0;
1046  }
1047  }
1049  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
1050  {
1051  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
1052  {
1053  /*
1054  tdcOverMean[0][side][i] = bbc_tdc_overflow_each[0][i + side * nPMT_1SIDE_BBC]->GetMean() /
1055  bbccalib->getOverflow0()->getCalibPar(i)->getDeviation();
1056  tdcOverErrY[0][side][i] = bbc_tdc_overflow_each[0][i + side * nPMT_1SIDE_BBC]->GetRMS() /
1057  bbccalib->getOverflow0()->getCalibPar(i)->getDeviation();
1059  tdcOverMean[1][side][i] = bbc_tdc_overflow_each[1][i + side * nPMT_1SIDE_BBC]->GetMean() /
1060  bbccalib->getOverflow1()->getCalibPar(i)->getDeviation();
1061  tdcOverErrY[1][side][i] = bbc_tdc_overflow_each[1][i + side * nPMT_1SIDE_BBC]->GetRMS() /
1062  bbccalib->getOverflow1()->getCalibPar(i)->getDeviation();
1063  */
1065  ifnew(TGraphErrors(nPMT_1SIDE_BBC, pmt, tdcOverMean[side], zero,
1066  tdcOverErrY[side]),
1067  TdcOver[side]);
1068  }
1069  }
1071  // Redraw each Pad
1073  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1074  // Draw 1st Page
1075  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1076  std::ostringstream msg;
1077  PRINT_DEBUG("Drawing Graphs on Canvas");
1079  // Make TopPave
1080  time_t evttime = cl->EventTime("CURRENT");
1082  otext.str("");
1083  otext << "Run #" << cl->RunNumber();
1084  otext << " Events: " << nhit_total;
1085  otext << " Date:" << ctime(&evttime);
1086  text = otext.str();
1087  TextTop->SetText(0.01, 0.25, text.c_str());
1089  if (TC[0])
1090  {
1091  TC[0]->cd();
1093  PadTop[0]->cd();
1094  PaveTop->Draw();
1095  TextTop->Draw();
1097  PadZVertexSummary->cd();
1099  Zvtx->SetLineColor(4);
1100  Zvtx->SetFillColor(4);
1102  Zvtx_bbll1->SetLineColor(4);
1103  Zvtx_bbll1->SetFillColor(4);
1105  // Get Maximum at the inside of BBC which is 130cm from center;
1106  float maxEntries = 10;
1108  for (int i = 0; i < Zvtx->GetNbinsX(); i++)
1109  {
1110  if (fabs(Zvtx->GetBinCenter(i)) < 130)
1111  {
1112  if (maxEntries < Zvtx->GetBinContent(i + 1))
1113  {
1114  maxEntries = Zvtx->GetBinContent(i + 1);
1115  }
1116  }
1117  }
1119  // Fit No-Vertex Distribution
1120  FitZvtx->SetRange(-75, 75);
1121  FitZvtx->SetLineColor(7);
1122  //Zvtx->Fit("FitZvtx", "LRQ");
1123  Zvtx->Fit("FitZvtx", "R");
1125  // here we get the relative scaling right to put all on the same plot
1126  // the binning might be different, so we first find the bins corresponding to
1127  // +- 20cm and then get the Integral corrected for the binwidth
1128  // this is then used to get the histograms on the same scale
1129  /*
1130  int lowbin = Zvtx_zdc->GetXaxis()->FindBin(-20.);
1131  int hibin = Zvtx_zdc->GetXaxis()->FindBin(20.);
1132  double zdc_count = Zvtx_zdc->Integral(lowbin, hibin, "width");
1133  */
1135  /*
1136  int lowbin = Zvtx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(-20.);
1137  int hibin = Zvtx->GetXaxis()->FindBin(20.);
1138  double bbc_count = Zvtx->Integral(lowbin, hibin, "width");
1139  */
1141  // std::cout << "the ratio of integral (-30cm < ZVertex < 30cm) between BBLL1 without vtx cut and ZDC : " << bbc_count_novtx / zdc_count << std::endl ;
1142  // std::cout << "the ratio of integral (-30cm < ZVertex < 30cm) between BBLL1 without vtx cut and BBLL1 with BBCZ < |30cm| : " << bbc_count_novtx/bbc_count << std::endl ;
1144  // Draw ZVertex triggerd variable trigger
1145  Zvtx->SetMaximum(maxEntries * 1.05);
1146  Zvtx->SetTitle("BBC/MBD ZVertex (south<-->north)");
1147  // PadZVertex->DrawFrame(-160,0,160,maxEntries*1.05,"Bbc ZVertex (south<-->north)");
1148  // std::cout << "maxEntries " << maxEntries << std::endl;
1149  // Zvtx->Draw("hist");
1150  // Zvtx->Scale(bbc_count_novtx/bbc_count);
1152  // just in case the bbcll1 with vtx cut histo is empty
1153  // draw the novertex cut (happens during setup)
1154  if (Zvtx->GetEntries() > 0)
1155  {
1156  Zvtx->Draw("hist");
1157  }
1158  // trigger rate between BBCLL1 and Zvertex within +- BBC_ZVERTEX_CUT_FOR_TRIG_RATE
1159  // bbll1, zdc, bbll1_novtx
1161  float trig_rate[3], trig_rate_err[3];
1162  double nevent[3];
1163  memset(trig_rate, 0, sizeof(trig_rate));
1164  memset(trig_rate_err, 0, sizeof(trig_rate_err));
1165  memset(nevent, 0, sizeof(nevent));
1167  /*
1168  CalculateTriggerRates(trig_rate[0], trig_rate_err[0], nevent[0],
1169  trig_rate[1], trig_rate_err[1], nevent[1],
1170  trig_rate[2], trig_rate_err[2], nevent[2]);
1171  */
1173 /* chiu
1174  float sigma_zdc = 0.0;
1175  // float sigma_zdc_err = 0.0;
1176  float effic_bbc = 0.0;
1177  // float effic_bbc_err = 0.0;
1178  float beamInZdc = 0.0;
1179  // float beamInZdc_err = 0.0;
1180  float beamInBbc = 0.0;
1181  // float beamInBbc_err = 0.0;
1182 */
1184  /*
1185  BeamMonitoring( sigma_zdc, sigma_zdc_err, effic_bbc, effic_bbc_err,
1186  beamInZdc, beamInZdc_err, beamInBbc, beamInBbc_err);
1187  */
1189  /*chiu
1190  std::ostringstream trig_rate_text;
1191  trig_rate_text << " #sigma_{ZDC} = " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << sigma_zdc
1192  << " #epsilon_{BBC} = " << effic_bbc
1193  << " {}^{beam in acceptance}_{ ZDC } = " << beamInZdc
1194  << " {}^{beam in acceptance}_{ BBC } = " << beamInBbc;
1195  TextBbcSummaryTrigRate->SetText(0.02, 0.05, trig_rate_text.str().c_str());
1196  trig_rate_text.str("");
1197  */
1199  // float xpos[3] = {0.1, 0.34, 0.58};
1200  // float xpos[3] = {0.30, 0.50, 0.75};
1201  // TextZVertexNotice->Draw();
1203  TH1 *Zvtx_array[4]; // with narrow
1204  // TH1 *Zvtx_array[3];
1205  Zvtx_array[0] = Zvtx;
1206  //Zvtx_array[1] = Zvtx;
1207  //Zvtx_array[2] = Zvtx;
1208  // Zvtx_array[1] = Zvtx_zdc;
1210  // Show status of ZVertex
1211  int i = 0;
1213  //TextZVertex[i]->Draw();
1215  // scale factor ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1216  // std::cout << " " << i << " " << Prescale_hist->GetBinContent(i + 1) << std::endl;
1217  otext.str("");
1218  // otext << "( "<< Prescale_hist->GetBinContent(i+1)<<" )";
1219  // otext << "( "<< Prescale_hist->GetBinContent(i+1)<<" )"<<" ";
1220  // otext << nevent[i] ;
1221  // otext.precision(8);
1222  otext << " ( " << Prescale_hist->GetBinContent(i + 1) << " ) "
1223  << " ";
1224  // otext << nevent[i]/Prescale_hist->GetBinContent(i+1) ;
1225  otext << Zvtx_array[i]->GetEntries();
1227  text = otext.str();
1228  TextZVertex_scale[i]->SetText(xpos[i], 0.50, text.c_str());
1229  //TextZVertex_scale[i]->Draw();
1231  // mean and RMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1232  otext.str("");
1233  otext << ((float) int(Zvtx_array[i]->GetMean() * 10)) / 10.0 << "cm ( "
1234  << ((float) int(Zvtx_array[i]->GetRMS() * 10)) / 10.0 << " cm) ";
1235  text = otext.str();
1237  TextZVertex_mean[i]->SetText(xpos[i], 0.25, text.c_str());
1238  //TextZVertex_mean[i]->Draw();
1239  // otext.precision(6);
1241  //TextZVertex[i]->Draw();
1243  /*
1244  TextZVertex_scale[i]->SetText(0.00, 0.50, "(Scale Fac.) #Evt.");
1245  TextZVertex_scale[i]->Draw();
1246  // TextZVertex_mean[i]->SetText(0.05, 0.25, "Vertex Mean (RMS)");
1247  TextZVertex_mean[i]->SetText(0.00, 0.25, "Vertex Mean (RMS)");
1248  TextZVertex_mean[i]->Draw();
1249  */
1251  // Draw Status
1252  otext.str("");
1253  otext << "Z_{All Trigs}^{Fit}= " << ((float) int(FitZvtx->GetParameter(1) * 10)) / 10.0 << " cm";
1254  // << " #pm " << ((float)int(FitZvtx->GetParError(1)*10))/10.0
1255  // << " #pm " << ((float)int(FitZvtx->GetParError(2)*10))/10.0
1257  text = otext.str();
1258  //TextZvtxStatus[0]->SetText(0.0, 0.85, text.c_str());
1259  TextZvtxStatus[0]->SetText(-230., maxEntries*0.8, text.c_str());
1260  TextZvtxStatus[0]->SetTextSize(0.10);
1261  TextZvtxStatus[0]->Draw();
1263  otext.str("");
1264  otext << "#sigma = " << int(FitZvtx->GetParameter(2)) << " cm";
1265  text = otext.str();
1266  TextZvtxStatus[1]->SetText(100., maxEntries*0.8, text.c_str());
1267  TextZvtxStatus[1]->SetTextSize(0.10);
1268  TextZvtxStatus[1]->Draw();
1270  //chiu TextBbcSummaryTrigRate->Draw();
1272  PadZVertex->cd();
1274  if (Zvtx_bbll1->GetEntries() > 0)
1275  {
1276  Zvtx_bbll1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-30,30);
1277  Zvtx_bbll1->Draw("hist");
1278  }
1280  /*
1281  // replaced with hitmap
1282  PadTzeroZVertex->cd();
1283  TzeroZvtx->Draw("colz");
1285  // insert line
1286  LineTzeroZvtx[0]->Draw();
1287  LineTzeroZvtx[1]->Draw();
1288  LineTzeroZvtx[2]->Draw();
1289  LineTzeroZvtx[3]->Draw();
1291  // insert text
1292  TextTzeroZvtx->SetText(10, 4, "Good region");
1293  TextTzeroZvtx->Draw();
1294  */
1296  double nevents = bbc_nevent_counter->GetBinContent(2);
1297  PadSouthHitMap->cd();
1298  SouthHitMap->Scale(1.0/nevents);
1299  SouthHitMap->Draw("colz");
1301  PadNorthHitMap->cd();
1302  NorthHitMap->Scale(1.0/nevents);
1303  NorthHitMap->Draw("colz");
1304  }
1307  // bbc_t0_pave->Draw("same");
1309  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1310  // Draw 2nd Page
1311  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1312  if (TC[1])
1313  {
1314  TC[1]->cd();
1316  PadTop[1]->cd();
1317  PaveTop->Draw();
1318  TextTop->Draw();
1320  if (PadAvrHitTime)
1321  {
1322  PadAvrHitTime->cd();
1323  AvrHitTime->Draw();
1325  float rangemin;
1326  float rangemax;
1327  int npeak = tspec->Search(AvrHitTime, 2, "goff"); // finds the highest peak, draws marker
1328  if (npeak < 3) // no center peak
1329  {
1330  AvrHitTime->Fit("FitAvrHitTime", "QN0L");
1331  rangemin = FitAvrHitTime->GetParameter(1) - FitAvrHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1332  rangemax = FitAvrHitTime->GetParameter(1) + FitAvrHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1333  }
1334  else
1335  {
1336  double *peakpos = tspec->GetPositionX();
1337  float centerpeak = peakpos[0];
1338  float sidepeak[2];
1339  if (peakpos[2] > peakpos[1])
1340  {
1341  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[1];
1342  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[2];
1343  }
1344  else
1345  {
1346  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[1];
1347  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[2];
1348  }
1349  rangemin = centerpeak - (centerpeak - sidepeak[0]) / 2.;
1350  rangemax = centerpeak + (sidepeak[1] - centerpeak) / 2.;
1351  }
1353  FitAvrHitTime->SetRange(rangemin, rangemax);
1354  AvrHitTime->Fit("FitAvrHitTime", "QRL");
1355  FitAvrHitTime->Draw("same");
1357  float height = AvrHitTime->GetMaximum();
1358  FitAvrHitTime->Draw("same");
1360  LineAvrHitTime[1]->SetY2(height);
1361  LineAvrHitTime[0]->SetY2(height);
1362  ArrowAvrHitTime->SetY1(height * 0.90);
1363  ArrowAvrHitTime->SetY2(height * 0.90);
1364  TextAvrHitTime->SetY(height * 0.88);
1365  LineAvrHitTime[0]->Draw();
1366  LineAvrHitTime[1]->Draw();
1367  ArrowAvrHitTime->Draw();
1368  TextAvrHitTime->Draw();
1369  }
1371  if (PadTimeWave)
1372  {
1373  PadTimeWave->cd();
1374  TimeWave->Draw("colz");
1375  }
1377  if (PadSouthHitTime)
1378  {
1379  PadSouthHitTime->cd();
1380  SouthHitTime->Draw();
1381  float rangemin;
1382  float rangemax;
1383  int npeak = tspec->Search(SouthHitTime, 2, "goff"); // finds the highest peak, draws marker
1384  if (npeak < 3) // no center peak
1385  {
1386  SouthHitTime->Fit("FitSouthHitTime", "QN0L");
1387  rangemin = FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(1) - FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1388  rangemax = FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(1) + FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1389  }
1390  else
1391  {
1392  double *peakpos = tspec->GetPositionX();
1393  float centerpeak = peakpos[0];
1394  float sidepeak[2];
1395  if (peakpos[2] > peakpos[1])
1396  {
1397  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[1];
1398  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[2];
1399  }
1400  else
1401  {
1402  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[1];
1403  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[2];
1404  }
1405  rangemin = centerpeak - (centerpeak - sidepeak[0]) / 2.;
1406  rangemax = centerpeak + (sidepeak[1] - centerpeak) / 2.;
1407  }
1409  FitSouthHitTime->SetRange(rangemin, rangemax);
1410  SouthHitTime->Fit("FitSouthHitTime", "QRL");
1411  FitSouthHitTime->Draw("same");
1413  FitSouthHitTime->Draw("same");
1415  /*
1416  // Lines to indicate good mean
1417  float height = SouthHitTime->GetMaximum();
1418  LineSouthHitTime[1]->SetY2(height);
1419  LineSouthHitTime[0]->SetY2(height);
1420  ArrowSouthHitTime->SetY1(height * 0.90);
1421  ArrowSouthHitTime->SetY2(height * 0.90);
1422  TextSouthHitTime->SetY(height * 0.88);
1423  LineSouthHitTime[0]->Draw();
1424  LineSouthHitTime[1]->Draw();
1425  ArrowSouthHitTime->Draw();
1426  TextSouthHitTime->Draw();
1427  */
1428  }
1430  if (PadNorthHitTime)
1431  {
1432  PadNorthHitTime->cd();
1433  NorthHitTime->Draw();
1434  float rangemin;
1435  float rangemax;
1436  int npeak = tspec->Search(NorthHitTime, 2, "goff"); // finds the highest peak, draws marker
1437  if (npeak < 3) // no center peak
1438  {
1439  NorthHitTime->Fit("FitNorthHitTime", "QN0L");
1440  rangemin = FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) - FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1441  rangemax = FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) + FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(2);
1442  }
1443  else
1444  {
1445  double *peakpos = tspec->GetPositionX();
1446  float centerpeak = peakpos[0];
1447  float sidepeak[2];
1448  if (peakpos[2] > peakpos[1])
1449  {
1450  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[1];
1451  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[2];
1452  }
1453  else
1454  {
1455  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[1];
1456  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[2];
1457  }
1458  rangemin = centerpeak - (centerpeak - sidepeak[0]) / 2.;
1459  rangemax = centerpeak + (sidepeak[1] - centerpeak) / 2.;
1460  }
1462  FitNorthHitTime->SetRange(rangemin, rangemax);
1463  NorthHitTime->Fit("FitNorthHitTime", "QRL");
1464  FitNorthHitTime->Draw("same");
1466  FitNorthHitTime->Draw("same");
1468  /*
1469  // Lines to indicate good mean
1470  float height = NorthHitTime->GetMaximum();
1471  LineNorthHitTime[1]->SetY2(height);
1472  LineNorthHitTime[0]->SetY2(height);
1473  ArrowNorthHitTime->SetY1(height * 0.90);
1474  ArrowNorthHitTime->SetY2(height * 0.90);
1475  TextNorthHitTime->SetY(height * 0.88);
1476  LineNorthHitTime[0]->Draw();
1477  LineNorthHitTime[1]->Draw();
1478  ArrowNorthHitTime->Draw();
1479  TextNorthHitTime->Draw();
1480  */
1481  }
1483  /*
1484  PadArmHit->cd();
1485  if (ArmHit)
1486  {
1487  ArmHit->Draw("colz");
1488  ArcArmHit->Draw();
1489  TextArmHit->Draw();
1490  }
1491  */
1493  if ( PadBbcSummary )
1494  {
1495  PadBbcSummary->cd();
1496  otext.str("");
1497  otext << "South:" << ((float) int(FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(1) * 10)) / 10 << "[ns] ";
1498  otext << "North:" << ((float) int(FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) * 10)) / 10 << "[ns] ";
1499  otext << "... ";
1500  if (bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_TDC0_MEAN < FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) &&
1504  {
1505  // otext << "OK";
1506  textok = " OK";
1507  }
1508  else
1509  {
1510  textok = " ";
1512  {
1513  otext << "Too low statistics";
1514  }
1515  else
1516  {
1517  otext << "Change Global-Offset on V124";
1518  }
1519  }
1520  text = otext.str();
1521  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[0]->SetText(0.01, 0.75, text.c_str());
1522  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[0]->Draw();
1523  text = textok;
1524  // TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]->SetText(0.65, 0.75, text.c_str() );
1525  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]->SetText(0.01, 0.75, text.c_str());
1526  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]->SetTextColor(3);
1527  TextBbcSummaryHitTime[1]->Draw();
1528  }
1530  // Global offset
1531  float delay = (bbc_onlmon::BBC_DEFAULT_OFFSET -
1532  ((FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) + FitSouthHitTime->GetParameter(1)) * 0.5)); //[ns]
1533  otext.str("");
1534  otext << " Global offset : ";
1535  if (int(-2 * delay) == 0)
1536  {
1537  // otext << "need not to move ... OK";
1538  // otext << " ... OK";
1539  //textok = " ... OK";
1540  }
1541  else
1542  {
1543  //textok = " ";
1544  if (!(bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_TDC0_MEAN < FitNorthHitTime->GetParameter(1) &&
1548  {
1549  // otext << "Need to move " << int( -2*delay) << "count";
1550  otext << "Need to call BBC expert: " << int(-2 * delay) << "count shifted";
1551  }
1552  else
1553  {
1554  // otext << " ... OK";
1555  //textok = " OK";
1556  }
1557  }
1559 /*chiu
1560  // otext << "... )" ;
1561  text = otext.str();
1562  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[0]->SetText(0.01, 0.50, text.c_str());
1563  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[0]->Draw();
1564  text = textok;
1565  // TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[1]->SetText(0.35, 0.50, text.c_str() );
1566  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[1]->SetText(0.01, 0.50, text.c_str());
1567  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[1]->SetTextColor(3);
1568  TextBbcSummaryGlobalOffset[1]->Draw();
1569  // textok = " ";
1570 */
1572  // ZVertex
1573  /*
1574  otext.str("");
1575  otext << "Mean ZVertex:" << ((float)int(FitZvtx->GetParameter(1)*10)) / 10 << "[cm] ";
1576  if(Zvtx->GetEntries() > bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_WORNING_STATISTICS_FOR_ZVERTEX_MEAN ) {
1577  otext << "( sigma " << ((float)int(FitZvtx->GetParameter(2)*10)) / 10 << "cm)";
1578  }else{
1579  // otext << "( RMS " << ((float)int(Zvtx->GetRMS()*10)) / 10 << "cm)";
1580  }
1581  otext << " ... ";
1582  if ( bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN < FitZvtx->GetParameter(1) &&
1583  bbc_onlmon::BBC_MAX_REGULAR_ZVERTEX_MEAN > FitZvtx->GetParameter(1) )
1584  otext << "OK";
1585  else {
1586  if( bbc_onlmon::BBC_MIN_WORNING_STATISTICS_FOR_ZVERTEX_MEAN > Zvtx->GetEntries() )
1587  otext << "Too low statistics";
1588  else
1589  otext << "Ask SL to contact MCR";
1590  }
1591  text = otext.str();
1592  TextBbcSummaryZvertex->SetText(0.01, 0.25, text.c_str() );
1593  */
1595 /*chiu
1596  TextBbcSummaryZvertex->SetText(0.01, 0.25, "Shown data are triggered by BBLL1 |z|<130cm");
1597  TextBbcSummaryZvertex->Draw();
1598 */
1599  }
1601  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1602  // Draw 3rd Page
1603  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1604  if (TC[2])
1605  {
1606  TC[2]->cd();
1608  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1609  PadTop[2]->cd();
1610  PaveTop->Draw();
1611  TextTop->Draw();
1613  // TDC
1615  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
1616  {
1617  PadTdcOver[side]->cd();
1618  // ifdelete( FrameTdcOver[side] );
1619  FrameTdcOver[side] = TC[0]->DrawFrame(0.5, -5, 64.5, 5);
1620  // FrameTdcOver[side] = gPad->DrawFrame( 0.5, -5, 64.5, 5);
1622  std::cout << "FrameTdcOver[" << side << "] = " << (unsigned long) FrameTdcOver[side] << std::endl;
1623  BoxTdcOver[side]->Draw();
1625  name << bbc_onlmon::SIDE_Str[side] << " BBC/MBD TDC Distribution";
1626  FrameTdcOver[side]->SetTitle(name.str().c_str());
1627  name.str("");
1629  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("PMT Number");
1630  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1631  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1632  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Deviation [#sigma]");
1633  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.07);
1634  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.50);
1635  FrameTdcOver[side]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1636  TdcOver[side]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1637  TdcOver[side]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
1638  TdcOver[side]->SetMarkerColor(2);
1639  TdcOver[side]->Draw("P");
1641  // Check Warning
1642  if (nhit[0] > 100)
1643  {
1644  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
1645  {
1646  if (tdcOverMean[side][i] == 0 && tdcOverErrY[side][i] == 0)
1647  {
1648  msg.str("");
1649  msg << "Stop the run (ch " << i + 1 << " is out of the range)";
1650  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1651  Warning(PadTdcOver[side], i, tdcOverMean[side][i], 1, wmsg);
1652  wmsg.erase();
1653  msg.str("");
1654  }
1655  if (tdcOverMean[side][i] < bbc_onlmon::BBC_TDC_OVERFLOW_REGULAR_MIN)
1656  {
1657  msg.str("");
1658  msg << "ch " << i + 1 << " is too low ( " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << tdcOverMean[side][i] << " #sigma)";
1659  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1660  Warning(PadTdcOver[side], i, tdcOverMean[side][i], 1, wmsg);
1661  wmsg.erase();
1662  msg.str("");
1663  }
1664  if (tdcOverMean[side][i] > bbc_onlmon::BBC_TDC_OVERFLOW_REGULAR_MAX)
1665  {
1666  msg.str("");
1667  msg << "ch " << i + 1 << " is too high ( " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << tdcOverMean[side][i] << " #sigma)";
1668  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1669  Warning(PadTdcOver[side], i, tdcOverMean[side][i], 1, wmsg);
1670  wmsg.erase();
1671  msg.str("");
1672  }
1673  if (tdcOverMean[side][i] > bbc_onlmon::BBC_TDC_OVERFLOW_REGULAR_RMS_MAX)
1674  {
1675  msg.str("");
1676  msg << "ch " << i + 1 << " is too wide ( " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << tdcOverErrY[side][i] << " #sigma)";
1677  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1678  Warning(PadTdcOver[side], i, tdcOverMean[side][i], 1, wmsg);
1679  wmsg.erase();
1680  msg.str("");
1681  }
1682  }
1683  }
1685  PadnHit[side]->cd();
1686  // ifdelete( FramenHit[side] );
1687  // FramenHit[side] = TC[0]->DrawFrame( 0.5, 0, 64.5, 1);
1688  FramenHit[side] = gPad->DrawFrame(0.5, 0, 64.5, 1);
1689  BoxnHit[0][side]->Draw();
1690  BoxnHit[1][side]->Draw();
1692  name << bbc_onlmon::SIDE_Str[side] << " BBC/MBD number of Hit per Event";
1693  FramenHit[side]->SetTitle(name.str().c_str());
1694  name.str("");
1696  FramenHit[side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("PMT Number");
1697  FramenHit[side]->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1698  FramenHit[side]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1699  FramenHit[side]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
1700  FramenHit[side]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
1701  nHit[0][side]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
1702  nHit[0][side]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
1703  nHit[0][side]->SetMarkerColor(2);
1704  nHit[0][side]->Draw("P");
1705  nHit[1][side]->SetMarkerStyle(22);
1706  nHit[1][side]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
1707  nHit[1][side]->SetMarkerColor(4);
1708  nHit[1][side]->Draw("P");
1710  for (int i = 0; i < nPMT_1SIDE_BBC; i++)
1711  {
1712  if (nhit[0] > 100)
1713  {
1714  if (nhitPmt[0][side][i] < bbc_onlmon::BBC_nHIT_MB_MIN[side])
1715  {
1716  // RUN11: to ignore hit rate since ch29 before FEM input is dead.
1717  // RUN11: to ignore hit rate since the gain for ch40 is unstable.
1718  // if( (side==0)&&(i==29 || i==40))
1719  //{
1720  // if(i == 29){
1721  // std::cout << "ch29 : Ignore hit rate into ch29" << std::endl;
1722  // }
1723  // else {
1724  // std::cout << "ch40 : Ignore hit rate into ch40" << std::endl;
1725  // }
1726  // continue;
1727  // }
1729  msg.str("");
1730  msg << "Too low hit-rate into ch " << i + 1 << " ("
1731  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << nhitPmt[0][side][i]
1732  << "/" << std::setprecision(0) << nhit[0] << "evt)";
1733  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1734  Warning(PadnHit[side], i, nhitPmt[0][side][i], 1, wmsg);
1735  wmsg.erase();
1736  msg.str("");
1737  }
1738  if (nhitPmt[0][side][i] > bbc_onlmon::BBC_nHIT_MB_MAX[side])
1739  {
1740  msg.str("");
1741  msg << "Too high hit-rate into ch " << i + 1 << " ("
1742  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << nhitPmt[0][side][i]
1743  << "/" << std::setprecision(0) << nhit[0] << "evt)";
1744  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1745  Warning(PadnHit[side], i, nhitPmt[0][side][i], 1, wmsg);
1746  wmsg.erase();
1747  msg.str("");
1748  }
1749  }
1751  if (nhit[1] > 0)
1752  {
1753  if (nhitPmt[1][side][i] < bbc_onlmon::BBC_nHIT_LASER_MIN[side])
1754  {
1755  if (side == 0)
1756  {
1757  // RUN12: to ignore lack of laser rate, since fiber of ch7 is broken.
1758  if (i == 7)
1759  {
1760  std::cout << "ch7(S8) : Ignore hit rate of laser" << std::endl;
1761  continue;
1762  }
1763  msg.str("");
1764  msg << "Lack of laser's hit into ch " << i + 1 << " ("
1765  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << nhitPmt[1][side][i]
1766  << "/" << std::setprecision(0) << nhit[1] << "evt)";
1767  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1768  Warning(PadnHit[side], i, nhitPmt[1][side][i], 1, wmsg);
1769  wmsg.erase();
1770  msg.str("");
1771  }
1772  else // North
1773  {
1774  msg.str("");
1775  msg << "Lack of laser's hit into ch " << i + 1 << " ("
1776  << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << nhitPmt[1][side][i]
1777  << "/" << std::setprecision(0) << nhit[1] << "evt)";
1778  std::string wmsg = msg.str();
1779  Warning(PadnHit[side], i, nhitPmt[1][side][i], 1, wmsg);
1780  wmsg.erase();
1781  msg.str("");
1782  }
1783  }
1784  }
1785  }
1786  // if ( nhit[0] == 0 )
1787  // Warning( PadnHit[side], 1, 0, 1, "No Event" );
1788  // if ( nhit[1] == 0 )
1789  // Warning( PadnHit[side], 1, 0, 1, "No Laser Event" );
1790  }
1792  PadnHitStatus->cd();
1793  TextnHitStatus->Draw();
1794  }
1796  // std::cout << "Got Histgram Got-Pad 0" << std::endl;
1798  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1799  // Draw 4th Page
1800  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1801  bbcStyle->cd();
1802  if (TC[3])
1803  {
1804  PadTop[3]->cd();
1805  PaveTop->Draw();
1806  TextTop->Draw();
1808  for (int side = 0; side < nSIDE; side++)
1809  {
1810  PadHitTime[side]->cd();
1812  HitTime[side]->Draw();
1813  float rangemin;
1814  float rangemax;
1815  int npeak = tspec->Search(HitTime[side], 2, "goff"); // finds the highest peak, draws marker
1816  if (npeak < 3) // no center peak
1817  {
1819  HitTime[side]->Fit(FitHitTime[side]->GetName(), "QRNL");
1820  rangemax = std::min(bbc_onlmon::TDC_FIT_MAX,
1821  FitHitTime[side]->GetParameter(1) + FitHitTime[side]->GetParameter(2));
1822  rangemin = std::max(bbc_onlmon::TDC_FIT_MIN,
1823  FitHitTime[side]->GetParameter(1) - FitHitTime[side]->GetParameter(2));
1824  }
1825  else
1826  {
1827  double *peakpos = tspec->GetPositionX();
1828  float centerpeak = peakpos[0];
1829  float sidepeak[2];
1830  if (peakpos[2] > peakpos[1])
1831  {
1832  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[1];
1833  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[2];
1834  }
1835  else
1836  {
1837  sidepeak[1] = peakpos[1];
1838  sidepeak[0] = peakpos[2];
1839  }
1840  rangemin = centerpeak - (centerpeak - sidepeak[0]) / 2.;
1841  rangemax = centerpeak + (sidepeak[1] - centerpeak) / 2.;
1842  }
1844  FitHitTime[side]->SetRange(rangemin, rangemax);
1846  HitTime[side]->Fit(FitHitTime[side]->GetName(), "QRL");
1847  float height = HitTime[side]->GetMaximum();
1848  FitHitTime[side]->Draw("same");
1850  LineHitTime[side][1]->SetY2(height);
1851  LineHitTime[side][0]->SetY2(height);
1852  ArrowHitTime[side]->SetY1(height * 0.90);
1853  ArrowHitTime[side]->SetY2(height * 0.90);
1854  TextHitTime[side]->SetY(height * 0.88);
1855  LineHitTime[side][0]->Draw();
1856  LineHitTime[side][1]->Draw();
1857  ArrowHitTime[side]->Draw();
1858  TextHitTime[side]->Draw();
1859  }
1860  // PadWarnings->cd();
1861  // PaveWarnings->Draw();
1863  if (PadZvtx)
1864  {
1865  PadZvtx->cd();
1866  Zvtx->Draw();
1867  Zvtx->Fit("FitZvtx", "QN0L");
1868  FitZvtx->SetRange(FitZvtx->GetParameter(1) - FitZvtx->GetParameter(2) * 2,
1869  FitZvtx->GetParameter(1) + FitZvtx->GetParameter(2) * 2);
1870  Zvtx->Fit("FitZvtx", "QRL");
1871  FitZvtx->Draw("same");
1873  float height = Zvtx->GetMaximum();
1874  FitZvtx->Draw("same");
1876  LineZvtx[1]->SetY2(height);
1877  LineZvtx[0]->SetY2(height);
1878  ArrowZvtx->SetY1(height * 0.90);
1879  ArrowZvtx->SetY2(height * 0.90);
1880  TextZvtx->SetY(height * 0.88);
1881  LineZvtx[0]->Draw();
1882  LineZvtx[1]->Draw();
1883  ArrowZvtx->Draw();
1884  TextZvtx->Draw();
1885  TextZvtxNorth->Draw();
1886  TextZvtxSouth->Draw();
1887  }
1889  if (PadChargeSum)
1890  {
1891  PadChargeSum->cd();
1892  NorthChargeSum->SetLineColor(4);
1893  SouthChargeSum->SetLineColor(2);
1894  NorthChargeSum->Draw();
1895  SouthChargeSum->Draw("same");
1897  // float height = NorthChargeSum->GetMaximum();
1898  // TextNorthChargeSum->SetY( height*0.88);
1899  // TextSouthChargeSum->SetY( height*0.88);
1900  TextNorthChargeSum->SetTextColor(4);
1901  TextSouthChargeSum->SetTextColor(2);
1902  TextNorthChargeSum->Draw();
1903  TextSouthChargeSum->Draw();
1904  }
1906  if (PadAdc)
1907  {
1908  PadAdc->cd();
1909  Adc->Draw("colz");
1910  }
1911  } // TC[3]
1913  if (TC[0])
1914  {
1915  TC[0]->Update();
1916  }
1917  if (TC[1])
1918  {
1919  TC[1]->Update();
1920  }
1921  if (TC[2])
1922  {
1923  TC[2]->Update();
1924  }
1925  if (TC[3])
1926  {
1927  TC[3]->Update();
1928  }
1930  // std::cout << "Got Histgram Got-Pad 1" << std::endl;
1932  oldStyle->cd();
1934  //******************************************
1935  int iret = 0;
1936  // int idraw = 0;
1937  /*
1938  if (what == "ALL" || what == "FIRST")
1939  {
1940  iret += DrawFirst(what);
1941  idraw++;
1942  }
1943  if (what == "ALL" || what == "SECOND")
1944  {
1945  iret += DrawSecond(what);
1946  idraw++;
1947  }
1948  if (what == "ALL" || what == "HISTORY")
1949  {
1950  iret += DrawHistory(what);
1951  // idraw++;
1952  }
1953  */
1955  /*
1956  if (!idraw)
1957  {
1958  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Unimplemented Drawing option: " << what << std::endl;
1959  iret = -1;
1960  }
1961  */
1963  //******************************************
1964  return iret;
1965 }
1968 {
1969  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::DrawFirst()");
1971  TH1 *bbcmon_hist1 = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_zvertex");
1972  TH2 *bbcmon_hist2 = (TH2*)cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_tzero_zvtx");
1974  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon1"))
1975  {
1976  MakeCanvas("BbcMon1");
1977  }
1978  TC[0]->SetEditable(1);
1979  TC[0]->Clear("D");
1980  Pad[0]->cd();
1981  if (bbcmon_hist1)
1982  {
1983  bbcmon_hist1->DrawCopy();
1984  }
1985  else
1986  {
1988  TC[0]->SetEditable(0);
1989  return -1;
1990  }
1992  Pad[1]->cd();
1993  if (bbcmon_hist2)
1994  {
1995  bbcmon_hist2->DrawCopy();
1996  }
1997  TText PrintRun;
1998  PrintRun.SetTextFont(62);
1999  PrintRun.SetTextSize(0.04);
2000  PrintRun.SetNDC(); // set to normalized coordinates
2001  PrintRun.SetTextAlign(23); // center/top alignment
2002  std::ostringstream runnostream;
2003  std::string runstring;
2004  time_t evttime = cl->EventTime("CURRENT");
2005  // fill run number and event time into string
2006  runnostream << ThisName << "_1 Run " << cl->RunNumber()
2007  << ", Time: " << ctime(&evttime);
2008  runstring = runnostream.str();
2009  transparent[0]->cd();
2010  PrintRun.DrawText(0.5, 1., runstring.c_str());
2011  TC[0]->Update();
2012  TC[0]->Show();
2013  TC[0]->SetEditable(0);
2014  return 0;
2015 }
2018 {
2019  PRINT_DEBUG("In BbcMonDraw::DrawSecond()");
2022  TH1 *bbcmon_hist1 = cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_zvertex");
2023  TH2 *bbcmon_hist2 = (TH2*)cl->getHisto("BBCMON_0","bbc_tzero_zvtx");
2024  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon2"))
2025  {
2026  MakeCanvas("BbcMon2");
2027  }
2028  TC[1]->SetEditable(1);
2029  TC[1]->Clear("D");
2030  Pad[2]->cd();
2031  if (bbcmon_hist1)
2032  {
2033  bbcmon_hist1->DrawCopy();
2034  }
2035  else
2036  {
2038  TC[1]->SetEditable(0);
2039  return -1;
2040  }
2041  Pad[3]->cd();
2042  if (bbcmon_hist2)
2043  {
2044  bbcmon_hist2->DrawCopy();
2045  }
2046  TText PrintRun;
2047  PrintRun.SetTextFont(62);
2048  PrintRun.SetTextSize(0.04);
2049  PrintRun.SetNDC(); // set to normalized coordinates
2050  PrintRun.SetTextAlign(23); // center/top alignment
2051  std::ostringstream runnostream;
2052  std::string runstring;
2053  time_t evttime = cl->EventTime("CURRENT");
2055  // fill run number and event time into string
2056  runnostream << ThisName << "_2 Run " << cl->RunNumber()
2057  << ", Time: " << ctime(&evttime);
2058  runstring = runnostream.str();
2059  transparent[1]->cd();
2060  PrintRun.DrawText(0.5, 1., runstring.c_str());
2061  TC[1]->Update();
2062  TC[1]->Show();
2063  TC[1]->SetEditable(0);
2064  return 0;
2065 }
2068 {
2071  int iret = Draw(what);
2072  if (iret) // on error no png files please
2073  {
2074  return iret;
2075  }
2076  int icnt = 0;
2077  for (TCanvas *canvas : TC)
2078  {
2079  if (canvas == nullptr)
2080  {
2081  continue;
2082  }
2083  icnt++;
2084  std::string filename = ThisName + "_" + std::to_string(icnt) + "_" +
2085  std::to_string(cl->RunNumber()) + "." + type;
2086  cl->CanvasToPng(canvas, filename);
2087  }
2088  return 0;
2089 }
2092 {
2093  int iret = Draw(what);
2094  if (iret) // on error no html output please
2095  {
2096  return iret;
2097  }
2101  int icnt = 0;
2102  for (TCanvas *canvas : TC)
2103  {
2104  if (canvas == nullptr)
2105  {
2106  continue;
2107  }
2108  icnt++;
2109  // Register the canvas png file to the menu and produces the png file.
2110  std::string pngfile = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, canvas->GetTitle(), std::to_string(icnt), "png");
2111  cl->CanvasToPng(canvas, pngfile);
2112  }
2114  // Now register also EXPERTS html pages, under the EXPERTS subfolder.
2115  // std::string logfile = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "EXPERTS/Log", "log", "html");
2116  // std::ofstream out(logfile.c_str());
2117  // out << "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Log file for run " << cl->RunNumber()
2118  // << "</TITLE></HEAD>" << std::endl;
2119  // out << "<P>Some log file output would go here." << std::endl;
2120  // out.close();
2122  // std::string status = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "EXPERTS/Status", "status", "html");
2123  // std::ofstream out2(status.c_str());
2124  // out2 << "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Status file for run " << cl->RunNumber()
2125  // << "</TITLE></HEAD>" << std::endl;
2126  // out2 << "<P>Some status output would go here." << std::endl;
2127  // out2.close();
2129  // cl->SaveLogFile(*this);
2131  return 0;
2132 }
2134 int BbcMonDraw::DrawHistory(const std::string & /* what */)
2135 {
2136  // you need to provide the following vectors
2137  // which are filled from the db
2138  std::vector<float> var;
2139  std::vector<float> varerr;
2140  std::vector<time_t> timestamp;
2141  /*chiu
2142  std::vector<int> runnumber;
2143  //std::string varname = "bbcmondummy";
2144  // this sets the time range from whihc values should be returned
2145  time_t begin = 0; // begin of time (1.1.1970)
2146  time_t end = time(nullptr); // current time (right NOW)
2147  int iret = dbvars->GetVar(begin, end, varname, timestamp, runnumber, var, varerr);
2148  if (iret)
2149  {
2150  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error in db access" << std::endl;
2151  return iret;
2152  }
2153  */
2154  if (!gROOT->FindObject("BbcMon3"))
2155  {
2156  MakeCanvas("BbcMon3");
2157  }
2158  // timestamps come sorted in ascending order
2159  float *x = new float[var.size()];
2160  float *y = new float[var.size()];
2161  float *ex = new float[var.size()];
2162  float *ey = new float[var.size()];
2163  // int n = var.size();
2164  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < var.size(); i++)
2165  {
2166  // std::cout << "timestamp: " << ctime(&timestamp[i])
2167  // << ", run: " << runnumber[i]
2168  // << ", var: " << var[i]
2169  // << ", varerr: " << varerr[i]
2170  // << std::endl;
2171  x[i] = timestamp[i] - TimeOffsetTicks;
2172  y[i] = var[i];
2173  ex[i] = 0;
2174  ey[i] = varerr[i];
2175  }
2177  /* need to implement history for BBC
2178  Pad[4]->cd(); // neeed to fix
2179  if (gr[0])
2180  {
2181  delete gr[0];
2182  }
2183  gr[0] = new TGraphErrors(n, x, y, ex, ey);
2184  gr[0]->SetMarkerColor(4);
2185  gr[0]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2186  gr[0]->Draw("ALP");
2187  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
2188  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
2189  // the x axis labeling looks like crap
2190  // please help me with this, the SetNdivisions
2191  // don't do the trick
2192  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(-1006);
2193  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(TimeOffsetTicks);
2194  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
2195  */
2196  delete[] x;
2197  delete[] y;
2198  delete[] ex;
2199  delete[] ey;
2201  /*chiu
2202  varname = "bbcmoncount";
2203  iret = dbvars->GetVar(begin, end, varname, timestamp, runnumber, var, varerr);
2204  if (iret)
2205  {
2206  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error in db access" << std::endl;
2207  return iret;
2208  }
2209  */
2210  x = new float[var.size()];
2211  y = new float[var.size()];
2212  ex = new float[var.size()];
2213  ey = new float[var.size()];
2214  // n = var.size();
2215  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < var.size(); i++)
2216  {
2217  // std::cout << "timestamp: " << ctime(&timestamp[i])
2218  // << ", run: " << runnumber[i]
2219  // << ", var: " << var[i]
2220  // << ", varerr: " << varerr[i]
2221  // << std::endl;
2222  x[i] = timestamp[i] - TimeOffsetTicks;
2223  y[i] = var[i];
2224  ex[i] = 0;
2225  ey[i] = varerr[i];
2226  }
2228  /* Need to implement
2229  Pad[5]->cd();
2230  if (gr[1])
2231  {
2232  delete gr[1];
2233  }
2234  gr[1] = new TGraphErrors(n, x, y, ex, ey);
2235  gr[1]->SetMarkerColor(4);
2236  gr[1]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
2237  gr[1]->Draw("ALP");
2238  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
2239  // TC[2]->Update();
2240  // h1->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
2241  // h1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
2242  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
2243  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(TimeOffsetTicks);
2244  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
2245  // h1->Draw();
2246  */
2248  delete[] x;
2249  delete[] y;
2250  delete[] ex;
2251  delete[] ey;
2253  TC[2]->Update();
2254  return 0;
2255 }
2257 int BbcMonDraw::DrawDeadServer(TPad *transparent_pad)
2258 {
2259  transparent_pad->cd();
2260  TText FatalMsg;
2261  FatalMsg.SetTextFont(62);
2262  FatalMsg.SetTextSize(0.1);
2263  FatalMsg.SetTextColor(4);
2264  FatalMsg.SetNDC(); // set to normalized coordinates
2265  FatalMsg.SetTextAlign(23); // center/top alignment
2266  FatalMsg.DrawText(0.5, 0.9, "BBCMONITOR");
2267  FatalMsg.SetTextAlign(22); // center/center alignment
2268  FatalMsg.DrawText(0.5, 0.5, "SERVER");
2269  FatalMsg.SetTextAlign(21); // center/bottom alignment
2270  FatalMsg.DrawText(0.5, 0.1, "DEAD");
2271  transparent_pad->Update();
2272  return 0;
2273 }