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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BFieldExample.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
16 #include <string>
18 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
20 namespace po = boost::program_options;
27 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
30  // setup and parse options
33  desc.add_options()("bf-file-out",
34  value<std::string>()->default_value("BFieldOut.root"),
35  "Set this name for an output root file.")(
36  "bf-map-out", value<std::string>()->default_value("bField"),
37  "Set this name for the tree in the out file.")(
38  "bf-out-rz", value<bool>()->default_value(false),
39  "Please set this flag to true, if you want to print out the field map in "
40  "cylinder coordinates (r,z). The default are cartesian coordinates "
41  "(x,y,z). ")(
42  "bf-rRange", value<ActsExamples::Options::Reals<2>>(),
43  "[optional] range which the bfield map should be written out in either r "
44  "(cylinder "
45  "coordinates) or x/y (cartesian coordinates) in [mm]. In case no value "
46  "is handed over the whole map will be written out. Please "
47  "hand over by simply separating the values by space")(
48  "bf-zRange", value<ActsExamples::Options::Reals<2>>(),
49  "[optional] range which the bfield map should be written out in z in "
50  "[mm].In case no value is handed over for 'bf-rRange' and 'bf-zRange the "
51  "whole map will be written out. "
52  "Please hand over by simply separating the values by space")(
53  "bf-rBins", value<size_t>()->default_value(200),
54  "[optional] The number of bins in r. This parameter only needs to be "
55  "specified if 'bf-rRange' and 'bf-zRange' are given.")(
56  "bf-ZBins", value<size_t>()->default_value(300),
57  "[optional] The number of bins in z. This parameter only needs to be "
58  "specified if 'bf-rRange' and 'bf-zRange' are given.")(
59  "bf-PhiBins", value<size_t>()->default_value(100),
60  "[optional] The number of bins in phi. This parameter only needs to be "
61  "specified if 'bf-rRange' and 'bf-zRange' are given and 'bf-out-rz' is "
62  "turned on.");
63  auto vm = ActsExamples::Options::parse(desc, argc, argv);
64  if (vm.empty()) {
65  return EXIT_FAILURE;
66  }
68  auto bFieldVar = ActsExamples::Options::readMagneticField(vm);
70  auto bField =
72  bFieldVar);
73  if (!bField) {
74  std::cout << "Bfield map could not be read. Exiting." << std::endl;
75  return EXIT_FAILURE;
76  }
80  // Write the interpolated magnetic field
82  if (vm["bf-out-rz"].template as<bool>()) {
83  writerConfig.gridType = GridType::rz;
84  } else {
85  writerConfig.gridType = GridType::xyz;
86  }
87  writerConfig.treeName = vm["bf-map-out"].template as<std::string>();
88  writerConfig.fileName = vm["bf-file-out"].template as<std::string>();
89  writerConfig.bField = bField;
90  std::cout << "setting rBounds" << std::endl;
91  if (vm.count("bf-rRange") != 0u && vm.count("bf-zRange") != 0u) {
92  auto rBounds =
93  vm["bf-rRange"].template as<ActsExamples::Options::Reals<2>>();
94  auto zBounds =
95  vm["bf-zRange"].template as<ActsExamples::Options::Reals<2>>();
98  rBounds[1] *= Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
100  zBounds[0] *= Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
101  zBounds[1] *= Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
103  writerConfig.rBounds = rBounds;
104  writerConfig.zBounds = zBounds;
105  }
106  writerConfig.rBins = vm["bf-rBins"].template as<size_t>();
107  writerConfig.zBins = vm["bf-ZBins"].template as<size_t>();
108  writerConfig.phiBins = vm["bf-PhiBins"].template as<size_t>();
111 }