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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EstimateTrackParamsFromSeed.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
14 #include "Acts/Seeding/Seed.hpp"
18 #include <array>
19 #include <cmath>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <iterator>
22 #include <optional>
23 #include <vector>
25 namespace Acts {
51 template <typename spacepoint_iterator_t>
52 std::optional<BoundVector> estimateTrackParamsFromSeed(
53  spacepoint_iterator_t spBegin, spacepoint_iterator_t spEnd,
54  const Logger& logger = getDummyLogger()) {
55  // Check the number of provided space points
56  size_t numSP = std::distance(spBegin, spEnd);
57  if (numSP < 3) {
58  ACTS_ERROR("At least three space points are required.")
59  return std::nullopt;
60  }
62  ActsScalar x2m = 0., xm = 0.;
63  ActsScalar xym = 0.;
64  ActsScalar y2m = 0., ym = 0.;
65  ActsScalar r2m = 0., r4m = 0.;
66  ActsScalar xr2m = 0., yr2m = 0.;
68  for (spacepoint_iterator_t it = spBegin; it != spEnd; it++) {
69  if (*it == nullptr) {
70  ACTS_ERROR("Empty space point found. This should not happen.")
71  return std::nullopt;
72  }
73  const auto& sp = *it;
75  ActsScalar x = sp->x();
76  ActsScalar y = sp->y();
77  ActsScalar r2 = x * x + y * y;
78  x2m += x * x;
79  xm += x;
80  xym += x * y;
81  y2m += y * y;
82  ym += y;
83  r2m += r2;
84  r4m += r2 * r2;
85  xr2m += x * r2;
86  yr2m += y * r2;
87  numSP++;
88  }
89  x2m = x2m / numSP;
90  xm = xm / numSP;
91  xym = xym / numSP;
92  y2m = y2m / numSP;
93  ym = ym / numSP;
94  r2m = r2m / numSP;
95  r4m = r4m / numSP;
96  xr2m = xr2m / numSP;
97  yr2m = yr2m / numSP;
99  ActsScalar Cxx = x2m - xm * xm;
100  ActsScalar Cxy = xym - xm * ym;
101  ActsScalar Cyy = y2m - ym * ym;
102  ActsScalar Cxr2 = xr2m - xm * r2m;
103  ActsScalar Cyr2 = yr2m - ym * r2m;
104  ActsScalar Cr2r2 = r4m - r2m * r2m;
106  ActsScalar q1 = Cr2r2 * Cxy - Cxr2 * Cyr2;
107  ActsScalar q2 = Cr2r2 * (Cxx - Cyy) - Cxr2 * Cxr2 + Cyr2 * Cyr2;
109  ActsScalar phi = 0.5 * std::atan(2 * q1 / q2);
110  ActsScalar k = (std::sin(phi) * Cxr2 - std::cos(phi) * Cyr2) * (1. / Cr2r2);
111  ActsScalar delta = -k * r2m + std::sin(phi) * xm - std::cos(phi) * ym;
113  ActsScalar rho = (2 * k) / (std::sqrt(1 - 4 * delta * k));
114  ActsScalar d0 = (2 * delta) / (1 + std::sqrt(1 - 4 * delta * k));
116  // Initialize the bound parameters vector
117  BoundVector params = BoundVector::Zero();
118  params[eBoundLoc0] = d0;
119  params[eBoundPhi] = phi;
120  params[eBoundQOverP] = rho;
122  return params;
123 }
154 template <typename spacepoint_iterator_t>
155 std::optional<BoundVector> estimateTrackParamsFromSeed(
156  const GeometryContext& gctx, spacepoint_iterator_t spBegin,
157  spacepoint_iterator_t spEnd, const Surface& surface, const Vector3& bField,
158  ActsScalar bFieldMin, const Acts::Logger& logger = getDummyLogger(),
159  ActsScalar mass = 139.57018 * UnitConstants::MeV) {
160  // Check the number of provided space points
161  size_t numSP = std::distance(spBegin, spEnd);
162  if (numSP != 3) {
163  ACTS_ERROR("There should be exactly three space points provided.")
164  return std::nullopt;
165  }
167  // Convert bField to Tesla
168  ActsScalar bFieldInTesla = bField.norm() / UnitConstants::T;
169  ActsScalar bFieldMinInTesla = bFieldMin / UnitConstants::T;
170  // Check if magnetic field is too small
171  if (bFieldInTesla < bFieldMinInTesla) {
172  // @todo shall we use straight-line estimation and use default q/pt in such
173  // case?
174  ACTS_WARNING("The magnetic field at the bottom space point: B = "
175  << bFieldInTesla << " T is smaller than |B|_min = "
176  << bFieldMinInTesla << " T. Estimation is not performed.")
177  return std::nullopt;
178  }
180  // The global positions of the bottom, middle and space points
181  std::array<Vector3, 3> spGlobalPositions = {Vector3::Zero(), Vector3::Zero(),
182  Vector3::Zero()};
183  // The first, second and third space point are assumed to be bottom, middle
184  // and top space point, respectively
185  for (size_t isp = 0; isp < 3; ++isp) {
186  spacepoint_iterator_t it = std::next(spBegin, isp);
187  if (*it == nullptr) {
188  ACTS_ERROR("Empty space point found. This should not happen.")
189  return std::nullopt;
190  }
191  const auto& sp = *it;
192  spGlobalPositions[isp] = Vector3(sp->x(), sp->y(), sp->z());
193  }
195  // Define a new coordinate frame with its origin at the bottom space point, z
196  // axis long the magnetic field direction and y axis perpendicular to vector
197  // from the bottom to middle space point. Hence, the projection of the middle
198  // space point on the transverse plane will be located at the x axis of the
199  // new frame.
200  Vector3 relVec = spGlobalPositions[1] - spGlobalPositions[0];
201  Vector3 newZAxis = bField.normalized();
202  Vector3 newYAxis = newZAxis.cross(relVec).normalized();
203  Vector3 newXAxis = newYAxis.cross(newZAxis);
204  RotationMatrix3 rotation;
205  rotation.col(0) = newXAxis;
206  rotation.col(1) = newYAxis;
207  rotation.col(2) = newZAxis;
208  // The center of the new frame is at the bottom space point
209  Translation3 trans(spGlobalPositions[0]);
210  // The transform which constructs the new frame
211  Transform3 transform(trans * rotation);
213  // The coordinate of the middle and top space point in the new frame
214  Vector3 local1 = transform.inverse() * spGlobalPositions[1];
215  Vector3 local2 = transform.inverse() * spGlobalPositions[2];
217  // Lambda to transform the coordinates to the (u, v) space
218  auto uvTransform = [](const Vector3& local) -> Vector2 {
219  Vector2 uv;
220  ActsScalar denominator = local.x() * local.x() + local.y() * local.y();
221  uv.x() = local.x() / denominator;
222  uv.y() = local.y() / denominator;
223  return uv;
224  };
225  // The uv1.y() should be zero
226  Vector2 uv1 = uvTransform(local1);
227  Vector2 uv2 = uvTransform(local2);
229  // A,B are slope and intercept of the straight line in the u,v plane
230  // connecting the three points
231  ActsScalar A = (uv2.y() - uv1.y()) / (uv2.x() - uv1.x());
232  ActsScalar B = uv2.y() - A * uv2.x();
233  // Curvature (with a sign) estimate
234  ActsScalar rho = -2.0 * B / std::hypot(1., A);
235  // The projection of the top space point on the transverse plane of the new
236  // frame
237  ActsScalar rn = local2.x() * local2.x() + local2.y() * local2.y();
238  // The (1/tanTheta) of momentum in the new frame,
239  static constexpr ActsScalar G = static_cast<ActsScalar>(1. / 24.);
240  ActsScalar invTanTheta =
241  local2.z() * std::sqrt(1. / rn) / (1. + G * rho * rho * rn);
242  // The momentum direction in the new frame (the center of the circle has the
243  // coordinate (-1.*A/(2*B), 1./(2*B)))
244  Vector3 transDirection(1., A, std::hypot(1, A) * invTanTheta);
245  // Transform it back to the original frame
246  Vector3 direction = rotation * transDirection.normalized();
248  // Initialize the bound parameters vector
249  BoundVector params = BoundVector::Zero();
251  // The estimated phi and theta
252  params[eBoundPhi] = VectorHelpers::phi(direction);
253  params[eBoundTheta] = VectorHelpers::theta(direction);
255  // Transform the bottom space point to local coordinates of the provided
256  // surface
257  auto lpResult = surface.globalToLocal(gctx, spGlobalPositions[0], direction);
258  if (not lpResult.ok()) {
260  "Global to local transformation did not succeed. Please make sure the "
261  "bottom space point lies on the provided surface.");
262  return std::nullopt;
263  }
264  Vector2 bottomLocalPos = lpResult.value();
265  // The estimated loc0 and loc1
266  params[eBoundLoc0] = bottomLocalPos.x();
267  params[eBoundLoc1] = bottomLocalPos.y();
269  // The estimated q/pt in [GeV/c]^-1 (note that the pt is the projection of
270  // momentum on the transverse plane of the new frame)
271  ActsScalar qOverPt = rho * (UnitConstants::m) / (0.3 * bFieldInTesla);
272  // The estimated q/p in [GeV/c]^-1
273  params[eBoundQOverP] = qOverPt / std::hypot(1., invTanTheta);
275  // The estimated momentum, and its projection along the magnetic field
276  // diretion
277  ActsScalar pInGeV = std::abs(1.0 / params[eBoundQOverP]);
278  ActsScalar pzInGeV = 1.0 / std::abs(qOverPt) * invTanTheta;
279  ActsScalar massInGeV = mass / UnitConstants::GeV;
280  // The estimated velocity, and its projection along the magnetic field
281  // diretion
282  ActsScalar v = pInGeV / std::hypot(pInGeV, massInGeV);
283  ActsScalar vz = pzInGeV / std::hypot(pInGeV, massInGeV);
284  // The z coordinate of the bottom space point along the magnetic field
285  // direction
286  ActsScalar pathz = spGlobalPositions[0].dot(bField) / bField.norm();
287  // The estimated time (use path length along magnetic field only if it's not
288  // zero)
289  if (pathz != 0 && vz != 0) {
290  params[eBoundTime] = pathz / vz;
291  } else {
292  params[eBoundTime] = spGlobalPositions[0].norm() / v;
293  }
295  if (params.hasNaN()) {
297  "The NaN value exists at the estimated track parameters from seed with"
298  << "\nbottom sp: " << spGlobalPositions[0] << "\nmiddle sp: "
299  << spGlobalPositions[1] << "\ntop sp: " << spGlobalPositions[2]);
300  return std::nullopt;
301  }
302  return params;
303 }
305 } // namespace Acts