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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SeedFinder.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <numeric>
14 #include <type_traits>
16 namespace Acts {
18 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
22  : m_config(config), m_options(options) {
24  throw std::runtime_error(
25  "SeedFinderConfig not in ACTS internal units in "
26  "Cuda/Seeding/SeedFinder");
27  if (not m_options.isInInternalUnits)
28  throw std::runtime_error(
29  "SeedFinderOptions not in ACTS internal units in "
30  "Cuda/Seeding/SeedFinder");
31  if (std::isnan(m_config.deltaRMaxTopSP)) {
32  throw std::runtime_error("Value of deltaRMaxTopSP was not initialised");
33  }
34  if (std::isnan(m_config.deltaRMinTopSP)) {
35  throw std::runtime_error("Value of deltaRMinTopSP was not initialised");
36  }
37  if (std::isnan(m_config.deltaRMaxBottomSP)) {
38  throw std::runtime_error("Value of deltaRMaxBottomSP was not initialised");
39  }
40  if (std::isnan(m_config.deltaRMinBottomSP)) {
41  throw std::runtime_error("Value of deltaRMinBottomSP was not initialised");
42  }
43 }
45 // CUDA seed finding
46 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
47 template <typename sp_range_t>
48 std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>
50  Acts::SpacePointData& spacePointData,
52  const sp_range_t& bottomSPs, const std::size_t middleSPs,
53  const sp_range_t& topSPs) const {
54  std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>> outputVec;
56  // Get SeedFinderConfig values
57  CudaScalar<float> deltaRMin_cuda(&m_config.deltaRMin);
58  CudaScalar<float> deltaRMax_cuda(&m_config.deltaRMax);
59  CudaScalar<float> cotThetaMax_cuda(&m_config.cotThetaMax);
60  CudaScalar<float> collisionRegionMin_cuda(&m_config.collisionRegionMin);
61  CudaScalar<float> collisionRegionMax_cuda(&m_config.collisionRegionMax);
62  CudaScalar<float> maxScatteringAngle2_cuda(&m_config.maxScatteringAngle2);
63  CudaScalar<float> sigmaScattering_cuda(&m_config.sigmaScattering);
64  CudaScalar<float> minHelixDiameter2_cuda(&m_options.minHelixDiameter2);
65  CudaScalar<float> pT2perRadius_cuda(&m_options.pT2perRadius);
66  CudaScalar<float> impactMax_cuda(&m_config.impactMax);
67  const auto seedFilterConfig = m_config.seedFilter->getSeedFilterConfig();
68  CudaScalar<float> deltaInvHelixDiameter_cuda(
69  &seedFilterConfig.deltaInvHelixDiameter);
70  CudaScalar<float> impactWeightFactor_cuda(
71  &seedFilterConfig.impactWeightFactor);
72  CudaScalar<float> filterDeltaRMin_cuda(&seedFilterConfig.deltaRMin);
73  CudaScalar<float> compatSeedWeight_cuda(&seedFilterConfig.compatSeedWeight);
74  CudaScalar<size_t> compatSeedLimit_cuda(&seedFilterConfig.compatSeedLimit);
75  CpuScalar<size_t> compatSeedLimit_cpu(&compatSeedLimit_cuda);
76  //---------------------------------
77  // Algorithm 0. Matrix Flattening
78  //---------------------------------
80  std::vector<Acts::InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> middleSPvec;
81  std::vector<Acts::InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> bottomSPvec;
82  std::vector<Acts::InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> topSPvec;
84  // Get the size of spacepoints
85  int nSpM(0);
86  int nSpB(0);
87  int nSpT(0);
89  {
90  auto& sp_collection =;
91  for (auto& sp : sp_collection) {
92  nSpM++;
93  middleSPvec.push_back(sp.get());
94  }
95  }
96  for (auto idx : bottomSPs) {
97  auto& sp_collection =;
98  for (auto& sp : sp_collection) {
99  nSpB++;
100  bottomSPvec.push_back(sp.get());
101  }
102  }
103  for (std::size_t idx : topSPs) {
104  auto& sp_collection =;
105  for (auto& sp : sp_collection) {
106  nSpT++;
107  topSPvec.push_back(sp.get());
108  }
109  }
111  CudaScalar<int> nSpM_cuda(&nSpM);
112  CudaScalar<int> nSpB_cuda(&nSpB);
113  CudaScalar<int> nSpT_cuda(&nSpT);
115  if (nSpM == 0 || nSpB == 0 || nSpT == 0)
116  return outputVec;
118  // Matrix flattening
119  CpuMatrix<float> spMmat_cpu(nSpM, 6); // x y z r varR varZ
120  CpuMatrix<float> spBmat_cpu(nSpB, 6);
121  CpuMatrix<float> spTmat_cpu(nSpT, 6);
123  auto fillMatrix = [](auto& mat, auto& id, auto sp) {
124  mat.set(id, 0, sp->x());
125  mat.set(id, 1, sp->y());
126  mat.set(id, 2, sp->z());
127  mat.set(id, 3, sp->radius());
128  mat.set(id, 4, sp->varianceR());
129  mat.set(id, 5, sp->varianceZ());
130  id++;
131  };
133  int mIdx(0);
134  for (auto sp : middleSPvec) {
135  fillMatrix(spMmat_cpu, mIdx, sp);
136  }
137  int bIdx(0);
138  for (auto sp : bottomSPvec) {
139  fillMatrix(spBmat_cpu, bIdx, sp);
140  }
141  int tIdx(0);
142  for (auto sp : topSPvec) {
143  fillMatrix(spTmat_cpu, tIdx, sp);
144  }
146  CudaMatrix<float> spMmat_cuda(nSpM, 6, &spMmat_cpu);
147  CudaMatrix<float> spBmat_cuda(nSpB, 6, &spBmat_cpu);
148  CudaMatrix<float> spTmat_cuda(nSpT, 6, &spTmat_cpu);
149  //------------------------------------
150  // Algorithm 1. Doublet Search (DS)
151  //------------------------------------
153  CudaScalar<int> nSpMcomp_cuda(new int(0));
154  CudaScalar<int> nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cuda(new int(0));
155  CudaScalar<int> nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cuda(new int(0));
156  CudaVector<int> nSpBcompPerSpM_cuda(nSpM);
157  nSpBcompPerSpM_cuda.zeros();
158  CudaVector<int> nSpTcompPerSpM_cuda(nSpM);
159  nSpTcompPerSpM_cuda.zeros();
160  CudaVector<int> McompIndex_cuda(nSpM);
161  CudaMatrix<int> BcompIndex_cuda(nSpB, nSpM);
162  CudaMatrix<int> TcompIndex_cuda(nSpT, nSpM);
163  CudaMatrix<int> tmpBcompIndex_cuda(nSpB, nSpM);
164  CudaMatrix<int> tmpTcompIndex_cuda(nSpT, nSpM);
166  dim3 DS_BlockSize = m_config.maxBlockSize;
167  dim3 DS_GridSize(nSpM, 1, 1);
169  searchDoublet(DS_GridSize, DS_BlockSize, nSpM_cuda.get(), spMmat_cuda.get(),
170  nSpB_cuda.get(), spBmat_cuda.get(), nSpT_cuda.get(),
171  spTmat_cuda.get(), deltaRMin_cuda.get(), deltaRMax_cuda.get(),
172  cotThetaMax_cuda.get(), collisionRegionMin_cuda.get(),
173  collisionRegionMax_cuda.get(), nSpMcomp_cuda.get(),
174  nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(), nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(),
175  nSpBcompPerSpM_cuda.get(), nSpTcompPerSpM_cuda.get(),
176  McompIndex_cuda.get(), BcompIndex_cuda.get(),
177  tmpBcompIndex_cuda.get(), TcompIndex_cuda.get(),
178  tmpTcompIndex_cuda.get());
180  CpuScalar<int> nSpMcomp_cpu(&nSpMcomp_cuda);
181  CpuScalar<int> nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cpu(&nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cuda);
182  CpuScalar<int> nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cpu(&nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cuda);
183  CpuVector<int> nSpBcompPerSpM_cpu(nSpM, &nSpBcompPerSpM_cuda);
184  CpuVector<int> nSpTcompPerSpM_cpu(nSpM, &nSpTcompPerSpM_cuda);
185  CpuVector<int> McompIndex_cpu(nSpM, &McompIndex_cuda);
187  //--------------------------------------
188  // Algorithm 2. Transform coordinate
189  //--------------------------------------
191  CudaMatrix<float> spMcompMat_cuda(*nSpMcomp_cpu.get(), 6);
192  CudaMatrix<float> spBcompMatPerSpM_cuda(*nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cpu.get(),
193  (*nSpMcomp_cpu.get()) * 6);
194  CudaMatrix<float> spTcompMatPerSpM_cuda(*nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cpu.get(),
195  (*nSpMcomp_cpu.get()) * 6);
196  CudaMatrix<float> circBcompMatPerSpM_cuda(*nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cpu.get(),
197  (*nSpMcomp_cpu.get()) * 6);
198  CudaMatrix<float> circTcompMatPerSpM_cuda(*nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cpu.get(),
199  (*nSpMcomp_cpu.get()) * 6);
201  dim3 TC_GridSize(*nSpMcomp_cpu.get(), 1, 1);
202  dim3 TC_BlockSize = m_config.maxBlockSize;
204  transformCoordinate(
205  TC_GridSize, TC_BlockSize, nSpM_cuda.get(), spMmat_cuda.get(),
206  McompIndex_cuda.get(), nSpB_cuda.get(), spBmat_cuda.get(),
207  nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(), BcompIndex_cuda.get(), nSpT_cuda.get(),
208  spTmat_cuda.get(), nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(), TcompIndex_cuda.get(),
209  spMcompMat_cuda.get(), spBcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(),
210  circBcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(), spTcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(),
211  circTcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get());
213  //------------------------------------------------------
214  // Algorithm 3. Triplet Search (TS) & Seed filtering
215  //------------------------------------------------------
217  const int nTrplPerSpMLimit =
218  m_config.nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit * (*nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cpu.get());
219  CudaScalar<int> nTrplPerSpMLimit_cuda(&nTrplPerSpMLimit);
221  CudaScalar<int> nTrplPerSpBLimit_cuda(&m_config.nTrplPerSpBLimit);
222  CpuScalar<int> nTrplPerSpBLimit_cpu(
223  &nTrplPerSpBLimit_cuda); // need to be USM
225  CudaVector<int> nTrplPerSpM_cuda(*nSpMcomp_cpu.get());
226  nTrplPerSpM_cuda.zeros();
227  CudaMatrix<Triplet> TripletsPerSpM_cuda(nTrplPerSpMLimit,
228  *nSpMcomp_cpu.get());
229  CpuVector<int> nTrplPerSpM_cpu(*nSpMcomp_cpu.get(), true);
230  nTrplPerSpM_cpu.zeros();
231  CpuMatrix<Triplet> TripletsPerSpM_cpu(nTrplPerSpMLimit, *nSpMcomp_cpu.get(),
232  true);
233  cudaStream_t cuStream;
234  ACTS_CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaStreamCreate(&cuStream));
236  for (int i_m = 0; i_m <= *nSpMcomp_cpu.get(); i_m++) {
237  cudaStreamSynchronize(cuStream);
239  // Search Triplet
240  if (i_m < *nSpMcomp_cpu.get()) {
241  int mIndex = *McompIndex_cpu.get(i_m);
242  int* nSpBcompPerSpM = nSpBcompPerSpM_cpu.get(mIndex);
243  int* nSpTcompPerSpM = nSpTcompPerSpM_cpu.get(mIndex);
245  dim3 TS_GridSize(*nSpBcompPerSpM, 1, 1);
246  dim3 TS_BlockSize =
247  dim3(fmin(m_config.maxBlockSize, *nSpTcompPerSpM), 1, 1);
249  searchTriplet(
250  TS_GridSize, TS_BlockSize, nSpTcompPerSpM_cpu.get(mIndex),
251  nSpTcompPerSpM_cuda.get(mIndex), nSpMcomp_cuda.get(),
252  spMcompMat_cuda.get(i_m, 0), nSpBcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(),
253  BcompIndex_cuda.get(0, i_m), circBcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(0, 6 * i_m),
254  nSpTcompPerSpMMax_cuda.get(), TcompIndex_cuda.get(0, i_m),
255  spTcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(0, 6 * i_m),
256  circTcompMatPerSpM_cuda.get(0, 6 * i_m),
257  // Seed finder config
258  maxScatteringAngle2_cuda.get(), sigmaScattering_cuda.get(),
259  minHelixDiameter2_cuda.get(), pT2perRadius_cuda.get(),
260  impactMax_cuda.get(), nTrplPerSpMLimit_cuda.get(),
261  nTrplPerSpBLimit_cpu.get(), nTrplPerSpBLimit_cuda.get(),
262  deltaInvHelixDiameter_cuda.get(), impactWeightFactor_cuda.get(),
263  filterDeltaRMin_cuda.get(), compatSeedWeight_cuda.get(),
264  compatSeedLimit_cpu.get(), compatSeedLimit_cuda.get(),
265  // output
266  nTrplPerSpM_cuda.get(i_m), TripletsPerSpM_cuda.get(0, i_m),
267  &cuStream);
268  nTrplPerSpM_cpu.copyD2H(nTrplPerSpM_cuda.get(i_m), 1, i_m, &cuStream);
270  TripletsPerSpM_cpu.copyD2H(TripletsPerSpM_cuda.get(0, i_m),
271  nTrplPerSpMLimit, nTrplPerSpMLimit * i_m,
272  &cuStream);
273  }
275  if (i_m > 0) {
276  const auto m_experimentCuts = m_config.seedFilter->getExperimentCuts();
277  std::vector<typename CandidatesForMiddleSp<
279  candidates;
281  for (int i = 0; i < *nTrplPerSpM_cpu.get(i_m - 1); i++) {
282  auto& triplet = *TripletsPerSpM_cpu.get(i, i_m - 1);
283  int mIndex = *McompIndex_cpu.get(i_m - 1);
284  int bIndex = triplet.bIndex;
285  int tIndex = triplet.tIndex;
287  auto& bottomSP = *bottomSPvec[bIndex];
288  auto& middleSP = *middleSPvec[mIndex];
289  auto& topSP = *topSPvec[tIndex];
290  if (m_experimentCuts != nullptr) {
291  // add detector specific considerations on the seed weight
292  triplet.weight +=
293  m_experimentCuts->seedWeight(bottomSP, middleSP, topSP);
294  // discard seeds according to detector specific cuts (e.g.: weight)
295  if (!m_experimentCuts->singleSeedCut(triplet.weight, bottomSP,
296  middleSP, topSP)) {
297  continue;
298  }
299  }
301  float Zob = 0; // It is not used in the seed filter but needs to be
302  // fixed anyway...
304  candidates.emplace_back(bottomSP, middleSP, topSP, triplet.weight, Zob,
305  false);
306  }
308  std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(),
310  external_spacepoint_t>>::descendingByQuality);
311  std::size_t numQualitySeeds = 0; // not used but needs to be fixed
312  m_config.seedFilter->filterSeeds_1SpFixed(spacePointData, candidates,
313  numQualitySeeds,
314  std::back_inserter(outputVec));
315  }
316  }
317  ACTS_CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(cudaStreamDestroy(cuStream));
318  return outputVec;
319 }
320 } // namespace Acts