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1 #include "OnlMonClient.h"
2 #include "ClientHistoList.h"
3 #include "OnlMonDraw.h"
4 #include "OnlMonHtml.h"
6 #include <onlmon/HistoBinDefs.h>
7 #include <onlmon/OnlMonBase.h> // for OnlMonBase
8 #include <onlmon/OnlMonDefs.h>
10 #include <MessageTypes.h> // for kMESS_STRING, kMESS_OBJECT
11 #include <TCanvas.h>
12 #include <TDirectory.h>
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TGClient.h> // for gClient, TGClient
15 #include <TGFrame.h>
16 #include <TH1.h>
17 #include <TImage.h>
18 #include <TIterator.h>
19 #include <TList.h> // for TList
20 #include <TMessage.h>
21 #include <TROOT.h>
22 #include <TSeqCollection.h>
23 #include <TSocket.h>
24 #include <TStyle.h>
25 #include <TSystem.h>
27 #include <odbc++/connection.h>
28 #include <odbc++/drivermanager.h>
29 #include <odbc++/resultset.h>
30 #include <odbc++/statement.h> // for Statement
31 #include <odbc++/types.h> // for SQLException
33 #include <sys/stat.h>
34 #include <sys/utsname.h>
35 #include <unistd.h>
36 #include <uuid/uuid.h>
37 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <cstdio> // for printf, remove
39 #include <cstdlib> // for getenv, exit
40 #include <cstring> // for strcmp
41 #include <filesystem>
42 #include <fstream>
43 #include <iostream>
44 #include <list>
45 #include <sstream>
46 #include <utility> // for pair
50 int pinit()
51 {
52  return 0;
53 }
56 {
57  if (__instance)
58  {
59  return __instance;
60  }
61  __instance = new OnlMonClient("ONLMONCLIENT");
62  return __instance;
63 }
66  : OnlMonBase(name)
67 {
68  defaultStyle = new TStyle();
70  InitAll();
71 }
74 {
75  if (gROOT->FindObject("ServerRunning"))
76  {
77  std::cout << "Don't run Server and Client in same session, exiting" << std::endl;
78  exit(1);
79  }
80  if (!gClient) // cannot draw on display, warn and bail out
81  {
82  const char *env_display = getenv("DISPLAY");
83  if (env_display)
84  {
85  std::string displaystring = env_display;
86  std::cout << "Cannot open Display, Display Env Var is set to "
87  << displaystring << std::endl;
88  if (displaystring.find("unix") != std::string::npos)
89  {
90  utsname ThisNode;
91  uname(&ThisNode);
92  std::cout << "presumably the virtual framebuffer is not running on " << ThisNode.nodename
93  << ", check if process /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb is alive" << std::endl;
94  }
95  else if (displaystring.find("localhost") != std::string::npos)
96  {
97  std::cout << "Check your ssh forwarding" << std::endl;
98  std::cout << "your $HOME/.ssh/config has to contain the line" << std::endl;
99  std::cout << "ForwardX11 yes" << std::endl;
100  }
101  }
102  else
103  {
104  std::cout << "Display not set, cannot continue" << std::endl;
105  }
106  exit(1);
107  }
108  // we have a working display
109  clientrunning = new TH1F("ClientRunning", "ClientRunning", 1, 0, 1);
110  if (getenv("ONLMON_HTMLDIR") == nullptr)
111  {
112  std::cout << "ONLMON_HTMLDIR not set, exiting" << std::endl;
113  exit(1);
114  }
115  fHtml = new OnlMonHtml(getenv("ONLMON_HTMLDIR"));
117  TGFrame *rootWin = (TGFrame *) gClient->GetRoot();
118  display_sizex = rootWin->GetDefaultWidth();
119  display_sizey = rootWin->GetDefaultHeight();
120  for (int i = 0; i < kMAXSIGNALS; i++)
121  {
122  gSystem->IgnoreSignal((ESignals) i);
123  }
124  return;
125 }
128 {
129  while (DrawerList.begin() != DrawerList.end())
130  {
131  if (verbosity > 0)
132  {
133  std::cout << "deleting " << DrawerList.begin()->first << std::endl;
134  }
135  delete DrawerList.begin()->second;
136  DrawerList.erase(DrawerList.begin());
137  }
138  while (Histo.begin() != Histo.end())
139  {
140  delete Histo.begin()->second;
141  Histo.erase(Histo.begin());
142  }
143  delete clientrunning;
144  delete fHtml;
145  delete defaultStyle;
146  // this deletes all open canvases
147  TSeqCollection *allCanvases = gROOT->GetListOfCanvases();
148  TCanvas *canvas = nullptr;
149  while ((canvas = static_cast<TCanvas *>(allCanvases->First())))
150  {
151  if (verbosity > 0)
152  {
153  std::cout << "Deleting Canvas " << canvas->GetName() << std::endl;
154  }
155  delete canvas;
156  }
157  __instance = nullptr;
158  return;
159 }
161 void OnlMonClient::registerHisto(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys)
162 {
163  auto subsysiter = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
164  if (subsysiter == SubsysHisto.end())
165  {
166  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *> entry;
167  // c++11 map.insert returns pair<iterator,bool>
168  subsysiter = SubsysHisto.insert(std::make_pair(subsys, entry)).first;
169  if (Verbosity() > 2)
170  {
171  std::cout << "inserting " << subsys << " into SubsysHisto, readback: " << subsysiter->first << std::endl;
172  }
173  }
174  auto hiter = subsysiter->second.find(hname);
175  if (hiter == subsysiter->second.end())
176  {
177  ClientHistoList *newhisto = new ClientHistoList();
178  newhisto->SubSystem(subsys);
179  subsysiter->second.insert(std::make_pair(hname, newhisto));
180  if (Verbosity() > 0)
181  {
182  std::cout << "new histogram " << hname << " of subsystem " << subsys << std::endl;
183  }
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  hiter->second->SubSystem(subsys);
188  }
189  // register FrameWorkVars histo if we don't have it already
190  std::string frameworkhistoname = "FrameWorkVars";
191  hiter = subsysiter->second.find(frameworkhistoname);
192  if (hiter == subsysiter->second.end())
193  {
194  ClientHistoList *newhisto = new ClientHistoList();
195  newhisto->SubSystem(subsys);
196  subsysiter->second.insert(std::make_pair(frameworkhistoname, newhisto));
197  if (Verbosity() > 0)
198  {
199  std::cout << "new histogram " << frameworkhistoname << " of subsystem " << subsys << std::endl;
200  }
201  }
202  else
203  {
204  hiter->second->SubSystem(subsys);
205  }
207  return;
208 }
211 {
212  std::string mysubsys = subsys.substr(0,subsys.find('_'));
213  for (auto frwrkiter : m_MonitorFetchedSet)
214  {
215  if (frwrkiter.find(mysubsys) == std::string::npos)
216  {
217  m_MonitorFetchedSet.clear();
218  break;
219  }
220  }
221  int iret = 0;
222  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>::const_iterator histoiter;
223  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>::const_iterator histonewiter;
224  if (!IsMonitorRunning(subsys)) // test if saved monitor server is still running
225  {
226  // monitor is not running - remove its entry if it exists
227  auto moniiter = MonitorHostPorts.find(subsys);
228  if (moniiter != MonitorHostPorts.end())
229  {
230  MonitorHostPorts.erase(moniiter);
231  }
232  // Find monitor, if not found reset ClientHistoList entries for host and port
233  if (FindMonitor(subsys) == 0)
234  {
235  auto subsyshistos = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
236  if (subsyshistos != SubsysHisto.end())
237  {
238  for (auto &hiter : subsyshistos->second)
239  {
240  hiter.second->ServerHost("UNKNOWN");
241  hiter.second->ServerPort(0);
242  if (hiter.second->Histo() != nullptr)
243  {
244  hiter.second->Histo()->Delete();
245  }
246  hiter.second->Histo(nullptr);
247  }
248  }
249  return iret;
250  }
251  }
253  if (getall == 0)
254  {
255  std::map<std::string, std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>>::const_iterator histos = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
256  for (auto &hiter : histos->second)
257  {
258  if (requestHistoByName(subsys, hiter.first))
259  {
260  if (Verbosity() > 2)
261  {
262  std::cout << "Request for " << hiter.first << " on " << subsys << " failed " << std::endl;
263  }
264  if (hiter.second->Histo())
265  {
266  hiter.second->Histo()->Delete();
267  hiter.second->Histo(nullptr);
268  hiter.second->ServerHost("UNKNOWN");
269  hiter.second->ServerPort(0);
270  }
271  iret = -1;
272  }
273  }
274  }
275  else if (getall == 1)
276  {
277  std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string>> transferlist;
278  std::ostringstream host_port;
280  int failed_to_locate = 0;
281  auto subs = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
282  {
283  for (auto &histos : subs->second)
284  {
285  if (Verbosity() > 2)
286  {
287  std::cout << "checking for subsystem " << subs->first << ", histo " << histos.first << std::endl;
288  }
289  if (histos.second->SubSystem() == subsys)
290  {
291  int unknown_histo = 0;
292  std::string hname = histos.first;
293  if (histos.second->ServerHost() == "UNKNOWN")
294  {
295  if (!failed_to_locate)
296  {
297  if (LocateHistogram(hname, subsys) < 1)
298  {
299  if (Verbosity() > 2)
300  {
301  std::cout << "Subsystem " << subsys << " Histogram " << hname << " cannot be located" << std::endl;
302  }
303  failed_to_locate = 1;
304  unknown_histo = 1;
305  iret = -1;
306  }
307  }
308  else
309  {
310  unknown_histo = 1;
311  }
312  }
313  // reset histogram in case they don't exist on the server anymore
314  if (histos.second->Histo())
315  {
316  histos.second->Histo()->Reset();
317  }
318  if (!unknown_histo)
319  {
320  std::string fullhname = subsys + std::string(" ") + hname;
321  (transferlist[subsys]).push_back(fullhname);
322  }
323  }
324  }
325  }
326  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator liter;
327  for (auto listiter = transferlist.begin(); listiter != transferlist.end(); ++listiter)
328  {
329  std::list<std::string> hlist = listiter->second;
330  auto hostportiter = MonitorHostPorts.find(listiter->first);
331  if (hostportiter == MonitorHostPorts.end())
332  {
333  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Cannot find MonitorHostPorts entry for " << listiter->first << std::endl;
334  std::cout << "existing hosts: " << std::endl;
335  for (auto &hport : MonitorHostPorts)
336  {
337  std::cout << "subsystem " << hport.first << " on host " << hport.second.first
338  << " listening on port " << hport.second.second << std::endl;
339  }
340  continue;
341  }
342  if (requestHistoList(listiter->first, hostportiter->second.first, hostportiter->second.second, hlist) != 0)
343  {
344  for (liter = hlist.begin(); liter != hlist.end(); ++liter)
345  {
346  if (requestHistoByName(*liter))
347  {
348  std::cout << "Request for " << *liter << " failed " << std::endl;
349  histoiter = Histo.find(*liter);
350  if (histoiter->second && histoiter->second->Histo())
351  {
352  histoiter->second->Histo()->Delete();
353  histoiter->second->Histo(nullptr);
354  histoiter->second->ServerHost("UNKNOWN");
355  histoiter->second->ServerPort(0);
356  }
357  }
358  }
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  else if (getall == 2)
363  {
364  const char *hname = "none";
365  for (histoiter = Histo.begin(); histoiter != Histo.end(); ++histoiter)
366  {
367  if (histoiter->second->SubSystem() == subsys)
368  {
369  hname = histoiter->first.c_str();
370  break;
371  }
372  }
373  // histoiter points here to first histogram of subsystem
374  if (histoiter != Histo.end())
375  {
376  std::string hostname = histoiter->second->ServerHost();
377  int moniport = histoiter->second->ServerPort();
378  {
379  if (hostname == "UNKNOWN")
380  {
381  if (LocateHistogram(hname, "") < 1)
382  {
383  std::cout << "Histogram " << hname << " cannot be located" << std::endl;
384  return -1;
385  }
386  histonewiter = Histo.find(hname);
387  hostname = histonewiter->second->ServerHost();
388  moniport = histonewiter->second->ServerPort();
389  }
391  // Reset the histograms in case they don't exhist on the host.
392  for (histonewiter = Histo.begin(); histonewiter != Histo.end(); ++histonewiter)
393  {
394  if (histonewiter->second->SubSystem() == subsys)
395  {
396  if (histonewiter->second->Histo())
397  {
398  histonewiter->second->Histo()->Reset();
399  }
400  }
401  }
403  if (requestHisto("ALL", hostname, moniport))
404  {
405  std::cout << "Request for all histograms from "
406  << hostname << " failed, trying single " << std::endl;
407  iret = requestHistoBySubSystem(subsys, 0);
408  }
409  }
410  }
411  else
412  {
413  std::cout << "No Histogram of subsystem "
414  << subsys << " registered" << std::endl;
415  }
416  }
417  m_MonitorFetchedSet.insert(subsys);
418  return iret;
419 }
422 {
423  std::map<const std::string, OnlMonDraw *>::iterator iter = DrawerList.find(Drawer->Name());
424  if (iter != DrawerList.end())
425  {
426  std::cout << "Drawer " << Drawer->Name() << " already registered, I won't overwrite it" << std::endl;
427  std::cout << "Use a different name and try again" << std::endl;
428  }
429  else
430  {
431  DrawerList[Drawer->Name()] = Drawer;
432  Drawer->Init();
434  }
435  return;
436 }
438 int OnlMonClient::Draw(const char *who, const char *what)
439 {
440  int iret = DoSomething(who, what, "DRAW");
441  // gSystem->ProcessEvents();
442  return iret;
443 }
445 int OnlMonClient::SavePlot(const std::string &who, const std::string &what)
446 {
447  int iret = DoSomething(who, what, "SAVEPLOT");
448  TSeqCollection *allCanvases = gROOT->GetListOfCanvases();
449  TCanvas *canvas = nullptr;
450  while ((canvas = static_cast<TCanvas *>(allCanvases->First())))
451  {
452  if (verbosity > 0)
453  {
454  std::cout << "Deleting Canvas " << canvas->GetName() << std::endl;
455  }
456  delete canvas;
457  }
458  // gSystem->ProcessEvents();
459  return iret;
460 }
462 int OnlMonClient::MakePS(const char *who, const char *what)
463 {
464  int iret = DoSomething(who, what, "PS");
465  // gSystem->ProcessEvents();
466  return iret;
467 }
469 int OnlMonClient::MakeHtml(const char *who, const char *what)
470 {
471  mode_t old_umask;
472  int runno = RunNumber();
473  if (runno <= 0)
474  {
475  std::cout << "Run Number too small: " << runno
476  << " not creating html output" << std::endl;
477  return 0;
478  }
479  char *onlmon_real_html = getenv("ONLMON_REAL_HTML");
480  if (!onlmon_real_html)
481  {
482  old_umask = umask(S_IWOTH);
483  std::cout << "Making html output group writable so others can run tests as well" << std::endl;
484  }
485  fHtml->runNumber(runno); // do not forget this !
486  int iret = DoSomething(who, what, "HTML");
488  if (!onlmon_real_html)
489  {
490  umask(old_umask);
491  }
492  // gSystem->ProcessEvents();
493  return iret;
494 }
496 int OnlMonClient::DoSomething(const std::string &who, const std::string &what, const std::string &opt)
497 {
498  std::map<const std::string, OnlMonDraw *>::iterator iter;
499  if (who != "ALL") // is drawer was specified (!All)
500  {
501  iter = DrawerList.find(who);
502  if (iter != DrawerList.end())
503  {
504  if (opt == "DRAW")
505  {
506  iter->second->Draw(what);
507  }
508  else if (opt == "PS")
509  {
510  iter->second->MakePS(what);
511  }
512  else if (opt == "SAVEPLOT")
513  {
514  iter->second->SavePlot(what, "png");
515  }
516  else if (opt == "HTML")
517  {
518  if (verbosity > 0)
519  {
520  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " creating html output for "
521  << iter->second->Name() << std::endl;
522  }
523  if (iter->second->MakeHtml(what))
524  {
525  std::cout << "subsystem " << iter->second->Name()
526  << " not in root file, skipping" << std::endl;
527  }
528  }
529  else
530  {
531  std::cout << "option " << opt << " not implemented" << std::endl;
532  return 0;
533  }
535  return 0;
536  }
537  else
538  {
539  std::cout << "Drawer " << who << " not in list" << std::endl;
540  Print("DRAWER");
541  return -1;
542  }
543  }
544  else
545  {
546  for (iter = DrawerList.begin(); iter != DrawerList.end(); ++iter)
547  {
548  if (opt == "DRAW")
549  {
550  iter->second->Draw(what);
551  }
552  else if (opt == "PS")
553  {
554  iter->second->MakePS(what);
555  }
556  else if (opt == "HTML")
557  {
558  if (verbosity > 0)
559  {
560  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " creating html output for "
561  << iter->second->Name() << std::endl;
562  }
563  gROOT->Reset();
564  int iret = iter->second->MakeHtml(what);
565  if (iret)
566  {
567  std::cout << "subsystem " << iter->second->Name()
568  << " not in root file, skipping" << std::endl;
569  // delete all canvases (no more piling up of 50 canvases)
570  // if run for a single subsystem this leaves the canvas intact
571  // for debugging
572  TSeqCollection *allCanvases = gROOT->GetListOfCanvases();
573  TCanvas *canvas = nullptr;
574  while ((canvas = static_cast<TCanvas *>(allCanvases->First())))
575  {
576  std::cout << "Deleting Canvas " << canvas->GetName() << std::endl;
577  delete canvas;
578  }
579  }
580  }
582  }
583  }
584  return 0;
585 }
588 {
589  std::string hostname = "UNKNOWN";
590  int moniport = OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT;
591  std::map<std::string, std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>>::const_iterator histos = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
592  auto histoiter = histos->second.find(what);
593  if (Verbosity() > 2)
594  {
595  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "checking for " << what << " on monitor " << subsys << std::endl;
596  }
597  if (histoiter != histos->second.end())
598  {
599  hostname = histoiter->second->ServerHost();
600  moniport = histoiter->second->ServerPort();
601  if (hostname == "UNKNOWN")
602  {
603  if (LocateHistogram(what, subsys) < 1)
604  {
605  std::cout << "Histogram " << what << " cannot be located" << std::endl;
606  return -1;
607  }
608  // search again since LocateHistogram can change the map
609  histoiter = histos->second.find(what);
610  hostname = histoiter->second->ServerHost();
611  moniport = histoiter->second->ServerPort();
612  if (hostname == "UNKNOWN")
613  {
614  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "host UNKNOWN for whatever reason" << std::endl;
615  return -3;
616  }
617  }
618  }
619  else
620  {
621  if (LocateHistogram(what, subsys) < 1)
622  {
623  std::cout << "Histogram " << what << " cannot be located" << std::endl;
624  return -2;
625  }
626  histoiter = histos->second.find(what);
627  if (histoiter != histos->second.end())
628  {
629  hostname = histoiter->second->ServerHost();
630  moniport = histoiter->second->ServerPort();
631  if (hostname == "UNKNOWN")
632  {
633  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "host UNKNOWN for whatever reason" << std::endl;
634  return -3;
635  }
636  }
637  else
638  {
639  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Problem determining host" << std::endl;
640  }
641  }
642  // Open connection to server
643  TSocket sock(hostname.c_str(), moniport);
644  TMessage *mess;
645  std::string fullhistoname = subsys + std::string(" ") + what;
646  if (Verbosity() > 2)
647  {
648  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " sending " << fullhistoname << " to " << hostname << " port " << moniport << std::endl;
649  }
650  sock.Send(fullhistoname.c_str());
651  while (true)
652  {
653  if (verbosity > 1)
654  {
655  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Waiting for Message from : " << hostname
656  << " on port " << moniport << std::endl;
657  }
658  sock.Recv(mess);
659  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
660  {
661  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server not running on " << hostname << std::endl;
662  sock.Close();
663  return 1;
664  }
665  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
666  {
667  char str[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
668  mess->ReadString(str, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
669  delete mess;
670  if (verbosity > 1)
671  {
672  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Message: " << str << std::endl;
673  }
674  if (!strcmp(str, "Finished"))
675  {
676  break;
677  }
678  else if (!strcmp(str, "UnknownHisto"))
679  {
680  break;
681  }
682  else
683  {
684  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Unknown Text Message: " << str << std::endl;
685  sock.Send("Ack");
686  }
687  }
688  else if (mess->What() == kMESS_OBJECT)
689  {
690  TH1 *histo = static_cast<TH1 *>(mess->ReadObjectAny(mess->GetClass()));
691  delete mess;
692  TH1 *maphist = static_cast<TH1 *>(histo->Clone(histo->GetName()));
693  if (verbosity > 1)
694  {
695  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "histoname: " << histo->GetName() << " at "
696  << histo << std::endl;
697  }
699  updateHistoMap(subsys, histo->GetName(), maphist);
700  delete histo;
701  sock.Send("Ack");
702  }
703  }
704  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
705  // Close the socket
706  sock.Close();
707  return 0;
708 }
710 int OnlMonClient::requestHisto(const std::string &what, const std::string &hostname, const int moniport)
711 {
712  // Open connection to server
713  TSocket sock(hostname.c_str(), moniport);
714  TMessage *mess;
715  sock.Send(what.c_str());
716  while (true)
717  {
718  sock.Recv(mess);
719  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
720  {
721  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server not running on " << hostname << std::endl;
722  sock.Close();
723  return 1;
724  }
725  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
726  {
727  char str[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
728  mess->ReadString(str, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
729  delete mess;
730  if (verbosity > 1)
731  {
732  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Message: " << str << std::endl;
733  }
735  if (!strcmp(str, "Finished"))
736  {
737  break;
738  }
739  else if (!strcmp(str, "UnknownHisto"))
740  {
741  break;
742  }
743  else
744  {
745  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Unknown Text Message: " << str << std::endl;
746  sock.Send("Ack");
747  }
748  }
749  else if (mess->What() == kMESS_OBJECT)
750  {
751  // this reads the message and allocate space for new histogram
752  TH1 *histo = static_cast<TH1 *>(mess->ReadObjectAny(mess->GetClass()));
753  delete mess;
754  if (verbosity > 1)
755  {
756  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "histoname: " << histo->GetName() << " at "
757  << histo << std::endl;
758  }
760  updateHistoMap(what, histo->GetName(), histo);
761  sock.Send("Ack");
762  }
763  }
764  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
766  // Close the socket
767  sock.Close();
768  return 0;
769 }
771 int OnlMonClient::requestMonitorList(const std::string &hostname, const int moniport)
772 {
773  TSocket sock(hostname.c_str(), moniport);
774  TMessage *mess;
775  sock.Send("LISTMONITORS");
776  sock.Recv(mess);
777  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
778  {
779  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server not running on " << hostname << std::endl;
780  sock.Close();
781  return 1;
782  }
783  delete mess;
784  while (true)
785  {
786  sock.Recv(mess);
787  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
788  {
789  char strmess[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
790  mess->ReadString(strmess, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
791  delete mess;
792  if (Verbosity() > 1)
793  {
794  std::cout << "received " << strmess << std::endl;
795  }
796  std::string str(strmess);
797  if (str == "Finished")
798  {
799  break;
800  }
801  if (Verbosity() > 2)
802  {
803  std::cout << "inserting " << str << " on host " << hostname
804  << " listening to " << moniport << std::endl;
805  }
806  MonitorHostPorts.insert(std::make_pair(str, std::make_pair(hostname, moniport)));
807  }
808  else
809  {
810  std::cout << "requestMonitorList: received unexpected message type: " << mess->What() << std::endl;
811  break;
812  }
813  }
814  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
816  // Close the socket
817  sock.Close();
818  return 0;
819 }
821 int OnlMonClient::requestHistoList(const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname, const int moniport, std::list<std::string> &histolist)
822 {
823  // Open connection to server
824  TSocket sock(hostname.c_str(), moniport);
825  TMessage *mess;
826  sock.Send("LIST");
827  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator listiter;
828  sock.Recv(mess);
829  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
830  {
831  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server not running on " << hostname << std::endl;
832  sock.Close();
833  return 1;
834  }
836  delete mess;
837  for (listiter = histolist.begin(); listiter != histolist.end(); ++listiter)
838  {
839  if (Verbosity() > 2)
840  {
841  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "asking for " << *listiter << std::endl;
842  }
843  sock.Send((*listiter).c_str());
844  sock.Recv(mess);
845  if (!mess)
846  {
847  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server shut down during getting histo list" << std::endl;
848  sock.Close();
849  return 1;
850  }
851  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
852  {
853  char str[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
854  mess->ReadString(str, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
855  delete mess;
856  if (verbosity > 1)
857  {
858  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Message: " << str << std::endl;
859  }
861  if (!strcmp(str, "Ack"))
862  {
863  break;
864  }
865  else if (!strcmp(str, "UnknownHisto"))
866  {
867  break;
868  }
869  else
870  {
871  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Unknown Text Message: " << str << std::endl;
872  }
873  }
874  else if (mess->What() == kMESS_OBJECT)
875  {
876  // this reads the message and allocate space for new histogram
877  TH1 *histo = static_cast<TH1 *>(mess->ReadObjectAny(mess->GetClass()));
878  delete mess;
879  if (verbosity > 1)
880  {
881  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "histoname: " << histo->GetName() << " at "
882  << histo << std::endl;
883  }
885  updateHistoMap(subsys, histo->GetName(), histo);
886  }
887  }
888  sock.Send("alldone");
889  sock.Recv(mess);
890  delete mess;
891  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
893  // Close the socket
894  sock.Close();
895  return 0;
896 }
898 void OnlMonClient::updateHistoMap(const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hname, TH1 *h1d)
899 {
900  auto subsysiter = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
901  if (subsysiter == SubsysHisto.end())
902  {
903  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *> newmap;
904  ClientHistoList *entry = new ClientHistoList(subsys);
905  entry->Histo(h1d);
906  newmap.insert(std::make_pair(hname, entry));
907  SubsysHisto.insert(std::make_pair(subsys, newmap));
908  return;
909  }
910  auto histoiter = subsysiter->second.find(hname);
911  // std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>::const_iterator histoiter = Histo.find(hname);
912  if (histoiter != subsysiter->second.end())
913  {
914  if (Verbosity() > 2)
915  {
916  std::cout << "deleting histogram " << hname << " at " << Histo[hname] << std::endl;
917  }
918  delete histoiter->second->Histo(); // delete old histogram
919  histoiter->second->Histo(h1d);
920  }
921  else
922  {
923  ClientHistoList *newhisto = new ClientHistoList(subsys);
924  newhisto->Histo(h1d);
925  subsysiter->second.insert(std::make_pair(hname, newhisto));
926  if (Verbosity() > 2)
927  {
928  std::cout << "new histogram " << hname << " at " << newhisto->Histo() << std::endl;
929  }
930  }
931  return;
932 }
934 OnlMonDraw *
936 {
937  std::map<const std::string, OnlMonDraw *>::iterator iter = DrawerList.find(name);
938  if (iter != DrawerList.end())
939  {
940  return iter->second;
941  }
942  std::cout << "Could not locate drawer" << name << std::endl;
943  return nullptr;
944 }
946 TH1 *OnlMonClient::getHisto(const std::string &monitor, const std::string &hname)
947 {
948  auto subsysiter = SubsysHisto.find(monitor);
949  if (subsysiter == SubsysHisto.end())
950  {
951  return nullptr;
952  }
953  auto hiter = subsysiter->second.find(hname);
954  if (hiter == subsysiter->second.end())
955  {
956  return nullptr;
957  }
958  return hiter->second->Histo();
959 }
961 void OnlMonClient::Print(const char *what)
962 {
963  if (!strcmp(what, "ALL") || !strcmp(what, "DRAWER"))
964  {
965  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
966  std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl
967  << std::endl;
968  std::cout << "List of Drawers in OnlMonClient:" << std::endl;
970  std::map<const std::string, OnlMonDraw *>::const_iterator hiter;
971  for (hiter = DrawerList.begin(); hiter != DrawerList.end(); ++hiter)
972  {
973  std::cout << hiter->first << " is at " << hiter->second << std::endl;
974  }
975  std::cout << std::endl;
976  }
977  if (!strcmp(what, "ALL") || !strcmp(what, "SERVERS"))
978  {
979  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
980  std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl
981  << std::endl;
982  std::cout << "List of Servers in OnlMonClient:" << std::endl;
984  std::vector<std::string>::iterator hostiter;
985  for (hostiter = MonitorHosts.begin(); hostiter != MonitorHosts.end(); ++hostiter)
986  {
987  std::cout << "ServerHost: " << *hostiter << std::endl;
988  }
989  }
990  if (!strcmp(what, "ALL") || !strcmp(what, "MONITORS"))
991  {
992  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
993  std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl
994  << std::endl;
995  std::cout << "List of Monitors in OnlMonClient:" << std::endl;
997  for (auto &moniiter : MonitorHostPorts)
998  {
999  std::cout << "Monitor " << moniiter.first << " runs on " << moniiter.second.first
1000  << " listening to port " << moniiter.second.second << std::endl;
1001  }
1002  }
1003  if (!strcmp(what, "ALL") || !strcmp(what, "HISTOS"))
1004  {
1005  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1006  std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl
1007  << std::endl;
1008  std::cout << "List of Histograms in OnlMonClient:" << std::endl;
1010  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>::const_iterator hiter;
1011  for (hiter = Histo.begin(); hiter != Histo.end(); ++hiter)
1012  {
1013  std::cout << hiter->first << " Address " << hiter->second->Histo()
1014  << " on host " << hiter->second->ServerHost()
1015  << " port " << hiter->second->ServerPort()
1016  << ", subsystem " << hiter->second->SubSystem() << std::endl;
1017  }
1018  std::cout << std::endl;
1019  for (auto &subs : SubsysHisto)
1020  {
1021  auto subiter = MonitorHostPorts.find(subs.first);
1022  if (subiter != MonitorHostPorts.end())
1023  {
1024  std::cout << "Subsystem " << subs.first << " runs on " << subiter->second.first;
1025  std::cout << " on port " << subiter->second.second << std::endl;
1026  }
1027  for (auto &histos : subs.second)
1028  std::cout << histos.first << " @ " << subs.first
1029  << " Address " << histos.second->Histo()
1030  << " on host " << histos.second->ServerHost()
1031  << " port " << histos.second->ServerPort()
1032  << ", subsystem " << histos.second->SubSystem() << std::endl;
1033  }
1034  std::cout << std::endl;
1035  }
1036  if (!strcmp(what, "ALL") || !strcmp(what, "UNKNOWN"))
1037  {
1038  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
1039  std::cout << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl
1040  << std::endl;
1041  std::cout << "List of Unknown Histograms in OnlMonClient:" << std::endl;
1043  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *>::const_iterator hiter;
1044  for (hiter = Histo.begin(); hiter != Histo.end(); ++hiter)
1045  {
1046  if (hiter->second->ServerHost() == "UNKNOWN" ||
1047  hiter->second->SubSystem() == "UNKNOWN")
1048  {
1049  std::cout << hiter->first << " Address " << hiter->second->Histo()
1050  << " on host " << hiter->second->ServerHost()
1051  << " port " << hiter->second->ServerPort()
1052  << ", subsystem " << hiter->second->SubSystem() << std::endl;
1053  }
1054  }
1055  std::cout << std::endl;
1056  }
1057  return;
1058 }
1060 int OnlMonClient::UpdateServerHistoMap(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname)
1061 {
1062  // Open connection to server
1063  std::string searchstring = subsys + ' ' + hname;
1064  int MoniPort = OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT;
1065  int foundit = 0;
1066  do
1067  {
1068  std::cout << "Connecting to " << hostname << ", if it is frozen here - this is the one you need to restart" << std::endl;
1069  TSocket sock(hostname.c_str(), MoniPort);
1070  TMessage *mess;
1071  if (verbosity > 0)
1072  {
1073  std::cout << "UpdateServerHistoMap: sending cmd HistoList to "
1074  << hostname << " on port "
1075  << MoniPort
1076  << std::endl;
1077  }
1078  if (!sock.Send("HistoList"))
1079  {
1080  std::cout << "Server not running on " << hostname
1081  << " port " << MoniPort << std::endl;
1082  goto noserver;
1083  }
1084  while (true)
1085  {
1086  if (verbosity > 0)
1087  {
1088  std::cout << "UpdateServerHistoMap: waiting for response on "
1089  << hostname << " on port "
1090  << MoniPort
1091  << std::endl;
1092  }
1093  sock.Recv(mess);
1094  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
1095  {
1096  std::cout << "UpdateServerHistoMap: No Recv, Server not running on "
1097  << hostname
1098  << " on port " << MoniPort << std::endl;
1099  goto noserver;
1100  }
1101  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
1102  {
1103  char strchr[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
1104  mess->ReadString(strchr, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
1105  delete mess;
1106  std::string str = strchr;
1107  if (verbosity > 0)
1108  {
1109  std::cout << "UpdateServerHistoMap Response: " << str << std::endl;
1110  }
1111  if (str == "Finished")
1112  {
1113  break;
1114  }
1116  if (str == searchstring)
1117  {
1118  std::cout << "found subsystem " << subsys << " histo " << hname << std::endl;
1119  foundit = 1;
1120  }
1121  unsigned int pos_space = str.find(' ');
1122  PutHistoInMap(str.substr(pos_space + 1, str.size()), str.substr(0, pos_space), hostname, MoniPort);
1123  sock.Send("Ack");
1124  }
1125  }
1126  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
1128  // Close the socket
1129  noserver:
1130  sock.Close();
1131  if (foundit)
1132  {
1133  return foundit;
1134  }
1135  MoniPort++;
1136  } while ((MoniPort - OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT) < OnlMonDefs::NUMMONIPORT); // no more than NUMMONIPORT parallel servers
1137  return foundit;
1138 }
1140 void OnlMonClient::PutHistoInMap(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname, const int port)
1141 {
1142  auto hiter = SubsysHisto.find(subsys);
1143  if (hiter == SubsysHisto.end())
1144  {
1145  std::map<const std::string, ClientHistoList *> entry;
1146  // c++11 map.insert returns pair<iterator,bool>
1147  hiter = SubsysHisto.insert(std::make_pair(subsys, entry)).first;
1148  }
1149  auto histoiter = hiter->second.find(hname);
1150  if (histoiter != hiter->second.end())
1151  {
1152  histoiter->second->ServerHost(hostname);
1153  histoiter->second->ServerPort(port);
1154  }
1155  else
1156  {
1157  ClientHistoList *newhisto = new ClientHistoList();
1158  newhisto->ServerHost(hostname);
1159  newhisto->ServerPort(port);
1160  hiter->second.insert(std::make_pair(hname, newhisto));
1161  }
1162  return;
1163 }
1166 {
1167  if (find(MonitorHosts.begin(), MonitorHosts.end(), hostname) != MonitorHosts.end())
1168  {
1169  std::cout << "Host " << hostname << " already in list" << std::endl;
1170  }
1171  else
1172  {
1173  MonitorHosts.emplace_back(hostname);
1174  }
1175  return;
1176 }
1179 {
1180  for (auto &hostiter : MonitorHosts)
1181  {
1182  if (UpdateServerHistoMap(hname, subsys, hostiter) > 0)
1183  {
1184  return 1;
1185  }
1186  }
1187  return 0;
1188 }
1191 {
1192  int runno = -9999;
1193  for (auto frwrkiter : m_MonitorFetchedSet)
1194  {
1195  TH1 *frameworkvars = getHisto(frwrkiter, "FrameWorkVars");
1196  if (frameworkvars)
1197  {
1198  runno = std::max(runno, (int) frameworkvars->GetBinContent(RUNNUMBERBIN));
1199  }
1200  }
1201  return (runno);
1202 }
1205 {
1206  time_t tret = 0;
1207  for (auto frwrkiter : m_MonitorFetchedSet)
1208  {
1209  tret = std::max(tret, EventTime(frwrkiter,which));
1210  }
1212  if (verbosity > 0)
1213  {
1214  std::cout << "Time is " << ctime(&tret) << std::endl;
1215  }
1216  return (tret);
1217 }
1219 time_t OnlMonClient::EventTime(const std::string &servername, const std::string &which)
1220 {
1221  time_t tret = 0;
1222  int ibin = 0;
1223  if (which == "BOR")
1224  {
1225  ibin = BORTIMEBIN;
1226  }
1227  else if (which == "CURRENT")
1228  {
1229  ibin = CURRENTTIMEBIN;
1230  }
1231  else if (which == "EOR")
1232  {
1233  ibin = EORTIMEBIN;
1234  }
1235  else
1236  {
1237  std::cout << "Bad Option for Time: " << which
1238  << ", implemented are BOR EOR CURRENT" << std::endl;
1239  ibin = CURRENTTIMEBIN;
1240  }
1241  TH1 *frameworkvars = getHisto(servername, "FrameWorkVars");
1242  if (frameworkvars == nullptr)
1243  {
1244  tret = 0;
1245  }
1246  else
1247  {
1248  tret = (time_t) frameworkvars->GetBinContent(ibin);
1249  }
1250  if (verbosity > 0)
1251  {
1252  std::cout << "Time is " << ctime(&tret) << std::endl;
1253  }
1254  return (tret);
1255 }
1258 {
1259  std::string subsys = ExtractSubsystem(filename);
1260  TDirectory *save = gDirectory; // save current dir (which will be overwritten by the following fileopen)
1261  TFile *histofile = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "READ");
1262  if (!histofile)
1263  {
1264  std::cout << "Can't open " << filename << std::endl;
1265  return -1;
1266  }
1267  save->cd();
1268  TIterator *titer = histofile->GetListOfKeys()->MakeIterator();
1269  TObject *obj;
1270  TH1 *histo, *histoptr;
1271  while ((obj = titer->Next()))
1272  {
1273  if (verbosity > 0)
1274  {
1275  std::cout << "TObject at " << obj << std::endl;
1276  std::cout << obj->GetName() << std::endl;
1277  std::cout << obj->ClassName() << std::endl;
1278  }
1279  histofile->GetObject(obj->GetName(), histoptr);
1280  if (histoptr)
1281  {
1282  histo = static_cast<TH1 *>(histoptr->Clone());
1283  updateHistoMap(subsys, histo->GetName(), histo);
1284  if (verbosity > 0)
1285  {
1286  std::cout << "HistoName: " << histo->GetName() << std::endl;
1287  std::cout << "HistoClass: " << histo->ClassName() << std::endl;
1288  }
1289  }
1290  }
1291  delete histofile;
1292  delete titer;
1293  return 0;
1294 }
1296 int OnlMonClient::SendCommand(const char *hostname, const int port, const char *cmd)
1297 {
1298  // Open connection to server
1299  TSocket sock(hostname, port);
1300  TMessage *mess;
1301  if (!sock.Send(cmd))
1302  {
1303  std::cout << "Server not running on " << hostname
1304  << " port " << port << std::endl;
1305  sock.Close();
1306  return -1;
1307  }
1308  while (true)
1309  {
1310  sock.Recv(mess);
1311  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
1312  {
1313  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "No Recv, Server not running on " << hostname
1314  << " on port " << port << std::endl;
1315  sock.Close();
1316  return -1;
1317  }
1318  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
1319  {
1320  char str[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
1321  mess->ReadString(str, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
1322  delete mess;
1323  if (verbosity > 1)
1324  {
1325  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Message: " << str << std::endl;
1326  }
1328  if (!strcmp(str, "Finished"))
1329  {
1330  break;
1331  }
1332  }
1333  }
1334  sock.Send("Finished"); // tell server we are finished
1336  // Close the socket
1337  sock.Close();
1338  return 0;
1339 }
1341 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1343 {
1344  verbosity = v;
1345  if (fHtml)
1346  {
1347  fHtml->verbosity(v);
1348  }
1349 }
1351 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1353  const std::string &path,
1354  const std::string &relfilename)
1355 {
1356  fHtml->addMenu(drawer.Name(), path, relfilename);
1357 }
1359 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1361  const std::string &basefilename,
1362  const std::string &ext,
1363  std::string &fullfilename,
1365 {
1366  fHtml->namer(drawer.Name(), basefilename, ext, fullfilename, filename);
1367 }
1369 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1372  const std::string &path,
1373  const std::string &basefilename,
1374  const std::string &ext)
1375 {
1376  return fHtml->registerPage(drawer.Name(), path, basefilename, ext);
1377 }
1379 int OnlMonClient::CanvasToPng(TCanvas *canvas, std::string const &pngfilename)
1380 {
1381  // in order not to collide when running multiple html generators
1382  // create a unique filename (okay tempnam is not totally safe against
1383  // multiple procs getting the same name but the local /tmp filesystem should
1384  // prevent at least multiple machines colliding)
1385  // returned char array needs to be free'd after use
1386  if (!canvas)
1387  {
1388  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " TCanvas is Null Pointer" << std::endl;
1389  return -2;
1390  }
1391  if (pngfilename.empty())
1392  {
1393  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " emtpy png filename, not saving TCanvas "
1394  << canvas->GetName() << std::endl;
1395  return -1;
1396  }
1397  uuid_t uu;
1398  uuid_generate(uu);
1399  char uuid[50];
1400  uuid_unparse(uu, uuid);
1401  std::string tmpname = "/tmp/TC" + std::string(uuid);
1402  canvas->Print(tmpname.c_str(), "gif"); // write gif format
1403  TImage *img = TImage::Open(tmpname.c_str());
1404  img->WriteImage(pngfilename.c_str());
1405  delete img;
1406  if (remove(tmpname.c_str()))
1407  {
1408  std::cout << "Error removing " << tmpname << std::endl;
1409  }
1410  return 0;
1411 }
1413 int OnlMonClient::HistoToPng(TH1 *histo, std::string const &pngfilename, const char *drawopt, const int statopt)
1414 {
1415  TCanvas *cgiCanv = new TCanvas("cgiCanv", "cgiCanv", 200, 200, 650, 500);
1416  gStyle->SetOptStat(statopt);
1417  cgiCanv->SetFillColor(0);
1418  cgiCanv->SetBorderMode(0);
1419  cgiCanv->SetBorderSize(2);
1420  cgiCanv->SetFrameFillColor(0);
1421  cgiCanv->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1422  cgiCanv->SetTickx();
1423  cgiCanv->SetTicky();
1424  cgiCanv->cd();
1425  histo->SetMarkerStyle(8);
1426  histo->SetMarkerSize(0.15);
1427  histo->Draw(drawopt);
1428  uuid_t uu;
1429  uuid_generate(uu);
1430  char uuid[50];
1431  uuid_unparse(uu, uuid);
1432  std::string tmpname = "/tmp/TC" + std::string(uuid);
1433  cgiCanv->Print(tmpname.c_str(), "gif");
1434  TImage *img = TImage::Open(tmpname.c_str());
1435  img->WriteImage(pngfilename.c_str());
1436  if (remove(tmpname.c_str()))
1437  {
1438  std::cout << "Error removing " << tmpname << std::endl;
1439  }
1440  delete cgiCanv;
1441  return 0;
1442 }
1445 {
1446  // sendfile example shamelessly copied from
1447  //
1448  std::ostringstream logfilename;
1449  const char *logdir = getenv("ONLMON_LOGDIR");
1450  if (logdir)
1451  {
1452  logfilename << logdir << "/";
1453  }
1454  int irun = RunNumber();
1455  logfilename << drawer.Name() << "_" << irun << ".log.gz";
1456  std::ifstream infile(logfilename.str().c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
1457  if (infile.good())
1458  {
1459  std::string outfilename = htmlRegisterPage(drawer, "Logfile", "log", "txt.gz");
1460  std::ofstream outfile(outfilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary);
1461  outfile << infile.rdbuf();
1462  infile.close();
1463  outfile.close();
1464  }
1465  return 0;
1466 }
1469 {
1470  defaultStyle->cd();
1471  defaultStyle->Reset();
1472  defaultStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1473  defaultStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
1474  defaultStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
1475  defaultStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
1476  defaultStyle->SetPalette(1, nullptr);
1477  return 0;
1478 }
1480 void OnlMonClient::CacheRunDB(const int runnoinput)
1481 {
1482  int runno = 221;
1483  if (runnoinput == 221)
1484  {
1485  runno = runnoinput;
1486  }
1487  if (runno == cachedrun)
1488  {
1489  return;
1490  }
1491  std::string TriggerConfig = "UNKNOWN";
1492  standalone = 0;
1493  cosmicrun = 0;
1494  runtype = "UNKNOWN";
1496  if (runno == 0xFEE2DCB) // dcm2 standalone runs have this runnumber
1497  {
1498  standalone = 1;
1499  return;
1500  }
1501  odbc::Connection *con = nullptr;
1502  odbc::Statement *query = nullptr;
1503  std::ostringstream cmd;
1504  try
1505  {
1506  con = odbc::DriverManager::getConnection("daq", "phnxrc", "");
1507  }
1508  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
1509  {
1510  printf(" Exception caught during DriverManager::getConnection, Message: %s\n", e.getMessage().c_str());
1511  return;
1512  }
1514  query = con->createStatement();
1515  cmd << "select runnumber from run where runnumber = " << runno;
1516  odbc::ResultSet *rs = nullptr;
1517  int ncount = 10;
1518  while (ncount > 0)
1519  {
1520  try
1521  {
1522  rs = query->executeQuery(cmd.str());
1523  }
1524  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
1525  {
1526  printf("Exception caught for query %s\nMessage: %s", cmd.str().c_str(), e.getMessage().c_str());
1527  }
1528  if (!rs->next())
1529  {
1530  printf("run table query did not give any result, run %d not in DB yet countdown %d\n", runno, ncount);
1531  ncount--;
1532  sleep(10);
1533  delete rs;
1534  }
1535  else
1536  {
1537  delete rs;
1538  break;
1539  }
1540  }
1541  cmd.str("");
1542  cmd << "SELECT triggerconfig,brunixtime,runtype FROM RUN WHERE RUNNUMBER = "
1543  << runno;
1544  if (verbosity > 0)
1545  {
1546  printf("command: %s\n", cmd.str().c_str());
1547  }
1548  try
1549  {
1550  rs = query->executeQuery(cmd.str());
1551  }
1552  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
1553  {
1554  printf("Exception caught for query %s\nMessage: %s", cmd.str().c_str(), e.getMessage().c_str());
1555  }
1556  if (rs->next())
1557  {
1558  runtype = rs->getString("runtype");
1559  TriggerConfig = rs->getString("triggerconfig");
1560  if (TriggerConfig == "StandAloneMode")
1561  {
1562  standalone = 1;
1563  }
1564  else
1565  {
1566  standalone = 0;
1567  }
1568  if (TriggerConfig.find("Cosmic") != std::string::npos)
1569  {
1570  cosmicrun = 1;
1571  }
1572  else
1573  {
1574  cosmicrun = 0;
1575  }
1576  }
1577  delete con;
1578  // printf("CacheRunDB: runno: %d\n",runno);
1579  return;
1580 }
1583 {
1584  CacheRunDB(RunNumber());
1585  return cosmicrun;
1586 }
1589 {
1590  CacheRunDB(RunNumber());
1591  return standalone;
1592 }
1596 {
1597  CacheRunDB(RunNumber());
1598  return runtype;
1599 }
1602 {
1603  for (auto &hostiter : MonitorHosts)
1604  {
1605  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1606  {
1607  std::cout << "checking " << hostiter << std::endl;
1608  }
1609  for (unsigned int moniport = OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT; moniport < OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT + OnlMonDefs::NUMMONIPORT; ++moniport)
1610  {
1611  requestMonitorList(hostiter, moniport);
1612  }
1613  }
1614  return;
1615 }
1618 {
1619  // loop over all hosts/ports until we find ours
1620  int iret = 0;
1621  for (auto &hostiter : MonitorHosts)
1622  {
1623  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1624  {
1625  std::cout << "checking " << hostiter << std::endl;
1626  }
1627  for (unsigned int moniport = OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT; moniport < OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT + OnlMonDefs::NUMMONIPORT; ++moniport)
1628  {
1629  requestMonitorList(hostiter, moniport);
1630  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1631  {
1632  std::cout << "looking for " << name << std::endl;
1633  }
1634  auto moniter = MonitorHostPorts.find(name);
1635  if (moniter != MonitorHostPorts.end())
1636  {
1637  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1638  {
1639  std::cout << "found " << name << " running on " << moniter->second.first
1640  << " listening to port " << moniter->second.second << std::endl;
1641  }
1642  return 1;
1643  }
1644  }
1645  }
1646  return iret;
1647 }
1650 {
1651  int iret = 0;
1652  std::string command = std::string("ISRUNNING") + ' ' + name;
1653  auto moniter = MonitorHostPorts.find(name);
1654  if (moniter == MonitorHostPorts.end())
1655  {
1656  return iret;
1657  }
1658  TSocket sock(moniter->second.first.c_str(), moniter->second.second);
1659  TMessage *mess;
1660  sock.Send(command.c_str());
1661  sock.Recv(mess);
1662  if (!mess) // if server is not up mess is NULL
1663  {
1664  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Server not running on " << moniter->second.first << std::endl;
1665  sock.Close();
1666  return iret;
1667  }
1668  if (mess->What() == kMESS_STRING)
1669  {
1670  char str[OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN];
1671  mess->ReadString(str, OnlMonDefs::MSGLEN);
1672  delete mess;
1673  if (verbosity > 1)
1674  {
1675  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Message: " << str << std::endl;
1676  }
1677  if (!strcmp(str, "Yes"))
1678  {
1679  iret = 1;
1680  }
1681  }
1682  sock.Send("Finished");
1683  sock.Close();
1684  return iret;
1685 }
1688 {
1689  std::string subsys = std::filesystem::path(fullfilename).filename();
1690  subsys = subsys.substr(subsys.find('-') + 1);
1691  subsys = subsys.substr(0, subsys.find(".root"));
1692  m_MonitorFetchedSet.insert(subsys);
1693  return subsys;
1694 }