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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DecodingStat.h
1 // @file DecodingStat.h
2 // @brief Alpide Chip and GBT link decoding statistics
3 // @sa <O2/Detectors/ITSMFT/common/reconstruction/include/ITSMFTReconstruction/DecodingStat.h>
4 // <5ca140c87>
9 #define CXX_17 201703L
11 #include <string>
12 #include <array>
13 #include <cstring>
15 namespace mvtx
16 {
17 class ChipPixelData;
19 struct ChipStat {
20  enum ActionOnError : int {
21  ErrActNone = 0x0, // do nothing
22  ErrActPropagate = 0x1, // propagate to decoded data
23  ErrActDump = 0x2 // produce raw data dump
24  };
26  enum DecErrors : int {
27  BusyViolation, // Busy violation
28  DataOverrun, // Data overrun
29  Fatal, // Fatal (?)
30  BusyOn, // Busy On
31  BusyOff, // Busy Off
32  TruncatedChipEmpty, // Data was truncated after ChipEmpty
33  TruncatedChipHeader, // Data was truncated after ChipHeader
34  TruncatedRegion, // Data was truncated after Region record
35  TruncatedLondData, // Data was truncated in the LongData record
36  WrongDataLongPattern, // LongData pattern has highest bit set
37  NoDataFound, // Region is not followed by Short or Long data
38  UnknownWord, // Unknown word was seen
39  RepeatingPixel, // Same pixel fired more than once
40  WrongRow, // Non-existing row decoded
41  APE_STRIP, // lane data stripped for this chip event (behaviour changed with RU FW v1.16.0, for general APE behaviour see
42  APE_RESERVED_F3, // reserved F3
43  APE_DET_TIMEOUT, // detector timeout (FATAL)
44  APE_OOT_START, // 8b10b OOT (FATAL, start)
45  APE_PROTOCOL_ERROR, // event protocol error marker (FATAL, start)
46  APE_LANE_FIFO_OVERFLOW_ERROR, // lane FIFO overflow error (FATAL)
47  APE_FSM_ERROR, // FSM error (FATAL, SEU error, reached an unknown state)
48  APE_OCCUPANCY_RATE_LIMIT, // pending detector events limit (FATAL)
49  APE_OCCUPANCY_RATE_LIMIT_2, // pending detector events limit in packager(FATAL)
50  APE_LANE_PROTOCOL_ERROR, // lane protocol error
51  APE_RESERVED_FC, // reserved FC
52  APE_ERROR_NON_CRITICAL_BYTE, // Error in non critical byte
53  APE_OOT_NON_CRITICAL, // OOT non-critical
54  WrongDColOrder, // DColumns non increasing
55  InterleavedChipData, // Chip data interleaved on the cable
56  TruncatedBuffer, // truncated buffer, 0 padding
57  TrailerAfterHeader, // trailer seen after header w/o FE of FD set
59  };
61 #if ( __cplusplus >= CXX_17 )
62  static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, NErrorsDefined> ErrNames = {
63 #else
64  const std::array<const std::string, NErrorsDefined> ErrNames = {
65 #endif
66  "BusyViolation flag ON", // BusyViolation
67  "DataOverrun flag ON", // DataOverrun
68  "Fatal flag ON", // Fatal
69  "BusyON", // BusyOn
70  "BusyOFF", // BusyOff
71  "Data truncated after ChipEmpty", // TruncatedChipEmpty
72  "Data truncated after ChipHeader", // TruncatedChipHeader
73  "Data truncated after Region", // TruncatedRegion
74  "Data truncated after LongData", // TruncatedLondData
75  "LongData pattern has highest bit set", // WrongDataLongPattern
76  "Region is not followed by Short or Long data", // NoDataFound
77  "Unknown word", // UnknownWord
78  "Same pixel fired multiple times", // RepeatingPixel
79  "Non-existing row decoded", // WrongRow
80  "APE_STRIP", // lane data stripped for this chip event (behaviour changed with RU FW v1.16.0, for general APE behaviour see
81  "APE_RESERVED_F3", // reserved F3
82  "APE_DET_TIMEOUT", // detector timeout (FATAL)
83  "APE_OOT_START", // 8b10b OOT (FATAL, start)
84  "APE_PROTOCOL_ERROR", // event event protocol error marker (FATAL, start)
85  "APE_LANE_FIFO_OVERFLOW_ERROR", // lane FIFO overflow error (FATAL)
86  "APE_FSM_ERROR", // FSM error (FATAL, SEU error, reached an unknown state)
87  "APE_OCCUPANCY_RATE_LIMIT", // pending detector events limit (FATAL)
88  "APE_OCCUPANCY_RATE_LIMIT_2", // pending detector events limit in packager(FATAL)
89  "APE_LANE_PROTOCOL_ERROR", // lane protocol error
90  "APE_RESERVED_FC", // reserved
91  "APE_ERROR_IN_NON_CRITICAL_BYTE", // Error in non critical byte
92  "APE_OOT_NON_CRITICAL", // OOT non-critical
93  "DColumns non-increasing", // DColumns non increasing
94  "Chip data interleaved on the cable", // Chip data interleaved on the cable
95  "TruncatedBuffer", // truncated buffer, 0 padding
96  "TrailerAfterHeader" // trailer seen after header w/o FE of FD set
97  };
99  static constexpr std::array<uint32_t, NErrorsDefined> ErrActions = {
100  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Busy violation
101  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Data overrun
102  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Fatal (?)
103  ErrActNone, // Busy On
104  ErrActNone, // Busy Off
105  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Data was truncated after ChipEmpty
106  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Data was truncated after ChipHeader
107  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Data was truncated after Region record
108  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Data was truncated in the LongData record
109  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // LongData pattern has highest bit set
110  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Region is not followed by Short or Long data
111  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Unknown word was seen
112  ErrActPropagate, // Same pixel fired more than once
113  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Non-existing row decoded
114  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // lane data stripped for this chip event (behaviour changed with RU FW v1.16.0, for general APE behaviour see
115  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // reserved F3
116  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // detector timeout (FATAL)
117  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // 8b10b OOT (FATAL, start)
118  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // event protocol error marker (FATAL, start)
119  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // lane FIFO overflow error (FATAL)
120  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // FSM error (FATAL, SEU error, reached an unknown state)
121  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // pending detector events limit (FATAL)
122  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // pending detector events limit in packager(FATAL)
123  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // lane protocol error
124  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // reserved FC
125  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Error in non critical byte
126  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // OOT non-critical
127  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // DColumns non increasing
128  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Chip data interleaved on the cable
129  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump, // Truncated buffer while something was expected
130  ErrActPropagate | ErrActDump // trailer seen after header w/o FE of FD set
131  };
132  uint16_t feeID = -1;
133  size_t nHits = 0;
134  std::array<uint32_t, NErrorsDefined> errorCounts = {};
135  ChipStat() = default;
136  ChipStat(uint16_t _feeID) : feeID(_feeID) {}
138  void clear()
139  {
140  memset(, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * errorCounts.size());
141  nHits = 0;
142  }
144  static int getAPENonCritical(uint8_t c)
145  {
146  if (c == 0xfd || c == 0xfe) {
147  return APE_STRIP + c - 0xf2;
148  }
149  return -1;
150  }
152  // return APE DecErrors code or -1 if not APE error, set fatal flag if needd
153  static int getAPECode(uint8_t c, bool& ft)
154  {
155  if (c < 0xf2 || c > 0xfe) {
156  ft = false;
157  return -1;
158  }
159  ft = c >= 0xf2 && c <= 0xfe;
160  return APE_STRIP + c - 0xf2;
161  }
162  uint32_t getNErrors() const;
163  uint32_t addErrors(uint32_t mask, uint16_t chID, int verbosity);
164  uint32_t addErrors(const ChipPixelData& d, int verbosity);
165  void print(bool skipNoErr = true, const std::string& pref = "FEEID") const;
167 // ClassDefNV(ChipStat, 1);
168 };
170 struct ChipError {
171  uint32_t id = -1;
172  uint32_t nerrors = 0;
173  uint32_t errors = 0;
175  int16_t getChipID() const { return int16_t(id & 0xffff); }
176  uint16_t getFEEID() const { return uint16_t(id >> 16); }
177  static uint32_t composeID(uint16_t feeID, int16_t chipID) { return uint32_t(feeID) << 16 | uint16_t(chipID); }
178 // ClassDefNV(ChipError, 1);
179 };
185  enum DecErrors : int {
186  ErrNoRDHAtStart, // page does not start with RDH
187  ErrPageNotStopped, // RDH is stopped, but the time is not matching the ~stop packet
188  ErrStopPageNotEmpty, // Page with RDH.stop is not empty
189  ErrPageCounterDiscontinuity, // RDH page counters for the same RU/trigger are not continuous
190  ErrRDHvsGBTHPageCnt, // RDH and GBT header page counters are not consistent
191  ErrMissingGBTTrigger, // GBT trigger word was expected but not found
192  ErrMissingGBTHeader, // GBT payload header was expected but not found
193  ErrMissingGBTTrailer, // GBT payload trailer was expected but not found
194  ErrNonZeroPageAfterStop, // all lanes were stopped but the page counter in not 0
195  ErrUnstoppedLanes, // end of FEE data reached while not all lanes received stop
196  ErrDataForStoppedLane, // data was received for stopped lane
197  ErrNoDataForActiveLane, // no data was seen for lane (which was not in timeout)
198  ErrIBChipLaneMismatch, // chipID (on module) was different from the lane ID on the IB stave
199  ErrCableDataHeadWrong, // cable data does not start with chip header or empty chip
200  ErrInvalidActiveLanes, // active lanes pattern conflicts with expected for given RU type
201  ErrPacketCounterJump, // jump in RDH.packetCounter
202  ErrPacketDoneMissing, // packet done is missing in the trailer while CRU page is not over
203  ErrMissingDiagnosticWord, // missing diagnostic word after RDH with stop
204  ErrGBTWordNotRecognized, // GBT word not recognized
205  ErrWrongeCableID, // Invalid cable ID
206  ErrWrongAlignmentWord, // unexpected alignment word
207  ErrMissingROF, // missing ROF (desync?)
208  ErrOldROF, // old ROF (desync?)
210  };
212 #if ( __cplusplus >= CXX_17 )
213  static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, NErrorsDefined> ErrNames = {
214 #else
215  const std::array<std::string, NErrorsDefined> ErrNames = {
216 #endif
217  "Page data not start with expected RDH", // ErrNoRDHAtStart
218  "RDH is stopped, but the time is not matching the stop packet", // ErrPageNotStopped
219  "Page with RDH.stop does not contain diagnostic word only", // ErrStopPageNotEmpty
220  "RDH page counters for the same RU/trigger are not continuous", // ErrPageCounterDiscontinuity
221  "RDH and GBT header page counters are not consistent", // ErrRDHvsGBTHPageCnt
222  "GBT trigger word was expected but not found", // ErrMissingGBTTrigger
223  "GBT payload header was expected but not found", // ErrMissingGBTHeader
224  "GBT payload trailer was expected but not found", // ErrMissingGBTTrailer
225  "All lanes were stopped but the page counter in not 0", // ErrNonZeroPageAfterStop
226  "End of FEE data reached while not all lanes received stop", // ErrUnstoppedLanes
227  "Data was received for stopped lane", // ErrDataForStoppedLane
228  "No data was seen for lane (which was not in timeout)", // ErrNoDataForActiveLane
229  "ChipID (on module) was different from the lane ID on the IB stave", // ErrIBChipLaneMismatch
230  "Cable data does not start with chip header or empty chip", // ErrCableDataHeadWrong
231  "Active lanes pattern conflicts with expected for given RU type", // ErrInvalidActiveLanes
232  "Jump in RDH_packetCounter", // ErrPacketCounterJump
233  "Packet done is missing in the trailer while CRU page is not over", // ErrPacketDoneMissing
234  "Missing diagnostic GBT word after RDH with stop", // ErrMissingDiagnosticWord
235  "GBT word not recognized", // ErrGBTWordNotRecognized
236  "Wrong cable ID" // ErrWrongeCableID
237  "Unexpected CRU page alignment padding word", // ErrWrongAlignmentWord
238  "ROF in future, pause decoding to synchronize", // ErrMissingROF
239  "Old ROF, discarding", // ErrOldROF
240  };
242  enum BitMaps : int {
243  ORBIT = 0,
244  HB = 1,
245  HBr = 2,
246  HC = 3,
247  PHYSICS = 4,
248  PP = 5,
249  CAL = 6,
250  SOT = 7,
251  EOT = 8,
252  SOC = 9,
253  EOC = 10,
254  TF = 11,
255  FE_RST = 12,
256  RT = 13,
257  RS = 14,
258  nBitMap = 15
259  };
261 #if ( __cplusplus >= CXX_17 )
262  static constexpr std::array<std::string_view, nBitMap> BitMapName = {
263 #else
264  const std::array<std::string, nBitMap> BitMapName = {
265 #endif
266  "ORBIT",
267  "HB",
268  "HBr",
269  "HC",
270  "PHYSICS",
271  "PP",
272  "CAL",
273  "SOT",
274  "EOT",
275  "SOC",
276  "EOC",
277  "TF",
278  "FE_RST",
279  "RT",
280  "RS"
281  };
283  uint16_t feeID = 0; // FeeID
284  std::array<uint32_t, NErrorsDefined> errorCounts = {}; // error counters
285  std::array<uint32_t, nBitMap> trgBitCounts = {};
287  void clear()
288  {
289  errorCounts.fill(0);
290  trgBitCounts.fill(0);
291  }
293  void print(bool skipNoErr = true) const;
295 // ClassDefNV(GBTLinkDecodingStat, 2);
296 };
298 } // namespace mvtx
299 #endif