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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LBT.h
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 #ifndef LBT_H
17 #define LBT_H
19 #include "JetEnergyLossModule.h"
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <sstream>
23 #include <fstream>
25 using namespace Jetscape;
27 //class LBTUserInfo: public Parton::PseudoJet::UserInfoBase {
28 class LBTUserInfo : public fjcore::PseudoJet::UserInfoBase {
29 public:
30  LBTUserInfo(double ttt) : _lrf_T_tot(ttt){};
31  double lrf_T_tot() const { return _lrf_T_tot; }
32  double _lrf_T_tot;
33 };
35 //variables for unit test
36 //double de1[41]={0.0};
37 //double de2[41]={0.0};
38 //int ctEvt=0;
40 class LBT : public JetEnergyLossModule<
41  LBT> //, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Matter>
42 {
43 public:
44  LBT();
45  virtual ~LBT();
47  void Init();
48  //void Exec();
49  //void DoEnergyLoss(double deltaT, double Q2, const vector<Parton>& pIn, vector<Parton>& pOut);
50  void DoEnergyLoss(double deltaT, double time, double Q2, vector<Parton> &pIn,
51  vector<Parton> &pOut);
52  void WriteTask(weak_ptr<JetScapeWriter> w);
54 private:
56  //
57  // Define variables and functions for LBT
58  //
61  //...constant
62  const double pi = 3.1415926;
63  const double epsilon = 1e-6;
64  const double CA = 3.0;
65  const double CF = 4.0 / 3.0;
66  const double sctr = 0.1973; //fm to GeV^-1
68  //...fixed parameters (cannot change using input parameter file)
69  const int lightOut = 1; // 1 -> write out light parton information
70  const int heavyOut = 0; // 1 -> write out heavy quark information
71  const int outFormat =
72  2; // different output formats: 1 - my preferred, 2 - for JETSCAPE patch code
73  const double cutOut =
74  epsilon; // neglect light partons in output files for E < cutOut;
76  //...paramters for the bulk, can be changed from input parameter file
77  int vacORmed = 1; // 0-vacuum; 1-medium
78  int bulkFlag = 0; // 0-static medium; 1-OSU hydro; 2-CCNU hydro
79  double temp0 = 0.25; // medium temperature
80  double hydro_Tc = 0.165;
81  //...derived quantities
82  double temp00;
84  //...input parameters for LBT
85  double KPamp = 0.0;
86  double KPsig = 5.0;
87  double KTamp = 0.0;
88  double KTsig = 0.05 * hydro_Tc;
89  double preKT = 0.3 / 0.3;
90  double scaleAK = 2.0;
91  //...derived quantities
92  double KPfactor, KTfactor, Kfactor, runKT;
93  double fixedLog, runLog, scaleMu2, runAlphas;
95  //...initialization parameters for jet partons
96  int initHardFlag =
97  2; //1 initialize by the code itself; 2 initialize by reading in particle list
98  int fixMomentum = 0;
99  int fixPosition = 1;
100  int run_alphas = 1;
101  int flagJetX =
102  0; // 0: do nothing; 1: keep momentum but reset jet position within LBT
103  int Kjet = 21; //initial flavor of the jet parton
104  double ipTmin = 0.0;
105  double ipTmax = 800.0;
106  double eta_cut = 0.5;
107  double ener = 50.0; //initial energy of the jet parton/heavy quark
108  double amss = 0.0; //initial mass of the jet parton/heavy quark
109  int nj = 1000; //number of initial partons per event
110  int ncall = 1; // number of events
111  //...derived quantities
112  int np; //number of partons at this time step ti
114  //...clock information
115  int nprint = 100; // print out infomation per # of events
116  int tauswitch =
117  0; // 0 for t-z coordinate, 1 (not included in this version) for tau-eta
118  double tau0 = 0.0; // initial time
119  double dtau = 0.1; // time interval
120  double tauend = 4.0; // time when program ends
121  //...derived quantities
122  double time0;
123  double
124  dt; //dtime when tauswitch is turned off (0) / dtau when tauswitch is turned on (1)
125  double timend; //end time or tau RENAME
127  //...switches and cuts
128  int Kprimary =
129  0; // 0 keep all partons, 1 keep leading jet parton only (switch off other partons)
130  int KINT0 = 1; // 0 no radiation, 1 elastic + inelastic
131  int Kqhat0 = 2; //Debye screening mass switch RENAME
132  int Kalphas = 1; //alphas switch
133  double Ecut = 0.0; //energy cut of the recoiled partons
134  double fixAlphas = 0.3;
135  //...derived quantities
136  int KINT; //radiation switch
137  double alphas;
138  double qhat0; //Debye mass RENAME
139  double qhat00;
141  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> ZeroOneDistribution;
143  // flag to make sure initialize only once
144  static bool flag_init;
146  // scattering rate
147  static double Rg
148  [60]
149  [20]; //total gluon scattering rate as functions of initial energy and temperature
150  static double Rg1[60][20]; //gg-gg CT1
151  static double Rg2[60][20]; //gg-qqbar CT2
152  static double Rg3[60][20]; //gq-qg CT3
153  static double Rq
154  [60]
155  [20]; //total gluon scattering rate as functions of initial energy and temperature
156  static double Rq3[60][20]; //qg-qg CT13
157  static double Rq4[60][20]; //qiqj-qiqj CT4
158  static double Rq5[60][20]; //qiqi-qiqi CT5
159  static double Rq6[60][20]; //qiqibar-qjqjbar CT6
160  static double Rq7[60][20]; //qiqibar-qiqibar CT7
161  static double Rq8[60][20]; //qqbar-gg CT8
162  static double qhatLQ[60][20];
163  static double qhatG[60][20];
165  static double RHQ[60][20]; //total scattering rate for heavy quark
166  static double RHQ11[60][20]; //Qq->Qq
167  static double RHQ12[60][20]; //Qg->Qg
168  static double qhatHQ[60][20]; //qhat of heavy quark
169  double qhat_over_T3; //qhat/T^3 for heavy quark as fnc of (T,p)
170  double D2piT;
172  // for heavy quark radiation table
173  static const int HQener_gn = 500;
174  static const int t_gn_1 = 100;
175  static const int t_gn_2 = 125;
176  static const int t_gn = t_gn_1 + t_gn_2;
177  static const int temp_gn = 100;
179  static double dNg_over_dt_c[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
180  static double dNg_over_dt_q[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
181  static double dNg_over_dt_g[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
182  static double max_dNgfnc_c[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
183  static double max_dNgfnc_q[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
184  static double max_dNgfnc_g[t_gn + 2][temp_gn + 1][HQener_gn + 1];
186  const double HQener_max = 1000.0;
187  const double t_max_1 = 20.0;
188  const double t_max_2 = 270.0;
189  const double t_max = t_max_2;
190  const double temp_max = 0.65;
191  const double temp_min = 0.15;
192  double delta_tg_1 = t_max_1 / t_gn_1;
193  double delta_tg_2 = (t_max_2 - t_max_1) / t_gn_2;
194  double delta_temp = (temp_max - temp_min) / temp_gn;
195  double delta_HQener = HQener_max / HQener_gn;
197  // for MC initialization of jet partons
198  static const int maxMC = 2000000;
199  static double initMCX[maxMC], initMCY[maxMC];
201  //...radiation block
202  int icl22;
203  int icl23; //the numerical switch in colljet23
204  int iclrad; //the numerical switch in radiation
205  int isp; //the splitting function switch
207  // variable qhat
208  int counth100 = 0;
210  double qhat; //transport parameter
212  double dng0[101][101] = {{0.0}}; //table of dn/dkperp2/dx
214  double Vtemp[4] = {0.0};
216  //...time system
218  static const int dimParList = 50; // originally 500000
220  double tirad[dimParList] = {0.0};
221  double tiscatter[dimParList] = {0.0};
222  double tiform[dimParList] = {0.0}; //pythia undone
223  double Tint_lrf[dimParList] = {0.0}; //for heavy quark
224  double eGluon = 0.0;
225  double nGluon = 0.0;
226  double dEel = 0.0;
228  //....radiated gluon
229  double radng[dimParList] = {0.0};
230  double xwm[3] = {0.0};
231  double wkt2m;
233  double vf[4] = {0.0}; //flow velocity in tau-eta coordinate
234  double vfcar[4] = {0.0}; //flow velocity in t-z coordinate
236  double vp[4] = {0.0}; //position of particle
237  double vc0[4] = {0.0}; //flow velocity
239  //...dimensions in subroutine colljet and twcoll
240  double vc[4] = {0.0};
241  double pc0[4] = {0.0};
242  double pc2[4] = {0.0};
243  double pc3[4] = {0.0};
244  double pc4[4] = {0.0};
245  double p0[4] = {0.0};
246  double p2[4] = {0.0};
247  double p3[4] = {0.0};
248  double p4[4] = {0.0};
250  double pc00[4] = {0.0};
251  double pc30[4] = {0.0};
253  double pc01[4] = {0.0};
254  double pb[4] = {0.0};
256  double Pj0[4] = {0.0};
258  double V[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //parton position
259  double P[7][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //parton 4-momentum
260  double V0[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //negative parton position
261  double P0[7][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //negative parton 4-momentum
263  double Prad[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
265  double WT[dimParList] = {0};
266  double WT0[dimParList] = {0};
268  int NR[dimParList] = {0}; //scattering rank
269  int KATT1[dimParList] = {0}; //parton flavor
270  int KATT10[dimParList] = {0}; //negative parton flavor
272  double PGm[4] = {0.0};
273  double tjp[dimParList] = {0.0};
274  double Vfrozen[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //parton final 4 coordinate
275  double Vfrozen0[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}}; //negative parton final 4 coordinate
276  double Ecmcut = 2.0; //energy cut for free streaming
277  double Tfrozen[dimParList] = {0.0};
278  double Tfrozen0[dimParList] = {0.0};
279  double vcfrozen[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
280  double vcfrozen0[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
282  double VV[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
283  double VV0[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
284  double PP[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
285  double PP0[4][dimParList] = {{0.0}};
286  int CAT[dimParList] = {0};
287  int CAT0[dimParList] = {0};
289  int ncut;
290  int ncut0;
292  int n_coll22 = 0;
293  int n_coll23 = 0;
294  int ng_coll23 = 0;
295  int ng_nrad = 0;
296  int n_radiation = 0;
297  int ng_radiation = 0;
298  int n_gluon = 0;
299  int n_sp1 = 0;
300  int n_sp2 = 0;
302  // Variables for HQ 2->2
303  static const int N_p1 = 500;
304  static const int N_T = 60;
305  static const int N_e2 = 75;
306  static double distFncB[N_T][N_p1][N_e2], distFncF[N_T][N_p1][N_e2],
307  distMaxB[N_T][N_p1][N_e2], distMaxF[N_T][N_p1][N_e2];
308  static double distFncBM[N_T][N_p1], distFncFM[N_T][N_p1];
309  double min_p1 = 0.0;
310  double max_p1 = 1000.0;
311  double bin_p1 = (max_p1 - min_p1) / N_p1;
312  double min_T = 0.1;
313  double max_T = 0.7;
314  double bin_T = (max_T - min_T) / N_T;
315  double min_e2 = 0.0;
316  double max_e2 = 15.0;
317  double bin_e2 = (max_e2 - min_e2) / N_e2;
319  //int loopN=10000;
320  int loopN = 1000;
322  int numInitXY = 0;
323  int flagScatter, flag_update, flag_update0;
324  double Q00, Q0;
326  double tStart;// = 0.6;
328  //...functions
330  void LBT0(int &n, double &ti);
332  void trans(double v[4], double p[4]);
333  void transback(double v[4], double p[4]);
335  float ran0(long *idum);
337  double alphas0(int &Kalphas, double temp0);
338  double DebyeMass2(int &Kqhat0, double alphas, double temp0);
340  void lam(int KATT0, double &RTE, double E, double T, double &T1, double &T2,
341  double &E1, double &E2, int &iT1, int &iT2, int &iE1, int &iE2);
343  void flavor(int &CT, int &KATT0, int &KATT2, int &KATT3, double RTE, double E,
344  double T, double &T1, double &T2, double &E1, double &E2,
345  int &iT1, int &iT2, int &iE1, int &iE2);
346  void linear(int KATT, double E, double T, double &T1, double &T2, double &E1,
347  double &E2, int &iT1, int &iT2, int &iE1, int &iE2, double &RTEg,
348  double &RTEg1, double &RTEg2, double &RTEg3, double &RTEq,
349  double &RTEq3, double &RTEq4, double &RTEq5, double &RTEq6,
350  double &RTEq7, double &RTEq8, double &RTEHQ, double &RTEHQ11,
351  double &RTEHQ12, double &qhatTP);
352  void twflavor(int &CT, int &KATT0, int &KATT2, double E, double T);
353  void twlinear(int KATT, double E, double T, double &RTEg1, double &RTEg2,
354  double &RTEq6, double &RTEq7, double &RTEq8);
355  void colljet22(int CT, double temp, double qhat0ud, double v0[4],
356  double p0[4], double p2[4], double p3[4], double p4[4],
357  double &qt);
358  void twcoll(int CT, double qhat0ud, double v0[4], double p0[4], double p2[4]);
360  void titau(double ti, double vf[4], double vp[4], double p0[4], double &Vx,
361  double &Vy, double &Veta, double &Xtau);
363  void rotate(double px, double py, double pz, double p[4], int icc);
365  int KPoisson(double alambda);
367  void radiationHQ(int parID, double qhat0ud, double v0[4], double P2[4],
368  double P3[4], double P4[4], double Pj0[4], int &ic,
369  double Tdiff, double HQenergy, double max_Ng,
370  double temp_med, double xLow, double xInt);
371  void collHQ22(int CT, double temp, double qhat, double v0[4], double p0[4],
372  double p2[4], double p3[4], double p4[4], double &qt);
373  double Mqc2qc(double s, double t, double M);
374  double Mgc2gc(double s, double t, double M);
376  void collHQ23(int parID, double temp_med, double qhat0ud, double v0[4],
377  double p0[4], double p2[4], double p3[4], double p4[4],
378  double qt, int &ic, double Tdiff, double HQenergy,
379  double max_Ng, double xLow, double xInt);
380  double dNg_over_dxdydt(int parID, double x0g, double y0g, double HQenergy,
381  double HQmass, double temp_med, double Tdiff);
382  double tau_f(double x0g, double y0g, double HQenergy, double HQmass);
383  double splittingP(int parID, double z0g);
384  double lambdas(double kTFnc);
385  double nflavor(double kTFnc);
386  double alphasHQ(double kTFnc, double tempFnc);
387  double nHQgluon(int parID, double dtLRF, double &time_gluon, double &temp_med,
388  double &HQenergy, double &max_Ng);
390  void read_xyMC(int &numXY);
391  void jetInitialize(int numXY);
392  void setJetX(int numXY);
393  void read_tables();
394  void jetClean();
395  void setParameter(string fileName);
396  int checkParameter(int nArg);
398  // extern "C" {
399  // void read_ccnu_(char *dataFN_in, int len1);
400  // void hydroinfoccnu_(double *Ct, double *Cx, double *Cy, double *Cz, double *Ctemp, double *Cvx, double *Cvy, double *Cvz, int *Cflag);
401  //
402  // void sethydrofilesez_(int *dataID_in, char *dataFN_in, int *ctlID_in, char *ctlFN_in, int *bufferSize, int len1, int len2);
403  // void readhydroinfoshanshan_(double *t, double *x, double *y, double *z, double *e, double *s, double *temp, double *vx, double *vy, double *vz, int *flag);
404  // }
406  // Allows the registration of the module so that it is available to be used by the Jetscape framework.
408 };
410 #endif // LBT_H