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1 #include "truthDecayTester.h"
3 #include "QAHistManagerDef.h"
7 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h>
10 #include <decayfinder/DecayFinderContainerBase.h> // for DecayFinderContainerBase::Iter
11 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
12 #include <phool/getClass.h>
14 #include <CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h>
16 #include <TH1.h>
17 #include <TH2.h>
18 #include <TNamed.h>
19 #include <TString.h>
20 #include <TVector3.h>
22 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
26 //____________________________________________________________________________..
28  : SubsysReco(name)
29  , m_nTracks(0)
30  , m_min_pt(0.2)
31  , m_min_eta(-1.1)
32  , m_max_eta(1.1)
33  , m_write_nTuple(true)
34  , m_decay_pdg_id(0)
35  , m_truth_info(nullptr)
36  , m_g4particle(nullptr)
37  , m_df_module_name("myFinder")
38  , m_outfile_name("outputData.root")
39  , m_outfile(nullptr)
40  , m_tree(nullptr)
41  , m_write_QAHists(true)
42 {
43 }
45 //____________________________________________________________________________..
48 //____________________________________________________________________________..
50 {
52  assert(hm);
54  TH1 *h(nullptr);
56  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_PDG_ID", //
57  ";Mother PDG ID;Entries", 1000, -500, 500);
58  hm->registerHisto(h);
59  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_mass", //
60  ";Mother Mass [GeV/c^{2}];Entries", 100, 0, 3);
61  hm->registerHisto(h);
62  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "daughter_sum_mass", //
63  ";Daughter Sum Mass [GeV/c^{2}];Entries", 100, 0, 3);
64  hm->registerHisto(h);
65  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_decayLength", //
66  ";Mother Decay Length [cm];Entries", 50, 0, 1);
67  hm->registerHisto(h);
68  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_decayTime", //
69  ";Mother Decay Time [s];Entries", 50, 0, 0.1);
70  hm->registerHisto(h);
71  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_px", //
72  ";Mother p_{x} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
73  hm->registerHisto(h);
74  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_py", //
75  ";Mother p_{y} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
76  hm->registerHisto(h);
77  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_pz", //
78  ";Mother p_{z} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
79  hm->registerHisto(h);
80  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_pE", //
81  ";Mother p_{E} [GeV];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
82  hm->registerHisto(h);
83  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_pT", //
84  ";Mother p_{T} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
85  hm->registerHisto(h);
86  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "mother_eta", //
87  ";Mother #eta;Entries", 100, -3, 3);
88  hm->registerHisto(h);
90  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
91  {
92  std::string track_number = "track_" + std::to_string(i + 1);
94  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_PDG_ID", //
95  ";Track PDG ID;Entries", 1000, -500, 500);
96  hm->registerHisto(h);
98  /*
100  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_px", //
101  ";Track p_{x} [GeV/c];Entries", 50, 0, 5);
102  hm->registerHisto(h);
103  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_py", //
104  ";Track p_{y} [GeV/c];Entries", 50, 0, 5);
105  hm->registerHisto(h);
106  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_pz", //
107  ";Track p_{z} [GeV/c];Entries", 50, 0, 5);
108  hm->registerHisto(h);
109  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_pE", //
110  ";Track p_{E} [GeV];Entries", 50, 0, 5);
111  hm->registerHisto(h);
113  */
115  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_pT", //
116  ";Track pT [GeV/c];Entries", 50, 0, 5);
117  hm->registerHisto(h);
118  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_eta", //
119  ";Track Eta;Entries", 100, -3, 3);
120  hm->registerHisto(h);
121  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + TString(track_number) + "_mass", //
122  ";Track Mass [GeV/c^{2}];Entries", 100, 0, 3);
123  hm->registerHisto(h);
124  }
126  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "delta_px", //
127  ";#delta p_{x} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
128  hm->registerHisto(h);
129  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "delta_py", //
130  ";#delta p_{y} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
131  hm->registerHisto(h);
132  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "delta_pz", //
133  ";#delta p_{z} [GeV/c];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
134  hm->registerHisto(h);
135  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "delta_pE", //
136  ";#delta p_{E} [GeV];Entries", 100, 0, 10);
137  hm->registerHisto(h);
139  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_px_1percent", //
140  ";Accept p_{x} 1pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
141  hm->registerHisto(h);
142  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_py_1percent", //
143  ";Accept p_{y} 1pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
144  hm->registerHisto(h);
145  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pz_1percent", //
146  ";Accept p_{z} 1pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
147  hm->registerHisto(h);
148  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pE_1percent", //
149  ";Accept p_{E} 1pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
150  hm->registerHisto(h);
152  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_px_5percent", //
153  ";Accept p_{x} 5pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
154  hm->registerHisto(h);
155  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_py_5percent", //
156  ";Accept p_{y} 5pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
157  hm->registerHisto(h);
158  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pz_5percent", //
159  ";Accept p_{z} 5pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
160  hm->registerHisto(h);
161  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pE_5percent", //
162  ";Accept p_{E} 5pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
163  hm->registerHisto(h);
165  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_px_15percent", //
166  ";Accept p_{x} 15pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
167  hm->registerHisto(h);
168  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_py_15percent", //
169  ";Accept p_{y} 15pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
170  hm->registerHisto(h);
171  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pz_15percent", //
172  ";Accept p_{z} 15pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
173  hm->registerHisto(h);
174  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pE_15percent", //
175  ";Accept p_{E} 15pcnt;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
176  hm->registerHisto(h);
178  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_pT", //
179  ";Accept p_{T};Entries", 2, 0, 1);
180  hm->registerHisto(h);
181  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "accept_eta", //
182  ";Accept #eta;Entries", 2, 0, 1);
183  hm->registerHisto(h);
185  assert(topNode);
187 }
189 //____________________________________________________________________________..
191 {
192  resetValues();
193  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector daughterSumLV;
196  assert(hm);
198  TH1F *h_mother_PDG_ID = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_PDG_ID"));
199  assert(h_mother_PDG_ID);
200  TH1F *h_mother_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_mass"));
201  assert(h_mother_mass);
202  TH1F *h_daughter_sum_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "daughter_sum_mass"));
203  assert(h_daughter_sum_mass);
204  TH1F *h_mother_decayLength = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_decayLength"));
205  assert(h_mother_decayLength);
206  TH1F *h_mother_decayTime = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_decayTime"));
207  assert(h_mother_decayTime);
208  TH1F *h_mother_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_px"));
209  assert(h_mother_px);
210  TH1F *h_mother_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_py"));
211  assert(h_mother_py);
212  TH1F *h_mother_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_pz"));
213  assert(h_mother_pz);
214  TH1F *h_mother_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_pE"));
215  assert(h_mother_pE);
216  TH1F *h_mother_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_pT"));
217  assert(h_mother_pT);
218  TH1F *h_mother_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "mother_eta"));
219  assert(h_mother_eta);
221  TH1F *h_delta_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "delta_px"));
222  assert(h_delta_px);
223  TH1F *h_delta_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "delta_py"));
224  assert(h_delta_py);
225  TH1F *h_delta_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "delta_pz"));
226  assert(h_delta_pz);
227  TH1F *h_delta_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "delta_pE"));
228  assert(h_delta_pE);
229  TH1F *h_accept_px_1percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_px_1percent"));
230  assert(h_accept_px_1percent);
231  TH1F *h_accept_py_1percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_py_1percent"));
232  assert(h_accept_py_1percent);
233  TH1F *h_accept_pz_1percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pz_1percent"));
234  assert(h_accept_pz_1percent);
235  TH1F *h_accept_pE_1percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pE_1percent"));
236  assert(h_accept_pE_1percent);
237  TH1F *h_accept_px_5percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_px_5percent"));
238  assert(h_accept_px_5percent);
239  TH1F *h_accept_py_5percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_py_5percent"));
240  assert(h_accept_py_5percent);
241  TH1F *h_accept_pz_5percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pz_5percent"));
242  assert(h_accept_pz_5percent);
243  TH1F *h_accept_pE_5percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pE_5percent"));
244  assert(h_accept_pE_5percent);
245  TH1F *h_accept_px_15percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_px_15percent"));
246  assert(h_accept_px_15percent);
247  TH1F *h_accept_py_15percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_py_15percent"));
248  assert(h_accept_py_15percent);
249  TH1F *h_accept_pz_15percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pz_15percent"));
250  assert(h_accept_pz_15percent);
251  TH1F *h_accept_pE_15percent = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pE_15percent"));
252  assert(h_accept_pE_15percent);
253  TH1F *h_accept_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_pT"));
254  assert(h_accept_pT);
255  TH1F *h_accept_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "accept_eta"));
256  assert(h_accept_eta);
258  TH1F *h_track_1_PDG_ID = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_PDG_ID"));
259  assert(h_track_1_PDG_ID);
260  /*
261  TH1F *h_track_1_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_px"));
262  assert(h_track_1_px);
263  TH1F *h_track_1_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_py"));
264  assert(h_track_1_py);
265  TH1F *h_track_1_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_pz"));
266  assert(h_track_1_pz);
267  TH1F *h_track_1_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_pE"));
268  assert(h_track_1_pE);
269  */
270  TH1F *h_track_1_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_pT"));
271  assert(h_track_1_pT);
272  TH1F *h_track_1_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_eta"));
273  assert(h_track_1_eta);
274  TH1F *h_track_1_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_1_mass"));
275  assert(h_track_1_mass);
277  TH1F *h_track_2_PDG_ID = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_PDG_ID"));
278  assert(h_track_2_PDG_ID);
279  /*
280  TH1F *h_track_2_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_px"));
281  assert(h_track_2_px);
282  TH1F *h_track_2_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_py"));
283  assert(h_track_2_py);
284  TH1F *h_track_2_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_pz"));
285  assert(h_track_2_pz);
286  TH1F *h_track_2_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_pE"));
287  assert(h_track_2_pE);
288  */
289  TH1F *h_track_2_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_pT"));
290  assert(h_track_2_pT);
291  TH1F *h_track_2_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_eta"));
292  assert(h_track_2_eta);
293  TH1F *h_track_2_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_2_mass"));
294  assert(h_track_2_mass);
296  TH1F *h_track_3_PDG_ID = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_PDG_ID"));
297  assert(h_track_3_PDG_ID);
298  /*
299  TH1F *h_track_3_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_px"));
300  assert(h_track_3_px);
301  TH1F *h_track_3_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_py"));
302  assert(h_track_3_py);
303  TH1F *h_track_3_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_pz"));
304  assert(h_track_3_pz);
305  TH1F *h_track_3_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_pE"));
306  assert(h_track_3_pE);
307  */
308  TH1F *h_track_3_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_pT"));
309  assert(h_track_3_pT);
310  TH1F *h_track_3_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_eta"));
311  assert(h_track_3_eta);
312  TH1F *h_track_3_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_3_mass"));
313  assert(h_track_3_mass);
315  TH1F *h_track_4_PDG_ID = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_PDG_ID"));
316  assert(h_track_4_PDG_ID);
317  /*
318  TH1F *h_track_4_px = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_px"));
319  assert(h_track_4_px);
320  TH1F *h_track_4_py = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_py"));
321  assert(h_track_4_py);
322  TH1F *h_track_4_pz = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_pz"));
323  assert(h_track_4_pz);
324  TH1F *h_track_4_pE = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_pE"));
325  assert(h_track_4_pE);
326  */
327  TH1F *h_track_4_pT = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_pT"));
328  assert(h_track_4_pT);
329  TH1F *h_track_4_eta = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_eta"));
330  assert(h_track_4_eta);
331  TH1F *h_track_4_mass = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "track_4_mass"));
332  assert(h_track_4_mass);
334  ++m_event_number;
335  if (m_decay_pdg_id == 0) getMotherPDG(topNode);
336  std::vector<int> motherBarcodes = getDecayFinderMothers(topNode);
338  if (motherBarcodes.size() == 1)
339  {
340  m_truth_info = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
341  if (!m_truth_info)
342  {
343  std::cout << "truthDecayTester: Missing node G4TruthInfo" << std::endl;
345  }
347  unsigned int trackCounter = 0;
348  float mother_x = 0;
349  float mother_y = 0;
350  float mother_z = 0;
351  float daughter_x = 0;
352  float daughter_y = 0;
353  float daughter_z = 0;
356  for (PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator iter = range.first;
357  iter != range.second; ++iter)
358  {
359  m_g4particle = iter->second;
360  if (std::find(std::begin(motherBarcodes), std::end(motherBarcodes),
361  m_g4particle->get_barcode()) != std::end(motherBarcodes) &&
362  abs(m_g4particle->get_pid()) == abs(m_decay_pdg_id))
363  {
370  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector motherLV(m_mother_px, m_mother_py, m_mother_pz, m_mother_pE);
371  m_mother_pT = motherLV.perp();
372  m_mother_eta = motherLV.pseudoRapidity();
373  m_mother_mass = motherLV.m();
381  mother_x = mother_vtx->get_x();
382  mother_y = mother_vtx->get_y();
383  mother_z = mother_vtx->get_z();
386  }
388  if (m_g4particle->get_parent_id() != 0)
389  {
391  if (std::find(std::begin(motherBarcodes), std::end(motherBarcodes),
392  mother->get_barcode()) != std::end(motherBarcodes) &&
393  abs(mother->get_pid()) == abs(m_decay_pdg_id))
394  {
395  m_track_pdg_id[trackCounter] = m_g4particle->get_pid();
396  m_track_mother_barcode[trackCounter] = mother->get_barcode();
397  m_track_px[trackCounter] = m_g4particle->get_px();
398  m_track_py[trackCounter] = m_g4particle->get_py();
399  m_track_pz[trackCounter] = m_g4particle->get_pz();
400  m_track_pE[trackCounter] = m_g4particle->get_e();
401  CLHEP::HepLorentzVector daughterLV(m_track_px[trackCounter], m_track_py[trackCounter], m_track_pz[trackCounter], m_track_pE[trackCounter]);
402  daughterSumLV += daughterLV;
403  m_track_pT[trackCounter] = daughterLV.perp();
404  m_track_eta[trackCounter] = daughterLV.pseudoRapidity();
405  m_track_mass[trackCounter] = daughterLV.m();
407  m_delta_px -= m_track_px[trackCounter];
408  m_delta_py -= m_track_py[trackCounter];
409  m_delta_pz -= m_track_pz[trackCounter];
410  m_delta_pE -= m_track_pE[trackCounter];
413  daughter_x = daughter_vtx->get_x();
414  daughter_y = daughter_vtx->get_y();
415  daughter_z = daughter_vtx->get_z();
417  if (m_track_pT[trackCounter] < m_min_pt) m_accept_pT = false;
418  bool in_eta_range = isInRange(m_track_eta[trackCounter], m_min_eta, m_max_eta);
419  if (!in_eta_range) m_accept_eta = false;
421  ++trackCounter;
422  }
423  }
424  }
426  m_daughter_sum_mass = daughterSumLV.m();
428  float diff_percent_px = fabs(m_delta_px / m_mother_px) * 100.;
429  float diff_percent_py = fabs(m_delta_py / m_mother_py) * 100.;
430  float diff_percent_pz = fabs(m_delta_pz / m_mother_pz) * 100.;
431  float diff_percent_pE = fabs(m_delta_pE / m_mother_pE) * 100.;
433  m_accept_px_1percent = diff_percent_px <= 1. ? 1 : 0;
434  m_accept_py_1percent = diff_percent_py <= 1. ? 1 : 0;
435  m_accept_pz_1percent = diff_percent_pz <= 1. ? 1 : 0;
436  m_accept_pE_1percent = diff_percent_pE <= 1. ? 1 : 0;
438  m_accept_px_5percent = diff_percent_px <= 5. ? 1 : 0;
439  m_accept_py_5percent = diff_percent_py <= 5. ? 1 : 0;
440  m_accept_pz_5percent = diff_percent_pz <= 5. ? 1 : 0;
441  m_accept_pE_5percent = diff_percent_pE <= 5. ? 1 : 0;
443  m_accept_px_15percent = diff_percent_px <= 15. ? 1 : 0;
444  m_accept_py_15percent = diff_percent_py <= 15. ? 1 : 0;
445  m_accept_pz_15percent = diff_percent_pz <= 15. ? 1 : 0;
446  m_accept_pE_15percent = diff_percent_pE <= 15. ? 1 : 0;
448  m_mother_decayLength = sqrt(pow(daughter_x - mother_x, 2) + pow(daughter_y - mother_y, 2) + pow(daughter_z - mother_z, 2));
449  float mother_p = sqrt(pow(m_mother_px, 2) + pow(m_mother_py, 2) + pow(m_mother_pz, 2));
452  if (m_write_nTuple)
453  {
455  m_tree->Fill();
456  }
457  if (m_write_QAHists)
458  {
459  h_mother_PDG_ID->Fill(m_mother_pdg_id);
460  std::cout << m_mother_pdg_id << " is the mother PDG ID" << std::endl;
461  std::cout << h_mother_PDG_ID->Integral(h_mother_PDG_ID->FindFixBin(-500.), h_mother_PDG_ID->FindFixBin(500.) - 1) << std::endl;
462  h_mother_mass->Fill(m_mother_mass);
463  h_daughter_sum_mass->Fill(m_daughter_sum_mass);
464  h_mother_decayLength->Fill(m_mother_decayLength);
465  h_mother_decayTime->Fill(m_mother_decayTime);
466  h_mother_px->Fill(m_mother_px);
467  h_mother_py->Fill(m_mother_py);
468  h_mother_pz->Fill(m_mother_pz);
469  h_mother_pE->Fill(m_mother_pE);
470  h_mother_pT->Fill(m_mother_pT);
471  h_mother_eta->Fill(m_mother_eta);
472  h_delta_px->Fill(m_delta_px);
473  h_delta_py->Fill(m_delta_py);
474  h_delta_pz->Fill(m_delta_pz);
475  h_delta_pE->Fill(m_delta_pE);
476  h_accept_px_1percent->Fill(m_accept_px_1percent);
477  h_accept_py_1percent->Fill(m_accept_py_1percent);
478  h_accept_pz_1percent->Fill(m_accept_pz_1percent);
479  h_accept_pE_1percent->Fill(m_accept_pE_1percent);
480  h_accept_px_5percent->Fill(m_accept_px_5percent);
481  h_accept_py_5percent->Fill(m_accept_py_5percent);
482  h_accept_pz_5percent->Fill(m_accept_pz_5percent);
483  h_accept_pE_5percent->Fill(m_accept_pE_5percent);
484  h_accept_px_15percent->Fill(m_accept_px_15percent);
485  h_accept_py_15percent->Fill(m_accept_py_15percent);
486  h_accept_pz_15percent->Fill(m_accept_pz_15percent);
487  h_accept_pE_15percent->Fill(m_accept_pE_15percent);
488  h_accept_pT->Fill(m_accept_pT);
489  h_accept_eta->Fill(m_accept_eta);
490  if (m_nTracks >= 2)
491  {
492  h_track_1_PDG_ID->Fill(m_track_pdg_id[0]);
493  /*
494  h_track_1_px->Fill(m_track_px[0]);
495  h_track_1_py->Fill(m_track_py[0]);
496  h_track_1_pz->Fill(m_track_pz[0]);
497  h_track_1_pE->Fill(m_track_pE[0]);
498  */
499  h_track_1_pT->Fill(m_track_pT[0]);
500  h_track_1_eta->Fill(m_track_eta[0]);
501  h_track_1_mass->Fill(m_track_mass[0]);
502  h_track_2_PDG_ID->Fill(m_track_pdg_id[1]);
503  /*
504  h_track_2_px->Fill(m_track_px[1]);
505  h_track_2_py->Fill(m_track_py[1]);
506  h_track_2_pz->Fill(m_track_pz[1]);
507  h_track_2_pE->Fill(m_track_pE[1]);
508  */
509  h_track_2_pT->Fill(m_track_pT[1]);
510  h_track_2_eta->Fill(m_track_eta[1]);
511  h_track_2_mass->Fill(m_track_mass[1]);
512  }
513  if (m_nTracks >= 3)
514  {
515  h_track_3_PDG_ID->Fill(m_track_pdg_id[2]);
516  /*
517  h_track_3_px->Fill(m_track_px[2]);
518  h_track_3_py->Fill(m_track_py[2]);
519  h_track_3_pz->Fill(m_track_pz[2]);
520  h_track_3_pE->Fill(m_track_pE[2]);
521  */
522  h_track_3_pT->Fill(m_track_pT[2]);
523  h_track_3_eta->Fill(m_track_eta[2]);
524  h_track_3_mass->Fill(m_track_mass[2]);
525  }
526  if (m_nTracks == 4)
527  {
528  h_track_4_PDG_ID->Fill(m_track_pdg_id[3]);
529  /*
530  h_track_4_px->Fill(m_track_px[3]);
531  h_track_4_py->Fill(m_track_py[3]);
532  h_track_4_pz->Fill(m_track_pz[3]);
533  h_track_4_pE->Fill(m_track_pE[3]);
534  */
535  h_track_4_pT->Fill(m_track_pT[3]);
536  h_track_4_eta->Fill(m_track_eta[3]);
537  h_track_4_mass->Fill(m_track_mass[3]);
538  }
539  }
540  }
541  else
542  {
543  std::cout << "You have more than one good decay in this event, this processing is not yet supported" << std::endl;
545  }
548 }
550 //____________________________________________________________________________..
552 {
553  if (m_write_nTuple)
554  {
555  m_outfile->Write();
556  m_outfile->Close();
557  delete m_outfile;
558  }
560  assert(topNode);
563 }
566 {
567  m_outfile = new TFile(m_outfile_name.c_str(), "RECREATE");
568  delete m_tree;
569  m_tree = new TTree("truthDecayTester", "truthDecayTester");
570  m_tree->OptimizeBaskets();
571  m_tree->SetAutoSave(-5e6); // Save the output file every 5MB
573  m_tree->Branch("EventNumber", &m_event_number, "EventNumber/i");
574  m_tree->Branch("mother_PDG_ID", &m_mother_pdg_id, "mother_PDG_ID/I");
575  m_tree->Branch("mother_mass", &m_mother_mass, "mother_mass/F");
576  m_tree->Branch("daughter_sum_mass", &m_daughter_sum_mass, "daughter_sum_mass/F");
577  m_tree->Branch("mother_decayLength", &m_mother_decayLength, "mother_decayLength/F");
578  m_tree->Branch("mother_decayTime", &m_mother_decayTime, "mother_decayTime/F");
579  m_tree->Branch("mother_px", &m_mother_px, "mother_px/F");
580  m_tree->Branch("mother_py", &m_mother_py, "mother_py/F");
581  m_tree->Branch("mother_pz", &m_mother_pz, "mother_pz/F");
582  m_tree->Branch("mother_pE", &m_mother_pE, "mother_pE/F");
583  m_tree->Branch("mother_pT", &m_mother_pT, "mother_pT/F");
584  m_tree->Branch("mother_eta", &m_mother_eta, "mother_eta/F");
585  m_tree->Branch("mother_barcode", &m_mother_barcode, "mother_barcode/I");
587  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nTracks; ++i)
588  {
589  std::string track_number = "track_" + std::to_string(i + 1);
591  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_PDG_ID", &m_track_pdg_id[i], TString(track_number) + "_PDG_ID/I");
592  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_px", &m_track_px[i], TString(track_number) + "_px/F");
593  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_py", &m_track_py[i], TString(track_number) + "_py/F");
594  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_pz", &m_track_pz[i], TString(track_number) + "_pz/F");
595  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_pE", &m_track_pE[i], TString(track_number) + "_pE/F");
596  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_pT", &m_track_pT[i], TString(track_number) + "_pT/F");
597  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_eta", &m_track_eta[i], TString(track_number) + "_eta/F");
598  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_mass", &m_track_mass[i], TString(track_number) + "_mass/F");
599  m_tree->Branch(TString(track_number) + "_mother_barcode", &m_track_mother_barcode[i], TString(track_number) + "_mother_barcode/I");
600  }
602  m_tree->Branch("delta_px", &m_delta_px, "delta_px/F");
603  m_tree->Branch("delta_py", &m_delta_py, "delta_py/F");
604  m_tree->Branch("delta_pz", &m_delta_pz, "delta_pz/F");
605  m_tree->Branch("delta_pE", &m_delta_pE, "delta_pE/F");
607  m_tree->Branch("accept_px_1percent", &m_accept_px_1percent, "accept_px_1percent/O");
608  m_tree->Branch("accept_py_1percent", &m_accept_py_1percent, "accept_py_1percent/O");
609  m_tree->Branch("accept_pz_1percent", &m_accept_pz_1percent, "accept_pz_1percent/O");
610  m_tree->Branch("accept_pE_1percent", &m_accept_pE_1percent, "accept_pE_1percent/O");
612  m_tree->Branch("accept_px_5percent", &m_accept_px_5percent, "accept_px_5percent/O");
613  m_tree->Branch("accept_py_5percent", &m_accept_py_5percent, "accept_py_5percent/O");
614  m_tree->Branch("accept_pz_5percent", &m_accept_pz_5percent, "accept_pz_5percent/O");
615  m_tree->Branch("accept_pE_5percent", &m_accept_pE_5percent, "accept_pE_5percent/O");
617  m_tree->Branch("accept_px_15percent", &m_accept_px_15percent, "accept_px_15percent/O");
618  m_tree->Branch("accept_py_15percent", &m_accept_py_15percent, "accept_py_15percent/O");
619  m_tree->Branch("accept_pz_15percent", &m_accept_pz_15percent, "accept_pz_15percent/O");
620  m_tree->Branch("accept_pE_15percent", &m_accept_pE_15percent, "accept_pE_15percent/O");
622  m_tree->Branch("accept_pT", &m_accept_pT, "accept_pT/O");
623  m_tree->Branch("accept_eta", &m_accept_eta, "accept_eta/O");
624 }
627 {
628  PHNodeIterator nodeIter(topNode);
630  std::string node_name = m_df_module_name + "_DecayMap";
632  PHNode *findNode = dynamic_cast<PHNode *>(nodeIter.findFirst(node_name.c_str()));
633  if (findNode)
634  {
635  m_decayMap = findNode::getClass<DecayFinderContainer_v1>(topNode, node_name.c_str());
636  }
637  else
638  {
639  }
641  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> decay = m_decayMap->begin()->second;
642  m_decay_pdg_id = decay[0].second;
643 }
646 {
647  std::vector<int> m_motherBarcodes;
649  PHNodeIterator nodeIter(topNode);
651  std::string node_name = m_df_module_name + "_DecayMap";
653  m_decayMap = findNode::getClass<DecayFinderContainer_v1>(topNode, node_name.c_str());
655  for (DecayFinderContainer_v1::Iter iter = m_decayMap->begin(); iter != m_decayMap->end(); ++iter)
656  {
657  std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> decay = iter->second;
658  m_nTracks = decay.size() - 1;
659  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < decay.size(); ++i)
660  {
661  if (abs(decay[i].second) == abs(m_decay_pdg_id)) m_motherBarcodes.push_back(decay[i].first);
662  }
663  }
665  return m_motherBarcodes;
666 }
668 bool truthDecayTester::isInRange(float min, float value, float max)
669 {
670  return min <= value && value <= max;
671 }
674 {
675  m_delta_px = 0;
676  m_delta_py = 0;
677  m_delta_pz = 0;
678  m_delta_pE = 0;
680  m_accept_eta = true;
681  m_accept_pT = true;
682 }
685 {
686  return std::string("h_") + Name() + std::string("_") + std::string("_");
687 }