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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BuildGenericDetector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <cmath>
13 namespace ActsExamples {
15 namespace Generic {
18 std::vector<Acts::Vector3> modulePositionsCylinder(
19  double radius, double zStagger, double moduleHalfLength, double lOverlap,
20  const std::pair<int, int>& binningSchema) {
21  int nPhiBins = binningSchema.first;
22  int nZbins = binningSchema.second;
23  // prepare the return value
24  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> mPositions;
25  mPositions.reserve(nPhiBins * nZbins);
26  // prep work
27  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / (nPhiBins);
28  double minPhi = -M_PI + 0.5 * phiStep;
29  double zStart = -0.5 * (nZbins - 1) * (2 * moduleHalfLength - lOverlap);
30  double zStep = 2 * std::abs(zStart) / (nZbins - 1);
31  // loop over the bins
32  for (size_t zBin = 0; zBin < size_t(nZbins); ++zBin) {
33  // prepare z and r
34  double moduleZ = zStart + zBin * zStep;
35  double moduleR =
36  (zBin % 2) != 0u ? radius - 0.5 * zStagger : radius + 0.5 * zStagger;
37  for (size_t phiBin = 0; phiBin < size_t(nPhiBins); ++phiBin) {
38  // calculate the current phi value
39  double modulePhi = minPhi + phiBin * phiStep;
40  mPositions.push_back(Acts::Vector3(moduleR * cos(modulePhi),
41  moduleR * sin(modulePhi), moduleZ));
42  }
43  }
44  return mPositions;
45 }
48 std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3>> modulePositionsDisc(
49  double z, double ringStagger, std::vector<double> phiStagger,
50  std::vector<double> phiSubStagger, double innerRadius, double outerRadius,
51  const std::vector<size_t>& discBinning,
52  const std::vector<double>& moduleHalfLength) {
53  // calculate the radii
54  std::vector<double> radii;
55  // calculate the radial borders
56  std::vector<double> radialBoarders;
57  // the radial span of the disc
58  double deltaR = outerRadius - innerRadius;
59  // quick exits
60  if (discBinning.size() == 1) {
61  radii.push_back(0.5 * (innerRadius + outerRadius));
62  radialBoarders = {innerRadius, outerRadius};
63  } else {
64  double totalLength = 0;
65  // sum up the total length
66  for (auto& mhlength : moduleHalfLength) {
67  totalLength += 2 * mhlength;
68  }
69  // now calculate the overlap (equal pay)
70  double rOverlap = (totalLength - deltaR) / (moduleHalfLength.size() - 1);
71  // and now fill the radii and gaps
72  double lastR = innerRadius;
73  double lastHl = 0.;
74  double lastOl = 0.;
75  // remember the radial boarders
76  radialBoarders.push_back(innerRadius);
77  // now calculate
78  for (auto& mhlength : moduleHalfLength) {
79  // calculate the radius
80  radii.push_back(lastR + lastHl - lastOl + mhlength);
81  lastR = radii[radii.size() - 1];
82  lastOl = rOverlap;
83  lastHl = mhlength;
84  // and register the radial boarder
85  radialBoarders.push_back(lastR + 2 * lastHl - 0.5 * lastOl);
86  }
87  }
88  // now prepare the return method
89  std::vector<std::vector<Acts::Vector3>> mPositions;
90  for (size_t ir = 0; ir < radii.size(); ++ir) {
91  // generate the z value
92  // convention inner ring is closer to origin : makes sense
93  double rz = radii.size() == 1 ? z
94  : ((ir % 2) != 0u ? z + 0.5 * ringStagger
95  : z - 0.5 * ringStagger);
96  // fill the ring positions
97  double psStagger = phiSubStagger.empty() ? 0. : phiSubStagger[ir];
98  mPositions.push_back(modulePositionsRing(rz, radii[ir], phiStagger[ir],
99  psStagger, discBinning[ir]));
100  }
101  return mPositions;
102 }
105 std::vector<Acts::Vector3> modulePositionsRing(double z, double radius,
106  double phiStagger,
107  double phiSubStagger,
108  int nPhiBins) {
109  // create and fill the positions
110  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> rPositions;
111  rPositions.reserve(nPhiBins);
112  // prep work
113  double phiStep = 2 * M_PI / (nPhiBins);
114  double minPhi = -M_PI + 0.5 * phiStep;
115  // phi loop
116  for (size_t iphi = 0; iphi < size_t(nPhiBins); ++iphi) {
117  // if we have a phi sub stagger presents
118  double rzs = 0.;
119  // phi stagger affects 0 vs 1, 2 vs 3 ... etc
120  // -> only works if it is a %4
121  // phi sub stagger affects 2 vs 4, 1 vs 3 etc.
122  if (phiSubStagger != 0. && ((nPhiBins % 4) == 0)) {
123  // switch sides
124  if ((iphi % 4) == 0u) {
125  rzs = phiSubStagger;
126  } else if (((iphi + 1) % 4) == 0u) {
127  rzs = -phiSubStagger;
128  }
129  }
130  // the module phi
131  double phi = minPhi + iphi * phiStep;
132  // main z position depending on phi bin
133  double rz = (iphi % 2) != 0u ? z - 0.5 * phiStagger : z + 0.5 * phiStagger;
134  rPositions.push_back(
135  Acts::Vector3(radius * cos(phi), radius * sin(phi), rz + rzs));
136  }
137  return rPositions;
138 }
140 } // end of namespace Generic
142 } // end of namespace ActsExamples