Analysis Software
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1 #include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
2 #include "Pythia8Plugins/HepMC2.h" //added plugin for HepMC, think we will need some new library in pythia for this
3 #include <TTree.h>
4 #include <TFile.h>
5 using namespace Pythia8;
6 using namespace std;
8 void generator(std::string filename, long nEvents, bool signalOnly=false){
9  using namespace HepMC;
10  string hepName = filename+".dat"; //filenames
11  HepMC::Pythia8ToHepMC ToHepMC; // Interface for conversion from Pythia8::Event to HepMC event.
12  HepMC::IO_GenEvent ascii_io(hepName, std::ios::out); //file where HepMC events will be stored.
14  /*pythia set up*/
15  Pythia pythiaengine;
16  pythiaengine.readString("Beams:eCM = 200.");
17  pythiaengine.readString("promptphoton:all = on");
18  pythiaengine.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
19  pythiaengine.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 10.");
20  pythiaengine.readString("Random::setSeed = on");
21  pythiaengine.readString("Random::seed =0");
22  //pythiaengine.readString("111:onMode = off"); ///pi0 won't decay
23  pythiaengine.init();
25  string tfilename = filename+"_analysis.root";
26  TFile *outFile = new TFile(tfilename.c_str(),"RECREATE");
27  TTree *photonTree = new TTree("photonTree","phat phirn tree");
28  photonTree->SetAutoSave(300);
29  vector<float> photon_pT;
30  photonTree->Branch("photon_pT",&photon_pT);
31  TTree *nophotonTree = new TTree("nophotonTree","phat phirn tree");
32  unsigned long noPhotonEvents=0;
33  nophotonTree->Branch("n",&noPhotonEvents);
35  for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; ++iEvent)
36  {
37  if (!{
38  cout<<" failed"<<"\n";
39  iEvent--;
40  continue;
41  }
42  photon_pT.clear();
43  for(unsigned ipart=0; ipart!=pythiaengine.event.size(); ipart++){
44  if(pythiaengine.event[ipart].id()==22&&pythiaengine.event[ipart].isFinal()&&pythiaengine.event[ipart].pT()>5
45  &&TMath::Abs(pythiaengine.event[ipart].eta()))photon_pT.push_back(pythiaengine.event[ipart].pT());
46  }
47  if (photon_pT.size()>0)photonTree->Fill();
48  else{
49  noPhotonEvents++;
50  }
51  if(!signalOnly||photon_pT.size()>0){
52  HepMC::GenEvent* hepmcevtfrag = new HepMC::GenEvent(); //create HepMC event
53  ToHepMC.fill_next_event( pythiaengine, hepmcevtfrag ); //convert event from pythia to HepMC
54  ascii_io << hepmcevtfrag;//write event to file
55  delete hepmcevtfrag; //delete event so it can be redeclared next time
56  }
57  }
58  nophotonTree->Fill();
59  outFile->Write();
60  outFile->Close();
61  pythiaengine.stat();
62 }
64 int main(int argc, char const *argv[] )
65 {
66  string fileOut = string(argv[1]);
67  bool signalOnly=false;
68  if(argv[2][0]=='1'||argv[2][0]=='t')signalOnly=true;
69  long nEvents =strtol(argv[2],NULL,10); // 5000000;
70  generator(fileOut,nEvents,signalOnly);
71  cout<<"All done"<<endl;
72  return 0;
73 }