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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file calTowerCalib.C
3 {
4  const double energy_in[16] = {0.00763174, 0.00692298, 0.00637355, 0.0059323, 0.00762296, 0.00691832, 0.00636611, 0.0059203, 0.00762873, 0.00693594, 0.00637791, 0.00592433, 0.00762898, 0.00691679, 0.00636373, 0.00592433};
5  const double adc_in[16] = {2972.61, 2856.43, 2658.19, 2376.10, 3283.39, 2632.81, 2775.77, 2491.68, 2994.11, 3385.70, 3258.01, 2638.31, 3479.97, 3081.41, 2768.36, 2626.77};
6  const double gain_factor_in = 32.0;
7  const double samplefrac_in = 0.09267;
9  const double energy_out[16] = {0.00668176, 0.00678014, 0.00687082, 0.00706854, 0.00668973, 0.00678279, 0.00684794, 0.00705448, 0.00668976, 0.0068013, 0.00685931, 0.00704985, 0.0066926, 0.00678282, 0.00684403, 0.00704143};
10  // const double adc_out[16] = {666.378, 1488.15, 1493.36, 1816.82, 666.378, 1488.15, 1493.36, 1816.82, 666.378, 1488.15, 1493.36, 1816.82, 666.378, 1488.15, 1493.36, 1816.82}; // use 1st column for whole HCALOUT
11  const double adc_out[16] = {276.9, 290.0, 280.7, 272.1, 309.5, 304.8, 318.5, 289.6, 289.9, 324.2, 297.9, 294.6, 292.7, 310.5, 302.3, 298.5}; // Songkyo's number
12  const double adc_amp[16] = {2.505, 5.330, 5.330, 6.965, 2.505, 5.330, 5.330, 6.965, 2.505, 5.330, 5.330, 6.965, 2.505, 5.330, 5.330, 6.965}; // amplify from 2017 to 2018
13  const double gain_factor_out = 16.0;
14  const double samplefrac_out = 0.02862;
16  double towercalib_lg_in[16];
17  double towercalib_hg_in[16];
18  double towercalib_lg_out[16];
19  double towercalib_hg_out[16];
20  for(int i_tower = 0; i_tower < 16; ++i_tower)
21  {
22  towercalib_lg_in[i_tower] = gain_factor_in*energy_in[i_tower]/(adc_in[i_tower]*samplefrac_in);
23  towercalib_hg_in[i_tower] = energy_in[i_tower]/(adc_in[i_tower]*samplefrac_in);
25  towercalib_lg_out[i_tower] = gain_factor_out*energy_out[i_tower]/(adc_amp[i_tower]*adc_out[i_tower]*samplefrac_out);
26  towercalib_hg_out[i_tower] = energy_out[i_tower]/(adc_amp[i_tower]*adc_out[i_tower]*samplefrac_out);
27  // towercalib_lg_out[i_tower] = gain_factor_out*energy_out[i_tower]/(adc_out[i_tower]*samplefrac_out);
28  // towercalib_hg_out[i_tower] = energy_out[i_tower]/(adc_out[i_tower]*samplefrac_out);
30  cout << "i_tower = " << i_tower << ", towercalib_lg_in = " << towercalib_lg_in[i_tower] << ", towercalib_lg_out = " << towercalib_lg_out[i_tower] << endl;
31  cout << "i_tower = " << i_tower << ", towercalib_hg_in = " << towercalib_hg_in[i_tower] << ", towercalib_hg_out = " << towercalib_hg_out[i_tower] << endl;
32  cout << endl;
33  }
35  // save high gain tower-by-tower calibration factors into calibration files
36  int hbdchanIHC[4][4] = { { 4, 8, 12, 16},
37  { 3, 7, 11, 15},
38  { 2, 6, 10, 14},
39  { 1, 5, 9, 13}};
41  string output_hcalin = "calib_hcalin_hg.txt";
42  ofstream File_OutPut_hcalin(output_hcalin.c_str());
43  for(int i_col = 0; i_col < 4; ++i_col)
44  {
45  for(int i_row = 0; i_row < 4; ++i_row)
46  {
47  int i_tower = hbdchanIHC[i_row][i_col]-1;
48  cout << "i_col = " << i_col << ", i_row = " << i_row << ", i_tower = " << i_tower << ", towercalib_hg_in = " << towercalib_hg_in[i_tower] << endl;
50  File_OutPut_hcalin << i_col << " " << i_row << " " << towercalib_hg_in[i_tower] << endl;
51  }
52  }
53  File_OutPut_hcalin.close();
55  string output_hcalout = "calib_hcalout_hg.txt";
56  ofstream File_OutPut_hcalout(output_hcalout.c_str());
57  for(int i_col = 0; i_col < 4; ++i_col)
58  {
59  for(int i_row = 0; i_row < 4; ++i_row)
60  {
61  int i_tower = hbdchanIHC[i_row][i_col]-1;
62  cout << "i_col = " << i_col << ", i_row = " << i_row << ", i_tower = " << i_tower << ", towercalib_hg_out = " << towercalib_hg_out[i_tower] << endl;
64  File_OutPut_hcalout << i_col << " " << i_row << " " << towercalib_hg_out[i_tower] << endl;
65  }
66  }
67  File_OutPut_hcalout.close();
68 }