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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HelicalTrackLinearizer.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
12 template <typename propagator_t, typename propagator_options_t>
15  const BoundTrackParameters& params, double linPointTime,
16  const Surface& perigeeSurface, const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
17  const Acts::MagneticFieldContext& mctx, State& state) const {
18  // Create propagator options
19  propagator_options_t pOptions(gctx, mctx);
21  // Length scale at which we consider to be sufficiently close to the Perigee
22  // surface to skip the propagation.
23  pOptions.targetTolerance = m_cfg.targetTolerance;
25  // Get intersection of the track with the Perigee if the particle would
26  // move on a straight line.
27  // This allows us to determine whether we need to propagate the track
28  // forward or backward to arrive at the PCA.
29  auto intersection =
30  perigeeSurface
31  .intersect(gctx, params.position(gctx), params.direction(), false)
32  .closest();
34  // Setting the propagation direction using the intersection length from
35  // above
36  // We handle zero path length as forward propagation, but we could actually
37  // skip the whole propagation in this case
38  pOptions.direction =
39  Direction::fromScalarZeroAsPositive(intersection.pathLength());
41  // Propagate to the PCA of the reference point
42  auto result = m_cfg.propagator->propagate(params, perigeeSurface, pOptions);
43  if (not result.ok()) {
44  return result.error();
45  }
47  // Extracting the track parameters at said PCA - this corresponds to the
48  // Perigee representation of the track wrt the reference point
49  const auto& endParams = *result->endParameters;
50  BoundVector paramsAtPCA = endParams.parameters();
52  // Extracting the 4D position of the PCA in global coordinates
53  Vector4 pca = Vector4::Zero();
54  {
55  auto pos = endParams.position(gctx);
56  pca[ePos0] = pos[ePos0];
57  pca[ePos1] = pos[ePos1];
58  pca[ePos2] = pos[ePos2];
59  pca[eTime] = endParams.time();
60  }
61  BoundSquareMatrix parCovarianceAtPCA = endParams.covariance().value();
63  // Extracting Perigee parameters and compute functions of them for later
64  // usage
65  ActsScalar d0 = paramsAtPCA(BoundIndices::eBoundLoc0);
67  ActsScalar phi = paramsAtPCA(BoundIndices::eBoundPhi);
68  ActsScalar sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
69  ActsScalar cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
72  ActsScalar sinTheta = std::sin(theta);
73  ActsScalar tanTheta = std::tan(theta);
75  // q over p
76  ActsScalar qOvP = paramsAtPCA(BoundIndices::eBoundQOverP);
77  // Rest mass
78  ActsScalar m0 = params.particleHypothesis().mass();
79  // Momentum
80  ActsScalar p = params.particleHypothesis().extractMomentum(qOvP);
82  // Speed in units of c
83  ActsScalar beta = p / std::hypot(p, m0);
84  // Transverse speed (i.e., speed in the x-y plane)
85  ActsScalar betaT = beta * sinTheta;
87  // Momentum direction at the PCA
88  Vector3 momentumAtPCA(phi, theta, qOvP);
90  // Particle charge
91  ActsScalar absoluteCharge = params.particleHypothesis().absoluteCharge();
93  // get the z-component of the B-field at the PCA
94  auto field =
95  m_cfg.bField->getField(VectorHelpers::position(pca), state.fieldCache);
96  if (!field.ok()) {
97  return field.error();
98  }
99  ActsScalar Bz = (*field)[eZ];
101  // Complete Jacobian (consists of positionJacobian and momentumJacobian)
102  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eLinSize> completeJacobian =
103  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eLinSize>::Zero(eBoundSize, eLinSize);
105  // The particle moves on a straight trajectory if its charge is 0 or if there
106  // is no B field. Conversely, if it has a charge and the B field is constant,
107  // it moves on a helical trajectory.
108  if (absoluteCharge == 0. or Bz == 0.) {
109  // Derivatives can be found in Eqs. 5.39 and 5.40 of Ref. (1).
110  // Since we propagated to the PCA (point P in Ref. (1)), we evaluate the
111  // Jacobians there. One can show that, in this case, RTilde = 0 and QTilde =
112  // -d0.
114  // Derivatives of d0
115  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc0, eLinPos0) = -sinPhi;
116  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc0, eLinPos1) = cosPhi;
118  // Derivatives of z0
119  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos0) = -cosPhi / tanTheta;
120  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos1) = -sinPhi / tanTheta;
121  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos2) = 1.;
122  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPhi) = -d0 / tanTheta;
124  // Derivatives of phi
125  completeJacobian(eBoundPhi, eLinPhi) = 1.;
127  // Derivatives of theta
128  completeJacobian(eBoundTheta, eLinTheta) = 1.;
130  // Derivatives of q/p
131  completeJacobian(eBoundQOverP, eLinQOverP) = 1.;
133  // Derivatives of time
134  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPos0) = -cosPhi / betaT;
135  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPos1) = -sinPhi / betaT;
136  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinTime) = 1.;
137  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPhi) = -d0 / betaT;
138  } else {
139  // Helix radius
140  ActsScalar rho = sinTheta * (1. / qOvP) / Bz;
141  // Sign of helix radius
142  ActsScalar h = (rho < 0.) ? -1 : 1;
144  // Quantities from Eq. 5.34 in Ref. (1) (see .hpp)
145  ActsScalar X = pca(0) - + rho * sinPhi;
146  ActsScalar Y = pca(1) - - rho * cosPhi;
147  ActsScalar S2 = (X * X + Y * Y);
148  // S is the 2D distance from the helix center to the reference point
149  // in the x-y plane
150  ActsScalar S = std::sqrt(S2);
152  ActsScalar XoverS2 = X / S2;
153  ActsScalar YoverS2 = Y / S2;
154  ActsScalar rhoCotTheta = rho / tanTheta;
155  ActsScalar rhoOverBetaT = rho / betaT;
156  // Absolute value of rho over S
157  ActsScalar absRhoOverS = h * rho / S;
159  // Derivatives can be found in Eq. 5.36 in Ref. (1)
160  // Since we propagated to the PCA (point P in Ref. (1)), the points
161  // P and V coincide, and thus deltaPhi = 0.
162  // One can show that if deltaPhi = 0 --> R = 0 and Q = h * S.
163  // As a consequence, many terms of the B matrix vanish.
165  // Derivatives of d0
166  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc0, eLinPos0) = -h * X / S;
167  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc0, eLinPos1) = -h * Y / S;
169  // Derivatives of z0
170  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos0) = rhoCotTheta * YoverS2;
171  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos1) = -rhoCotTheta * XoverS2;
172  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPos2) = 1.;
173  completeJacobian(eBoundLoc1, eLinPhi) = rhoCotTheta * (1. - absRhoOverS);
175  // Derivatives of phi
176  completeJacobian(eBoundPhi, eLinPos0) = -YoverS2;
177  completeJacobian(eBoundPhi, eLinPos1) = XoverS2;
178  completeJacobian(eBoundPhi, eLinPhi) = absRhoOverS;
180  // Derivatives of theta
181  completeJacobian(eBoundTheta, eLinTheta) = 1.;
183  // Derivatives of q/p
184  completeJacobian(eBoundQOverP, eLinQOverP) = 1.;
186  // Derivatives of time
187  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPos0) = rhoOverBetaT * YoverS2;
188  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPos1) = -rhoOverBetaT * XoverS2;
189  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinTime) = 1.;
190  completeJacobian(eBoundTime, eLinPhi) = rhoOverBetaT * (1. - absRhoOverS);
191  }
193  // Extracting positionJacobian and momentumJacobian from the complete Jacobian
194  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eLinPosSize> positionJacobian =
195  completeJacobian.block<eBoundSize, eLinPosSize>(0, 0);
196  ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eLinMomSize> momentumJacobian =
197  completeJacobian.block<eBoundSize, eLinMomSize>(0, eLinPosSize);
199  // const term in Taylor expansion from Eq. 5.38 in Ref. (1)
200  BoundVector constTerm =
201  paramsAtPCA - positionJacobian * pca - momentumJacobian * momentumAtPCA;
203  // The parameter weight
204  BoundSquareMatrix weightAtPCA = parCovarianceAtPCA.inverse();
206  Vector4 linPoint;
207  linPoint.head<3>() =;
208  linPoint[3] = linPointTime;
210  return LinearizedTrack(paramsAtPCA, parCovarianceAtPCA, weightAtPCA, linPoint,
211  positionJacobian, momentumJacobian, pca, momentumAtPCA,
212  constTerm);
213 }