Analysis Software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MyFavoriteMartin.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <cmath>
3 #include <pmonitor.h>
4 #include "MyFavoriteMartin.h"
6 #include "groot.h"
7 #include "ATrace.h"
8 #include "AZigzag.h"
9 #include "FindBlobs.h"
10 #include "FillBlobHist.h"
11 #include "FillHoughHist.h"
13 #include "TH1.h"
14 #include "TH2.h"
15 #include "TH3.h"
16 #include "TNtuple.h"
17 #include "TFile.h"
19 #include "prdfoStream.h"
20 #include "Quiver.h"
22 #include "params.h"
24 //#include <stdlib.h>
25 #include <cstdlib>
26 #include <ctime>
27 #include <map>
30 int init_done = 0;
32 //KD
34 //KD
36 using namespace std;
38 // These are the waveforms...
39 // They are the most basic monitor of the SRS system.
40 TH1F *h1a;
41 TH1F *h1b;
42 TH1F *h1c;
43 TH1F *h1d;
45 TH1F *h2a;
46 TH1F *h2b;
47 TH1F *h2c;
48 TH1F *h2d;
50 TH1F *h3a;
51 TH1F *h3b;
52 TH1F *h3c;
53 TH1F *h3d;
55 TH1F *h4a;
56 TH1F *h4b;
57 TH1F *h4c;
58 TH1F *h4d;
60 // These "scope" histograms are the most basic monitor of the DRS4 system
61 TH1F *scope0, *scope1, *scope2, *scope3;
63 // These hnl_D histograms are used to phase the PLL...
64 TH1F *h1a_D;
65 TH1F *h1b_D;
66 TH1F *h1c_D;
67 TH1F *h1d_D;
68 TH1F *h2a_D;
69 TH1F *h2b_D;
70 TH1F *h2c_D;
71 TH1F *h2d_D;
72 TH1F *h3a_D;
73 TH1F *h3b_D;
74 TH1F *h3c_D;
75 TH1F *h3d_D;
76 TH1F *h4a_D;
77 TH1F *h4b_D;
78 TH1F *h4c_D;
79 TH1F *h4d_D;
81 int pinit()
82 {
83  // Here we will book all the histograms, but NONE of the
84  // Ntuples. The reason is that we only want to make the NTuples
85  // when we've made an output file.
87  // Generate the First groot and initialize the Zigzags.
88  groot *Tree = groot::instance();
90  scope0 = new TH1F ( "scope0","waveform Ch 0", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
91  scope1 = new TH1F ( "scope1","waveform Ch 1", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
92  scope2 = new TH1F ( "scope2","waveform Ch 2", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
93  scope3 = new TH1F ( "scope3","waveform Ch 3", 1024, -0.5, 1023.5);
95  scope0->SetLineColor(kYellow+2);
96  scope1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
97  scope2->SetLineColor(kViolet);
98  scope3->SetLineColor(kGreen);
100  h1a = new TH1F( "h1a", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
101  h1b = new TH1F( "h1b", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
102  h1c = new TH1F( "h1c", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
103  h1d = new TH1F( "h1d", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
105  h2a = new TH1F( "h2a", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
106  h2b = new TH1F( "h2b", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
107  h2c = new TH1F( "h2c", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
108  h2d = new TH1F( "h2d", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
110  h3a = new TH1F( "h3a", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
111  h3b = new TH1F( "h3b", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
112  h3c = new TH1F( "h3c", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
113  h3d = new TH1F( "h3d", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
115  h4a = new TH1F( "h4a", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
116  h4b = new TH1F( "h4b", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
117  h4c = new TH1F( "h4c", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
118  h4d = new TH1F( "h4d", "Waveform", 4500, -0.5, 4499.5);
120  h1a_D = new TH1F( "h1a_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
121  h1b_D = new TH1F( "h1b_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
122  h1c_D = new TH1F( "h1c_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
123  h1d_D = new TH1F( "h1d_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
124  h2a_D = new TH1F( "h2a_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
125  h2b_D = new TH1F( "h2b_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
126  h2c_D = new TH1F( "h2c_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
127  h2d_D = new TH1F( "h2d_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
128  h3a_D = new TH1F( "h3a_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
129  h3b_D = new TH1F( "h3b_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
130  h3c_D = new TH1F( "h3c_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
131  h3d_D = new TH1F( "h3d_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
132  h4a_D = new TH1F( "h4a_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
133  h4b_D = new TH1F( "h4b_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
134  h4c_D = new TH1F( "h4c_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
135  h4d_D = new TH1F( "h4d_D", "Waveform", 4001, -0.5, 4000.5);
137  return 0;
138 }
142 {
143  // Set the run number if event is from new run...
144  int thisRun = e->getRunNumber();
145  if( Quiver::RunNumber != thisRun ) Quiver::RunNumber = thisRun;
147  // Line below is used to put NON-DATA events into output stream
148  if ( os && e->getEvtType() >7 ) os->addEvent(e);
150  // Don't run physics analysis code on NON-DATA events!
151  if (e->getEvtType() > 7) return 0;
153  //Use nr-th event as starting point of process_event
154  // and skip every event before that
155  static int skipentries=0;
156  skipentries++;
157  static bool SetSkipEntry = true;
158  if(SetSkipEntry)
159  {
160  cout << " Skipping " << first_event_nr << " events."
161  << endl;
162  SetSkipEntry = false;
163  }
164  if(skipentries%100==0 && skipentries<first_event_nr)
165  cout << " Skipped " << skipentries << " events." << endl;
166  if(e->getEvtSequence() < first_event_nr && e->getEvtType()==1)
167  return 0;
169  // Here is a data integrity check for the SRS system
170  // Use this for offline analysis at a mature level only.
171  static bool PriorPassed = true;
172  Packet *p = e->getPacket(1010);
173  if (p)
174  {
175  int nhb = p->iValue(0,"NHYBRIDS");
177  // DIagnostic...
178  // cout << "Number of Hybrids: " << nhb << endl;
179  // cout << "Number of Samples: " << endl;
180  // for (int i=0; i<nhb; i++)
181  // {
182  // int nsmp = p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES");
183  // cout << " " << nsmp;
184  // }
185  // cout << endl;
187  // Check that the data has the right number of hybrids.
188  if (nhb != Nhybrid)
189  {
190  if (PriorPassed)
191  {
192  cout << "Wrong number of hybrids: "
193  << nhb << " found but expected "
194  << Nhybrid << ", abort event."
195  << endl;
196  }
197  else
198  {
199  cout << ".";
200  }
201  delete p;
202  PriorPassed = false;
203  return 0;
204  }
206  // Check that all hybrids have the same data length as the first one.
207  for (int i=1; i<nhb-1; i++)
208  {
209  if (p->iValue(0,"NSAMPLES") != p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES"))
210  {
211  if (PriorPassed)
212  {
213  cout << "Data length mismatch: "
214  << p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES")
215  << " out of " << p->iValue(0,"NSAMPLES")
216  << " on hybrid " << i
217  << " abort event."
218  << endl;
219  }
220  else
221  {
222  cout << ".";
223  }
224  delete p;
225  PriorPassed = false;
226  return 0;
227  }
228  }
229  if (!PriorPassed) cout << endl;
230  PriorPassed = true;
231  }
233  // Fancy event counter written to the screen...
234  static int entries=0;
235  entries++;
236  if (entries%10==0)
237  {
238  cout << "Processed " << entries;
239  time_t now = time(0);
240  char* dt = ctime(&now);
241  cout << " at " << dt << endl;
242  }
244  groot *Tree = groot::instance();
245  Tree->ClearTheDetector();
246  Tree->event = e;
248  scope0->Reset();
249  scope1->Reset();
250  scope2->Reset();
251  scope3->Reset();
253  h1a->Reset();
254  h1b->Reset();
255  h1c->Reset();
256  h1d->Reset();
258  h2a->Reset();
259  h2b->Reset();
260  h2c->Reset();
261  h2d->Reset();
263  h3a->Reset();
264  h3b->Reset();
265  h3c->Reset();
266  h3d->Reset();
268  h4a->Reset();
269  h4b->Reset();
270  h4c->Reset();
271  h4d->Reset();
273  // Reading the PSI 4-channel "oscilloscope"...
274  Packet *p1 = e->getPacket(1020);
275  if (p1 && Quiver::AnalyzeScope)
276  {
277  int samples = p1->iValue(0, "SAMPLES");
278  for ( int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
279  {
281  scope0->Fill ( i, -p1->rValue(i,0) );
282  scope1->Fill ( i, -p1->rValue(i,1) );
283  scope2->Fill ( i, -p1->rValue(i,2) );
284  scope3->Fill ( i, -p1->rValue(i,3) );
286  Tree->theTraces[0]->voltage.push_back(-p1->rValue(i,0));
287  Tree->theTraces[1]->voltage.push_back(-p1->rValue(i,1));
288  Tree->theTraces[2]->voltage.push_back(-p1->rValue(i,2));
289  Tree->theTraces[3]->voltage.push_back(-p1->rValue(i,3));
291  }
292  }
293  if (p1) delete p1;
295  // Now monitor and fill SRS to groot.
296  if (p && Quiver::AnalyzeSRS)
297  {
299  int nhb = p->iValue(0,"NHYBRIDS");
300  for (int i=0; i<nhb; i++)
301  {
302  if (p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES")<24)
303  {
304  cout << "ERROR in Sample Length, "<< p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES") <<" abort event" << endl;
305  return 0;
306  }
307  }
309  static bool FirstEvent = true;
310  if (FirstEvent)
311  {
312  cout << "Reports for " << nhb << " Hybrids:" << endl;
313  for (int i=0; i<nhb; i++)
314  {
315  cout << i << ": " << p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES") << endl;
316  }
317  FirstEvent = false;
318  }
321  // Check the hybrid count for sensibility...
322  if (nhb>=1)
323  {
324  int idigi;
325  for (idigi = 0; idigi< 4500; idigi++)
326  {
327  h1a->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 0, "RAWSAMPLES"));
328  h1b->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 1, "RAWSAMPLES"));
329  h1c->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 2, "RAWSAMPLES"));
330  h1d->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 3, "RAWSAMPLES"));
332  h2a->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 4, "RAWSAMPLES"));
333  h2b->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 5, "RAWSAMPLES"));
334  h2c->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 6, "RAWSAMPLES"));
335  h2d->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 7, "RAWSAMPLES"));
337  h3a->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 8, "RAWSAMPLES"));
338  h3b->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 9, "RAWSAMPLES"));
339  h3c->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi,10, "RAWSAMPLES"));
340  h3d->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi,11, "RAWSAMPLES"));
342  h4a->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 12, "RAWSAMPLES"));
343  h4b->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 13, "RAWSAMPLES"));
344  h4c->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 14, "RAWSAMPLES"));
345  h4d->Fill( idigi, p->iValue(idigi, 15, "RAWSAMPLES"));
347  if (idigi>500 && idigi<3500)
348  {
349  h1a_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 0, "RAWSAMPLES"));
350  h1b_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 1, "RAWSAMPLES"));
351  h1c_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 2, "RAWSAMPLES"));
352  h1d_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 3, "RAWSAMPLES"));
353  h2a_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 4, "RAWSAMPLES"));
354  h2b_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 5, "RAWSAMPLES"));
355  h2c_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 6, "RAWSAMPLES"));
356  h2d_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 7, "RAWSAMPLES"));
357  h3a_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 8, "RAWSAMPLES"));
358  h3b_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi, 9, "RAWSAMPLES"));
359  h3c_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,10, "RAWSAMPLES"));
360  h3d_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,11, "RAWSAMPLES"));
361  h4a_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,12, "RAWSAMPLES"));
362  h4b_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,13, "RAWSAMPLES"));
363  h4c_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,14, "RAWSAMPLES"));
364  h4d_D->Fill( p->iValue(idigi,15, "RAWSAMPLES"));
365  }
366  }
368  // Read the tracker raw data into the raw array...
369  int rindex=0;
370  for (int JINX =0; JINX<nhb; JINX++)
371  {
372  for ( int j = 0; j< CHhybrid; j++)
373  {
374  for (int i=0; i<min(p->iValue(JINX,"NSAMPLES"),24); i++) // limit to 24 samples...
375  {
376  // For now we'll use a trivial routine to analyze waveform.
377  // We'll just sum across the samples...
378  AZigzag::Raw[rindex].push_back(p->iValue(j,i,JINX));
379  }
380  rindex++;
381  }
382  }
385  for (int i=0; i<Tree->theZigzags.size(); i++)
386  {
387  Tree->theZigzags[i]->DetermineQ();
388  }
389  FindBlobs();
390  FillBlobHist();
391  //FillHoughHist();
392  }
393  else
394  {
395  cout << "ERROR " << nhb << " Hybrids Found:" << endl;
396  for (int i=0; i<nhb; i++)
397  {
398  cout << i << ": " << p->iValue(i,"NSAMPLES") << endl;
399  }
400  }
401  }
404  // Here select whether to write the event to the output stream.
405  static int nSaved=0;
406  if ( os && Tree->theTracks.size() >= 1 )
407  {
408  nSaved++;
409  os->addEvent(e);
410  if (nSaved%100==0)
411  {
412  cout << "Saved " << nSaved;
413  cout << " percentage "
414  << 100.0*(double)nSaved/(double)entries;
415  cout << endl;
416  }
417  }
418  if (p) delete p;
420  return 0;
421 }
425 int prdfopen ( const char *filename)
426 {
427  if (os)
428  {
429  cout << "file is already open " << endl;
430  return -1;
431  }
433  os = new prdfoStream (filename);
434  if ( os->is_defunct() )
435  {
436  delete os;
437  os = 0;
438  return -1;
439  }
441  return 0;
442 }
444 int prdfclose ()
445 {
446  if ( !os)
447  {
448  cout << "no file open " << endl;
449  return -1;
450  }
451  delete os;
452  os = 0;
453  return 0;
454 }
458 //Function that allows to start prun() from the nr-th event
461 void setFirstEventNr(const int nr) { first_event_nr = nr; }
463 // Binary number to GrayCode (courtesy of Martin)
464 int b2G(int num) { return (num >> 1) ^ num; }