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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file VerticesHelper.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <cmath>
12 #include <cstddef>
14 std::vector<Acts::ActsScalar> Acts::detail::VerticesHelper::phiSegments(
16  const std::vector<ActsScalar>& phiRefs, ActsScalar phiTolerance) {
17  // This is to ensure that the extrema are built regardless of number
18  // of segments
19  std::vector<ActsScalar> phiSegments;
20  std::vector<ActsScalar> quarters = {-M_PI, -0.5 * M_PI, 0., 0.5 * M_PI, M_PI};
21  // It does not cover the full azimuth
22  if (phiMin != -M_PI or phiMax != M_PI) {
23  phiSegments.push_back(phiMin);
24  for (unsigned int iq = 1; iq < 4; ++iq) {
25  if (phiMin < quarters[iq] and phiMax > quarters[iq]) {
26  phiSegments.push_back(quarters[iq]);
27  }
28  }
29  phiSegments.push_back(phiMax);
30  } else {
31  phiSegments = quarters;
32  }
33  // Insert the reference phis if
34  if (not phiRefs.empty()) {
35  for (const auto& phiRef : phiRefs) {
36  // Trying to find the right patch
37  auto match = std::find_if(
38  phiSegments.begin(), phiSegments.end(), [&](ActsScalar phiSeg) {
39  return std::abs(phiSeg - phiRef) < phiTolerance;
40  });
41  if (match == phiSegments.end()) {
42  phiSegments.push_back(phiRef);
43  }
44  }
45  std::sort(phiSegments.begin(), phiSegments.end());
46  }
47  return phiSegments;
48 }
51  ActsScalar innerRx, ActsScalar innerRy, ActsScalar outerRx,
52  ActsScalar outerRy, ActsScalar avgPhi, ActsScalar halfPhi,
53  unsigned int lseg) {
54  // List of vertices counter-clockwise starting at smallest phi w.r.t center,
55  // for both inner/outer ring/segment
56  std::vector<Vector2> rvertices; // return vertices
57  std::vector<Vector2> ivertices; // inner vertices
58  std::vector<Vector2> overtices; // outer verices
60  bool innerExists = (innerRx > 0. and innerRy > 0.);
61  bool closed = std::abs(halfPhi - M_PI) < s_onSurfaceTolerance;
63  // Get the phi segments from the helper method
65  avgPhi - halfPhi, avgPhi + halfPhi, {avgPhi});
67  // The inner (if exists) and outer bow
68  for (unsigned int iseg = 0; iseg < phiSegs.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
69  int addon = (iseg == phiSegs.size() - 2 and not closed) ? 1 : 0;
70  if (innerExists) {
71  createSegment<Vector2, Transform2>(ivertices, {innerRx, innerRy},
72  phiSegs[iseg], phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg,
73  addon);
74  }
75  createSegment<Vector2, Transform2>(overtices, {outerRx, outerRy},
76  phiSegs[iseg], phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg,
77  addon);
78  }
80  // We want to keep the same counter-clockwise orientation for displaying
81  if (not innerExists) {
82  if (not closed) {
83  // Add the center case we have a sector
84  rvertices.push_back(Vector2(0., 0.));
85  }
86  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
87  } else if (not closed) {
88  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
89  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), ivertices.rbegin(), ivertices.rend());
90  } else {
91  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), overtices.begin(), overtices.end());
92  rvertices.insert(rvertices.end(), ivertices.begin(), ivertices.end());
93  }
94  return rvertices;
95 }
98  ActsScalar innerR, ActsScalar outerR, ActsScalar avgPhi, ActsScalar halfPhi,
99  unsigned int lseg) {
100  return ellipsoidVertices(innerR, innerR, outerR, outerR, avgPhi, halfPhi,
101  lseg);
102 }
105  const std::vector<Acts::Vector3>& vertices, ActsScalar tolerance) {
106  // Obvious always on one surface
107  if (vertices.size() < 4) {
108  return true;
109  }
110  // Create the hyperplane
111  auto hyperPlane = Eigen::Hyperplane<ActsScalar, 3>::Through(
112  vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2]);
113  for (size_t ip = 3; ip < vertices.size(); ++ip) {
114  if (hyperPlane.absDistance(vertices[ip]) > tolerance) {
115  return false;
116  }
117  }
118  return true;
119 }