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1 from ROOT import *
3 TickSize = 0.03
4 AxisTitleSize = 0.05
5 AxisLabelSize = 0.04
6 LeftMargin = 0.15
7 RightMargin = 0.08
8 TopMargin = 0.08
9 BottomMargin = 0.13
11 black_hex = '#1B1A17'
12 red_hex = '#9A031E'
13 blue_hex = '#0B60B0'
14 green_hex = '#186F65'
15 orange_hex = '#e99960'
16 purple_hex = '#7F167F'
17 pink_hex = '#FFC0CB'
18 yellow_hex = '#ffcc66'
19 cyan_hex = '#7FE9DE'
21 def colorset(i):
22  if i == 1:
23  return [black_hex]
24  elif i == 2:
25  return [blue_hex, red_hex]
26  elif i == 3:
27  return [blue_hex, red_hex, green_hex]
28  elif i == 4:
29  return [blue_hex, red_hex, green_hex, orange_hex]
30  elif i == 5:
31  return [blue_hex, red_hex, green_hex, orange_hex, purple_hex]
32  else:
33  print ("Attempt to use more than 5 colors")
34  return [blue_hex, red_hex, green_hex, orange_hex, purple_hex, pink_hex, yellow_hex, cyan_hex]
37 def Draw_1Dhist(hist, IsData, norm1, logy, ymaxscale, XaxisName, Ytitle_unit, outname):
38  hist.Sumw2()
39  binwidth = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)
40  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
41  if norm1:
42  hist.Scale(1. / hist.Integral(-1, -1))
43  if logy:
44  c.SetLogy()
46  gPad.SetRightMargin(RightMargin)
47  gPad.SetTopMargin(TopMargin)
48  gPad.SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin)
49  gPad.SetBottomMargin(BottomMargin)
50  if norm1:
51  if Ytitle_unit == '':
52  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
53  'Normalized entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth))
54  else:
55  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
56  'Normalized entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth, unit=Ytitle_unit))
57  else:
58  if Ytitle_unit == '':
59  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth))
60  else:
61  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
62  'Entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth, unit=Ytitle_unit))
64  # hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(hist.GetBinLowEdge(1)-binwidth, hist.GetBinLowEdge(hist.GetNbinsX())+2*binwidth)
65  if logy:
66  hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(hist.GetMinimum(0)*0.5, (hist.GetMaximum()) * ymaxscale)
67  else:
68  hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., (hist.GetMaximum()) * ymaxscale)
69  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
70  hist.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
71  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
72  hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
73  hist.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
74  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
75  hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
76  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
77  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35)
78  hist.SetLineColor(1)
79  hist.SetLineWidth(2)
80  hist.Draw('hist')
81  leg = TLegend((1-RightMargin)-0.45, (1-TopMargin)-0.13,
82  (1-RightMargin)-0.1, (1-TopMargin)-0.03)
83  leg.SetTextSize(0.04)
84  leg.SetFillStyle(0)
85  if IsData:
86  leg.AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Work-in-progress", "")
87  leg.AddEntry("", "Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV", "")
88  else:
89  leg.AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation", "")
90  leg.AddEntry("", "Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV", "")
91  leg.Draw()
92  c.RedrawAxis()
93  c.Draw()
94  c.SaveAs(outname+'.pdf')
95  c.SaveAs(outname+'.png')
96  if(c):
97  c.Close()
98  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
99  del c
100  c = 0
103 def Draw_1DhistsComp(lhist, norm1, logx, logy, ymaxscale, XaxisName, Ytitle_unit, outname):
104  color = ['#1B1A17', '#035397', '#9B0000']
105  legtext = ['1st+2nd layers', '2nd+3rd layers', '1st+3rd layers']
106  ymax = -1
107  ymin = 10e10
108  for h in lhist:
109  h.Sumw2()
110  if h.GetMaximum() > ymax:
111  ymax = h.GetMaximum()
112  if h.GetMinimum(0) < ymin:
113  ymin = h.GetMinimum(0)
114  if norm1:
115  h.Scale(1. / h.Integral(-1, -1))
116  ymax = h.GetMaximum()
117  ymin = h.GetMinimum(0)
119  binwidth_bin1 = lhist[0].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)
120  binwidth_bin2 = lhist[0].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(2)
121  printbinwidth = True
122  if binwidth_bin1 != binwidth_bin2:
123  printbinwidth = False
125  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
126  if logx:
127  c.SetLogx()
128  if logy:
129  c.SetLogy()
131  gPad.SetRightMargin(RightMargin)
132  gPad.SetTopMargin(TopMargin)
133  gPad.SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin)
134  gPad.SetBottomMargin(BottomMargin)
135  if printbinwidth:
136  if norm1:
137  if Ytitle_unit == '':
138  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth_bin1))
139  else:
140  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth_bin1, unit=Ytitle_unit))
141  else:
142  if Ytitle_unit == '':
143  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth_bin1))
144  else:
145  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth_bin1, unit=Ytitle_unit))
146  else:
147  if norm1:
148  if Ytitle_unit == '':
149  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries')
150  else:
151  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Normalized entries {unit})'.format(unit=Ytitle_unit))
152  else:
153  if Ytitle_unit == '':
154  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries')
155  else:
156  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries {unit}'.format(unit=Ytitle_unit))
157  # lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(lhist[0].GetBinLowEdge(1)-binwidth, lhist[0].GetBinLowEdge(lhist[0].GetNbinsX())+2*binwidth)
158  if logy:
159  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin * 0.05, ymax * 100)
160  else:
161  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0., ymax * ymaxscale)
162  lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
163  lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
164  lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
165  lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
166  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
167  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
168  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
169  lhist[0].GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
170  lhist[0].GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
171  for i, h in enumerate(lhist):
172  if i == 0:
173  h.SetLineColor(TColor.GetColor(color[i]))
174  h.SetLineWidth(2)
175  h.Draw('hist')
176  else:
177  h.SetLineColor(TColor.GetColor(color[i]))
178  h.SetLineWidth(2)
179  h.Draw('histsame')
181  leg = TLegend((1-RightMargin)-0.45, (1-TopMargin)-0.15,
182  (1-RightMargin)-0.1, (1-TopMargin)-0.03)
183  leg.SetTextSize(0.045)
184  leg.SetFillStyle(0)
185  leg.AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation", "")
186  leg.AddEntry("", "Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV", "")
187  leg.Draw()
189  leg1 = TLegend(LeftMargin+0.04, (1-TopMargin)-0.21,
190  LeftMargin+0.34, (1-TopMargin)-0.03)
191  leg1.SetTextSize(0.035)
192  leg1.SetFillStyle(0)
193  for i, h in enumerate(lhist):
194  leg1.AddEntry(h, legtext[i], "l")
195  leg1.Draw()
196  c.RedrawAxis()
197  c.Draw()
198  c.SaveAs(outname+'.pdf')
199  c.SaveAs(outname+'.png')
200  if(c):
201  c.Close()
202  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
203  del c
204  c = 0
207 def Draw_2Dhist(hist, IsData, logz, norm1, rmargin, XaxisName, YaxisName, drawopt, outname):
208  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
209  if logz:
210  c.SetLogz()
212  gPad.SetRightMargin(rmargin)
213  gPad.SetTopMargin(TopMargin)
214  gPad.SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin)
215  gPad.SetBottomMargin(BottomMargin)
216  if norm1:
217  hist.Scale(1. / hist.Integral(-1, -1, -1, -1))
218  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
219  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(YaxisName)
220  hist.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
221  hist.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
222  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
223  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
224  hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
225  hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
226  hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.1)
227  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3)
228  hist.GetZaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
229  hist.SetContour(1000)
230  hist.Draw(drawopt)
232  # leg = TLegend(LeftMargin, 1-TopMargin*1.1, LeftMargin+0.01, 0.98)
233  # leg.SetFillStyle(0)
234  # if IsData:
235  # leg.AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Work-in-progress", "")
236  # leg.AddEntry("", "Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV", "")
237  # else:
238  # leg.AddEntry("", "#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation", "")
239  # leg.AddEntry("", "Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV", "")
240  # leg.Draw()
241  c.RedrawAxis()
242  c.Draw()
243  c.SaveAs(outname+'.pdf')
244  c.SaveAs(outname+'.png')
245  if(c):
246  c.Close()
247  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
248  del c
249  c = 0
251 def plot_Stack(totalhist, list_hist, color, list_legtext, logy, ymaxscale, XaxisName, Ytitle_unit, plotname):
252  # color = ['#073b4c','#118ab2','#06d6a0','#ffd166','#ef476f']
253  binwidth = totalhist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1)
254  hs = THStack('hs','hs');
255  for i, hist in enumerate(list_hist):
256  hist.SetLineColor(1)
257  hist.SetLineWidth(1)
258  hist.SetFillColor(TColor.GetColor(color[i]))
259  hs.Add(hist)
261  # print(totalhist.GetMaximum(), hs.GetMaximum())
263  c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 800, 700)
264  if logy:
265  c.SetLogy()
267  hs.Draw()
268  hs.GetXaxis().SetTitle(XaxisName)
269  if Ytitle_unit == '':
270  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g})'.format(binwidth))
271  else:
272  hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({:g} {unit})'.format(binwidth, unit=Ytitle_unit))
273  hs.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
274  hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(AxisTitleSize)
275  hs.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
276  hs.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(TickSize)
277  hs.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
278  hs.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(AxisLabelSize)
279  hs.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.3)
280  hs.SetMaximum(totalhist.GetMaximum() * ymaxscale)
281  hs.SetMinimum(0.1)
282  totalhist.SetLineWidth(3)
283  totalhist.SetLineColor(1)
284  totalhist.Draw('histsame')
285  c.Update()
286  leg = TLegend((1-RightMargin)-0.45, (1-TopMargin)-0.15,
287  (1-RightMargin)-0.1, (1-TopMargin)-0.03)
288  leg.SetTextSize(0.045)
289  leg.SetFillStyle(0)
290  leg.AddEntry('', '#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation', '')
291  leg.AddEntry('', 'Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV', '')
292  leg.Draw()
293  leg1 = TLegend(LeftMargin+0.05, (1-TopMargin)-0.22,
294  LeftMargin+0.3, (1-TopMargin)-0.01)
295  # leg1.SetNColumns(3)
296  leg1.SetTextSize(0.03)
297  leg1.SetFillStyle(0)
298  for i, text in enumerate(list_legtext):
299  leg1.AddEntry(list_hist[i], text, 'f')
300  leg1.Draw()
301  c.Update()
302  c.SaveAs(plotname+'.png')
303  c.SaveAs(plotname+'.pdf')
304  if(c):
305  c.Close()
306  gSystem.ProcessEvents()
307  del c
308  c = 0
311 def GetHistogram(filename, histname):
312  f = TFile(filename, 'r')
313  hm = f.Get(histname)
314  hm.SetDirectory(0)
315  f.Close()
316  return hm
319 def str_pttop(s):
320  return str(s).replace('.', 'p')