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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TestTrackState.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
17 #include <random>
19 namespace Acts::Test {
22  std::shared_ptr<Surface> surface;
28  double chi2;
29  double pathLength;
31  // Generate a random TestTrackState.
32  //
33  // @param rng Random number generator
34  // @param size_t nMeasurement either 1 or 2
35  template <typename rng_t>
36  TestTrackState(rng_t& rng, size_t measdim)
37  : surface(Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(Vector3::Zero(),
38  Vector3::UnitZ())),
39  // set bogus parameters first since they are not default-constructible
40  predicted(surface, BoundVector::Zero(), std::nullopt,
42  filtered(surface, BoundVector::Zero(), std::nullopt,
44  smoothed(surface, BoundVector::Zero(), std::nullopt,
47  chi2(std::chi_squared_distribution<double>(measdim)(rng)),
48  pathLength(std::uniform_real_distribution<ActsScalar>(
49  1 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm, 10 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm)(rng)) {
50  // set a random geometry identifier to uniquely identify each surface
51  auto geoId =
52  std::uniform_int_distribution<GeometryIdentifier::Value>()(rng);
53  surface->assignGeometryId(geoId);
55  // create source link w/ inline 1d or 2d measurement data
56  if (measdim == 1u) {
57  auto [par, cov] = generateParametersCovariance<ActsScalar, 1u>(rng);
58  sourceLink = TestSourceLink(eBoundLoc0, par[0], cov(0, 0), geoId);
59  } else if (measdim == 2u) {
60  auto [par, cov] = generateParametersCovariance<ActsScalar, 2u>(rng);
62  } else {
63  throw std::runtime_error("invalid number of measurement dimensions");
64  }
66  // create track parameters
67  auto [trkPar, trkCov] = generateBoundParametersCovariance(rng);
68  // trkPar[eBoundPhi] = 45_degree;
69  // trkPar[eBoundTheta] = 90_degree;
70  // trkPar[eBoundQOverP] = 5.;
71  // predicted
72  predicted = BoundTrackParameters(surface, trkPar, trkCov,
74  // filtered, modified q/p, reduced covariance
75  // trkPar[eBoundQOverP] = 10.;
76  filtered = BoundTrackParameters(surface, trkPar, 0.75 * trkCov,
78  // smoothed, modified q/p, further reduced covariance
79  // trkPar[eBoundQOverP] = 15.;
80  smoothed = BoundTrackParameters(surface, trkPar, 0.5 * trkCov,
83  // propagation jacobian is identity + corrections
84  for (Eigen::Index c = 0; c < jacobian.cols(); ++c) {
85  for (Eigen::Index r = 0; r < jacobian.rows(); ++r) {
86  jacobian(c, r) +=
87  std::uniform_real_distribution<ActsScalar>(-0.125, 0.125)(rng);
88  }
89  }
90  }
91 };
93 // Fill a TrackStateProxy with values from a TestTrackState.
94 //
95 // @param[in] pc TestTrackState with the input values
96 // @param[in] mask Specifies which components are used/filled
97 // @param[out] ts TrackStateProxy which is filled
98 // @param [in] measdim Dimension of the measurement
99 template <typename trajectory_t, typename track_state_t>
101  track_state_t& ts) {
102  // always set the reference surface
103  ts.setReferenceSurface(pc.predicted.referenceSurface().getSharedPtr());
105  if (ACTS_CHECK_BIT(mask, TrackStatePropMask::Predicted)) {
106  ts.predicted() = pc.predicted.parameters();
107  assert(pc.predicted.covariance().has_value());
108  ts.predictedCovariance() = *(pc.predicted.covariance());
109  }
110  if (ACTS_CHECK_BIT(mask, TrackStatePropMask::Filtered)) {
111  ts.filtered() = pc.filtered.parameters();
112  assert(pc.filtered.covariance().has_value());
113  ts.filteredCovariance() = *(pc.filtered.covariance());
114  }
115  if (ACTS_CHECK_BIT(mask, TrackStatePropMask::Smoothed)) {
116  ts.smoothed() = pc.smoothed.parameters();
117  assert(pc.smoothed.covariance().has_value());
118  ts.smoothedCovariance() = *(pc.smoothed.covariance());
119  }
121  ts.jacobian() = pc.jacobian;
122  }
123  ts.chi2() = pc.chi2;
124  ts.pathLength() = pc.pathLength;
125  // source link defines the uncalibrated measurement
126  // create calibrated measurements from source link
127  if (ACTS_CHECK_BIT(mask, TrackStatePropMask::Calibrated)) {
128  testSourceLinkCalibrator<trajectory_t>(Acts::GeometryContext{},
130  SourceLink{pc.sourceLink}, ts);
131  assert(ts.hasUncalibratedSourceLink());
132  }
133 }
135 } // namespace Acts::Test