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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ParticleSelector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
19 #include <ostream>
20 #include <stdexcept>
21 #include <utility>
25  : IAlgorithm("ParticleSelector", level), m_cfg(config) {
26  if (m_cfg.inputParticles.empty()) {
27  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input particles collection");
28  }
29  if (m_cfg.outputParticles.empty()) {
30  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output particles collection");
31  }
36  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle rho [" << m_cfg.rhoMin << "," << m_cfg.rhoMax
37  << ")");
38  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle |z| [" << m_cfg.absZMin << "," << m_cfg.absZMax
39  << ")");
40  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle time [" << m_cfg.timeMin << ","
41  << m_cfg.timeMax << ")");
42  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle phi [" << m_cfg.phiMin << "," << m_cfg.phiMax
43  << ")");
44  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle eta [" << m_cfg.etaMin << "," << m_cfg.etaMax
45  << ")");
46  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle |eta| [" << m_cfg.absEtaMin << ","
47  << m_cfg.absEtaMax << ")");
48  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle pt [" << m_cfg.ptMin << "," << m_cfg.ptMax
49  << ")");
50  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle m [" << m_cfg.mMin << "," << m_cfg.mMax
51  << ")");
52  ACTS_DEBUG("remove charged particles " << m_cfg.removeCharged);
53  ACTS_DEBUG("remove neutral particles " << m_cfg.removeNeutral);
54  ACTS_DEBUG("remove secondary particles " << m_cfg.removeSecondaries);
56  // We only initialize this if we actually select on this
57  if (m_cfg.measurementsMin > 0 or
58  m_cfg.measurementsMax < std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) {
60  ACTS_DEBUG("selection particle number of measurements ["
61  << m_cfg.measurementsMin << "," << m_cfg.measurementsMax << ")");
62  }
63 }
66  const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
67  using ParticlesMeasurmentMap =
68  boost::container::flat_multimap<ActsFatras::Barcode, Index>;
70  // prepare input/ output types
71  const auto& inputParticles = m_inputParticles(ctx);
73  // Make global particles measurement map if necessary
74  std::optional<ParticlesMeasurmentMap> particlesMeasMap;
75  if (m_inputMap.isInitialized()) {
76  particlesMeasMap = invertIndexMultimap(m_inputMap(ctx));
77  }
79  std::size_t nInvalidCharge = 0;
80  std::size_t nInvalidMeasurementCount = 0;
82  // helper functions to select tracks
83  auto within = [](auto x, auto min, auto max) {
84  return (min <= x) and (x < max);
85  };
87  auto isValidParticle = [&](const ActsFatras::Particle& p) {
88  const auto eta = Acts::VectorHelpers::eta(p.direction());
89  const auto phi = Acts::VectorHelpers::phi(p.direction());
90  const auto rho = Acts::VectorHelpers::perp(p.position());
91  // define charge selection
92  const bool validNeutral = (p.charge() == 0) and not m_cfg.removeNeutral;
93  const bool validCharged = (p.charge() != 0) and not m_cfg.removeCharged;
94  const bool validCharge = validNeutral or validCharged;
95  const bool validSecondary = not m_cfg.removeSecondaries or !p.isSecondary();
97  nInvalidCharge += static_cast<std::size_t>(not validCharge);
99  // default valid measurement count to true and only change if we have loaded
100  // the measurement particles map
101  bool validMeasurementCount = true;
102  if (particlesMeasMap) {
103  auto [b, e] = particlesMeasMap->equal_range(p.particleId());
104  validMeasurementCount =
105  within(static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(b, e)),
106  m_cfg.measurementsMin, m_cfg.measurementsMax);
108  ACTS_VERBOSE("Found " << std::distance(b, e) << " measurements for "
109  << p.particleId());
110  }
112  nInvalidMeasurementCount +=
113  static_cast<std::size_t>(not validMeasurementCount);
115  return validCharge and validSecondary and validMeasurementCount and
116  within(p.transverseMomentum(), m_cfg.ptMin, m_cfg.ptMax) and
117  within(std::abs(eta), m_cfg.absEtaMin, m_cfg.absEtaMax) and
118  within(eta, m_cfg.etaMin, m_cfg.etaMax) and
119  within(phi, m_cfg.phiMin, m_cfg.phiMax) and
120  within(std::abs(p.position()[Acts::ePos2]), m_cfg.absZMin,
121  m_cfg.absZMax) and
122  within(rho, m_cfg.rhoMin, m_cfg.rhoMax) and
123  within(p.time(), m_cfg.timeMin, m_cfg.timeMax) and
124  within(p.mass(), m_cfg.mMin, m_cfg.mMax);
125  };
128  outputParticles.reserve(inputParticles.size());
130  // copy selected particles
131  for (const auto& inputParticle : inputParticles) {
132  if (isValidParticle(inputParticle)) {
133  // the input parameters should already be
134  outputParticles.insert(outputParticles.end(), inputParticle);
135  }
136  }
137  outputParticles.shrink_to_fit();
139  ACTS_DEBUG("event " << ctx.eventNumber << " selected "
140  << outputParticles.size() << " from "
141  << inputParticles.size() << " particles");
142  ACTS_DEBUG("filtered out because of charge: " << nInvalidCharge);
143  ACTS_DEBUG("filtered out because of measurement count: "
144  << nInvalidMeasurementCount);
146  m_outputParticles(ctx, std::move(outputParticles));
147  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
148 }