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1 #include "EicEventHeader.h"
3 #include <TSystem.h>
5 #include <cassert>
6 #include <cstdlib>
8 using namespace std;
11 {
12  const EicEventHeader *evthead = dynamic_cast<const EicEventHeader *>(phobj);
13  assert(evthead);
14  // This is a generic copy of ALL properties an eic event header has
15  // do not add explicit copies, they will be added to
16  // the new eic event header with their default value increasing memory use
17  for (unsigned char ic = 0; ic < UCHAR_MAX; ic++)
18  {
19  PROPERTY prop_id = static_cast<EicEventHeader::PROPERTY>(ic);
20  if (evthead->has_property(prop_id))
21  {
22  set_property_nocheck(prop_id, evthead->get_property_nocheck(prop_id));
23  }
24  }
25 }
28 {
29  return;
30 }
33 {
34  cout << "Reset not implemented by daughter class" << endl;
35  return;
36 }
38 std::pair<const std::string, EicEventHeader::PROPERTY_TYPE>
40 {
41  switch (prop_id)
42  {
43  case prop_eventgen:
44  return make_pair("Event Generator", EicEventHeader::type_int);
45  case prop_milou_weight:
46  return make_pair("Milou weight", EicEventHeader::type_float);
47  case prop_milou_truex:
48  return make_pair("Milou True X", EicEventHeader::type_float);
49  case prop_milou_trueq2:
50  return make_pair("Milou True Q2", EicEventHeader::type_float);
51  case prop_demp_weight:
52  return make_pair("DEMP weight", EicEventHeader::type_float);
54  default:
55  cout << "EicEventHeader::get_property_info - Fatal Error - unknown index " << prop_id << endl;
56  gSystem->Exit(1);
57  exit(1);
58  }
59 }
61 bool EicEventHeader::check_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const PROPERTY_TYPE prop_type)
62 {
63  pair<const string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
64  if (property_info.second != prop_type)
65  {
66  return false;
67  }
68  return true;
69 }
71 string
73 {
74  switch (prop_type)
75  {
76  case type_int:
77  return "int";
78  case type_uint:
79  return "unsigned int";
80  case type_float:
81  return "float";
82  default:
83  return "unkown";
84  }
85 }
87 void EicEventHeader::identify(ostream &os) const
88 {
89  os << "Class " << this->ClassName() << endl;
90  os << "Event Generator: ";
91  switch (get_eventgenerator_type())
92  {
93  case EvtGen::Milou:
94  os << "Milou";
95  break;
96  case EvtGen::DEMP:
97  os << "DEMP";
98  break;
99  default:
100  os << "Unknown";
101  break;
102  }
103  os << endl;
104 }