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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Simulator.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include "Acts/EventData/NeutralParameters.hpp"
16 #include "Acts/Propagator/detail/DebugOutputActor.hpp"
17 #include "Acts/Propagator/detail/StandardAborters.hpp"
19 #include <optional>
21 namespace Fatras {
23 struct VoidDetector {};
38 template <typename charged_propagator_t, typename charged_selector_t,
39  typename charged_interactor_t, typename neutral_propagator_t,
40  typename neutral_selector_t, typename neutral_interactor_t>
41 struct Simulator {
43  Simulator(charged_propagator_t chpropagator, neutral_propagator_t npropagator)
44  : chargedPropagator(std::move(chpropagator)),
45  neutralPropagator(std::move(npropagator)),
46  mlogger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("Simulator", Acts::Logging::INFO)) {}
48  using PhysicsList_t = typename charged_interactor_t::PhysicsList_t;
49  charged_propagator_t chargedPropagator;
50  charged_selector_t chargedSelector;
53  neutral_propagator_t neutralPropagator;
54  neutral_selector_t neutralSelector;
58  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Logger> mlogger = nullptr;
60  bool debug = false;
63  const Acts::Logger &logger() const { return *mlogger; }
76  template <typename context_t, typename generator_t,
77  typename event_collection_t, typename hit_collection_t>
78  void operator()(context_t &fatrasContext, generator_t &fatrasGenerator,
79  event_collection_t &fatrasEvent,
80  hit_collection_t &fatrasHits) const {
82  // if screen output is required
83  typedef Acts::detail::DebugOutputActor DebugOutput;
85  // Action list, abort list and options
86  typedef Acts::ActionList<charged_interactor_t, DebugOutput>
87  ChargedActionList;
88  typedef Acts::AbortList<Acts::detail::EndOfWorldReached> ChargedAbortList;
90  ChargedOptions;
92  // Action list, abort list and
93  typedef Acts::ActionList<neutral_interactor_t, DebugOutput>
94  NeutralActionList;
95  typedef Acts::AbortList<Acts::detail::EndOfWorldReached> NeutralAbortList;
97  NeutralOptions;
99  // loop over the input events
100  // -> new secondaries will just be attached to that
101  for (auto &vertex : fatrasEvent) {
102  // take care here, the simulation can change the
103  // particle collection
104  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vertex.outgoing.size(); i++) {
105  // create a local copy since the collection can reallocate and
106  // invalidate any reference.
107  auto particle = vertex.outgoing[i];
108  // charged particle detected and selected
110  // Need to construct them per call to set the particle
111  // Options and configuration
112  ChargedOptions chargedOptions(fatrasContext.geoContext,
113  fatrasContext.magFieldContext);
114  chargedOptions.debug = debug;
115  // Get the charged interactor
116  auto &chargedInteractor =
117  chargedOptions.actionList.template get<charged_interactor_t>();
118  // Result type typedef
119  typedef typename charged_interactor_t::result_type ChargedResult;
120  // Set the generator to guarantee event consistent entires
121  chargedInteractor.generator = &fatrasGenerator;
122  // Put all the additional information into the interactor
123  chargedInteractor.initialParticle = particle;
124  // Set the physics list
125  chargedInteractor.physicsList = physicsList;
126  // Create the kinematic start parameters
127  Acts::CurvilinearParameters start(std::nullopt, particle.position(),
128  particle.momentum(), particle.q(),
129  particle.time());
130  // Run the simulation
131  const auto &result =
132  chargedPropagator.propagate(start, chargedOptions).value();
133  const auto &fatrasResult = result.template get<ChargedResult>();
134  // a) Handle the hits
135  // hits go to the hit collection, particle go to the particle
136  // collection
137  for (const auto &fHit : fatrasResult.simulatedHits) {
138  fatrasHits.insert(fHit);
139  }
140  // b) deal with the particles
141  const auto &simparticles = fatrasResult.outgoing;
142  vertex.outgoing_insert(simparticles);
143  // c) screen output if requested
144  if (debug) {
145  auto &fatrasDebug = result.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
146  ACTS_INFO(fatrasDebug.debugString);
147  }
148  } else if (neutralSelector(detector, particle)) {
149  // Options and configuration
150  NeutralOptions neutralOptions(fatrasContext.geoContext,
151  fatrasContext.magFieldContext);
152  neutralOptions.debug = debug;
153  // Get the charged interactor
154  auto &neutralInteractor =
155  neutralOptions.actionList.template get<neutral_interactor_t>();
156  // Result type typedef
157  typedef typename neutral_interactor_t::result_type NeutralResult;
158  // Set the generator to guarantee event consistent entires
159  neutralInteractor.generator = &fatrasGenerator;
160  // Put all the additional information into the interactor
161  neutralInteractor.initialParticle = particle;
162  // Create the kinematic start parameters
163  Acts::NeutralCurvilinearParameters start(
164  std::nullopt, particle.position(), particle.momentum(), 0.);
165  const auto &result =
166  neutralPropagator.propagate(start, neutralOptions).value();
167  auto &fatrasResult = result.template get<NeutralResult>();
168  // a) deal with the particles
169  const auto &simparticles = fatrasResult.outgoing;
170  vertex.outgoing_insert(simparticles);
171  // b) screen output if requested
172  if (debug) {
173  auto &fatrasDebug = result.template get<DebugOutput::result_type>();
174  ACTS_INFO(fatrasDebug.debugString);
175  }
176  } // neutral processing
177  } // loop over particles
178  } // loop over events
179  }
180 };
182 } // namespace Fatras