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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Channelizer.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <cmath>
20 #include <memory>
22 std::vector<ActsFatras::Channelizer::ChannelSegment>
24  const Acts::Surface& surface,
25  const Acts::BinUtility& segmentation,
26  const Segment2D& segment) const {
27  // Return if the segmentation is not two-dimensional
28  // (strips need to have one bin along the strip)
29  if (segmentation.dimensions() != 2) {
30  return {};
31  }
33  // Start and end point
34  const auto& start = segment[0];
35  const auto& end = segment[1];
37  // Full path length - the full channel
38  auto segment2d = (end - start);
39  std::vector<ChannelStep> cSteps;
40  Bin2D bstart = {0, 0};
41  Bin2D bend = {0, 0};
43  if (surface.type() == Acts::Surface::SurfaceType::Plane) {
44  // Get the segmentation and convert it to lines & arcs
45  bstart = {static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(start, 0)),
46  static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(start, 1))};
47  bend = {static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(end, 0)),
48  static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(end, 1))};
49  // Fast single channel exit
50  if (bstart == bend) {
51  return {ChannelSegment(bstart, {start, end}, segment2d.norm())};
52  }
53  // The lines channel segment lines along x
54  if (bstart[0] != bend[0]) {
55  double k = segment2d.y() / segment2d.x();
56  double d = start.y() - k * start.x();
58  const auto& xboundaries = segmentation.binningData()[0].boundaries();
59  std::vector<double> xbbounds = {
60  xboundaries.begin() + std::min(bstart[0], bend[0]) + 1,
61  xboundaries.begin() + std::max(bstart[0], bend[0]) + 1};
62  for (const auto x : xbbounds) {
63  cSteps.push_back(ChannelStep{
64  {(bstart[0] < bend[0] ? 1 : -1), 0}, {x, k * x + d}, start});
65  }
66  }
67  // The lines channel segment lines along y
68  if (bstart[1] != bend[1]) {
69  double k = segment2d.x() / segment2d.y();
70  double d = start.x() - k * start.y();
71  const auto& yboundaries = segmentation.binningData()[1].boundaries();
72  std::vector<double> ybbounds = {
73  yboundaries.begin() + std::min(bstart[1], bend[1]) + 1,
74  yboundaries.begin() + std::max(bstart[1], bend[1]) + 1};
75  for (const auto y : ybbounds) {
76  cSteps.push_back(ChannelStep{
77  {0, (bstart[1] < bend[1] ? 1 : -1)}, {k * y + d, y}, start});
78  }
79  }
81  } else if (surface.type() == Acts::Surface::SurfaceType::Disc) {
87  // Get the segmentation and convert it to lines & arcs
88  bstart = {static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(pstart, 0)),
89  static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(pstart, 1))};
90  bend = {static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(pend, 0)),
91  static_cast<unsigned int>(segmentation.bin(pend, 1))};
93  // Fast single channel exit
94  if (bstart == bend) {
95  return {ChannelSegment(bstart, {start, end}, segment2d.norm())};
96  }
98  double phistart = pstart[1];
99  double phiend = pend[1];
101  // The radial boundaries
102  if (bstart[0] != bend[0]) {
103  const auto& rboundaries = segmentation.binningData()[0].boundaries();
104  std::vector<double> rbbounds = {
105  rboundaries.begin() + std::min(bstart[0], bend[0]) + 1,
106  rboundaries.begin() + std::max(bstart[0], bend[0]) + 1};
107  for (const auto& r : rbbounds) {
108  auto radIntersection =
110  r, std::min(phistart, phiend), std::max(phistart, phiend),
111  start, (end - start).normalized());
112  cSteps.push_back(ChannelStep{{(bstart[0] < bend[0] ? 1 : -1), 0},
113  radIntersection.position(),
114  start});
115  }
116  }
117  // The phi boundaries
118  if (bstart[1] != bend[1]) {
119  double referenceR = surface.binningPositionValue(geoCtx, Acts::binR);
120  Acts::Vector2 origin = {0., 0.};
121  const auto& phiboundaries = segmentation.binningData()[1].boundaries();
122  std::vector<double> phibbounds = {
123  phiboundaries.begin() + std::min(bstart[1], bend[1]) + 1,
124  phiboundaries.begin() + std::max(bstart[1], bend[1]) + 1};
126  for (const auto& phi : phibbounds) {
127  Acts::Vector2 philine(referenceR * std::cos(phi),
128  referenceR * std::sin(phi));
129  auto phiIntersection =
131  origin, philine, start, (end - start).normalized());
132  cSteps.push_back(ChannelStep{{0, (bstart[1] < bend[1] ? 1 : -1)},
133  phiIntersection.position(),
134  start});
135  }
136  }
137  }
139  // Register the last step if successful
140  if (not cSteps.empty()) {
141  cSteps.push_back(ChannelStep({0, 0}, end, start));
142  std::sort(cSteps.begin(), cSteps.end());
143  }
145  std::vector<ChannelSegment> cSegments;
146  cSegments.reserve(cSteps.size());
148  Bin2D currentBin = {bstart[0], bstart[1]};
149  BinDelta2D lastDelta = {0, 0};
150  Acts::Vector2 lastIntersect = start;
151  double lastPath = 0.;
152  for (auto& cStep : cSteps) {
153  currentBin[0] += lastDelta[0];
154  currentBin[1] += lastDelta[1];
155  double path = cStep.path - lastPath;
156  cSegments.push_back(
157  ChannelSegment(currentBin, {lastIntersect, cStep.intersect}, path));
158  lastPath = cStep.path;
159  lastDelta =;
160  lastIntersect = cStep.intersect;
161  }
163  return cSegments;
164 }