Analysis Software
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1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include "sHelix.h"
4 #include "sChargeMap.h"
6 #include "TStyle.h"
7 #include "TCanvas.h"
8 #include "TMath.h"
9 #include "TRandom3.h"
10 #include "TFile.h"
11 #include "TH1D.h"
12 #include "TH2D.h"
13 #include "TH3D.h"
15 const int npid = 12+1;
16 int apid[npid] = {11, 13, // 2
17  211, // 1
18  321, // 1
19  411, 431, // 2
20  511, // 1
21  2212, // 1
22  3222, 3112, 3312, 3334, // 6
23  0};
24 int acha[npid] = {-1,-1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,-1,-1,-1};
25 TString spid[npid] = {"e^{-}",
26  "#mu^{-}",
27  "#pi^{+}",
28  "K^{+}",
29  "D^{+}",
30  "D^{+}_{s}",
31  "B^{+}",
32  "p",
33  "#Sigma^{+}",
34  "#Sigma^{-}",
35  "#Xi^{-}",
36  "#Omega^{-}",
38  "Neutral"};
39 TH1F *hpid = new TH1F("hpid","hpid",npid,-0.5,npid-0.5);
40 TH1F *hrpass = new TH1F("hrpass","hrpass; r [cm]",100,-15,+15);
41 TH1F *hzpass = new TH1F("hzpass","hzpass; z [cm]",100,-15,+15);
42 TH1F *hpidpass = new TH1F("hpidpass","hpidpass",npid,-0.5,npid-0.5);
43 TH1F *hptpass = new TH1F("hptpass","hptpass; pt [GeV]",100,0,10);
44 TH1F *hetapass = new TH1F("hetapass","hetapass; eta",100,-3,+3);
45 TH1F *hlengthpass=new TH1F("hlengthpass","hlengthpass; length [cm]",100,0,150);
46 TH1F *hbxing = new TH1F("hbxing","hbxing",150,-0.5,300-0.5);
47 TH3F *tracking = new TH3F("tracking","Generated tracks: tracking;xi;yi;zi",120,-100,+100,120,-100,+100,120,-100,+100);
49 int main() {
50  for(int n=0; n!=npid; ++n) hpid->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1+n,spid[n].Data());
51  for(int n=0; n!=npid; ++n) hpidpass->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1+n,spid[n].Data());
53  gStyle->SetOptStat(111111111);
54  //================
55  // Gas parameters
56  //float gs_wf_me = 35; // [eV] mean energy for ionisation
57  //float gs_density = 1e-3; // [gr/cm^3]
58  //float gs_np = 14.35; // [cm^-1]
59  float gs_nt = 47.80; // [cm^-1]
60  float gs_ion_mobility = 4; // [cm^2/(V.s)]
62  //================
63  // TPC running conditions
64  float tpc_magnetic_field = 1.5; // [Tesla]
65  float tpc_electric_field = 400; // [V/cm]
66  float tpc_drift_velocity_e = 8; // [cm/us]
67  float tpc_drift_velocity_i = tpc_electric_field*gs_ion_mobility*1e-3; // [cm/ms]
68  int lumi = 189; // 1/(189*106e-9) => 49915.1 Hz
70  // input file
71  std::ifstream inputf("/Users/cperez//ampt/ana/ampt.dat");
73  sChargeMap *map = new sChargeMap(100,30,80,
74  1,0,TMath::TwoPi(),
75  4*int(80/(tpc_drift_velocity_i*(lumi*106e-6)))+1,80,
76  tpc_drift_velocity_e,tpc_drift_velocity_i);
77  // main routine
78  int ncoll;
79  for(ncoll=0; ncoll!=3; ++ncoll) {
80  // =========
82  if(ncoll%100==0) std::cout << ncoll << std::endl;
83  // event wise
84  int eventno, testno, nhadrons, npartA, npartB, npartElaA, npartIneA, npartElaB, npartIneB;
85  float impactPar;
86  // hadron wise
87  int pid;
88  float px, py, pz, mass, x, y, z, t;
89  inputf >> eventno;
90  if(!inputf.good()) {
91  inputf.close();
93  inputf >> eventno;
94  }
95  inputf >> testno >> nhadrons >> impactPar >> npartA >> npartB >> npartElaA >> npartIneA >> npartElaB >> npartIneB;
96  for(int np=0; np!=nhadrons; ++np) {
97  inputf >> pid >> px >> py >> pz >> mass >> x >> y >> z >> t;
98  if( TMath::AreEqualAbs(t,0,1e-3) ) continue;
99  x *= 1e-13;
100  y *= 1e-13;
101  z *= 1e-13;
102  int fill = npid-1;
103  for(int n=0; n!=npid-1; ++n) if(apid[n]==TMath::Abs(pid)) fill = n;
104  hpid->Fill( fill );
105  if(fill==npid-1) continue;
106  int q;
107  for(int n=0; n!=npid-1; ++n) if(apid[n]==TMath::Abs(pid)) q = acha[n];
108  sHelix a(x,y,z,px,py,pz,q,tpc_magnetic_field);
109  float t1 = a.findFirstInterceptTo(30,80);
110  if(t1>999) continue;
111  float t2 = a.findFirstInterceptTo(80,80);
112  if(t2>999) continue;
113  float length = a.s(t1,t2);
114  if(length<1) continue;
115  hrpass->Fill( sqrt(x*x+y*y) );
116  hzpass->Fill( z );
117  hpidpass->Fill( fill );
118  hptpass->Fill( sqrt(px*px+py*py) );
119  float pmom = sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
120  float eta = 1.e30;
121  if (pmom != TMath::Abs(pz)) eta = 0.5*TMath::Log((pmom+pz)/(pmom-pz));
122  hetapass->Fill( eta );
123  hlengthpass->Fill( length );
124  float nprim = gRandom->Poisson(gs_nt*length);
125  float track[100][3];
126  a.breakIntoPieces(t1,t2,track);
127  for(int i=0; i!=100; ++i) {
128  float ri = TMath::Sqrt( track[i][0]*track[i][0] + track[i][1]*track[i][1] );
129  if(ri<30-0.1) break;
130  if(ri>80+0.1) break;
131  float pi = 1;
132  map->Fill(ri, pi, track[i][2], -nprim/100);
133  map->Fill(ri, pi, track[i][2], nprim/100);
134  //if(ncoll==1&&
135  // (
136  // np==622||
137  // np==935
138  // )) {
139  tracking->Fill(track[i][0],track[i][1],track[i][2]);
140  // if(i==0) {
141  // std::cout << "pmom " << pmom << "| eta " << eta;
142  // std::cout << "| x y z " << x << " " << y << " " << z << " " << px << " " << py << " " << pz << std::endl;
143  // std::cout << "t " << t1 << "|" << t2 << std::endl;
144  //}
145  //std::cout << ri << " ";
146  //if(i==99)
147  // std::cout << std::endl;
148  //}
149  }
150  }
152  // ==========
153  // DRIFT TIME
154  int steps = gRandom->Poisson( lumi );
155  hbxing->Fill(steps);
156  float lapse = 106*steps*1e-6; // [ns] -> [ms]
157  map->Propagate(lapse);
158  }
159  map->ScreenShot("map","root",ncoll);
160  inputf.close();
161  map->SaveIonMap("ionmap.root");
162  //map->SaveRho("mark1_0.root",100,1,1600);
164  TFile *qa = new TFile("qa.root","RECREATE");
165  qa->WriteTObject(hpid,hpid->GetName());
166  qa->WriteTObject(hrpass,hrpass->GetName());
167  qa->WriteTObject(hzpass,hzpass->GetName());
168  qa->WriteTObject(hpidpass,hpidpass->GetName());
169  qa->WriteTObject(hptpass,hptpass->GetName());
170  qa->WriteTObject(hetapass,hetapass->GetName());
171  qa->WriteTObject(hlengthpass,hlengthpass->GetName());
172  qa->Close();
173  tracking->SaveAs("tracking.root","root");
175  return 0;
176 }