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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TGeoLayerBuilder.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include "Acts/Geometry/Extent.hpp"
22 #include <ostream>
23 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include "TGeoManager.h"
26 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
28 namespace Acts {
29 class ISurfaceMaterial;
30 } // namespace Acts
34  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)
35  : m_cfg(), m_logger(std::move(logger)) {
36  setConfiguration(config);
37 }
43  m_cfg = config;
44 }
47  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger) {
48  m_logger = std::move(newLogger);
49 }
52  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
53  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
54  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
55  LayerVector nVector;
56  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, nVector, -1);
57  return nVector;
58 }
61  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
62  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
63  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
64  LayerVector cVector;
65  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, cVector, 0);
66  return cVector;
67 }
70  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
71  // @todo Remove this hack once the m_elementStore mess is sorted out
72  auto mutableThis = const_cast<TGeoLayerBuilder*>(this);
73  LayerVector pVector;
74  mutableThis->buildLayers(gctx, pVector, 1);
75  return pVector;
76 }
79  LayerVector& layers, int type) {
80  // Bail out if you have no gGeoManager
81  if (gGeoManager == nullptr) {
82  ACTS_WARNING("No gGeoManager found - bailing out.");
83  return;
84  }
86  using LayerSurfaceVector = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>>;
87  LayerSurfaceVector layerSurfaces;
89  std::vector<LayerConfig> layerConfigs = m_cfg.layerConfigurations[type + 1];
90  std::string layerType = m_layerTypes[type + 1];
92  // Appropriate screen output
93  std::string addonOutput = m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceR[type + 1] > 0.
94  ? std::string(", splitting in r")
95  : std::string("");
96  addonOutput += m_cfg.layerSplitToleranceZ[type + 1] > 0.
97  ? std::string(", splitting in z")
98  : std::string("");
99  addonOutput += std::string(".");
101  // Screen output of the configuration
102  ACTS_DEBUG(layerType << " layers : found " << layerConfigs.size()
103  << " configuration(s)" + addonOutput);
105  // Helper function to fill the layer
106  auto fillLayer = [&](const LayerSurfaceVector& lSurfaces,
107  const LayerConfig& lCfg,
108  unsigned int pl_id = 0) -> void {
109  int nb0 = 0, nt0 = 0;
110  bool is_autobinning = ((lCfg.binning0.size() == 1) and
111  (std::get<int>( <= 0));
112  if (!is_autobinning and std::get<int>( <= 0) {
113  throw std::invalid_argument(
114  "Incorrect binning configuration found for loc0 protolayer #" +
115  std::to_string(pl_id) +
116  ". Layer is autobinned: No mixed binning (manual and auto) for loc0 "
117  "possible between layers in a single subvolume. Quitting");
118  }
119  if (is_autobinning) {
120  // Set binning by hand if nb0 > 0 and nb1 > 0
121  nb0 = std::get<int>(;
122  // Read the binning type
123  nt0 = std::get<BinningType>(;
124  } else if (pl_id < lCfg.binning0.size()) {
125  // Set binning by hand if nb0 > 0 and nb1 > 0
126  nb0 = std::get<int>(;
127  }
129  int nb1 = 0, nt1 = 0;
130  is_autobinning = (lCfg.binning1.size() == 1) and
131  (std::get<int>( <= 0);
132  if (!is_autobinning and std::get<int>( <= 0) {
133  throw std::invalid_argument(
134  "Incorrect binning configuration found for loc1 protolayer #" +
135  std::to_string(pl_id) +
136  ". Layer is autobinned: No mixed binning (manual and auto) for loc1 "
137  "possible between layers in a single subvolume. Quitting");
138  }
139  if (is_autobinning) {
140  // Set binning by hand if nb0 > 0 and nb1 > 0
141  nb1 = std::get<int>(;
142  // For a binning type
143  nt1 = std::get<BinningType>(;
144  } else if (pl_id < lCfg.binning1.size()) {
145  // Set binning by hand if nb0 > 0 and nb1 > 0
146  nb1 = std::get<int>(;
147  }
149  if (type == 0) {
150  ProtoLayer pl(gctx, lSurfaces);
151  ACTS_DEBUG("- creating CylinderLayer with "
152  << lSurfaces.size() << " surfaces at r = " << pl.medium(binR));
154  pl.envelope[Acts::binR] = {lCfg.envelope.first, lCfg.envelope.second};
155  pl.envelope[Acts::binZ] = {lCfg.envelope.second, lCfg.envelope.second};
156  if (nb0 >= 0 and nb1 >= 0) {
157  layers.push_back(
158  m_cfg.layerCreator->cylinderLayer(gctx, lSurfaces, nb0, nb1, pl));
159  } else {
160  layers.push_back(
161  m_cfg.layerCreator->cylinderLayer(gctx, lSurfaces, nt0, nt1, pl));
162  }
163  } else {
164  ProtoLayer pl(gctx, lSurfaces);
165  ACTS_DEBUG("- creating DiscLayer with "
166  << lSurfaces.size() << " surfaces at z = " << pl.medium(binZ));
168  pl.envelope[Acts::binR] = {lCfg.envelope.first, lCfg.envelope.second};
169  pl.envelope[Acts::binZ] = {lCfg.envelope.second, lCfg.envelope.second};
170  if (nb0 >= 0 and nb1 >= 0) {
171  layers.push_back(
172  m_cfg.layerCreator->discLayer(gctx, lSurfaces, nb0, nb1, pl));
173  } else {
174  layers.push_back(
175  m_cfg.layerCreator->discLayer(gctx, lSurfaces, nt0, nt1, pl));
176  }
177  }
178  };
180  for (auto layerCfg : layerConfigs) {
181  ACTS_DEBUG("- layer configuration found for layer " << layerCfg.volumeName
182  << " with sensors ");
183  for (auto& sensor : layerCfg.sensorNames) {
184  ACTS_DEBUG(" - sensor: " << sensor);
185  }
186  if (not layerCfg.parseRanges.empty()) {
187  for (const auto& pRange : layerCfg.parseRanges) {
188  ACTS_DEBUG("- layer parsing restricted in "
189  << binningValueNames()[pRange.first] << " to ["
190  << pRange.second.first << "/" << pRange.second.second
191  << "].");
192  }
193  }
194  if (not layerCfg.splitConfigs.empty()) {
195  for (const auto& sConfig : layerCfg.splitConfigs) {
196  ACTS_DEBUG("- layer splitting attempt in "
197  << binningValueNames()[sConfig.first] << " with tolerance "
198  << sConfig.second << ".");
199  }
200  }
202  // Either pick the configured volume or take the top level volume
203  TGeoVolume* tVolume =
204  gGeoManager->FindVolumeFast(layerCfg.volumeName.c_str());
205  if (tVolume == nullptr) {
206  tVolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume();
207  ACTS_DEBUG("- search volume is TGeo top volume");
208  } else {
209  ACTS_DEBUG("- setting search volume to " << tVolume->GetName());
210  }
212  if (tVolume != nullptr) {
213  TGeoParser::Options tgpOptions;
214  tgpOptions.volumeNames = {layerCfg.volumeName};
215  tgpOptions.targetNames = layerCfg.sensorNames;
216  tgpOptions.parseRanges = layerCfg.parseRanges;
217  tgpOptions.unit = m_cfg.unit;
218  TGeoParser::State tgpState;
219  tgpState.volume = tVolume;
221  ACTS_DEBUG("- applying " << layerCfg.parseRanges.size()
222  << " search restrictions.");
223  for (const auto& prange : layerCfg.parseRanges) {
224  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - range " << binningValueNames()[prange.first]
225  << " within [ " << prange.second.first << ", "
226  << prange.second.second << "]");
227  }
229  TGeoParser::select(tgpState, tgpOptions);
231  ACTS_DEBUG("- number of selected nodes found : "
232  << tgpState.selectedNodes.size());
234  for (auto& snode : tgpState.selectedNodes) {
235  auto identifier =
236  m_cfg.identifierProvider != nullptr
237  ? m_cfg.identifierProvider->identify(gctx, *snode.node)
238  : Identifier();
240  auto tgElement =
241  m_cfg.elementFactory(identifier, *snode.node, *snode.transform,
242  layerCfg.localAxes, m_cfg.unit, nullptr);
244  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>>
245  tgElements =
246  (m_cfg.detectorElementSplitter == nullptr)
247  ? std::vector<std::shared_ptr<
248  const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>>{tgElement}
249  : m_cfg.detectorElementSplitter->split(gctx, tgElement);
251  for (const auto& tge : tgElements) {
252  m_elementStore.push_back(tge);
253  layerSurfaces.push_back(tge->surface().getSharedPtr());
254  }
255  }
257  ACTS_DEBUG("- created TGeoDetectorElements : " << layerSurfaces.size());
259  if (m_cfg.protoLayerHelper != nullptr and
260  not layerCfg.splitConfigs.empty()) {
261  auto protoLayers = m_cfg.protoLayerHelper->protoLayers(
262  gctx, unpack_shared_vector(layerSurfaces), layerCfg.splitConfigs);
263  ACTS_DEBUG("- splitting into " << protoLayers.size() << " layers.");
265  // Number of options mismatch and has not been configured for
266  // auto-binning
267  const bool is_loc0_n_config =
268  layerCfg.binning0.size() == protoLayers.size();
269  const bool is_loc0_autobinning =
270  (layerCfg.binning0.size() == 1) and
271  (std::get<int>( <= 0);
272  const bool is_loc1_n_config =
273  layerCfg.binning1.size() == protoLayers.size();
274  const bool is_loc1_autobinning =
275  (layerCfg.binning1.size() == 1) and
276  (std::get<int>( <= 0);
277  if ((!is_loc0_n_config and !is_loc0_autobinning) or
278  (!is_loc1_n_config and !is_loc1_autobinning)) {
279  throw std::invalid_argument(
280  "Incorrect binning configuration found: Number of configurations "
281  "does not match number of protolayers in subvolume " +
282  layerCfg.volumeName + ". Quitting.");
283  }
284  unsigned int layer_id = 0;
285  for (auto& pLayer : protoLayers) {
286  layerSurfaces.clear();
288  for (const auto& lsurface : pLayer.surfaces()) {
289  layerSurfaces.push_back(lsurface->getSharedPtr());
290  }
291  fillLayer(layerSurfaces, layerCfg, layer_id);
292  layer_id++;
293  }
294  } else {
295  fillLayer(layerSurfaces, layerCfg);
296  }
297  }
298  }
299  return;
300 }
302 std::shared_ptr<Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>
304  const Identifier& identifier, const TGeoNode& tGeoNode,
305  const TGeoMatrix& tGeoMatrix, const std::string& axes, double scalor,
306  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> material) {
307  return std::make_shared<TGeoDetectorElement>(
308  identifier, tGeoNode, tGeoMatrix, axes, scalor, std::move(material));
309 }