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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file sChargeMap.cxx
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include "sChargeMap.h"
4 #include "TMath.h"
5 #include "TH2D.h"
6 #include "TH3D.h"
7 #include "TAxis.h"
8 #include "TCanvas.h"
10 //=================
11 sChargeMap::sChargeMap(int nr, float rmin, float rmax, int np, float pmin, float pmax, int nz, float hz, float ev, float iv) :
12  fI(NULL),
13  fE(NULL),
14  fEcmperus(ev),
15  fIcmperms(iv)
16 {
17  fI = new TH3D("fI","fI;r;phi;z",nr,rmin,rmax,np,pmin,pmax,nz,-hz,hz);
18  fE = new TH3D("fE","fE;r;phi;z",nr,rmin,rmax,np,pmin,pmax,nz,-hz,hz);
19 }
20 //=================
21 void sChargeMap::ScreenShot(char *name, char *ext, int n) {
22  TCanvas *main = new TCanvas();
23  main->Divide(2,2);
24  TH2D *tmp = (TH2D*) fI->Project3D("xz");
25  tmp->SetTitle(Form("IonMap (ev==%d)",n));
26  main->cd(1)->SetLogz(1); tmp->Draw("colz");
27  TH2D *tmp2 = (TH2D*) fE->Project3D("xz");
28  tmp2->SetTitle(Form("ElectronMap (ev==%d)",n));
29  main->cd(2)->SetLogz(1); tmp2->Draw("colz");
30  TH1D *tmp1 = fI->ProjectionZ("IonMapZ");
31  tmp1->SetTitle(Form("IonMapZ (ev==%d)",n));
32  tmp1->Rebin(10);
33  main->cd(3); tmp1->Draw("hist");
34  TH1D *tmp12 = fE->ProjectionZ("ElectronMapZ");
35  tmp12->SetTitle(Form("ElectronMapZ (ev==%d)",n));
36  tmp12->Rebin(10);
37  main->cd(4); tmp12->Draw("hist");
38  main->SaveAs( Form("%s.%s",name,ext),ext);
39  delete tmp;
40  delete tmp1;
41  delete tmp2;
42  delete tmp12;
43  delete main;
44 }
45 //=================
47  fI->SaveAs( name );
48 }
49 //=================
50 void sChargeMap::SaveRho(char *name,int nrad,int nphi,int nhz) {
51  int nr = fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
52  int np = fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
53  int nz = fI->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();
54  nrad = TMath::Max( nr, nrad );
55  nphi = TMath::Max( np, nphi );
56  nhz = TMath::Max( nz, nhz );
57  TH3F *rho = new TH3F("rho","ChargeDensity [fC/cm^3];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
58  nrad, fI->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1),fI->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( nr+1 ),
59  nphi, 0,TMath::TwoPi(),
60  nz, fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1),fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge( nz+1 ));
61  for(int i=0; i!=nrad; ++i) {
62  float rmin = rho->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
63  float rmax = rho->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i+2);
64  int brmin = fI->GetXaxis()->FindBin( rmin+1e-6 );
65  int brmax = fI->GetXaxis()->FindBin( rmax-1e-6 );
66  for(int j=0; j!=nphi; ++j) {
67  for(int k=0; k!=nhz; ++k) {
68  float zmin = rho->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(k+1);
69  float zmax = rho->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(k+2);
70  int bzmin = fI->GetZaxis()->FindBin( zmin+1e-6 );
71  int bzmax = fI->GetZaxis()->FindBin( zmax-1e-6 );
72  float n = 0;
73  for(int ii=brmin; ii!=brmax+1; ++ii)
74  for(int jj=1; jj!=np+1; ++jj)
75  for(int kk=bzmin; kk!=bzmax+1; ++kk)
76  n += fI->GetBinContent( ii, jj, kk );
77  float dv = TMath::Power(0.5*(rmax+rmin),2)*(rmax-rmin)*(zmax-zmin)*TMath::TwoPi()*(1./nphi);
78  float drho = n / (dv*10000) * 1.602; // [fC/cm^3]
79  //std::cout << " n " << n << " || dv " << dv << std::endl;
80  rho->SetBinContent( i+1, j+1, k+1, drho );
81  }
82  }
83  }
84  rho->SaveAs( name );
85 }
86 //=================
87 void sChargeMap::Fill(float r, float p, float z, float w) {
88  int vd1 = fI->GetZaxis()->FindBin(double(0));
89  int vd2 = fI->GetZaxis()->FindBin(z);
90  if(vd1==vd2) return;
91  if(w<0) fE->Fill(r,p,z,TMath::Abs(w));
92  else fI->Fill(r,p,z,w);
93 }
94 //=================
96  int NZ = fI->GetZaxis()->GetNbins();
97  //std::cout << " Ion Deltacm " << fIcmperms*ms << std::endl;
98  //std::cout << " Ion bin width " << fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) << std::endl;
99  int fIDis = fIcmperms*ms / fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
100  //std::cout << " DeltaBin " << fIDis << std::endl;
101  if(fIDis<1) {
102  printf("Improve grid!!!!\n");
103  fIDis=1;
104  }
105  // IONS: the easy part. Ions propagate to Anode plate (z==0) and disappear.
106  // what i will do is to displace the bincontents according to the ion velocity
107  // whenever the ions pass the Anode plate they will go to either under or overflow.
108  int vd = fI->GetZaxis()->FindBin(double(0)); // anode
109  // left-side
110  for(int nz=vd-1; nz!=0; --nz) {
111  int newz = nz+fIDis;
112  if(newz>=vd) newz = 0; // to underflow
113  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
114  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
115  float nc = fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
116  fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz, 0.0);
117  fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
118  }
119  }
120  // right-side
121  for(int nz=vd+1; nz!=NZ+1; ++nz) {
122  int newz = nz-fIDis;
123  if(newz<=vd) newz = NZ + 1; // to overflow
124  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
125  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
126  float nc = fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
127  fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz,0.0);
128  fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
129  }
130  }
131  //float fBF = 0.01; // percentage
132  float fBF = 1; // percentage
133  // ELECTRONS: though. Electrons will propagate according to the End plates (|z|==hz) and produce ions (backflow).
134  // what i will do is to compute if the time passed is enough to reach the endplates in one go
135  // if so, then the remaining is used to compute the position of ions backflowing and inject ions accordingly
136  // if not, then the electrons are displaced normally
138  // left-side
139  for(int nz=1; nz!=vd; ++nz) {
140  float dz = fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(nz) - fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1);
141  float t2ep = dz / fEcmperus;
142  float msres = ms - t2ep/1000;
143  //std::cout << " Electron msres " << msres << std::endl;
144  if(msres>0) {
145  // make backflow ions appear
146  int newz = 1+fIcmperms*msres / fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
147  //std::cout << " Ion where in bin " << newz << std::endl;
148  if(newz>=vd) newz = 0; // to overflow
149  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
150  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
151  float nc = fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
152  if(nc>0) {
153  nc = fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fBF*fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
154  //std::cout << " BACKFLOW: from " << nz << " to " << newz << " w=" << fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz) << " ==> " << nc << std::endl;
155  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz,0);
156  fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
157  }
158  }
159  } else {
160  // move electrons
161  std::cout << " Electron Deltacm " << fEcmperus*ms*1000 << std::endl;
162  std::cout << " Electron bin width " << fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) << std::endl;
163  float fEDis = fEcmperus*ms*1000 / fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
164  std::cout << " DeltaBin " << fEDis << std::endl;
165  int newz = nz-fEDis;
166  if(newz<1) newz = 0; // to underflow
167  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
168  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
169  float nc = fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
170  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz,0);
171  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
172  }
173  }
174  }
175  // right-side
176  for(int nz=vd+1; nz!=NZ+1; ++nz) {
177  float dz = fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(NZ+1) - fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(nz);
178  float t2ep = dz / fEcmperus;
179  float msres = ms - t2ep/1000;
180  //std::cout << " Electron msres " << msres << std::endl;
181  if(msres>0) {
182  // make backflow ions appear
183  int newz = NZ - fIcmperms*msres / fI->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
184  //std::cout << " Ion where in bin " << newz << std::endl;
185  if(newz<=vd) newz = NZ+1; // to overflow
186  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
187  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
188  float nc = fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
189  if(nc>0) {
190  nc = fI->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fBF*fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
191  //std::cout << " BACKFLOW: from " << nz << " to " << newz << " w=" << fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz) << " ==> " << nc << std::endl;
192  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz,0);
193  //fI->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
194  }
195  }
196  } else {
197  // move electrons
198  std::cout << " Electron Deltacm " << fEcmperus*ms*1000 << std::endl;
199  std::cout << " Electron bin width " << fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1) << std::endl;
200  float fEDis = fEcmperus*ms*1000 / fE->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
201  std::cout << " DeltaBin " << fEDis << std::endl;
202  int newz = nz+fEDis;
203  if(newz>NZ) newz = NZ+1; // to underflow
204  for(int nr=0; nr!=fI->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); ++nr)
205  for(int np=0; np!=fI->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); ++np) {
206  float nc = fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz) + fE->GetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz);
207  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,nz,0);
208  fE->SetBinContent(nr+1,np+1,newz, nc );
209  }
210  }
211  }
212 }