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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PlaneSurface.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
23 #include <cmath>
24 #include <stdexcept>
25 #include <utility>
26 #include <vector>
29  : GeometryObject(), Surface(other), m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
32  const PlaneSurface& other,
33  const Transform3& transform)
34  : GeometryObject(),
35  Surface(gctx, other, transform),
36  m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
38 Acts::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface(const Vector3& center, const Vector3& normal)
39  : Surface(), m_bounds(nullptr) {
44  Vector3 T = normal.normalized();
45  Vector3 U = std::abs( < s_curvilinearProjTolerance
46  ? Vector3::UnitZ().cross(T).normalized()
47  : Vector3::UnitX().cross(T).normalized();
48  Vector3 V = T.cross(U);
49  RotationMatrix3 curvilinearRotation;
50  curvilinearRotation.col(0) = U;
51  curvilinearRotation.col(1) = V;
52  curvilinearRotation.col(2) = T;
54  // curvilinear surfaces are boundless
55  m_transform = Transform3{curvilinearRotation};
56  m_transform.pretranslate(center);
57 }
59 Acts::PlaneSurface::PlaneSurface(std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> pbounds,
60  const Acts::DetectorElementBase& detelement)
61  : Surface(detelement), m_bounds(std::move(pbounds)) {
63  throw_assert(m_bounds, "PlaneBounds must not be nullptr");
64 }
67  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> pbounds)
68  : Surface(transform), m_bounds(std::move(pbounds)) {}
71  if (this != &other) {
72  Surface::operator=(other);
73  m_bounds = other.m_bounds;
74  }
75  return *this;
76 }
79  return Surface::Plane;
80 }
83  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector2& lposition,
84  const Vector3& /*direction*/) const {
85  return transform(gctx) *
86  Vector3(lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc0], lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1], 0.);
87 }
90  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
91  const Vector3& /*direction*/, double tolerance) const {
92  Vector3 loc3Dframe = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
93  if (std::abs(loc3Dframe.z()) > std::abs(tolerance)) {
94  return Result<Vector2>::failure(SurfaceError::GlobalPositionNotOnSurface);
95  }
96  return Result<Vector2>::success({loc3Dframe.x(), loc3Dframe.y()});
97 }
100  return "Acts::PlaneSurface";
101 }
104  if (m_bounds) {
105  return (*m_bounds.get());
106  }
107  return s_noBounds;
108 }
111  const GeometryContext& gctx, size_t lseg) const {
112  // Prepare vertices and faces
113  std::vector<Vector3> vertices;
114  std::vector<Polyhedron::FaceType> faces;
115  std::vector<Polyhedron::FaceType> triangularMesh;
116  bool exactPolyhedron = true;
118  // If you have bounds you can create a polyhedron representation
119  if (m_bounds) {
120  auto vertices2D = m_bounds->vertices(lseg);
121  vertices.reserve(vertices2D.size() + 1);
122  for (const auto& v2D : vertices2D) {
123  vertices.push_back(transform(gctx) * Vector3(v2D.x(), v2D.y(), 0.));
124  }
125  bool isEllipse = bounds().type() == SurfaceBounds::eEllipse;
126  bool innerExists = false, coversFull = false;
127  if (isEllipse) {
128  exactPolyhedron = false;
129  auto vStore = bounds().values();
130  innerExists = vStore[EllipseBounds::eInnerRx] > s_epsilon and
132  coversFull =
133  std::abs(vStore[EllipseBounds::eHalfPhiSector] - M_PI) < s_epsilon;
134  }
135  // All of those can be described as convex
136  // @todo same as for Discs: coversFull is not the right criterium
137  // for triangulation
138  if (not isEllipse or not innerExists or not coversFull) {
139  auto facesMesh = detail::FacesHelper::convexFaceMesh(vertices);
140  faces = facesMesh.first;
141  triangularMesh = facesMesh.second;
142  } else {
143  // Two concentric rings, we use the pure concentric method momentarily,
144  // but that creates too many unneccesarry faces, when only two
145  // are needed to describe the mesh, @todo investigate merging flag
146  auto facesMesh = detail::FacesHelper::cylindricalFaceMesh(vertices, true);
147  faces = facesMesh.first;
148  triangularMesh = facesMesh.second;
149  }
150  } else {
151  throw std::domain_error(
152  "Polyhedron repr of boundless surface not possible.");
153  }
154  return Polyhedron(vertices, faces, triangularMesh, exactPolyhedron);
155 }
158  const Vector2& /*lpos*/) const {
159  // fast access via transform matrix (and not rotation())
160  const auto& tMatrix = transform(gctx).matrix();
161  return Vector3(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
162 }
165  const GeometryContext& gctx, BinningValue /*bValue*/) const {
166  return center(gctx);
167 }
170  const Vector3& position,
171  const Vector3& direction) const {
172  // We can ignore the global position here
173  return 1. / std::abs(Surface::normal(gctx, position).dot(direction));
174 }
177  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
178  const Vector3& direction, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck,
179  ActsScalar tolerance) const {
180  // Get the contextual transform
181  const auto& gctxTransform = transform(gctx);
182  // Use the intersection helper for planar surfaces
183  auto intersection =
184  PlanarHelper::intersect(gctxTransform, position, direction, tolerance);
185  auto status = intersection.status();
186  // Evaluate boundary check if requested (and reachable)
187  if (intersection.status() != Intersection3D::Status::unreachable and bcheck) {
188  // Built-in local to global for speed reasons
189  const auto& tMatrix = gctxTransform.matrix();
190  // Create the reference vector in local
191  const Vector3 vecLocal(intersection.position() - tMatrix.block<3, 1>(0, 3));
192  if (not insideBounds(tMatrix.block<3, 2>(0, 0).transpose() * vecLocal,
193  bcheck)) {
194  status = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
195  }
196  }
197  return {{Intersection3D(intersection.position(), intersection.pathLength(),
198  status),
200  this};
201 }
204  const GeometryContext& /*gctx*/, const Vector3& /*position*/) const {
205  const ActsMatrix<2, 3> loc3DToLocBound = ActsMatrix<2, 3>::Identity();
206  return loc3DToLocBound;
207 }