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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TSQLStatement.h
1 // $Id: TSQLStatement.h,v 2004/02/18 20:58:02 dave Exp $
3 #ifndef RDBC_TSQLStatement_h
4 #define RDBC_TSQLStatement_h
6 //
7 // Implementation of SQL Statements
8 //
10 #ifndef RDBC_TSQL_h
11 #include <RDBC/TSQL.h>
12 #endif
13 #ifndef ROOT_TObject
14 #include "TObject.h"
15 #endif
17 class TSQLResultSet;
18 class TSQLConnection;
19 class TList;
21 class TSQLStatement: public TObject, public TSQL
22 {
23 protected:
24  TList* fBatches; // list of batches
25  TSQLResultSet* fCurrentResult; // current result set
26  TSQLConnection* fConnection; // connection that owns this
28  TSQLStatement( TSQLConnection* con, void* imp=0 );
30 public:
31  // override TObject's
32  virtual void Execute (const char *, const char *, int *) {}
33  virtual void Execute (TMethod *, TObjArray *, int *) {}
35  virtual ~TSQLStatement();
36  virtual TSQLResultSet* ExecuteQuery( const TString& sql="" ) = 0;
37  virtual Int_t ExecuteUpdate( const TString& sql="" ) = 0;
38  virtual Bool_t Execute( const TString& sql="" ) = 0;
39  virtual TSQLResultSet* GetResultSet() = 0;
40  virtual Bool_t GetMoreResults() = 0;
41  virtual void Close() = 0;
42  virtual void Cancel() = 0;
43  virtual Int_t GetMaxFieldSize() = 0;
44  virtual void SetMaxFieldSize( Int_t max ) = 0;
45  virtual Int_t GetMaxRows() = 0;
46  virtual void SetMaxRows( Int_t max ) = 0;
47  virtual Bool_t GetEscapeProcessing() = 0;
48  virtual void SetEscapeProcessing( Bool_t enable = kTRUE ) = 0;
49  virtual Int_t GetQueryTimeout() = 0;
50  virtual void SetQueryTimeout( Int_t seconds ) = 0;
51  virtual Int_t GetUpdateCount() = 0;
52  virtual void SetCursorName( const TString& name ) = 0;
53  virtual void AddBatch( const TString& sql ) = 0;
54  virtual void ClearBatch() = 0;
55  virtual Int_t* ExecuteBatch() = 0;
56  virtual Int_t GetFetchDirection() = 0;
57  virtual void SetFetchDirection( Int_t direction ) = 0;
58  virtual Int_t GetFetchSize() = 0;
59  virtual void SetFetchSize(Int_t rows) = 0;
60  virtual Int_t GetResultSetConcurrency() = 0;
61  virtual Int_t GetResultSetType() = 0;
65 ClassDef(TSQLStatement,0)//Class used for executing a SQL statement and obtaining the results produced by it
66 };
68 #endif // RDBC_TSQLStatement