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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MeasurementSelector.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
22 #include <cassert>
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <iterator>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <utility>
27 #include <vector>
29 namespace Acts {
38  std::vector<double> etaBins;
40  std::vector<double> chi2CutOff{std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};
42  std::vector<size_t> numMeasurementsCutOff{1};
43 };
55  public:
64  MeasurementSelector() = default;
80  template <typename traj_t>
81  Result<std::pair<
82  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator,
83  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator>>
84  select(std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>& candidates,
85  bool& isOutlier, const Logger& logger) const {
86  using Result = Result<std::pair<
87  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator,
88  typename std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy>::iterator>>;
90  ACTS_VERBOSE("Invoked MeasurementSelector");
92  // Return error if no measurement
93  if (candidates.empty()) {
94  return CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::MeasurementSelectionFailed;
95  }
97  // Get geoID of this surface
98  auto surface = &candidates.front().referenceSurface();
99  auto geoID = surface->geometryId();
101  // Find the appropriate cuts
102  auto cuts = m_config.find(geoID);
103  if (cuts == m_config.end()) {
104  // for now we consider missing cuts an unrecoverable error
105  // TODO consider other options e.g. do not add measurements at all (not
106  // even as outliers)
107  return CombinatorialKalmanFilterError::MeasurementSelectionFailed;
108  }
110  assert(!cuts->chi2CutOff.empty());
111  const auto& chi2CutOff = cuts->chi2CutOff;
112  auto maxChi2Cut = *std::max_element(chi2CutOff.begin(), chi2CutOff.end());
113  double minChi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
114  size_t minIndex = 0;
115  auto trackStateIterEnd = candidates.end();
116  {
117  auto trackStateIter = candidates.begin();
118  // Loop over all measurements to select the compatible measurements
119  // Sort track states which do not satisfy the chi2 cut to the end.
120  // When done trackStateIterEnd will point to the first element that
121  // does not satisfy the chi2 cut.
122  assert(trackStateIter != trackStateIterEnd);
123  for (;;) {
124  double chi2 = calculateChi2(
125  // This abuses an incorrectly sized vector / matrix to access the
126  // data pointer! This works (don't use the matrix as is!), but be
127  // careful!
128  trackStateIter
129  ->template calibrated<
131  .data(),
132  trackStateIter
133  ->template calibratedCovariance<
135  .data(),
136  trackStateIter->predicted(), trackStateIter->predictedCovariance(),
137  trackStateIter->projector(), trackStateIter->calibratedSize());
139  trackStateIter->chi2() = chi2;
141  // only consider track states which pass the chi2 cut
142  if (chi2 >= maxChi2Cut ||
143  chi2 >= VariableCut<traj_t>(*trackStateIter, cuts, chi2CutOff,
144  logger)) {
145  --trackStateIterEnd;
146  // still check whether the element has the smallest chi2 in case an
147  // outlier is returned.
148  if (chi2 < minChi2) {
149  minChi2 = chi2;
150  // the current element will be swapped with the last unchecked
151  // element if they are different
152  minIndex = std::distance(candidates.begin(), trackStateIterEnd);
153  }
155  if (trackStateIter == trackStateIterEnd) {
156  break;
157  } else {
158  // swap rejected element with last element in list
159  std::swap(*trackStateIter, *trackStateIterEnd);
160  }
161  } else {
162  // Search for the measurement with the min chi2
163  // @if there is a track state which passes the cut-off there is
164  // no need to remember the track state with the smallest chi2.
165  ++trackStateIter;
166  if (trackStateIter == trackStateIterEnd) {
167  break;
168  }
169  }
170  }
171  }
173  // If there are no measurements below the chi2 cut off, return the
174  // measurement with the best chi2 and tag it as an outlier
175  if (candidates.begin() == trackStateIterEnd) {
176  const auto bestIt = std::next(candidates.begin(), minIndex);
178  "No measurement candidate. Return an outlier measurement chi2="
179  << bestIt->chi2());
180  isOutlier = true;
181  // return single item range, no sorting necessary
182  return Result::success(std::pair{bestIt, std::next(bestIt, 1)});
183  }
185  std::sort(candidates.begin(), trackStateIterEnd,
186  [](const auto& tsa, const auto& tsb) {
187  return tsa.chi2() < tsb.chi2();
188  });
190  // use |eta| of best measurement to select numMeasurementsCut
191  const auto numMeasurementsCut = VariableCut<traj_t>(
192  *candidates.begin(), cuts, cuts->numMeasurementsCutOff, logger);
194  if (static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(
195  candidates.begin(), trackStateIterEnd)) > numMeasurementsCut &&
196  numMeasurementsCut > 0) {
197  trackStateIterEnd = std::next(candidates.begin(), numMeasurementsCut);
198  }
200  ACTS_VERBOSE("Number of selected measurements: "
201  << std::distance(candidates.begin(), trackStateIterEnd)
202  << ", max: " << numMeasurementsCut);
204  isOutlier = false;
205  return std::pair{candidates.begin(), trackStateIterEnd};
206  }
208  private:
209  template <typename traj_t, typename cut_value_t>
210  static cut_value_t VariableCut(
211  const typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy& trackState,
213  const std::vector<cut_value_t>& cuts, const Logger& logger) {
214  const auto& etaBins = selector->etaBins;
215  if (etaBins.empty()) {
216  return cuts[0]; // shortcut if no etaBins
217  }
218  const auto eta = std::atanh(std::cos(trackState.predicted()[eBoundTheta]));
219  const auto abseta = std::abs(eta);
220  size_t bin = 0;
221  for (auto etaBin : etaBins) {
222  if (etaBin >= abseta) {
223  break;
224  }
225  bin++;
226  }
227  if (bin >= cuts.size()) {
228  bin = cuts.size() - 1;
229  }
230  ACTS_VERBOSE("Variable cut for eta=" << eta << ": " << cuts[bin]);
231  return cuts[bin];
232  }
234  double calculateChi2(
235  double* fullCalibrated, double* fullCalibratedCovariance,
237  false>::Parameters predicted,
239  false>::Covariance predictedCovariance,
241  false>::Projector projector,
242  unsigned int calibratedSize) const;
245 };
247 } // namespace Acts