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1 // TRENTO: Reduced Thickness Event-by-event Nuclear Topology
2 // Copyright 2015 Jonah E. Bernhard, J. Scott Moreland
3 // TRENTO3D: Three-dimensional extension of TRENTO by Weiyao Ke
4 // MIT License
6 #include "event.h"
8 #include <algorithm>
9 #include <cmath>
11 #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp>
12 #include "nucleus.h"
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <stdexcept>
16 namespace trento {
18 namespace {
20 constexpr double TINY = 1e-12;
22 // Generalized mean for p > 0.
23 // M_p(a, b) = (1/2*(a^p + b^p))^(1/p)
24 inline double positive_pmean(double p, double a, double b) {
25  return std::pow(.5*(std::pow(a, p) + std::pow(b, p)), 1./p);
26 }
28 // Generalized mean for p < 0.
29 // Same as the positive version, except prevents division by zero.
30 inline double negative_pmean(double p, double a, double b) {
31  if (a < TINY || b < TINY)
32  return 0.;
33  return positive_pmean(p, a, b);
34 }
36 // Generalized mean for p == 0.
37 inline double geometric_mean(double a, double b) {
38  return std::sqrt(a*b);
39 }
41 // Get beam rapidity from beam energy sqrt(s)
42 double beam_rapidity(double beam_energy) {
43  // Proton mass in GeV
44  constexpr double mp = 0.938;
45  return 0.5 * (beam_energy/mp + std::sqrt(std::pow(beam_energy/mp, 2) - 4.));
46 }
48 } // unnamed namespace
50 // Determine the grid parameters like so:
51 // 1. Read and set step size from the configuration.
52 // 2. Read grid max from the config, then set the number of steps as
53 // nsteps = ceil(2*max/step).
54 // 3. Set the actual grid max as max = nsteps*step/2. Hence if the step size
55 // does not evenly divide the config max, the actual max will be marginally
56 // larger (by at most one step size).
57 Event::Event(const VarMap& var_map)
58  : norm_(var_map["normalization"].as<double>()),
59  beam_energy_(var_map["beam-energy"].as<double>()),
60  exp_ybeam_(beam_rapidity(beam_energy_)),
61  mean_coeff_(var_map["mean-coeff"].as<double>()),
62  std_coeff_(var_map["std-coeff"].as<double>()),
63  skew_coeff_(var_map["skew-coeff"].as<double>()),
64  skew_type_(var_map["skew-type"].as<int>()),
65  dxy_(var_map["xy-step"].as<double>()),
66  deta_(var_map["eta-step"].as<double>()),
67  nsteps_(std::ceil(2.*var_map["xy-max"].as<double>()/dxy_)),
68  neta_(std::ceil(2.*var_map["eta-max"].as<double>()/(deta_+1e-15))),
69  xymax_(.5*nsteps_*dxy_),
70  etamax_(var_map["eta-max"].as<double>()),
71  eta2y_(var_map["jacobian"].as<double>(), etamax_, deta_),
72  cgf_(),
73  TA_(boost::extents[nsteps_][nsteps_]),
74  TB_(boost::extents[nsteps_][nsteps_]),
75  TR_(boost::extents[nsteps_][nsteps_][1]),
76  TAB_(boost::extents[nsteps_][nsteps_]),
77  with_ncoll_(var_map["ncoll"].as<bool>()),
78  density_(boost::extents[nsteps_][nsteps_][neta_]) {
79  // Check if the skew parameter is within the applicable range
80  // For 1: relative skew, skew_coeff_ < 10.
81  // 2: absolute skew, skew_coeff_ < 3.
82  try {
83  if ((skew_type_ == 1 && skew_coeff_ > 10.) ||
84  (skew_type_ == 2 && skew_coeff_ > 3.) ){
85  auto info = std::string("Error: skew coefficent too large to be stable.\n")
86  + std::string("Requirements: (1) relative skew, skew_coeff < 10\n")
87  + std::string(" (2) absolute skew, skew_coeff < 3");
88  throw std::invalid_argument(info);
89  }
90  }
91  catch (const std::invalid_argument& error){
92  std::cerr << error.what() << std::endl;
93  exit(1);
94  }
96  // Choose which version of the generalized mean to use based on the
97  // configuration. The possibilities are defined above. See the header for
98  // more information.
99  auto p = var_map["reduced-thickness"].as<double>();
100  if (std::fabs(p) < TINY) {
101  compute_reduced_thickness_ = [this]() {
102  compute_reduced_thickness(geometric_mean);
103  };
104  } else if (p > 0.) {
105  compute_reduced_thickness_ = [this, p]() {
107  [p](double a, double b) { return positive_pmean(p, a, b); });
108  };
109  } else {
110  compute_reduced_thickness_ = [this, p]() {
112  [p](double a, double b) { return negative_pmean(p, a, b); });
113  };
114  }
115 }
117 void Event::compute(const Nucleus& nucleusA, const Nucleus& nucleusB,
119  // Reset npart; compute_nuclear_thickness() increments it.
120  npart_ = 0;
121  compute_nuclear_thickness(nucleusA, profile, TA_);
122  compute_nuclear_thickness(nucleusB, profile, TB_);
125 }
127 bool Event::is3D() const {
128  return etamax_ > TINY;
129 }
131 namespace {
133 // Limit a value to a range.
134 // Used below to constrain grid indices.
135 template <typename T>
136 inline const T& clip(const T& value, const T& min, const T& max) {
137  if (value < min)
138  return min;
139  if (value > max)
140  return max;
141  return value;
142 }
144 } // unnamed namespace
146 // WK: clear Ncoll density table
147 void Event::clear_TAB(void){
148  ncoll_ = 0;
149  for (int iy = 0; iy < nsteps_; ++iy) {
150  for (int ix = 0; ix < nsteps_; ++ix) {
151  TAB_[iy][ix] = 0.;
152  }
153  }
154 }
156 // WK: accumulate a Tpp to Ncoll density table
158  ncoll_ ++;
159  // the loaction of A and B nucleon
160  double xA = A.x() + xymax_, yA = A.y() + xymax_;
161  double xB = B.x() + xymax_, yB = B.y() + xymax_;
162  // impact parameter squared of this binary collision
163  double bpp_sq = std::pow(xA - xB, 2) + std::pow(yA - yB, 2);
164  // the mid point of A and B
165  double x = (xA+xB)/2.;
166  double y = (yA+yB)/2.;
167  // the max radius of Tpp
168  const double r = profile.radius();
169  int ixmin = clip(static_cast<int>((x-r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
170  int iymin = clip(static_cast<int>((y-r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
171  int ixmax = clip(static_cast<int>((x+r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
172  int iymax = clip(static_cast<int>((y+r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
174  // Add Tpp to Ncoll density.
175  auto norm_Tpp = profile.norm_Tpp(bpp_sq);
176  for (auto iy = iymin; iy <= iymax; ++iy) {
177  double dysqA = std::pow(yA - (static_cast<double>(iy)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
178  double dysqB = std::pow(yB - (static_cast<double>(iy)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
179  for (auto ix = ixmin; ix <= ixmax; ++ix) {
180  double dxsqA = std::pow(xA - (static_cast<double>(ix)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
181  double dxsqB = std::pow(xB - (static_cast<double>(ix)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
182  // The Ncoll density does not fluctuates, so we use the
183  // deterministic_thickness function
184  // where the Gamma fluctuation are turned off.
185  // since this binary collision already happened, the binary collision
186  // density should be normalized to one.
187  TAB_[iy][ix] += profile.deterministic_thickness(dxsqA + dysqA)
188  * profile.deterministic_thickness(dxsqB + dysqB)
189  / norm_Tpp;
190  }
191  }
192 }
195  const Nucleus& nucleus, NucleonProfile& profile, Grid& TX) {
196  // Construct the thickness grid by looping over participants and adding each
197  // to a small subgrid within its radius. Compared to the other possibility
198  // (grid cells as the outer loop and participants as the inner loop), this
199  // reduces the number of required distance-squared calculations by a factor of
200  // ~20 (depending on the nucleon size). The Event unit test verifies that the
201  // two methods agree.
203  // Wipe grid with zeros.
204  std::fill(TX.origin(), TX.origin() + TX.num_elements(), 0.);
206  const double r = profile.radius();
208  // Deposit each participant onto the grid.
209  for (const auto& nucleon : nucleus) {
210  if (!nucleon.is_participant())
211  continue;
213  ++npart_;
215  // Work in coordinates relative to (-width/2, -width/2).
216  double x = nucleon.x() + xymax_;
217  double y = nucleon.y() + xymax_;
219  // Determine min & max indices of nucleon subgrid.
220  int ixmin = clip(static_cast<int>((x-r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
221  int iymin = clip(static_cast<int>((y-r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
222  int ixmax = clip(static_cast<int>((x+r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
223  int iymax = clip(static_cast<int>((y+r)/dxy_), 0, nsteps_-1);
225  // Prepare profile for new nucleon.
226  profile.fluctuate();
228  // Add profile to grid.
229  for (auto iy = iymin; iy <= iymax; ++iy) {
230  double dysq = std::pow(y - (static_cast<double>(iy)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
231  for (auto ix = ixmin; ix <= ixmax; ++ix) {
232  double dxsq = std::pow(x - (static_cast<double>(ix)+.5)*dxy_, 2);
233  TX[iy][ix] += profile.thickness(dxsq + dysq);
234  }
235  }
236  }
237 }
239 template <typename GenMean>
240 void Event::compute_reduced_thickness(GenMean gen_mean) {
241  double sum = 0.;
242  double ixcm = 0.;
243  double iycm = 0.;
245  for (int iy = 0; iy < nsteps_; ++iy) {
246  for (int ix = 0; ix < nsteps_; ++ix) {
247  auto ta = TA_[iy][ix];
248  auto tb = TB_[iy][ix];
249  auto t = norm_ * gen_mean(ta, tb);
251  TR_[iy][ix][0] = t;
254  if (is3D()) {
255  auto mean = mean_coeff_ * mean_function(ta, tb, exp_ybeam_);
256  auto std = std_coeff_ * std_function(ta, tb);
257  auto skew = skew_coeff_ * skew_function(ta, tb, skew_type_);
258  cgf_.calculate_dsdy(mean, std, skew);
259  auto mid_norm = cgf_.interp_dsdy(0.)*eta2y_.Jacobian(0.);
260  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < neta_; ++ieta) {
261  auto eta = -etamax_ + ieta*deta_;
262  auto rapidity = eta2y_.rapidity(eta);
263  auto jacobian = eta2y_.Jacobian(eta);
264  auto rapidity_dist = cgf_.interp_dsdy(rapidity);
265  density_[iy][ix][ieta] = t * rapidity_dist / mid_norm * jacobian;
266  }
267  }
269  sum += t;
270  // Center of mass grid indices.
271  // No need to multiply by dxy since it would be canceled later.
272  ixcm += t * static_cast<double>(ix);
273  iycm += t * static_cast<double>(iy);
274  }
275  }
277  multiplicity_ = dxy_ * dxy_ * sum;
278  ixcm_ = ixcm / sum;
279  iycm_ = iycm / sum;
280 }
283  // Compute eccentricity at mid rapidity
285  // Simple helper class for use in the following loop.
286  struct EccentricityAccumulator {
287  double re = 0.; // real part
288  double im = 0.; // imaginary part
289  double wt = 0.; // weight
290  double finish() const // compute final eccentricity
291  { return std::sqrt(re*re + im*im) / std::fmax(wt, TINY); }
292  double angle() const // compute event plane angle
293  { return atan2(im, re); }
294  } e2, e3, e4, e5;
296  for (int iy = 0; iy < nsteps_; ++iy) {
297  for (int ix = 0; ix < nsteps_; ++ix) {
298  const auto& t = TR_[iy][ix][0];
299  if (t < TINY)
300  continue;
302  // Compute (x, y) relative to the CM and cache powers of x, y, r.
303  auto x = static_cast<double>(ix) - ixcm_;
304  auto x2 = x*x;
305  auto x3 = x2*x;
306  auto x4 = x2*x2;
308  auto y = static_cast<double>(iy) - iycm_;
309  auto y2 = y*y;
310  auto y3 = y2*y;
311  auto y4 = y2*y2;
313  auto r2 = x2 + y2;
314  auto r = std::sqrt(r2);
315  auto r4 = r2*r2;
317  auto xy = x*y;
318  auto x2y2 = x2*y2;
320  // The eccentricity harmonics are weighted averages of r^n*exp(i*n*phi)
321  // over the entropy profile (reduced thickness). The naive way to compute
322  // exp(i*n*phi) at a given (x, y) point is essentially:
323  //
324  // phi = arctan2(y, x)
325  // real = cos(n*phi)
326  // imag = sin(n*phi)
327  //
328  // However this implementation uses three unnecessary trig functions; a
329  // much faster method is to express the cos and sin directly in terms of x
330  // and y. For example, it is trivial to show (by drawing a triangle and
331  // using rudimentary trig) that
332  //
333  // cos(arctan2(y, x)) = x/r = x/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
334  // sin(arctan2(y, x)) = y/r = x/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
335  //
336  // This is easily generalized to cos and sin of (n*phi) by invoking the
337  // multiple angle formula, e.g. sin(2x) = 2sin(x)cos(x), and hence
338  //
339  // sin(2*arctan2(y, x)) = 2*sin(arctan2(y, x))*cos(arctan2(y, x))
340  // = 2*x*y / r^2
341  //
342  // Which not only eliminates the trig functions, but also naturally
343  // cancels the r^2 weight. This cancellation occurs for all n.
344  //
345  // The Event unit test verifies that the two methods agree.
346 += t * (x2 - y2);
347 += t * 2.*xy;
348  e2.wt += t * r2;
350 += t * (x3 - 3.*x*y2);
351 += t * y*(3. - 4.*y2);
352  e3.wt += t * r2*r;
354 += t * (x4 + y4 - 6.*x2y2);
355 += t * 4.*xy*(1. - 2.*y2);
356  e4.wt += t * r4;
358 += t * x*(x4 - 10.*x2y2 - 5.*y4);
359 += t * y*(1. - 12.*x2 + 16.*x4);
360  e5.wt += t * r4*r;
361  }
362  }
364  eccentricity_[2] = e2.finish();
365  eccentricity_[3] = e3.finish();
366  eccentricity_[4] = e4.finish();
367  eccentricity_[5] = e5.finish();
369  psi_[2] = e2.angle()/2.;
370  psi_[3] = e3.angle()/3.;
371  psi_[4] = e4.angle()/4.;
372  psi_[5] = e5.angle()/5.;
373 }
375 } // namespace trento